The Price of Truth
Israel's most ardent, right wing supporters have been relatively successful in silencing its critics. Outspoken Palestinians have been labeled as extremists, Muslim groups have been labeled as terrorists, and everyone else has been called anti-Semitic. In each case, their credibility has been called into question. Robert Fisk, a long-time Middle East correspondent, has said that those who speak out against Israel are "vilified for telling the truth".
"...The degree of abuse and outright threats now being directed at anyone - academic, analyst, reporter - who dares to criticize Israel (or dares to tell the truth about the Palestinian uprising) is fast reaching McCarthyite proportions," wrote Fisk.
Indeed, Israeli supporters have smeared even the most well known Palestinian intellectual Edward Said. Some have attempted to have him fired from various positions, while others have gone so far as to suggest he does not even have the right to call himself Palestinian.
In an article about Said called "My Beautiful Old House and Other Fabrications", Justus Reid Weiner makes the ridiculous assertion that Said, "in retailing the facts of his own personal biography over the years...has spoken anything but the plain, direct, or honest truth."
"Instead, he has served up, and consciously encouraged others to serve up, a wildly distorted version of the truth, made up in equal parts of outright deception and of artful obfuscations."
But now, especially since the outbreak of the second intifada, it has become increasingly difficult for these Zionists to discredit the growing number of Jews who have spoken out against the litany of atrocities perpetrated by the Israeli government. To many of these pro-Israeli fanatics, these Jews are seen as a threat to their well-oiled propaganda machine, which has thus far been relatively successful in keeping American public opinion in their favor. Unfortunately, some of these zealots have resorted to threats and intimidation.
Recently Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine, a bimonthly Jewish publication covering political issues, has received death threats for his outspokenness over the unfair treatment of the Palestinians. Rabbi Lerner has taken a strong stand on Israel, saying that they must end the occupation, dismantle settlements and take partial responsibility for resettlement of Palestinian refugees, including allowing hundreds of thousands of them to return to their homeland.
The California rabbi says that these "normal threats" have now taken a turn for the worse, and are now scaring his wife.
The Web site, presumably run by supporters of the Jewish terrorist Rabbi Meir Kahane, has identified Lerner as one of the five enemies of the Jewish people and printed his address and driving directions to his home. As a result of this Web site, he's received hate mail and threats such as this one:
"You are a selfhating (sic) little kike.
And this one came from Hebron:
Understandably concerned about these letters, Rabbi Lerner turned to the very organization established to protect Jews, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. But the ADL is turning a blind eye, telling him that the threats are not a "hate crime". However as the rabbi astutely points out, if someone were to give death threats to the head of the Conference of Presidents (a major Jewish organization) on the grounds of their stand on Israel, do you think that the Jewish community would say "well, it's not a hate crime, -it's merely political?" Not likely.
These groups like the ADL, which operate under the guise of human rights and democracy, care not to defend anyone, including one of their own, especially when he or she so boldly refuses to tow the party line. Instead, they are treated like pariahs.
So by refusing to defend Rabbi Michael Lerner, the people at the ADL are no better than the fanatics making the threats.
Related Suggestions
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I, like many people, have been watching your coverage of the crisis in Lebanon and Israel. While your coverage is extensive, I am wondering why you must chop it up into so many tiny pieces, instead of spending more time on certain segments and issues that could help shed light on the situation.
Specifically, I wish that you would give more time to the interviews with the ambassadors from Lebanon and Syria to the United States and to the United Nations. These are voices that are rarely heard by Americans. Their viewpoints on why the situation surrounding Israel continues to be tension-filled is important for Americans to understand.
As the Syrian ambassador to the UN said, this conflict is as old as the UN itself, which created Israel with the stroke of a pen, with ink that was the blood-guilt of the world after the holocaust. The creation of Israel has itself produced war upon war. Chris Matthews asked the Syrian ambassador to the UN: "How small does Israel have to get before you guys will leave it alone?" if Arab nations are simply bullies with zero tolerance for a totally benign Israel.
Israel refuses to allow Palestinians to return to their homes, so the issue is not one of size but one of policy. It is Israel's intransigence in addressing the issue of the displaced Palestinian people that perpetuates the conflict. It is the open policy of Israel that only Jews by bloodline should be permitted to be Israelis. It has no long-term vision that includes Arabs still living in Israel, nor Arabs living in the occupied areas who have deeds to property within Israel.
What exactly is Israel's "right to exist?" This is a dogmatic phrase that shuts down discussion about how this situation came into being. If the UN created a "homeland" for the Native American tribes along the eastern third of the United States to compensate for past atrocities against those peoples