Examining Arab Strategy, or Lack Thereof
In a conversation with a respected Palestinian official months ago, I was told that the reason the Palestinian Authority (PA), "keeps coming back" seeking a more active US role in the Middle East conflict is because the US is the only viable broker. Only a few countries and international bodies are capable of pushing the "peace process" forward, able to persuade both sides to "compromise", and particularly, able to exert "pressure" on Israel.
The logic seemed odd, considering the unquestionable one-sidedness the US has exhibited in the Arab-Israeli daunting conflict. One doesn't need to spend a great deal of time and effort researching for US bias in archived official statements and news that goes back to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Just one look at the US selective practices in the United Nations says it all. The United States government has vetoed an estimated 68 UN Security Council resolutions throughout the years, blocking numerous attempts by the international community to impose disciplinary measures on various, if not all past Israeli governments, for violating international law, time and again.
The official US justifications for alienating itself from the rest of the world to rescue Israel varied, but often centered around the same anemic idea that such UN resolutions will only hamper the peace process, and that negotiations alone can solve the Middle East conflict. For an outsider, the justification is appealing, even wise, but for those whose know a thing or two about the Middle East conflict, it's ridiculous to depict a peaceful Middle East, at least at this current stage without the presence of a fair-handed arbitrator, a frame of reference of international law (not the Israeli Supreme Court or Knesset that justifies the assassination of Palestinian activists), and certainly a power with the will and genuine interest to find a just solution to the bloody conflict.
As far as Israel is concerned, the United States is certainly the right power for the job. Of course, a country like the US which pours several billion dollars into Israel's military machine annually, provides Israel with political cover to apply its backward imperialist practices on the Palestinians, with the help of the US media to clean up the mess along the way, is certainly a country that is qualified to be the "honest broker" in the Middle East.
But why is the Palestinian leadership holding the same perception?
The Palestinian Authority, despite all of its ailments has no illusions that the US is only a broker, but certainly not an honest one. Take for example, President George W. Bush's insistence not to meet with the PA Chairman Yasser Arafat, at a time that he frequently met Israel's Ariel Sharon at the ranch, both smiling to the cameras like the best of pals. Put the official justification aside: "Arafat needs to prove to me that he is genuinely interested in fighting terrorism," since at the time that Arafat has exerted some sincere efforts (once out of his besieged office) to halt the violence, even from one side, Sharon would openly share his regrets with the media of not killing Arafat when he had the chance.
Only in a fantasy world does Sharon emerge as a "man of peace", as Bush dubbed him, and Arafat as a "Mafia boss" as described by retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, US special envoy to the Middle East.
The US Defense Secretary, certainly a powerful man, decided to reconstruct the Middle East conflict in a way that would suit his way of thinking, leaving jungle law in charge of what should have been handled by international law. Here is what Donald Rumsfeld had to say, speaking at a town hall meeting at the Pentagon on 6 Aug., 2002:
"My feelings about the so-called occupied territories are that there was a war; Israel urged neighboring countries not to get involve in it once it started. They all jumped in, and they lost a lot of real estate to Israel because Israel prevailed in the conflict."
Now, Rumsfeld proceeds to share his view of the Jewish militant outposts or settlements:
"In the intervening period, they've made some settlements in various parts of the so-called occupied area, which was the result of a war, which they won."
Such a simplified, poor approach in analyzing a conflict, extending through the 20th and 21 century, reminds us of fiery speeches of Christian Coalition leader Pat Robertson or "God's new banker?" as some British media have recently describe him. But in Rumsfeld's case, one doesn't have the privilege of turning the "700 Club" off. Rumsfeld is a leading figure in a powerful country, and is only a reflection of right wing policies carried out by his government.
While the ultimate victims of such a right wing are the American people, should Arabs, but most importantly Palestinians simply look elsewhere for answers, for another broker, an honest one, for a change?
While Rumsfeld has the whole Middle East conflict (or the so-called Middle East conflict) all figured out, the Arab masses have no illusions about the detrimental role played by the US government in keeping Israel's occupation of Arab land, and of the subsequent persecution of the Palestinian people.
"It has to be a slip of the tongue by the US defense secretary, as he was speaking spontaneously and not from a written speech," this is what Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher told reporters when asked about Rumsfeld's "so-called occupied" remark.
Maher is an educated man and is certainly aware that Rumsfeld's remarks are not qualified to be categorized as a "slip of the tongue." Most Arab governments, and the Palestinian leadership knows, they must know, that the United States' support of Israel was a leading reason for the Israeli government's arrogance and defiance. Yet they continue to dub the US government as a friend and an ally.
My conversation with the Palestinian official flashed again in my head on Tuesday, Oct 1, when the US Congress passed legislation, that was ratified by President Bush which implicitly recognized Jerusalem, including Arab East Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
True, a "barrage" of condemnation by a "chorus" of leaders (this is how some media phrased it), was heard and seen, loud and clear. But by the end, the Arab strategy is still the same. While the US government and Congress have openly submitted to the right wing elements of the US government and media, the pressure of the Israeli-Jewish lobby groups and to the will of the Israeli government, the official statement of the PA, although clearly reflected outrage, said that the decision "harms the credibly of the US as a peace mediator." If The PA still anticipates a positive US role in the Middle East, then there is a serious issue for debate, an issue that has been ignored for such a long time.
One has to remember that the Palestinian leadership (considering the might of its enemies, the gigantic influence of the US and the negative use of that influence, the fragmentation of the Arab world and its inability to reshape an overall Middle East policy) is in a very difficult position. Ignoring the US role can hardly change things for the better for the Palestinians, and gambling on the happy day in which Washington is a kinder Washington is more of a daydream, at least for now. Continuing with this vicious cycle, in which Arabs are slapped at the face, almost everyday, yet remain faithful believers in the American government's virtue, will maintain the status quo, in which Israel will remain the greatest, or only beneficiary.
There has been little or no efforts in refining existing strategies or building new ones to combat the US government's bias toward Israel. There has been no serious efforts put forth to reach the ordinary American, to back those who dare to confront the ever demanding Israeli lobby in the Congress (and who as a result are losing to the Israeli-backed politicians). There has been little or no efforts to influence the media (except of the greatly admirable efforts of independent groups). There has been no unified Arab front in serving Arab causes, or in using strategic Arab wealth to influence US polices, of saying enough is enough, when such a call is needed.
I do remember my conversation with the Palestinian official, and I do sympathize with his statement: 'the Palestinian Authority (PA), "keeps coming back" seeking a more active US role in the Middle East conflict because the US is the only viable broker.' But feeding on such an observation, without any real attempt to find alternative brokers or turn the only "viable" one into an honest one, has been a major component responsible for today's catastrophic foreign policies, and I don't mean American foreign policies, but Arab and Palestinian policies. Too bad the US decided to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, but the real challenge is knowing what else can we do about it, aside from registering our opposition with a few official statements and expressions of regret.
Topics: Conflicts And War, Government And Politics, Middle East, Occupation, Palestine
Related Suggestions
I have lived in one of these small and very rich Middle Eastern countries and they are just very content. They have an amazing life so why worry. In this life of wealth they have forgotten the real teaching of Islam. Islam has made it our duty that we should not sit by and watch our fellow Muslim brothers and Sisters die. That's exactly what WE ARE ALL DOING. There are other ways to cripple the enemy, MIND GAME. They control the oil! Just stop pumping it and selling to the enemies of ISLAM for just one day and they will fall on their knees. I wish and prey that Allah forgives us and shows us the real path. I wish and prey Allah gives us the courage that we had in the times of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Inshallah.
If Arabs can't get together on there safety issues what how they accept from western world and USA to solve their problems and have peace for them.
It is obvious that they are not their friends and definitly they will do all efforts to weaken them and prove middle and muslim terrorist among other world.
It is only muslims who can safe themselves from Wesrtern animies. God only helps those who help them selves and only muslims can be safe if they are unite regardless their disputs among themselves.
They can have several disputs among but on nation's safety issues they have to be together to beat animy who is planning to put muslims of the worls down in all aspects of life.
Muslims of Arabs countries ...youstill have time to think if you want to survive as a nation.
Let call it enough is enough! Let stand on our own feet and not depend on the unreliable broker(US) for peace in the Middle East for they are not act as a broker but a 'breaker' to peace in the region. It is not lack thereof, but there is no viable action on the Arab strategy effacted seriously because not standing up from being ridicule by the insincere friendliness of the peace 'breaker'.
So, stop this endless suffering now!
Pull up your socks Arabs or youll continue getting the whip while the whole world is laughing at you. 22 nation who dare not stand up for their rights. what a society. their brothers and children and women are being butchered every day . while they have a lot of arms but its just museums. For palestinas,they must change from their way of identifiying them selves as ARABIA, they better stand for ISLAMIAN society.
Frankly, my opinion is that Israel should decide what part of the territories that it won in fair battle it should keep, build a fence around it, and tell the Palestinians they can have the rest.
But they will never be driven into the sea.
When I became a Muslim I heard the story of Suliman and how a Muslim woman was being oppressed and he gathered an army to avenge her. Now all over the world Muslims are oppressed and we do nothing. Muslims lost the six day war because they would not unite to defend Palistine and now we cry about The US making Jerusalem the Israeli capital,but we do nothing Al Aqsa Mosque is about to collapse and we do nothing. Muslims are being fingerprinted when they visit America and no cry of outrage. War has practically been declared on Iraq and instead of opposing it we allow enemy troops to use our lands and airspace. We are warned in the Qur'an not to take non-believers as friends and protectors,but we do. One fifth of the worlds population and 1/3 of the worlds natural resources and we are dispised and mistreated all over the world. The royal families get richer and the people of their countries starve. In Saudi you cannot sit in the Mosque in someplaces after salat. In most countries the Mosques are empty except on Friday and during Ramadan. We should all be ashamed. The Prophet said the Muslim Ummah is a single body when the finger is hurt the arm should feel pain. The love of Dunya and the lack of La Illaha IllAllah in our hearts is the cause and we are all to blame. Allah 100 can beat 200 if(read the Qur'an for the rest) and yet we are getting our butts kicked all over the world. So either we are without faith or Allah is a liar and we all know that is not true. So my brothers and sisters we must all get involved work to increase Iman and those of us in countries were discention is permitted must make our voices known. We must use the political power we have to elect people who share our values. And if you can't do that then stand at night and cry to Allah. Fight injustice with your vote and with your hearts. I do not advocate violence against anyone but resist any way you can stop waiting for "leaders" WE HAVE NONE. So we must become them.
As Salaamu Aliakum
One reason for this is that Arab regimes themselves are stooges of the US. They prepare great armies with the help of the US mainly to fight their own people and local oppositions. So how can anyone expect any action from such quarters short of the verbal stuff which have become so common place that any local 6 year old can write similar stuff.
Then there are those who are afraid of their own seats and rightly so. Once you stear away from supporting your own people and serve personal interests then your position in such matters are similar to building a tower on a marsh land.
From Pan-Arabism to Organisation of slamic ountires. They are all toothless and spend billions of dollars to just talk. What have they done for the interests of the average person?
Both the US and Israel know that our governments are a bunch of useless characters and hence the reason for their continued pushing of the goal post. The truth is Israel and the US can moblise their entire arsenal in the Arab/Islamic countries and there will be no opposition to any such take-over, save from 'terrorists'! Analyse that.
Our lot will only change when the people rule themselves and when we show respect for ourselves and others and value our lives and honour our own customs and relegion and when we promote such dignity openly not only between ourselves but to the whole world. Only then we can regain our dignity both in our own lands and overseas.
Ahmed Asgher
To tell the truth, Arabs don't have any policy or strategy. When the Almighty God prevents His Believers from having friendship with His Enemies, Arabs have done exactly the opposite. They have very good friendly relationship with all such countries who are responsible for the massacres of muslims around the world. The leaders of such muslim countries don't want to tell any thing that hurts the feelings or angers the leaders of such non muslim countries.
Allah has commanded us to respect, help and obey the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him). But if he is no more, that does not mean that the leaders of muslim countries, political parties can take the freedom of taking the commands from others who do not believe, help, respect nor obey the Prophet (S). If today Prophet Muhammad (s) were to be alive, what would have our leaders-political and religious, commanders of armies would have done? Would they have been going to American, British or Russian Leaders for guidance and help to solve their problems? Would they have been sitting at United Nations?
All these are utterly foolishness and open rebellion against the Universal Leadership of the Prophet Muhammad (s).
God commands us to help, respect and obey the Prophet Muhammad(s) but we are doing exactly the opposite. Following the enemy leaders, splitting our ranks and order, creating divisions due to various reasons, allowing enemy countries to establish their bases in the Holy Lands, Preventing the Spread of Islamic Revolution etc. So many criminal acts against God Almighty would not bring respect and authority to Muslims. Surely such people will face humiliation in this wolrd and in the hereafter.
By obeying the Prophet (s), we Obey Allah. God wants to give to His Believers, authority and power, on the earth through Islam or the Holy Qur'an and the Guidelines of the Prophet or his noble and wise Sunnah. In the next world we will get permanent peace and salvation.
So, there is only Islam