Flashback: Muslim Americans Condemn 9/11 Attack

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Originally Published on September 11, 2001
Dr. Yahia Abdur-Rahman, from the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California (ISCSC), offers Supplication For The Victims. -
Dr. Maher Hathout, from the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and The Islamic Center of Southern California (ICSC), condemns the attack and issues a statement -
Dr. Ahmad Sakr, from the Islamic Education Center (IEC), offers his condolences to the families of the victims and condemns the attack -
Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), condemns the attack -
Salam Al-Marayati and Dr. Maher Hathout from Muslim Public Affair Council (MPAC) discuss the event. -
(WASHINGTON, DC - 9/11/2001) - The American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC), today condemned the apparent terrorist attacks in New York and Washington and offered condolences to the families of those who were killed or injured.
The AMPCC statement read in part:
"American Muslims utterly condemn what are apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."
Leaders of the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC) held a meeting in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, to issue the following points related to the terrorist attacks:
1) We assert unequivocal condemnation based on our religious values and our identity as American Muslims;
2) We do not need to defend every maniacal incident emanating from the Muslim world or the Muslim community, just as other religious groups need not defend their extremists;
3) We offer compassion to the victims and solidarity with all Americans in the face of danger;
4) Notwithstanding the disbelief that anyone following the faith of Islam could commit such a heinous crime, we condemn the act regardless of the identity of the perpetrators;
5) We deplore the irresponsible reporting that twists the realities and complexities of the Muslim world in order to project only anti-American sentiment during this disturbing period when we are all attempting to move beyond the state of mourning for the national tragedy;
6) We warn against opportunists who will exploit the misery and hysteria of the public in order to promote a political agenda aimed at tarnishing the name of Islam and Muslims;
7) We should not diminish our resolve to be active in protecting the civil liberties of all Americans and struggling for justice both locally and globally;
8) We need to organize activities to help the victims medically, psychologically and in every other way we can.
American Muslim Alliance (AMA) Condemns Terrorist Attack
(Newark, California: 9/11/01) The American Muslim Alliance, a national civic education organization, condemned today's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington in the "strongest terms".
Dr. Agha Saeed, the national Chair of the American Muslim Alliance, Stated:
"These attacks are against both divine and human laws and we condemn them in the strongest terms. The Muslim Americans join the nation in calling for the swift apprehension and stiff punishment of the perpetrators, and offer our sympathies to the victims and their families."
Contact:Ph:(510) 872 - 8013 E-mail: ama@amaweb.org
AMC Deplores The Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
(WASHINGTON, DC - 9/11/2001) The American Muslim Council (AMC) strongly condemns this morning's plane attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and expresses deep sorrow for Americans that were injured and killed. AMC sends out its condolence to all victims of this cowardly terrorist attack. There is no cause that justifies this type of an immoral and inhumane act that has affected so many innocent American lives. AMC supports all efforts of the investigation in order to track down the people responsible for this tragic act of terrorism.
The American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC) issued a statement which reads:
"American Muslims utterly condemn what are apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."
The AMPCC consists of AMC, Council on American-Islamic Relations, American Muslim Alliance and Muslim Public Affairs Council.
Donate Blood To Help The Innocent Victims
(WASHINGTON, DC - 9/11/2001) The American Muslim Council calls upon the members of the Muslim community to come together at this tragic time where so many of our fellow Americans have been killed and injured. This American tragedy affects all of us and we should do whatever we can to help save the lives of the injured victims. AMC encourages Islamic Centers to start blood drive campaigns and encourages everyone to visit hospitals and medical centers in the capitol and New York City to donate much needed blood to those who are required to receive immediate medical assistance.
AMC Seeks Assistance From Law Enforcement Agencies To Protect All Americans
(WASHINGTON, DC - 9/11/2001) The American Muslim Council (AMC) is urging all Muslims to come together in this time of tragedy. AMC today condemned the cowardly terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington and expressed its condolences to the families of innocent people killed. This horrific violent incident disturbs American Muslims.
AMC wants all law enforcement officials to be cognizant of the fact that at times like these, there are some acts of violence perpetrated against Islamic Centers and Muslims of our communities. We are confident that authorities will protect all men, women and children. We hope to prevent the acts of violence directed towards Muslims and Islamic Centers. American Muslims experienced violent attacks and verbal harassment in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City Bombing when our fellow citizens rushed to judgment about the perpetrators of the crime. We urge our fellow Americans not to be quick to stereotype Muslims, who are also suffering at this traumatic time. We, like all Americans, want to feel secure and want to see the perpetrators brought to justice. Enough innocent lives have been killed today.
Contact: Farkhunda Ali, Communications Director
(202) 789-2262 ext. 205, farkhunda@amconline.org
American Muslims for Jerusalem Condemns the Terrorist Attacks
(Washington, DC 9/11/01) - Joining the Muslim community around the country, the Washington based American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ) is appalled and strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, and other parts of the country. AMJ sends out its deepest condolences to the families of the victims of these cowardly attacks.
As Muslims, we utterly deplore these heinous and barbaric acts and hope for the quick apprehension and swift applications of justice. We also urge the media to exercise restraint, act responsibly when reporting, and not rush to judgment. Until the perpetrators are identified and brought to justice, all media reports should be accurate, restrained, and sensitive.
AMJ calls on Muslims nationwide to offer every assistance they can to help the victims of today's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. Muslims in local communities should take the following IMMEDIATE ACTIONS:
* Muslim medical professionals are asked to go to the scenes of the attacks to offer aid and comfort to the victims.
* Muslim relief agencies should contact their counterparts to offer support in the recovery efforts.
* Individual Muslims should donate blood by contacting the local office of the Red Cross. (Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.) They should also send donations to those relief agencies that are on the scene of the attacks.
American Muslims for Jerusalem
Tel (202)548-4200, Fax (202)548-4201
(WASHINGTON, DC - 9/11/2001) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on Muslims nationwide to offer whatever assistance they can to help the victims of today's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.
Muslims in local communities should take the following IMMEDIATE ACTIONS:
* Muslim medical professionals are asked to go to the scenes of the attacks to offer aid and comfort to the victims.
* Muslim relief agencies should contact their counterparts to offer support in the recovery efforts.
* Individual Muslims should donate blood by contacting the local office of the Red Cross. (Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.) They should also send donations to those relief agencies that are on the scene of the attacks.
(WASHINGTON, DC - 9/11/2001) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a prominent Washington-based Islamic advocacy group, is calling on Muslims nationwide to offer whatever assistance they can to help the victims of today's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.
In an alert to the American Muslim community, CAIR suggested that the following actions be taken:
- Muslim medical professionals are asked to go to the scenes of the attacks to offer aid and comfort to the victims.
- Muslim relief agencies should contact their counterparts to offer support in the recovery efforts.
- Individual Muslims should donate blood by contacting the local office of the Red Cross. (Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.) They should also send donations to those relief agencies that are on the scene of the attacks.
CAIR's alert asked community members to report incidents of anti-Muslim harassment or attacks. It also suggested steps to take to increase security around mosques and Islamic centers. (In the first few days following the 1995 attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma, Muslims reported more than 200 incidents of harassment, threats and actual violence. CAIR has already received reports of harassment and attacks against Muslims who wear Islamic attire.)
Security precautions suggested by CAIR's alert include:
- Those who wear Islamic attire should consider staying out of public areas for the immediate future.
- Request additional police patrols in the vicinity of mosques.
- Post mosque members at entrances and parking areas during prayer times.
- Report suspicious packages to police.
- Document descriptions of suspicious people or vehicles.
There are an estimated seven million Muslims in America and some 1.2 billion worldwide. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in this country and around the world.
(Plainfield, IN - 9/11/2001) - The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) joins Muslim Americans and all Americans in expressing its deep sorrow over the apparently deliberate air-crashes in New York and Washington, DC that have led to the loss of countless innocent lives.
ISNA joins Muslim organizations throughout North America in condemning these apparent terrorist attacks and calls upon Muslim Americans to come forward with their skills and resources to help alleviate the sufferings of the affected people and their families.
ISNA condemns these apparently senseless acts of terrorism against innocent civilians, which will only be counterproductive to any agenda the perpetrators may have had in mind. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts.
We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators and call upon our justice system to maintain strict standards of justice and fairness in these trying times.
We also urge the media to exercise restraint and to act responsibly when reporting on these terrorist attacks. Until the perpetrators are brought to justice, all media reports should be accurate, restrained and sensitive. Let us pray to God that He may guide us all to keep firm in following our principles and offer relief to the victims of violence wherever they may be.
- END -
CONTACT: Dr. Sayyid M. Syeed, Secretary General of ISNA
TEL: 317-839-8157 ext 222 Email: info@isna.net
American Muslim Alliance, American Muslim Council, Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Medical Association of North America, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of North America, Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Muslim American Society, Muslim Public Affairs Council
The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), condemns in the strongest possible way the heinous and horrific acts of terrorism that occurred in New York City and Washington, D.C.,
this morning.
The American Muslim community is united in its support to the law enforcement agencies in bringing the culprits to justice. We join our fellow citizens in this moment of grief and sorrow.
We urge all to donate blood for the victims at their local blood centers. Our hearts are with those who have lost loved ones in this terrible tragedy and our prayers are with the departed souls.
CONTACT US AT 718 658 7028, ICNA Relief, 166-26 89th Ave., Jamaica, NY 11432
For Immediate Release
September 11, 2001
Islamic Shura (Consultative) Council of Southern California (ISCSC) on the behalf of all Masajid (Mosques) and Muslim communities in Southern California joining Muslims around the country to condemns the latest cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.
We join with all our fellow Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."
We offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the families of the
victims of those who were killed or injured. We pray to God, the Cherisher of all people to bestow His mercy upon all & help us in patience to overcome this catastrophe. We pray that those who love God will take this opportunity to put their hands together to bring the values of love, decency, fairness and Justice back into our lives.
We also urge the media to exercise restraint and to act responsibly when reporting on these terrorist attacks. Until the perpetrators are brought to justice, all media reports should be accurate, restrained and sensitive.
The Islamic Shura Council is inviting all religious leaders of all faiths to a prayer meeting at the City of Pasadena Auditorium at 11:00 am on East Green Street. Many religious leaders of all faiths have already accepted to participate.
God Bless America.
Contact: Dr. Yahia Abdul Rahman, Chairman of ISCSC at: (626) 255-2181
Minaret of Freedom Institute
4323 Rosedale Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814
Contact: Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, Ph.D.
Bethesda, MD (September 11, 2001). The Minaret of Freedom Institute, a Washington, DC area Islamic policy research institute today condemned the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, President of the organization, denounced the attacks and expressed condolences for the victims and their families. "For American Muslims, the unprecedented coordinated attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is a triple tragedy," Ahmad said. "As Americans, our country is under attack. As Muslims, the tragedy of attacks on noncombatants is anathema to us. Finally, as the 'usual suspects' in a situation of this type, we must be concerned with a new acceleration of persecution against us and our families."
Ahmad noted that a number of Muslim organizations have already stepped forward to serve as good neighbors. Both the Islamic-American Zakat Foundation, a Bethesda, Maryland charitable organization and the American Muslim Foundation in Alexandria, Virginia NGO are organizing blood drives to help out with the crisis caused by the violence. Ahmad also acknowledged the care being given by local law enforcement agencies to protect all citizens from violent acts that might be sparked by frustration over this morning's attacks. In particular, he noted special efforts by the Montgomery County police in Maryland to contact Muslim organizations. Ahmad expressed concern that amid recent vilification of the American Muslim community by commentators Daniel Pipes and Steven Emerson, the FBI has recently devoted resources to shutting down Islamic websites when such resources might have been better allocated to protect against problems like today's attacks. "I hope the authorities will be able to identify the planners and perpetrators of these crimes and bring them to justice," Ahmad said.
The Minaret of Freedom Institute (MFI), located in the Washington, DC area, is dedicated to research and educational efforts regarding Islamic law and Muslim history. MFI summarizes its purposes as: to "counter distortions and misconceptions about Islamic law and practice; demonstrate the Islamic origins of [certain] modern values ...; expose both American and Islamic world Muslims to free market thought; [and] advance the status of Muslim peoples maligned by a hostile environment in the West and oppressed by repressive political regimes in the East." Dr. Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad is co-editor with Ahmed Yousef of Islam and the West: A Dialog.
(Detroit, MI - 9/11/2001) The Shari'a Scholars Association of North America (SSANA) strongly condemn this morning's plane attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and expresses its deep sorrow for Americans that were injured and killed. SSANA send out its condolence to all victims of this cowardly terrorist attack. There is no cause that justifies this type of an immoral and inhumane act that has affected so many innocent Amercian lives. SSANA supports all efforts to investigate and immediately capture the evil persons responsible for these immoral can cowardly acts. Certainly, there is no justification for these acts from either an Islamic perspective or, in truth, from the perspective of any other moral and freedom-loving people. These acts diminish the freedom of all Americans, including American Muslims. Our condolence go out to all of the victims of these inhumane acts. 9/11
Topics: 9/11, Condemnation, Conflicts And War
Related Suggestions
As long as you people 's heart is blacken you'll always live in hell here on earth. It's a shame that the craddle of civilization is so corrupted and sinful as it is....... I wonder what our father i heaven thinks of us?
Adam and eve was our founding parents, all human beings come from them, regardless of race, creed, skin color, and religion, but we cannot get along with one another! How shameful that must be for our father in Heaven. We all have the same father in heaven regardless of regilous beliefs, but the one most problem that have here on earht is that we cannot get along with one another. God gave us this beautfiul world to live but we have destroyed it. Look around and see how we made it a very dirty place to live. Money, power and sex has become the ruler of our soul. People run to their place of pray every day to ask our father for forgiveness but do we really mean what we ask of our father in heaven? God loves everyone of us regardless or race, creed, skin color, or regilion. When we die none of those things will matter anymore ! I only hope that all the people here on earth will start to love one another and stop their sinful ways ! Jesus and Mohammed did not come here on earth to teach us to kill, hate and be disrespectful brothers and sisters ! God bless the world and all the people he
*Christian Greek Scriptures, John 11:5-18 "twelve hours of daylight (equinox) they traveled and arrived in the night, at the home of Lazarus. John 12:1, "Jesus arrived at the home of Lazarus 6 days before the Passover." Using the Spring Equinox as day one does not make a usable calendar. Using the Fall Equinox makes a perpetual calendar, with the Day of Atonement accurately positioned, the check. Each Year,the original Sabbath Day is on the 8th day of the first month--always on the Autumnal Equinox at sunset. This is a solar calendar, based on the orbit of the earth around the sun, reflecting creation)
MAY HE GRANT US ALL PEACE, Gloria E. Schroeder
lastlly dear fellow muslims lets live in this world with harmony and peace.
people" I think that this conflict will eventually
turn racial in its character as opposed to religeous. It is odd that this attack occured a week after the conference on race. Food for thought. Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings.
on 11th september when twin tower collapes in new york why 4000 Israel were not present in it why!and how that America say that it is terrorist attack it ia not terrorist attack but it is done by Anerica 2 attack on Afghanistan and catch OSAMA-BIN-LADEN please give me this questions answer i know that it is not a question answer page it is a comment page it is a islamic site so i ask this question from u that what a muslim say about this please give me this answer .
"Muslim Americans Condemn Attack" affix their names to one short, simple declaration. It would read:
"We, political and spritual leaders of the community of Islamic nations and beliefs, reject such terrorism as was practiced on September 11, 2001. The men who took this action in the name of Allah were impostors who profaned the word of the prophet."
Not more would need to be said, but this declaration, with the names and titles of signees, would be posted everywhere, in parliaments and mosques; in Islamic magazines and newspapers, at Moslim organizations, gathering places and meeting halls; throughout all Moslim communities in America and worldwide.
Then let these leaders seek to have the heads of all Islamic nations include their endorsements to such a declaration.
I condemn these attacks as they go against the fabric of Islam. Islam prohibts the killing of civilians, women and children.
I do not believe there is enough evidence against the perpetrators. First, the media is controlled by a foreign power has the become the most powerful lobby in the American government and controls the direction of the mass communication media in America.
The media has the power to manipulate the sources and can distort the truth to represent its interests.
Here some other reasons why I don;t agree with the final verdict:
A man named by the US Department of Justice as a suicide hijacker of American Airlines flight 11 the first airliner to smash into the World Trade Centre is very much alive and living in Jeddah.
Abdulrahman al-Omari, a pilot with Saudi Airlines, was astonished to find himself accused of hijacking as well as being dead and has visited the US consulate in Jeddah to demand an explanation.
Five Israelis who had worked for a moving company based in New Jersey are being held in U.S. prisons for what the Federal Bureau of Investigation has described as "puzzling behavior" following the terror attack on the World Trade Center in New York last Tuesday. The five are expected to be deported sometime soon. They are said to have had been caught videotaping the disaster and shouting in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery.
Islam stands for justice. Muslims are confused
and believe this is not a war against terrorism but against Islam. Islam is the only challenge to American hegemony with its claims to be a complete code of life with panacea for ills in economic, political, moral and spiritual systems, and thus only Islam can pose a threat to the civilisation considered superior by the West.
The US is planning to impose its brand of democracy or autocracy - whichever may be suitable -- on Muslim countries by force.
They are targeting the wrong people how c
Paranoia fuels the fire of hate and chaos to make us do the things we do. The Afghan people are not at fault and not accountable for the actions of a small group of instigators, let us not take it out on them.
As for the action in Afhanistan by the government of the US, I have to say it is unfortunate the Taliban have decided to harbor the terrorist and enslave their own people. They have lied to them and led them away from the true muslim path. The Quran is very good book to live by (and I am not muslim).
The Quran and many of the religions that are practiced in the US are very similar on nearly all points. Before we Americans begin condemning the entire Nation of Islam the facts need to be reviewed. It's NOT the whole nation of Islam, just a small group of misdirected people who have been taught wrongly about the true meanings of the Quran.
In closing I would tell you this. I lived in Morocco for a year. I was hated by the people. My crime? Being American. You don't fool me for one second.
In their website the Islamic Education Center proclaims their peaceful intent and disavows any connection with the Sept. 11 murders. How can a religion so intolerant, with people willing to kill those who dissent, be peaceful? Did some major shift in dogma occur between 9/10 and 9/11?
I condemn those who are ignorant and foolish and filled with hate. As Americans, we will get through this time together. Stay safe.