Church & State - Freedom & Democracy
A court in California declared the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because the phrase "one nation under God" violates the separation of church and state. One of the Judges claimed that the words "one nation under God" are just as objectionable as a statement that "we are a nation 'under Jesus,' a nation 'under Vishnu,' a nation 'under Zeus,' or a nation 'under no god,'" because none of the statements are neutral with respect to religion. This radical ruling is a result of a lawsuit filed in by an atheist whose daughter was subjected to the Pledge of Allegiance in her school.
The federal court rules that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is an unconstitutional "endorsement of religion" and claims that US Congress has put the words "under God" in the Constitution as recently as in 1954 during the McCarthy era. The people in power at the time believed that these words could root out Communists as they would refuse to utter them.
The ruling set off a firestorm on Capitol Hill, where Senators passed a unanimous resolution condemning the ruling. Dozens of House members gathered on the Capitol steps to recite the pledge and sing "God Bless America." The entire leadership from all corners of the hall including the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue recorded their sentiments as follows:
- "I hope the Senate will waste no time in throwing this decision back in the face of these stupid judges. That's what they are, stupid."
- "This highlights what the fight over federal judges is all about. We do need to put judges on there that would not render this kind of decision."
- "The view of the White House is that this was a wrong decision, and the Department of Justice is now evaluating how to seek redress,"
The issue of separation between Church & State is beyond the scope of this article but everyone may arguably agree that unbridled freedom and absolute democracy invariably results in such harmful expressions, may they be in the form of judicial rulings or street promiscuity. All human endeavors need and require a system that can protect all people all the time regardless of their color, ethnicity, faith, etc. Humanity is yet to devise such a system of guarantees.
The One Creator has advised the living and dead Legislators, Senators and the Presidents & the citizenry of the entire race of humanity to chant with every breath in our lives that "There is no god but He! On Him is my trust, and to Him do I turn!" |
Muslims believe that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Let us begin our Jihad (strive & struggle) together, to establish the virtues as ordained by the Divine in this life and then pray and hope for some peaceful rest in the shadow of the Divine, in the Hereafter.
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I received the two islamicit bulletin that you send to my mail on Quiet Summer Days - Good For Reflection and Church & State - Freedom & Democracy, and I am very gratify for giving me that opportunity. I love all the message that I received from the church and state - freedom and democeacy, I think new message have been added to my live.
Till I here from you
Ma'll sallam
aman khan
The recent decision of a Federal Court in the United States declaring the clause "under God" in the National Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional clearly shows how poisonous and deadly liberalism can be. The liberals glorify human liberty and freedom as an end in itself. It is self-evident how liberal thought has bred libertarian life.
Liberalism, which is rooted in secularism and reinforced by individualism, has as its goal the divorce of human society from God. To atheistic liberalism man is totally free from any supernatural Power: he is on his own. Its righteousness is not of God. Human reason is its blind guide. The fanatical liberals want God to be banished from public discourses, from our tongue, from our writings and from our doings. A mention of God arouses their sensibilities rather than pricks their conscience.
While this writer is no fan of blind nationalism which the Pledge may invoke, the grouse is against those few deviants who use humanism as a platform to attack the real essence of humanity and human heritage. Man has a heritage of Godliness. Man is from God and unto God he shall return. Even our limited freedom is of God. Man did not give himself freedom, he only discovered it along the line in his real-life experience.
Any anti - God freedom is no freedom, it is anarchy. Man must learn that he is not unto himself God; he is everywhere constrained, more so by those forces beyond his control. Our world is not one under man but one under God.
Do we not have the same God, regardless of name?
God is God!
Thank you very much for your islamic site. almighty allah bless your all activities.
Yours in islam ,
Shaikh sulaiman -Qary-B.A> and arabic software consultant.
This shows how "Kafrism" can take mankind far away from his creator . INshallah very soon somebody will come out to challenge that the inscription " In God We Trust " on the dollar violates his constitutional rights . And other "rights" fighters would pop thier heads up .This would be the work of Allah on a Kafr nation.
SAlaam Alaikum.
I think that the decision by the judges in California was a correct judgment. If the United States Constitution says that the government will not endorse any religion, then why did they add the words "one nation under God"? Clearly the "God" that they are talking about is from the Christian/Biblical point of view and we know that the Christians take 'Esaa('alaihis-salaam) as their god above Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala). If the Constitution says the establishment of church and state are to be seperate, than why the contidiction with the Pledge. The pledge does not say "one nation under Allah" so in my opinion it doesn't include anyone but Christians.
I really enjoyed this article. It was well written and timely
God, whatever. Suppose they put the phrase, "we
are a nation 'under Jesus,", what would be the
position of Muslims? Should Muslims protest
against that since it is violation of their faith
and imposition on Muslims who are asked to declare
the pledge of allegiance? And if it is truly an
imposition, then Muslims would clearly have right
to oppose this. In the same vein, would it be
imposition on atheists and violation of their
rights if they were forced to say "under One God"?
Should Muslims support their rights also? After
all uniform preservation of minority rights will
ensure Muslims' rights in
Upon whom the Lord desires, will the burden of striving fall. Upon whom the Lord desires, will the "peace which surpasses all understanding" fall.
To imagine otherwise is to somehow believe that the Lord who created you and every other man, is not aware of some aspect of your life. Does the Lord not hear sometimes when you pray? Or is it that He hears and knows everything, and it is your heart that convicts you, and therefore He responds according to the desires of your heart, and not the words you speak or the appearance of your actions? Behold, a world of self-compromised people warring with other self-compromised people, such are the desires of their hearts.
thank you and assalamu alikum.