The Perils of Attacking Iraq
Polls indicate that seven out of ten Americans support an attack on Iraq. Many fear that another 9-11 type attack is likely on American soil, and want Washington to pre-empt it. Six out of ten think the Iraqi regime sponsors terrorism, and harbors Al Qaeda fighters. Most are unaware that after Iraq attacked Kuwait in August 1990, Osama bin Laden, then an unknown warrior from the jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan, offered to create a coalition of Arab forces to push Saddam's army out of Kuwait. But Arab governments concerned about his credibility spurned the offer, and instead invited the US-led coalition of forces into the conflict, causing Osama to refocus his energies.
Americans are convinced the US has overwhelming military superiority over Iraq, and that the war would end quickly. However, it would be an error to conclude that the American people would extend unqualified support for a war against Iraq. Polls show that support for an attack drops to five out of ten people if the allies do not go along with the US. It further drops to four out of ten people if there are heavy US casualties.
While the Bush Administration has concluded that it wants to take out the Iraqi leader, some Americans are beginning to argue that it should limit its actions to the attainment of that objective. Engaging in an all-out war against Iraq from the air, land and sea would hurt the 23 million Iraqis who have not harmed America. While Washington is committed to waging a "precise war" with hi-tech weaponry, most Americans have realized that the term "precise war" is an oxymoron. There is nothing precise about carpet-bombing from high altitudes, and there is no guarantee against massive collateral damage. There is also a growing awareness that economic sanctions have gravely hurt the innocent people of Iraq, and any future US attack should focus on Saddam, not on the people of Iraq.
If Saddam is truly as dangerous as the hawks in Washington make him out to be, some are questioning why the US let him stay in power in 1991. He was certainly a much more dangerous man back then, with much of his army still intact after withdrawing from Kuwait. Going further back in time, why did the US support him during the eight-year war against Iran, knowing full well that he was going to use chemical weapons?
In his address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vice-President Dick Cheney stated, "the risk [sic] of inaction are far greater than the risk of action." Presumably the Pentagon has finished developing its war plans. If things go as planned, the war will end quickly, with Saddam's capture by the US Special Operations Forces. He would be brought for trial in the US, and a grateful nation will re-elect President Bush. A handpicked replacement would be injected into Baghdad, committed to making Iraq the first Arab democracy. The US would implement a Marshall Plan for Iraq, bringing prosperity to its citizens. Washington's strained relations with Arab states would be restored. The coalition against global terrorism would gain momentum. Oil prices would stabilize, and the world economy would emerge from the doldrums.
The odds are stacked against such a rosy scenario. Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke's dictum, "no battle plan survives contact with the enemy," still applies a century later. There are a number of pessimistic scenarios that one can envisage.
The US may defeat the Iraqi military, but it may be unable to locate Saddam. It may impose a compliant regime in Iraq, but find that its authority - like Hamid Karzai's -- does not extend beyond the national capital. The Kurds may begin hankering for Kurdistan, spread out over Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, opening up the Pandora's box. The Shias in Basra may want to break away into a separate nation, or join Iran. These are the very reasons that prevented President Bush Sr. from pushing on all the way to Baghdad in 1991.
There is also a finite probability that Saddam's Republican Guard would survive the US air campaign, and succeed in luring US forces into urban areas. Images of "Blackhawk Down" would fill TV screens, causing significant domestic discontent to develop in the US. Moreover, the entire war bill, which may be in excess of a hundred billion dollars, would be laid at the door of the US taxpayer. Such spending would exacerbate an already burgeoning US budget deficit, hurt consumer confidence, and delay economic recovery.
During a prolonged war, the global coalition against terrorism would be jeopardized. It would heighten the odds that the US would once again become the victim of "blowback." As British Field Marshal Lord Bramall warned recently, an invasion of Iraq would pour "petrol rather than water" on the flames and provide Al Qaeda with more recruits. To highlight the futility of attacking Baghdad, he quoted a predecessor who said during the 1956 Suez crisis: "Of course we can get to Cairo but what I want to know is what the bloody hell do we do when we get there?"
It is entirely possible that an attack on Iraq, in the face of complete opposition in the Arab and Muslim world, would precipitate another oil embargo. The world would plunge into recession. In an extreme scenario, sensing imminent defeat, Iraq may hit out at Tel Aviv with a concerted attack of Scud missiles laced with chemical and biological agents. This would prompt Israel to carry out a nuclear air attack against Baghdad, killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Faced with mounting street violence, moderate Arab states would be compelled to attack Israel with full force, just as suicide bombers fan out in search of the Israeli Cabinet. The Middle East would be engulfed in catastrophe. The US would find itself boxed into a corner, as it vetoes resolution after resolution in the US Security Council censuring Israel. Sensing US isolation, China may find it opportune to reign a volley of M-11 SRBMs on Taiwan.
President Bush, who has been reading Elliot Cohen's provocative book, Supreme Command, would be well advised to listen to Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute. In a recent article, Bandow writes, "the world would be a better place without Saddam's dictatorship. But there are a lot of regimes that should, and eventually will, end up in history's dustbin. That's not a good reason to initiate war against a state which poses no direct, ongoing threat."
Dr Ahmad Faruqui is a fellow of the American Institute of International Studies, San Francisco.
Topics: Conflicts And War, George W. Bush, Iraq, Iraq War
Views: 2367
Related Suggestions
Are any Muslim organization ready to go these countries to help fellow Muslims? How would this be brought about?
Because there are many complex reasons terroriosm has started, how will we as a 'mass' be able to help those who are convinced that who has not converted to a certain Islamic religion, become tolerant as it was once at the time of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)? How will this be orchestrated, especially in countries such as Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and other hotspots? How will the Clerics, Sheiks, and Muslim Leaders that live in these countries be involved?
May the Almighty bless David Wood as well as all Americans like you.
keep up the good work
I am not a muslim, but considered in a few times, and I can net tell the future. But, I do know Islam fairly well. Hussain is a man of politics who uses Islam to gather the masses to his side. He is a murderer, and has moved on, attacked, and killed muslim brothers. I am sure that Muhammad would not have stood for that at all, and had Islam itself take Hussain down for these crimes. And the threats against others he has made. This in no way are the ways of war that Muhammd set down, and other great Muslims followed. Islam could be a force for good, but instead, these crazy little men seem to rule the masses, and in no way act like a Muslims ruler.
Thanks just my view. May God guild us, and aid us in all this madness.
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
Even though Saddam is not a practicing Muslim but the silence on behalf of the Muslim World is far worse. The Kufars have always come together and Muslims have never come together of late. I guess Muslims deserve this constant brutality metted out to them in every corner of the World. And until we can not come together to save this WEAK Muslim (Saddam) and our Muslim Brothers and Sisters then it is only a matter of time that our country will be next. This will go on until they are finished with every last of Muslims. Only Muslims might be left, will be people following Islam defined by the Kufars. May God forbid how bad does it have to become for us to wake-up and come together. The corrupt leaders of the Muslim World are unfortunately reflection of what is inside us. May Allah swt guide us all and give us the strength to face our enemy, who is common to all Muslims not just Iraq, ameen. It saddens me when I see Iraqi people dressed in Western clothing. Everywhere I look today we are proud of imitating Western way of dressing-up, our appearances are more and more alike them. Once our appearances are like them then our traditions, our morals, our values start to reflect theirs. I thought I would never say it out loud but I have become hopeless about Islam and Muslims ever turning back around, at least it may not happen in my lifetime, ALAS!
acts of giving..there is no difference in the Almights eyes between any people..and the actions..of violence..are not to the Almightys delight...the truest act of faith is the one who..stands up with open his brother and sister of different up bringing seek to bring harm
the Almighty will forever be on there side :)
I behooves me to read essays like this especially when the slant of the content is general USA media misinformation. First and foremost. Let's take the issue of Iraq and Kuwait. The information is available and not necessarily on the Web. Irag discovered that Kuwait was slant drilling in their fields. They protested and went to the United Nations to lodge a complaint. They were told that there was nothing the UN could do regarding their issue with Kuwait. Iraq then told the Ambasador to the UN and the Sectretary of State that they were going to invade Kuwait as a pretext to prevent them from stealing their oil. The USA told them to go ahead. They initiated the occupation and the USA stepped in. The father Bush received permission from Congress to attack Irag to safeguard the border (which originally belonged to Iraq thanks to Britan). The USA did a media blitz that Irag had killed babies in their incubator and this precipitated the bombing of the entire infrastucture of Iraq. This is against Internation Law.
As for the Polls in America. The reality is they are running 100 to 1 against the War. If the government and the Media would faily provide coverage on the dissenting views on the preemptive attack on Iraq the world would know that the majority of Americans do not want war with Iraq where innocent people will be killed. If the Congressional representatives truly represented their constituents accoarding to the calls, emails and letters they received, they would vote against the legislation. The author should provide information based upon the reality of the issues rather then the media hyph. I'm sure he wouldn't want to put himself in nor his job in jeparody. Isn't there a Hadith that says "If you see a wrong, you should change it with with your hands, if not your hands then your mouth if not your mouth, then your heart and the heart is the weakest of faith."
bush is an idiot warmonger who takes instructions from his daddy the warchief to stir up more trouble than we are already in.
May god help us all.
The so-called "surgical" war to which was to succeed the "new world order" and the fall of Saddam, in fact resulted in an atrocious war, in which thousands of tons of bombs as devastating as the napalm or phosphorus bombs, let alone the dropping of the famous FAE bombs (Fuel-air Explosives) which kill by asphyxiation all that lives on one square kilometer (They are not gas, but quite as nasty).
The "surgery" resulted in a complete and massive destruction of the whole of the infrastructures of Iraq, hospital, schools, roads, railways, airports, water supply and electricity, telecommunications, etc.
As for the "new world order"... no laughing, please. Saddam is always there.
To finish, I want to point out that due to the fact that you are apparently unaware that most of the sale of the Iraqi oil of the UN resolution 986 is ending up paying the war debt, much more than for the Iraqi children, surprised or choked? But naturally your ultimate selfishness prevents you from looking at anything in an equitable way. .../...
Thus Saddam is a nasty plant that grew on the Baathist manure set up by the Anglo-Saxon oil companies in order to keep a strong hold on Iraqi oil to the detriment of the people.
The war against Iran took place because Iraq of Saddam Hussein was supported and encouraged by the West and their muppets the Oil Sheikdom folks. Islamist Iran was at that time the malicious one for everyone, and Iraq was used as the armed hands.
The Kurds were gassed at the end of this war thanks to French and American planes and helicopters, and German gas, and thanks to the logistics and information provided by American satellites. All this was also used during the war against Iran. Nobody shouted at this time but everyone knew.
Following this war by proxy, Saddam considered it was in his right to recover Kuwait. Perhaps that was part of a deal not revealed. In any event the American government having declared that it does not interfere in the Iraq-Kuwait relations while at the same time the Iraqi troops were massed at the border, the ambush was set. The rest is known. .../...
Saddam thinks of himself as Pharaoh, and trust me You that know the cowboy in the White House thinks the same of himself. But they both will end up dust just like any other mortal. The threats, much more today than in 1991 are very largely over-estimated and propagandist. Iraq is a destroyed country and its children are dying in front of our eyes. We should support and help rebuild it, not destroy its few remaining ruins.
After Saddam, the world will be a safer and better place? You will notice that this message is not based on any theory, and which could be disputed as easily as that of "the Axis of the evil": Refusal of Israel to see a significant power in Iraq, the will of the USA to colonize the planet, etc.
As others and I have mentioned before, get yourself a real president in the next elections, this one is not qualified to lead the good people in the great country of the United States. The world economy is in a obscene shape and if I have to believe the news the United States economy is no better, so only you as taxpayer will be financing Bush's war, because you can be sure that unlike the previous wars the world will not contribute one single copper coin this time.
I hope you will ruminate on this.
The so-called "surgical" war to which was to succeed the "new world order" and the fall of Saddam, in fact resulted in an atrocious war, in which thousands of tons of bombs as devastating as the napalm or phosphorus bombs, let alone the dropping of the famous FAE bombs (Fuel-air Explosives) which kill by asphyxiation all that lives on one square kilometer (They are not gas, but quite as nasty).
The "surgery" resulted in a complete and massive destruction of the whole of the infrastructures of Iraq, hospital, schools, roads, railways, airports, water supply and electricity, telecommunications, etc.
As for the "new world order"... no laughing, please. Saddam is always there.
To finish, I want to point out that due to the fact that you are apparently unaware that most of the sale of the Iraqi oil of the UN resolution 986 is ending up paying the war debt, much more than for the Iraqi children, surprised or choked? But naturally your ultimate selfishness prevents you from looking at anything in an equitable way. .../...
Thus Saddam is a nasty plant that grew on the Baathist manure set up by the Anglo-Saxon oil companies in order to keep a strong hold on Iraqi oil to the detriment of the people.
The war against Iran took place because Iraq of Saddam Hussein was supported and encouraged by the West and their muppets the Oil Sheikdom folks. Islamist Iran was at that time the malicious one for everyone, and Iraq was used as the armed hands.
The Kurds were gassed at the end of this war thanks to French and American planes and helicopters, and German gas, and thanks to the logistics and information provided by American satellites. All this was also used during the war against Iran. Nobody shouted at this time but everyone knew.
Following this war by proxy, Saddam considered it was in his right to recover Kuwait. Perhaps that was part of a deal not revealed. In any event the American government having declared that it does not interfere in the Iraq-Kuwait relations while at the same time the Iraqi troops were massed at the border, the ambush was set. The rest is known. .../...
Obviously you are forgetting or you are not aware of the long history of Iraq with respect to Oil and the foreign powers. Without back tracking all the way to 1920's during the British colonization, You need to learn that the Baath party seized power in 1963, with a coup d'etat fomented by the Anglo-Saxon interest groups and financed by Kuwait (the USA and G. Britain already in control of the Kuwaiti oil and the Kuwaiti Muppets), and overthrowing the Republic that was already established 5 years earlier by patriotic men and women.
After the coup d'etat, come about 9 months of terrors during which 400.000 people were deported and 20.000 never returned.
Two other coups d'etat took place at the end of 1963 where the Baath party lost the power, then returned in 1968 with again a ferocious repression of the opposition.
Let us emphasize that the return of the Baath party was always supported by the foreign oil companies, knowing that the progressive opposition's objective was to control the use of the funds of the oil grabbed by the Anglo-Saxon interest groups, and by nationalizing the Iraqi oil, and since 1958 had modified the civil code in order to introduce reforms such as the equality men-women, and the redistribution of land to the peasants.../...
InshAllah I believe when Zulm crosses its limits then it gets wiped out and I'm sure InsahAllah we will see this soon.
Please, please, please hold onto the Qur'an's injunction against usury. Being any part of the economy of greed only justifies and maintains the hold of evil. I know it's difficult and that I, as a 69 year old Muslimah no longer haved the responsibilities of a family but even then I resiste
The essay was timely and thought provoking.
It's a reality that Iraq is a soveriegn nation just like USA and other countries. If Bush is really committed to democracy, the Iraqies must be given the authority to decide about their leader.
As an expatriate Indian working in the middle east, I clearly know that Iraqies like Saddam more than the American's like Bush. We know how Buah had been elected in the last election.
On the contrary, if America wants a toy government against the norms of the entire Iraqi naiton, like the one they did in Afghanistan, it would only for Al Qaeda and arab militants to florish in the area.
Ultimately the arabs would be forced to unite together despite their many internal problems, and use petrol as thier nuclear weapon in the post war scenereo.
If Bush really wish to bring about world peace (and get a noble prize for the same), he has other ways to do it. Conquer the Israel and bring there a unanimous governemnt as they did in Afghanistan with proper consideration to Palestenian cause. All the Arabs would be pleased to help American interest in the middle east.
I disagree with Dr. Faruqui's comments that the "war bill" will be placed at the feet of the U.S. taxpayer. In the same way that much of the war in the 1990's was paid by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq,(e.g. $13,000,000 from Kuwait to Hill and Knowlton P.R. agency in Washington D.C. area to come up with the "babies thrown from incubator" propaganda story, millions paid by Saudi Arabia for the "protection" it was granted from Iraq by the U.S., etc.) again the U.S. will certainly get it's payback from countries in the Middle East. In addition, it intends to gain payback from control of Iraqi oil sales after the conquest. As one U.S. oil futures analyst said, "..participation in the war means control of Iraqi oil...." Therefore, the U.S. taxpayer may be virtually unaffected.
Also, it is wrong to say that "Muslim" countries are united against U.S. military incursion into Iraq. Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar have recently welcomed additional U.S. troops for "special co-training exercises." I currently live in the U.A.E. It is a fact that U.S. warships are "serviced" in the ports here. While muslims as individuals in every country may be against U.S. war against Iraq, the so-called "Muslim" governments are not united.
As one Iraqi friend recently said to me, "if the U.S. wants to come into Iraq, who's gonna stop them?"
Wasslamu alaykum. Um Imran
Bill Clinton is no longer president. Bush will give the military what it needs to accomplish the job. There will be no "Black Hawk Down".
If the UN doesn't back us on this, it will be the end of the UN. The internationalists are no longer in power.
If the Arabs attack Israel, Israel will win. Have you noticed how they are getting less anxious to die to maintain "peace" with the Palestinians. Soon they will wake up, and the Palestinians will die.
Oh, Ummah. Get your heads screwed on right before it is too late.
Of course, the Liberals and Democrats, who make up fully 50% of the political spectrum in this country, have been effectively silenced. To object, after all, would be "unpatriotic".
Patrick Johns
Muslims all over the world,have had it and are tired with thye western malice against muslims.
we have seen situations were by the so called
muslims countries eg SAUDI ARABIA,IRAN,KUWAIT
UAE,EGYPT ETC.suporting the war against islam
in afghanistan.Thank you very much.for disowning
our brothers the Taliban AND THE AL-QAEEDA THIS
What is occuring every were in the world is
a leson to other true belivers.NB SINCE WHAT HAPENED IN AMERICA and as a muslims i dont fill
pety for them ecsept for the muslims who perished
in kenya the muslims youth we are busy preparing
for grate war that is about to commence.we were waiting for the americans to come to somalia but they didnt come inshaalah they are going to face the wrath of the true belivers from kenya
Letb them come to Iraq i know they are going to kill many of our brothers as they are used
in many diferent parts of the world.
That there is no morality in war and/or politics is not news but foolishly I still had hoped there would be one voice left to speak for principle, for decency, for Humanity.
And besides all that, the crusades have not yet ended.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
passionate and accomodaing. If we consider islamic
fanaticsm as ben practised in several islamic world, there would be not much of respect for the
rights an cultures of other religions in their midst. However, my heat weeps for the average
Americans. Good as they are most of them have precluded themselves with real interest in who
run(s) this great country. Because an average
Amnerican cannot think by himself/herself, most
of the biased press industry, the hawks and
corporate thieves have a way to pulling wools
over Ameican faces, while behind the scene it's
"cowboy" diplomacy. Th media thinks for mot
people in this country. We should stop and ask,
wth the U.S. attacking Iraq is the begining of the
end of the world not in sight?
Pertinent qustions: what makes the United States
think that the United Nations MUST kowtow to it's
own agenda and policy? If you (United States) have the powr of a lion must you kill and destroy
like a lion? Was the United States not aware that
Sadam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction during the war with Iran? Was United States not
aware that Sadam Hussein used same chemical weapons on Iran, then? What did the United States
say to the world then? Does Israel have atomic
bomb? Is the United States aware of this? Does
Pakistan have nuclear bomb? Does India have it?
Would an attack on Iraq not send jitters to Pakistan, or India becoming jittery and using her nuclear bomb against Pakitan? What I deduce it to be is that this war will be one without end.
We heard about the death of Soviet Union, a
powerful country? But who says United States as a
power will not die? There is an adage: the death
that took away ones peer (Soviet Union) sending
a mesage to the living peer that it(death) is
around th corner. Literily, what makes a man who is 100 years old feel he will live for ever where
his friend, a 90 year old died yesterda
What's pathetic is that the Islamic countries with their dubiously "Muslim" leaders have for years defied the guidance provided by Prophet Muhammad by causing disunity, allowing the world class lyers to divide them and set them against each other. The greedy and vicious prey on your divisions. Unite, whether suni, shiite or what ever. We must change the state of our hearts to improve our condition.
bush cherche dstabiliser l'irak ,pour que israel prenne le deu aux musulmans du moyen orient, une chose est sure,l'irak vaincra ,in cha allah .bush ne prouve pas normalement quel danger
reprsente saddam-hussein .
Magar aisi aawazein suni nahi jaati.
Inhe sunae to kaise?
Khuda Haafiz.
Mohammad Amin Taher.
We should first be strong and then challange the mighty.Week nations and divided communities have no weight in international community.
they claim saddam is evil and they r the ones who made him evil.
but our time is coming.
peace plo.
In the comments posted about this article there has been much talk about the "powerlessness" of Moslems of the world. If the world's Moslems wish to change that state they will have to read the following and act on it. Until they can face this reality things as they are shall remain things as they are.
"The ultimate test of character -- for an individual, nation or for an institution
-- is the ability to deal with failure without sucumbing to emotional paralysis and withdrawal and without lashing out at scapegoating or
inventing escapists solutions." (Admiral James Stockdale quote in USNI. Stockdale was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and was awarded the USA highest medal The Medal of Honor for withstanding torture)
Jack E. Hammond/Indiana USA
Proceedings June 1998 page 65)
There has been a lot of comments on this article that the US created and armed Saddam Hussein. Most of the comments I believe relate to the Iran/Iraq War. In that war the US governments position was basically "a curse on both houses." But the Imman-K of Iran made it clear that after Iraq was finished the Gulf States were nexts. To wit, Saudi Arabia pressured the US to help Iraq in such a way that it would not be totally defeated by Iran. The US to this end provided Iraq with electronic and optical (satellite photos) information. And it only provided enough information so neither side would win and the war would end as a draw. Any member if they wish can name a weapon (and I use to write defense articles and was a Sysop on Compuserves Military Forum) Iraq has and not one is a US made or designed weapon. NOT ONE.
Blame the US all you wish for what it has done. But let's not beat a dead horse for what the US has not done. As the Qur'ran states: "Do not veil the truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth knowingly..." Sura 2:42
Jack E Hammond/Indiana USA
The same warnings were given when the US went to war to push Saddam out of Iraq and no doubt would have been given if the US had taken the military action against bin Laden and al Qaeda it is today "before" 9/11/2002 08:45am. In fact the article is almost exactly like those that warned the UK and France not to take action when Germany violated its 1918 truce and reoccupied the Rhineland.
Finally, having said the above, I think President Bush and the US Congress is making a huge error in the reasons it is putting forth for military action. The reason should have been one and only one: Iraq is in violation of the 1991 Truce Agreement it signed that ended military action against its military. Not UN Resolutions, freeing the Iraqi people, etc.
Jack Hammond/Indiana USA
The US has been too free with their weapons. Paying this and that country with weapons in return for something and what do they get?! A bunch of enemies with weapons that WE gave them!!
They deserve it, and President B----- is digging an even deeper hole we might not be able to come out of later. dweebs....none are fit to run a country.
Thanks to Dr. Faruqui for a most well-written article.
I agree totally with the article I just read. What is interesting to me is how American citizens are so naive. This was would be a horrible mistake and American citizens should stand together and protest against it.
saddam want's all muslim become powerless like
pakistan and afganistan he want to become most power full in the world in the afganistan he doing all type of damage publicly but not able to caputre laden or mulla omer how can public of amrican understan amrican can caputre to saddam
i think never every amrican solider not perfect
like every iraqi solider useless in iraq soil amrican never became a winer. this war against muslim and fundamental thise type of attack attack
on islam amrican first prove saddam is a criminal
after he became on iraq which type of chemical waepons he have how is a scenceties whats damage
making those type of waepon were he kept those type Q amrican have no anwser
You are sitting in San Francisco and are writing about Iraq and a fascist and corrupt regime, where thousands of babies die, not because of the embargo, but because of this regime. Why don't you leave the US and start living in Iraq?
The Bush Administration is absolutely right: this dictatorship MUST END! For the sake of the WHOLE world, because they have weapons of mass destruction and they will use it.
His father made a mistake back then and they didn't finish their work. If they had, 9/11 wouldn't have happend, because this was the work of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden was only his henchman and nothing else.
Best regards, arif
think that the article was very true
i just want you to send more articles mashallah
jazakallah khrian
GW brought nothing new to the American Foriegn Policy, Since the United States Gave it's promise to The Zionist in Israel in 1947, WE as Muslims And Arabs should expect nothing less than what's happening today.
We are to blame to what is about to happen to the Iraqis, We are to blame to what is happening to Muslims everywhere (By WE i mean Muslims), Allah and his Prophet laid the platform To conducting relations with non-muslims. We know what America is all About no matter anybody says. It's all about interest,if it serves me and let me get reelected then i'm game.and that's why they have a double standard in dealing with us on one hand and the jews on the other. America can't use the same standard with Israel because they will be "whipped", they can't afford doing it,because Jews won't let them...on the other hand America has nothing to fear from the Muslims and Arabs ,and it wouldn't think twice before murdering Muslims, Why? Because we let them....
Let's go back to the basics and stop fooling our selves, back to what Allah loves and his Prophet foretold...let's hold dear to that,Then and maybe then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will decide to answer our Prayer...
GW not only insults the intelligance of Muslims but also that of the American people when he says that America HAS and MUST do this for it's security, i mean come on who is he kidding.
GW needs to wake up and smell the mess this country is in...after he does, trust me he'll realize that Iraq and it's people are the last he should be thinking about..
Wants to bring Peace and Justice to the Iraqis..Pleeeeeeaaase, isn't that what he said about Afghanistan??!! And isn't afghanistan still a mess??????
La Hawla Wa La Quata Illa Billaah...
I'm about to throw up in this joint...
Assalamu alaikum
Al Hamdu Allahu.
First, Let me reminder you of The Prophet (PBUH) words, there is no one that is supreme over the other.
Second, America use the so-called voting system to elect new members not the military. America has murder alot of their own citizens (Africans).
Third, Read sura or chapter nine of the Qur'an.
the hypocrites.
Allah will deal Saddam on the day of judgement for those of you who believe and the hypocrites too.
As Salaamu Alaikum.
Brotha X.
Please, when analyzing US foreign policy, check all logic, ethics, ration, and reason at the door and look at the oil... thank you
To Mr. Syed Huda...
The United States craeting Bin Laden!!!!
oooh yeah, it also created World peace, prosperity and admonished hunger from the world...ha ha
The Idea that America Created Bin Laden is as funny and as rediculous as the other things i just mentined...
Bin Laden was a Mujahid way before The CIA came on the Afghany seen.
Stop Watching CNN,And's notr good for health, and Allah knows what will you say next..America created Islam maybe???!!!!Ha Ha Ha
Not Funny
You are right though on one thing May Allah help with What's about to come..
Assalamu Alaikum
Saddam is no different and should leave the leadership of Iraq. We brought him to power to fight Iran and his function is over so he is useless rather harmful for us and we will get him out one way or the other. He should look towards Marcos of Phillipines, Sadaat of Egypt, Faisal of Saudie Arabia, Dzia-ul-Haque of Pakistan, Ortega of Panama, to name a few. We eliminated them when their usefulness was finished.
He must realize that he is a worthless creature and we are going to get him. He has served us well, by fighting Iran and stopping the Islamic revolution to eat up our friends. He has provided us the oppertunity to sit in Saudie Arabia and other of our Gulf slaves. And we appreciate it, But now his usefulness is finished so he must leave on his own rather than causing bloodshed of our people or his. Well his people do not matter, they are nothing but Iraqees.
The article seems interesting, as a strict muslim I would comment who is Saddam Hossain a puppet of U.S, why was he allowed to attack and kill the Kurds where the world was then????, why did britain and U.S. help Saddam in the War against Iran, are we going to do what the big power wants us to wether right or wrong, a wrong in the past cannot be corrected witha right in the future.
The world today is full of educated philosophers and writers and thinkers who is writing the true stories.It seems at times it is fruitless to discuss these issues.If you create a frankestine
you have to some time accept the burnt,people like Saddam, Binladen all created by super powers for their needs.
At this hour of time we should be steadfast to obeying the commandments of Allah and give Dawa to the people to unite and try to feel the purpose allah has sent us.
allah hafez
I Have One Word For You...OIL!!! That is the main reason United States Wants a regim change so badly..
Add to that a distarction from the mess that the Ecocnomy is in..Bush is following his father footsteps,nothing new here,but let's bear in mind that he is no as bright, i mean did you hear what he said last week?!!
"After all let's not forget that this is the man that wanted to kill my father!!!!" WHAT??? I can't believe he just that, he's making it personal. Well i have some news For Bush this Ain't the mafia you're running...((well then again from the looks of things and the way everything is heading, the Mafia looks like the third grade gang i started when i was little compared to what Bush and his gang is doing..))
Attacking Iraq is going to happen, the Question is What are the people in that area going to do? and from my experience..nothing
they will riot in the street for some hours then go sleep comfortably in their beds....Palestine has been under attack for 50 some years now and we still CONDEM what the Zionists and their Allied Puppets(i.e. U.S and ENGLAND)are doing to our brothers and sisters in palestine..May Allah Help us.
Now excuse me while i go throw out of Disgust...
Wa Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah
Since the beginning of time, it is the pattern of the kafireen to attack Muslims in Ramadan, in olden times and today. We can expect all types of excuses but there only remains one and this is Eman wa-l kufr.
May Allah save humanity from the evils of evils & make it a peaceful place to live. Amen!
This is my humble view. I am a common man without any expert knowledge of world politics. You donot need to agree with my views.
After studying many responses on: 'The Perils of Attacking Iraq,' I have to pen these lines to explain Caesar Bush's position. Caveat: I do not support in any way, shape or form, the US' military posture towards Iraq, even though I concede that I would like to see Saddam Hussein removed, to allow Iraqi citizens the freedom to choose their own leaders to manage their affairs.
Many people have failed to fully comprehend the notion (articulated by US warhawks) that "9-11" marks the beginning of a New Year in the US military calendar. At first, I myself had failed to grasp what this idea really meant. This was so primarily due to fact that in other regions of the world, afflicted by turmoil, we witnessed incidents of "9-11's" over and over again, with no one marking new calendars! For example, we saw in color massacres in Sabra and Shatila, in Bosnia, in Kosovo, in Afghanistan, in Rwanda, in Kashmir, in Chechnya, in Kurdistan, etc.
Now, what is Caesar Bush's intent in pursuing a strategy of military 'preemption'? Basically, this view holds that an 'axis of evil' nation, such as Iraq, may have WMD (weapon of mass destruction) and it may elect parcel out such weapons to terrorists including alumni of al Qa'ida, who could in turn, may let loose such WMP weapons on an unsuspecting US population.
In the past, this theory of preemption has been exploited by the old apartheid South African regime in its fight against the ANC, by Israel against Lebanon and Iraq, by Turkey against the Kurds, by India against the Sikhs and Muslims in Kashmir, etc. The US government has now embraced this 'preemptive' military strategy to overcome the likes of Saddam and his alleged WMD.
Of course, this is the US thinking ... a posture I totally reject, only because most scientific authorities have concluded that Iraq does not pose a threat of 'clear and present danger' to anyone...!
This is the US position on preemption which we should unde
May sanity & good sence prevail to be recorded in history !
Do you have any suggestions on how the world has to act in this case. Until now no such suggestions and Saddam continues to be a potentional danger. How will we keep the peace?
Yoyr idea, please!
Thank you very much.
Thank you for the kind oppertunity,i am a 19 year boy stdying for my professionl accounting exzaminations, as the world is assuming that ISLAM is religion of hatreat,But i can say to each of them ISLAM is a religion of LOVE and PEACE, there are belivers who do not follow islamic law as there will be good and evil every where, as the govt of America wants to overthrow Mr.sadam Hussain or either to Kill Inocent civiliant of Muslims, are muslim lives NOT worthy then Amercian citizens?are muslims NOT human Beings?
As i Belive all this is heppening because of Muslims, they want to protect there leader ship or there richness,Is this the way Prophet(PBUH)showed us? Why is American solders are in Muslims Holly land? to defend the holy land or the kingdom which America Govt likes?Is this the way Prophet(PBUH)showed us? i wold like to ask is only Iraq or muslim countries have dictators? Is it Islam that tells muslims to be united?or to run after the welth of this world?
sir, hope to recive a replay.
In an earlier post a brother asked, why we keep mixing Islam and politics. Well brother, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was the leader of Medina, an islamic state. Are we not supposed to take him as our model? Now regarding the article, and Bush's war, what clear and compelling evidence has he produced that Iraq is about to attack the U.S. He has produced nothing. If it's about enforcing UN resolutions, then we should go after the big scofflaw, Israel. If it's because arms inspectors aren't in Iraq, we should be shooting ourselves. WE ordered them out of Iraq. Saddam didn't kick them out. My conclusion is that Bush has NOTHING to back up his wanting to attack Iraq.
so , pls metion poor iran , the price they paid for defending their land , their righ v most
i am an american iranian an i dont support the war on iraq and i odnt think we are superior 2 other countries i donot lik sadamms ideas and what he does includin puttin a bullet in my father, but bush is no better! but i also dont lk how u guys repetivly writ ''americans think''because i am an american an im on your side also! please watch how you word thinks
thank you very much or your time
choda hafez
However, America does not only want to attack Iraq because they want Saddam removed, they also want to demonstrate their millitary might and possible weaponry superiority.
"War is war when the result is not predictable but it becomes a punishment when the outcome is known even before the 'purported' war"
In view of the prevailing problems caused or masterminded by America all over the Globe, I see the slogan "Long live America" getting buried quicker than imagined.
Never before has a decision for war been so deliberate and transparent...obviously the administration has some serious selling to do to the American people. If we are going to send our Marines in, or maybe I should say "when" we are going to, we should not be too confident. We may have high-speed, low-drag toys, but we don't have a great record with man-on-man follow least not in recent decades. So let's not be arrogant, let's be honest about what we're doing here, and let's actually THINK about what we're doing. I know that we're a country driven by emotion, but we've got to look past the hard-sell found in the media and actually put our thinking caps on, wa salam.
But I would also say, Allah (swt) is watching everything. No one will ever get away with anything. No one. Pharoah used to think he was the most powerful..... and the Munaafuks (Hypocrites Arab leaders), I hope they go dust off the Qur'an and read it and see what Allah has promised the hypocrites. They have sold off their souls, people, and deen to the greed and power.
As for Saddam, he is the worst of worst of the Muslims (if he is one). I hope on the Youmul' Deen (Judgement Day) he will be recompesed well for his deeds and the "goodness" he brought to his people and Muslims as a whole.
I disagree with the cataclysmic conclusions of Dr. Ahmad Faruqui's political analysis of "The Perils of Attacking Iraq." I think Dr Faruqui is living in a world of illusion. Wake up my brother and smell the coffee!
This is a very simple military scenario for Caesar George Bush and his cabal of warhawks. Dr. Faruqui is correct that the president has already concluded that the US will overthrow the Butcher of Baghdad and effectively institute a new puppet regime, which will genuflect to every move of their US overlords.
However, I do not believe that US polls and dissension in the US populace will have any deleterious effect on Caesar Bush's prosecution of his war plans against Saddam, as Faruqui seems to suggest.
We will not see any of the apocalytic events prophesied by Dr. Faruqui. For, the most of the Arab regimes, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, will simpy bend and buckle (B&B) under US pressure ... and will even facilitate US military intervention, as is currently the case with Kuwait and Qatar. In fact, the Saudis will deliberately double its pumping capacity to keep oil prices stable for the US economy and its people ... watch and see! The fantasy of an oil embargo is just that--fantasy!
The war itself will be short and quick ... and Saddam's 'republican guard' will run and hide like they did in the first Gulf war .... They could then be truly renamed 'democractic guards' like the weak 'Democrats' in the US Congress. And in the end, we will indeed have an Iraqi Karzai, as Dr. Faruqui suggested. But certainly I do not forsee any doomsday consequences ... no oil embargo ... etc! But I do envision that Sharon, Bush's blood brother and mentor, will be ready to keep all of the weak Arab nations in line, including Syria and particularly Egypt.
So ... let's sit back ... relax ... and watch in color, as Emperor Bush takes the world by storm, for Iraq is just the beginning. Next is Iran. Watch and see!
If we have a problem we must take action, but the action must be in line with God (Allah)will.
"Trust in God but tie your camel"
Lets imagine for next 6 months if Iraq were attacked by US w/o UN to agree.
1. higher commodity price, fuel --> possible
2. Stock markets trembling at a higher Ritcher scale.
3. Saddam 's army & regime fierce battles with US.
4. Possibility of sudden fall of Saddam Hussein
5. High rate of unemployment as many global companies restructuring to save cost.
....could be more & more
Now imagine these facts after that 6 months..
1. New regime HQ base in Washington, Mr Georgie Bush
2. New regime branch in Tel Aviv, Mr Ariel Sharon.
3. Peace & prosperity in Middle East??
4. I send a congratulation letters to Bush for letting unaccountable Iraqis to suffer or die???
5. Global economy to recover & life is free like never before????
Common man, give me a break.