Commitment to Mercy to Mankind!

Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day and who engages much in praise of Allah. Quran 33:21

The legacy we inherit from the life of prophet Muhammad ﷺ is NOT about commemorating his birthday while neglecting his teachings during the rest of the year. His message far transcends the mere remembrance of the arrival of a human being on planet Earth, for Allah Himself ordered us not to glorify him.

God and His angels give blessings to the Prophet. O you who believe, call for blessings on him and greet him with a prayer of peace. Quran 33:56

Instead, the Message he entrusted us deals with the commitment each Muslim ought to make to sincerely devote his or her life on Earth to abide by and act upon the footsteps of the final prophet to humanity. The materialization of this prophetic legacy in the Information Age that we live in begins with a serious effort to learn and understand his teachings properly.

Unlike our ancestors who traveled thousands of miles for many months in search of a single Hadith, today, entire collections of the way of life of Muhammad ﷺ are available for free online, in books, and in other media.

It is therefore incumbent upon every child, teenager, and adult to discover and understand why this merchant from Arabia, may Allah's peace and mercy be upon him, was honored by the Creator of the Universe to lead humanity and be The Mercy to all Creatures. Indeed, not only was he an exemplary statesman and commander but also an ideal husband, father, friend, humanist, and philanthropist.

O Allah, make us among those who follow the path of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Make us understand his teachings and apply them in our daily lives. O Allah, bestow your peace and blessings upon our beloved prophet and let those who love him be joined with him on the Day of Judgment. Ameen.

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