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Unmasking the West: Gaza Genocide and the Hypocrisy of a Failing Civilization

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The ongoing genocide in Gaza, carried out by the criminal Zionists and their equally criminal institutionalized Western benefactors, reveals that the West is not what it appears to be and that its so-called civilization is not what is most aggressively promoted worldwide.

The truth is that the West and its cultural tendencies, while originating in Greek humanist faithlessness and self-worship on one hand, and in Roman insatiable desire for hegemony and violence on the other, never shed their fundamental ethos.

On the contrary, they continued to cultivate it from one level of might and intensity to another, discreetly disguising their true identity under the pretentious and seemingly attractive ideas of civilization, democracy, freedom and progress.

Mastering the dark arts of hypocrisy and deception

As appealing as they may seem at first glance, those fancy ideas never operated or existed for their own intrinsic good. Instead, they were either essential parts or inseparable tools of the Western crusades around the world.

Although they appeared innocent and potentially valuable, they were all used to serve harmful purposes. The small amount of good provided in the name of civilizational development, liberal democracy and scientific progress pales in comparison to the damage caused when these efforts were combined with malicious agendas.

That little good is akin to a poisoned chalice.

For this reason, everything Western can be described as imperialist, expansionist, colonialist and authoritative. Having truly mastered the dark arts of hypocrisy and deception, little of the Western goodness trickles down to others, leaving only scraps, junk and substandard commodities available.

The West can thus be likened to a criminal who, while committing an illicit act, recites poetry to those he has wronged. The question arises: will this criminal persist in his identity as an evildoer, or will he rise to the status of a poet? He may see himself as a poet, but he should never be viewed that way by his victims.

There are ample proofs for these claims, the most striking and straightforward being that the 20th and early 21st centuries, often celebrated as the height of Western so-called civilization with misleading cliches like 'the end of history', 'the end of evolution' and 'the last man', were actually the most violent, bloody and destructive periods for both people and the natural environment.

Consequently, the whole world, along with the planet, has been brought to the brink of extinction, likely to be preceded by events of apocalyptic proportions.

Whatever wholesome and beneficial the West may have bosomed in the name of civilization was destroyed once and for all in the raped, defrauded and bankrupted colonies, through the entrenched institutions of racism, slavery, antisemitism and Islamophobia, inside the trenches of World War I, on the battlegrounds and killing fields of World War II, inside the clandestine but equally destructive spheres of the Cold (World) War, during the 1992-1995 aggression against Bosnia committed by Serbian-Montenegrin and Croat monsters and sanctioned as well as facilitated by their European partners, culminating in the unprecedented Srebrenica genocide, and finally during the Holocaust – as a result of the West's persistent and deep-seated Jew-hatred or Judeophobia - which ultimately led to the creation of the illegitimate state of Israel, which, with the West's blessings and unwavering support, resulted in a series of anti-Palestinian genocidal campaigns.

The issues of antisemitism and Israel, from one perspective, and Islamophobia and Palestine, from another, act as clear evidence that the West is not only irrationally cruel but also fundamentally unwell. Losing all its ideological and ethical bearings, it acts with extreme irrationality and foolishness.

Like any senseless individual or unreasonable institution, its behavior swings between one extreme and another. Its harmful actions are unpredictable.

Through the extensive authority it has appropriated and the armaments it has developed for its nefarious ends, the West has emerged as the most significant threat to survival, overshadowing the perils of previous times.

All in all, the only thing the West has mastered is the power and means of manipulation, subjugation, oppression and violence. It has evolved into an authoritarian and killing machine. The majority of its sciences and technologies are military first and civilian second.

The civilian technology of today was military technology several years earlier, and the current often top-secret military technology of today will be the civilian technology of tomorrow.

However one looks at the subject, one cannot help but conclude that the so-called Western civilization is a failed experiment, and that today’s global problems are merely the hazardous effects of such failure—similar to what happens with each disastrous experiment or test inside a lab or outside in an open field.

The genocide in Gaza as an epitome of global crisis

The Gaza tragedy epitomizes these crises and functions as a clear indication that as long as the West, with its mix of arrogance, ignorance and depravity, controls the direction of human civilization, we are likely to continue on a downward path.

There is little hope for a better future. The hope and prospects that are steadily vanishing in Gaza for its unfortunate but steadfast people reflect a troubling global fate. In a fundamental sense, the entire world may soon be transformed into a Gaza by the same villains and their destructive strategies. Each day may bring us closer to an apocalypse.

The overwhelming body of historical and present facts demonstrate that Muslims and the Muslim world signify the most important target for the West. The reason is Muslims’ vast resources and favorable geographical whereabouts. Muslims also pose a threat due to the strength of their faith, historical background and cultural heritage.

Having set out to destroy and trample over virtually all religions, sanctities and values, the West thought it had its ways. However, it proved that Islam and its values are indestructible, and as long as that is the case, its followers can easily become a formidable opponent.

Fair enough, despite the infinite resources invested and efforts undertaken, Muslims are still standing tall, defying the onslaughts and demanding the purge of socio-political tyrannies and religio-moral iniquities.

They are the last standard-bearers of spiritual integrity and moral virtue.

Because of all this, it is incumbent upon Muslims to learn about the West, its history and its so-called civilization. It is imperative to know who exactly they are dealing with in order to develop adequate tactics and policies. There should be no more room for unpleasant surprises, treachery and the probability of making pacts with the devil.

The behavior of the West, both as an established bully and a smooth operator, should be the main factor defining the terms of engagement.

Accordingly, the relationships between the two orbs ought to be just, unprejudiced and reciprocal. The colonizer-colonized dynamics and the superiority-inferiority complex approaches and their rhetoric must end.

They are anachronist legacies and can only hinder progress. Muslims certainly have what it takes to affirm their aptitudes and sovereignty. Their long history and rich civilizational curve are filled with mighty challenges they have faced and ultimately overcome. The challenge of the West is just another obstacle.

However, the overall internal and external circumstances are such that before triumphing over the West Muslims must first triumph over themselves.

Muslims are not to be blamed for Islam-West tensions

Nevertheless, one must not get the impression that this is a sign of in-built Muslim antagonism towards the West. By no means is that the case.

Islam and Muslims are intrinsically against nobody; they are only against - and perpetually as well as unyieldingly so-injustice, oppression and wickedness wherever they may occur, in both Muslim and non-Muslim contexts, and by whomever they may be committed, whether by Muslims or non-Muslims.

The truth and nothing but the truth is the chief preoccupation of Islam and those who adhere to its divine worldview and teachings. It was the same truth and its well-being that guided Muslims in their interactions with the rest of the world, including the West, and that drives their determination to resist the many forms of falsehood that continue to arise.

Given that the West has proudly positioned itself as the preeminent authority in moral decay, sin and untruth, it is only logical that Islam and its adherents appear particularly inclined to oppose such trends, resulting in an ongoing discord between Islamic values and Western ideologies.

However, again, nobody is against the West per se, but rather against the unmistakable and boasted-about wrongdoings of the West. The West should be treated and advertised only as it actually is, without adding to or subtracting from the real situation, as both options would be wrong.

It is indeed a fact that the truth can occasionally cause pain and discomfort, yet ultimately, when all is said and done, there is nothing that can produce as much positive and beneficial impact as the unvarnished truth. Neither embellishments nor omissions can do the trick.

For example, if people misjudge and, as a result, mishandle electricity, fire, medicine, diet, dangerous animals, etc., they could be harmed. Without a doubt, these are necessary components of life and its gratifying benefits, whose advantages should be embraced and maximized, while disadvantages must be suppressed and carefully controlled. Whether they are good or bad is beyond question. They are what they are: unavoidable existential realities.

However, their practical benefits, or lack thereof, depend on how they are perceived and dealt with. They have the potential for both outcomes, so it is up to those who handle them. The same analogy should be applied to the case of the West as far as Muslims are concerned.

The West should be studied primarily through the lens of Islamic standards to capitalize on its advantages and mitigate its disadvantages, without ever compromising Islamic ideals and identity, even in the slightest.

Islam only seeks to diagnose problems and prescribe remedies that aim to create the right conditions for the benefit of humanity and our terrestrial abode. If Islam’s goal is simply to convey the truth and make it known and accessible to everyone, while creating free milieus where people can freely accept or reject it, and if, on the other hand, the West aims to conquer, control, 'civilize', westernize, democratize and 'modernize' the members of the “other” globally, by hook or by crook and by any open or covert means, it is then more than obvious where the majority of the blame lies for misunderstandings and conflicts between Islam and the West.

The West with its innate imperialist character is the problem

Surely, the bigotry, belligerence, rigidity and myopia of the West are the main culprits. It is an Islamic tenet to constantly seek ways to engage in dialogue and peacefully coexist with all members of the family of the Children of Adam, regardless of their differences.

The aim is to understand ourselves better and learn from each other, as it reflects Allah’s profound wisdom that people are different and cannot all fit into one mold.

Whereas it is a Western institutionalized credo that the West is superior to the rest of humanity, and that dialogue and coexistence with the 'other' can only be considered if they serve Western interests and well-being. “You are either with us – on our terms – or against us” is the mantra that best describes the Western outlook.

How inhumane the West-centric principles of survival of the fittest, social Darwinism and that might is right appear when contrasted with the noble principles of Islam, which state that there is no compulsion in religion, that the only criterion for differentiating between people is piety, that humans are Almighty Allah’s representatives on earth and, therefore, its guardians, and that humanity is a single family with a unified origin, purpose and destiny.

In any case, the spirit of egalitarianism must permeate the relations between Islam and the West, promoting equity, parity, mutuality and optimism. Even if the West is slow to recognize the need for this and is hesitant to act, Muslims should take the initiative and lead the way. They owe it to Islam, humanity, human history and themselves.

Only they, with their Islam, possess the necessary qualities—though currently dormant—to change the painful global status quo.

Frankly speaking, the above are the major problems associated not only with the West but also with all other aspirants to the throne of world leadership and the titles of world-makers and world-shakers. Such is the contagious influence of the Western paradigm.

The prevailing mindset and regulations of the West, regrettably, resemble those of a primal wilderness, rendering existence comparable to that of a savage environment. This has led to a loss of respect for human life, life in general and the civilizational destiny of the world.

The main obsession for most people is the struggle for mere survival, just to be rather than to live and become a productive and creative force. All ontological meaning, sense, beauty and reverence have been lost.

Islam is the only solution for Muslims and the world

In hindsight, Muslims should realize that nothing truly works for them – and by extension, for the rest of the world – except Islam. The last couple of centuries saw a series of civilizational alternatives proposed and implemented, only to fade away and become buried under the rubble of history as soon as they emerged and were called to function.

Misled, Muslims were often among the first to try these deceptive alternatives. Now, after about a century and a half of flirting with the flawed systems of life from both the East and the West, and after numerous catastrophic – sometimes embarrassing – failures, what evidence can be presented to show success? The answer is either “nothing” or “extremely little.”

Nowadays, when many Muslims genuinely seek to turn the corner and start inscribing new chapters for themselves and their civilizational route, it is critical to remember that old mistakes must not be repeated. At the core of any real progress is the need to redefine Islam-West relations in line with the principles of justice and righteousness, while also attending to the worldly and religious interests of Muslims.

Any interactions with the West, in any area of civilizational development, must be on equal footing. Muslims and the West should be viewed as equal stakeholders, with both expected to give and receive fairly.

Needless to say, to achieve such a respectable status, Muslims must recalibrate their educational systems, which are currently West-oriented and only serve to maintain the current hopeless state of affairs.

They need to decolonize their minds and liberate their souls, create a more favorable political landscape, invigorate the economy, and—most importantly—return to their Islam, both personally and institutionally, as the ultimate source of bona fide wisdom, progress, virtue and happiness.

Muslims cannot continue doing the same things over and over again and expect different outcomes. Some sages even consider that an unmistakable sign of stupidity.

This book aims to raise awareness about the importance of redefining Islam-West relations. It attempts to contribute to generating a conceptual framework within which this critical undertaking can be properly understood and prepared for implementation.

The book consists of twenty thought-provoking chapters, ranging from the realms of ideas and moral considerations to those of real-world concerns and experiences.

The unfolding tragedy in Gaza is often used as a reference point for two reasons: first, to highlight the spectacular failure of the Western civilizational experiment; and second, to encourage Muslims to awaken from their slumber, which has been protracted by the West's cultural and intellectual anesthesia, and to perceive reality as it truly is.

This awareness can help them develop responses that reflect their honorable status as vicegerents of Almighty Allah on earth.

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