Falwell's Fallacies
Leo Tolstoy once said that "Hypocrisy in anything may deceive the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide-awake of children recognizes it, and is revolted by it, however ingeniously it may be disguised." Just as al-Qaeda used their fatalistic interpretation of Islam to promote their agenda, Reverend Jerry Falwell is essentially proclaiming a political jihad against Islam in an effort to promote his apocalyptic worldview and lobbying power to the American public. History will vindicate or demonize us for the manner in which we react to such skewed and self-promoting rhetoric.
In the most recent installment of "60 Minutes", Falwell begun by smugly telling correspondent Bob Simon that the fringe element of the Christian Right dictates the policies to which President Bush adheres. He and some other evangelists proclaim to be stronger political saviors to the state of Israel than American Jews themselves. He basically reiterated Sam Huntington's myopic "clash of civilizations" thesis, in which Christians and Jews are on one side, with the dark monolith of Islam being on the adversarial end. Before you go out and buy an Israeli flag to fly next to Old Glory, Falwell's over-endearing gestures towards our Jewish brothers and sisters must include some non-evangelical context.
To many evangelical Christians, it is no secret that the establishment and sustenance of the state of Israel is a sign of the second coming of Jesus. According to Christian Evangelical theology, the creation of the Jewish state of Israel is a precondition for the return of Jesus, the battle of Armageddon and the Apocalypse. Falwell contends that it is his sincere love for his Jewish brethren that leads him to his unequivocal support for Israel. What he fails to tell the public is that, according to Evangelical doctrine, after the battle of Armageddon, Jews who remain on Earth will either be slaughtered in the battle or convert to Christianity. The Israeli Jews that were interviewed for the "60 Minutes" piece tried to distance themselves as far from Falwell as humanly possible. Many Jews realize the duplicity in Falwell's support; a support which ends in their death or their conversion.
Islam was next in the crosshairs of the reverend. He self-righteously asserted that he thought "Muhammad was a terrorist. I read enough to decide that he was a violent man, a man of war. In my opinion, Jesus set the example of love, as did Moses, and I think Muhammad set an opposite example." If I were to stoop to Falwell's anachronistic level, I would cite Leviticus 20 in the Bible, where the prophet Moses proclaims the penalties for various crimes, including death for anyone who curses his father or mother, commits adultery, or engages in homosexual sex. There are more examples of violence in the Bible, taken completely out of context. The prophet David is praised in Samuel 18 for slaying "tens of thousands," and in Judges 14, Samson kills 30 random Philistines in revenge for losing a bet. These are meaningless examples, because we don't understand the historical and cultural paradigms of the prophets' times. Prophets of Christianity and Judaism are also great prophets of Islam. They set moral codes that were unknown to humanity at the time. An attack upon any of these prophets is an attack on Islam.
The scariest aspect of this debate is the undue influence people like Falwell have within the current Bush administration. Commenting on Falwell's comments, a Washington Post editorial stated that "on [Falwell's] noxious mix of religious bigotry and anti-Muslim demagoguery, Mr. Bush's silence is deafening." Only when President Bush denounces and distances himself from duplicitous and conniving people like Falwell, will I ever be convinced that this "war on terror" is not an evangelical war on Islam.
Arsalan Iftikhar serves as Midwest Communications Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). He attends Washington University School of Law in St. Louis.
Related Suggestions
As for for Grendizer, you obviously are not a man big on facts....you must be listening to ignorant nicompoops you call clerics again.
You've presented us with the customary muslim canard of half-truths and deliberate deceptions going on for 1400 years.
Lets see....Muslims dont support terrorism, infact they are allahs warriors whose calim to fame is killing women and children having a picnic becasue they are impotent to fight armies.
Islamic clerics sero IQ guys speaking language of savages of Arabia of AD 700. Something most of you islamofacist sociopaths trade in and most of civilized world gave up 1000 of years ago.
If you are so concerned about terrorism, STOP supporting it and partcipating in it! Bottom line pal = get a dose of reality mixed in with a bit of humanity and forget your arabian savagery.
My biggest hope in this country USA to bring the entire Muslim nation together on one platform so we can all serve our Lord of highest bounties ALLAH, together and I already has started, please request to all of my Muslim Brothers and sisters and organizations and all the Islamic movements in this country, please keep in touch with me and U will hear my name in the USA that a servant of Allah has succeeded in this mission, the mission of last prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Insha Allah.
[email protected]
[email protected]
It escapes me why everyone is getting upset, making a big deal about this or acting like it's NEWS.
Falwell's thoughts, the story of the jews and the end of time...are OLD NEWS!!!
Why do you think the UN supported the creation of Isreal!
Why do you think Isreal receives Billions in support from the US taxpayers each year?
Why do you think?
See, the problem is...the Ummah DOES NOT THINK...so we are unaware of the things going on around us and don't become aware of them until they are making our lives difficult.
WAKE UP PEOPLE...there's allot going on and being IGNORANT is no longer an excuse.
Please let us all keep it down and let us not abuse the kindness of the moderator of this site.
Perhaps you do not know that being a Muslim has nothing to do with a specific skin color and is in fact the least of the Muslim's concerns, as matter of fact I happen to be very "white" and there is not much I can do about it. Muslims are more concerned about character of individuals, the rest is absolutely meaningless. So please let us comment solely on the specifics of this article.
Thank You both
Who gives a damn who you do or dont trust ?! Muslims are decent folk, maybe if you ..would get to know them as I did. But this type of action takes decency, courage and class....somethings you clearly lack.
Go spit your tobacco in someone else's face.
The problem lies not within christianity but with white thrash distorting the Bible to their likes.
Just the kind of support I expect from numbskulls who call a hillbilly butterhog like Falwell a "Reverend."
I don't pay much attention to Falwell's showman antics, so all I heard about before tonight was Falwell's description of Muhammad as "a violent man" and "a man of war," and, well, frankly, Falwell does have a lot of historical evidence in support of those statements. But Muhammad was other things, too, and I think it unfair to characterize him and Islam that way exclusively. Now that I've heard more about what he said, this quaisi-Christian could end up on the side of the Muslims. (Actually, I've never really been entirely on one side of the other and think the whole religion thing is a little kooky, but I love you anyway.)
That business about "the lines being drawn..." sounds positively fatalist and unChristian to me. But then I always did think that Falwell was a religious extremist goof, and, believe me, everyone I know agrees with me.
I don't know who Falwell's constituency is, but its probably the sort who wear big hair and follow the sleazy talk-show cicuit. They're actually something of rarity, but in a nation of a quarter to a third of a billion, there still plenty of'm around.
Still--as bad as Falwell may be, you guys have Saddam Hussein, a genuine homocidal freak next to whom Falwell is just a clown. So, have a good laugh at Falwell while you can, because if the U.S. doesn't take Saddam out fairly soon, Saddam's going to be taking a lot of you out of circulation, not just us.
i'm writing in responce to the comments made by the so-called christian leader. being raised christian in the racist and hateful south i can't help but constantly be reminded of why i whole heartedly embraced this beautiful diin of islam. true islam knows no color race. the only race is the human race. Allah says he made all different nations and tribes sothat may know each other and not despise. people make the comments they make out fear and ignorance. they fear because they are ignorant and remain ignorant for fear of what they may find out, which is the truth. reason being, the truth is hurled at falsehood and varily the truth knocks out its brains.
peace be on you all who seek the knowledge of truth!!!
As I read a lots hatred and violence is presented. What can be do about this? Nothing only God wills will prevail. By Murdering K. Falwell can you be closer to God? NO! Yet, teachers and fundamentalist of Islam, or allowing people to do so, thinks so. That is totally wrong.
Because "Man is on the run before God because he knows that he is guilty before God. However, God comes and seeks us and wants to reestablish a relationship of mutual love. It is God who takes all necessary steps to make this possible again. That is the story of the Bible from the first to the last book where we finally read about the new heaven and the new earth: "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God." (Revelation 21:3) "
Let us pray for our salvation or to be with him on the last day.
And we ask this thru our Lord and Saviors, amen
How to counter the such tremendous false accusations of the evil and wicked humans who don't have enough time to read about the final Prophet Of God Almighty?
Should we just keep on protesting or do something that demolishes the very platform on which such people stand?
I mean, we have just to convey the True picture of the Final Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through books and films. Now a new animated film is going to be released in english on his Holy Life in this month. This should be helpful to some extent. Also there are lot of books which should be advertised by muslim organisations on news pagers and tv and radio stations. people don't come to us unless we go to them. We have to market Islam or do the marketing of Islamic Values. Consider them as products which are good for all. There is no time for just sitting lamenting and showing just anger at such people. Just make all the preparations and plans to market in Islam in today's world where in lot of new techniques are applied in a fierce competitive world, to convey the message across the people's minds and get them lured to the products. So please muslims, start now and see the tremendous results within a few months.
Our inaction is quite evident. There was only one Ahmed Deedat out of 1.2 billion muslims. One Ahmed Deedat for such a great number of people!!!
Are we just eating and enjoying the life and leaving the battle field for one weak and old person to defend Islam? Even though some are giving money (not at all enough), but leaving him alone to the firing range of the enemies. This can happen to any muslim, because Muslims have over the centuries become so lethargic that nothing brings them to their senses which can activate them to defend the Prophet(p.b.u.h) and God's Religion Islam which he conveyed to us during 23 years of dangerous situations. Social Service is another important aspect of Prophet's life. If you love him,serve the poor and help build a good soc
Please take time to read some of my comments. As a Muslim I can confidently express that my sisters and brothers are certainly convinced that people like Falwell are IN NO WAY speaking for the Christians or the Jews of the world, he is just another instrument of Zionism period.
"Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will" Surat Al-Imran 3:84
I have Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist friends and we all get along quite well, though we do grieve together for the trouble that is in the world.
It is for all of us of all faiths to continue to be friends with each other and, thus, disprove the fallacy that we are enemies.
True, there are violent people of all faiths; however, may WE be peaceful people of faith and continue to live together in harmony.
As a great philosopher once said " the last christian died on the cross."
Just an added note, the Turkish jerk that tried to assassinate the Pope is a lost soul that according to whatever source was working for the communist block in 1981, but to date, no definite conclusion has been reached as to the actual motive. Mehmet Ali Aqra is a professional killer. Falwell is a religious "leader" with a lot of friends in the US government and a lot of influence on his followers. I am sure you see the difference. And by the way where did you get the idea that the two religious leaders in America are on a hit list? Falwell does not speak for the Christian world, but you give the impression like he is speaking for you.
If you just think hard enough I think what Falwell has come up with may not be nonsense thing altogether, and without name calling Muslim world must see inside too; what has gone wrong and why. Also you need to account for history what atrocities Islam has brought about on people in all the continents.
This might be right time when Muslim world may allow changes in their religion for good. We need reforms in all the religions but Islam is the one which needed most urgent and drastic changes.
I know it's difficult to think right when you are on same boat and you find people who are of same view as Muslims are however I must say there are many people who are good, but most to be very frank with you in my own experience I found blind enough to call them fundamentalist.
Thanks for reading my views.
Reading the interesting comments given by falwell just gives me the idea that he dosen't have adequate knowledge of any religion. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) introduced a peaceful religion and the biggest example would be the conquest of Makkah "Fateh-e-Makkah" which was a bloodless victory. I hope that Falwell will acquire the basic knowledge of his religion and then Islam before commenting.
May ALLAH guide us all to the straight path.
Allah hafiz.
As for for Kurt, you obviously are not a man big on facts....you must be watching Faux news again.
You've presented us with the custom right wing canard of half-truths and deliberate deceptions about Islam.
Lets see....Muslims dont support terrorism, infact they are the victims of it thru dictatorial regimes and other puppet governments installed by your government.
Islamic clerics couldnt care less whther you drink and drive head on into a tree....they are amongst the foremost critics of your policies and thats not "teaching hatred" its called speaking the truth. How many antiwar activists went to Islamic madrasa's ? Most Muslims dont even go to Madrasa's so apparently their lack of love for your BS policies stems from somewhere else - its called intelligence, something most of you right wing sociopaths traded in a long time ago for a lame myopic and arrogant worldview.
Drop the illusion, you want their resources, you're willing to murder their leaders and install autocratic puppets while putting them down for not having "democracy", you support the seizure of their lands whether by yourself or by your proxys....all that and you expect them to think of you as decent folk ?! Your hypocrisy is disgusting.
If you are so concerned about terrorism, STOP supporting it ! Bottom line pal = get a dose of reality mixed in with a bit of humanity.
Thank you for your comments. God has given us a mind to think and give us a will power to do things. Everyone should read the law of God Jew,Christian or Muslim and make their own judgment. I think with the right mind we should be a peacefull human being.Please see the documentary of Empire of Faith by PBS.It will show you that true Muslims are man at peace. Even Prophets of God Moses, Jesus and Mohammad(PBUH)were insulted many times,but they answered with kindness.Please do not mix the issue of the fundementalist(Jewish, Christian or Muslim) with the true Muslims,Jews or Christians.I hope the people of the world educate themselves so we all can live in peace. We should think possitive if a person gives a Fatwa they should do the work; not sending the others!!!We do not need Fadwa's in my opinion
we should read the Quran and implement the laws of God.
The teaching of mrfalwell are obvesly not the teaching of christianty as a matter of fact they only promot hate discrimnation and a very obnoxious view against the muslims and islam and his blind bias to israel which he does not see any thing except "israel" even his own beloved country that he does see any more,we love the u.s and it peacefull people but we want to see the whole view"truth" un like mrfalwell who sacrifice every thing just to convay his own agenda .
The "Falwells" of any religion are not distinct, save for the honed but similar words flowing from intrinsically confused, if not pathological, minds. Essentially the "My Way" people, and there are many, many types, from many, many groups (religions, politics, businesses, etc) have no soul themselves, or at least not one they've actually found. Having one "installed" by a book undermines the millions of years of evolution that lead to its intrinsic beauty, value and power, that is, when a brain is not polluted by attention-seeking mad men/woman.
So, in order for them to fit YOUR definition or condition for "true" Muslims, the entire Muslim community in this country was REQUIRED to stand as a whole and denounce the 9/11 events?
Did the ENTIRE "Christian" community in America stand up and denounce abortion-clinic bombers? I think not. It was simply ASSUMED, and hopefully rightfully so, that the majority of Christians would view such acts as an abomination.
I tend to think that if the Muslim community in America HAD had stood as a whole and decried the events of 9/11, people like you would not have believed us, anyway--your mind has already been made up by what the media and people like Falwell have TOLD you to believe.
I appeal to the whole mankind to honour eachothers religious sentiments and cultural values that everyone gets in the cradle of their mother who is considered the most believable personality since the human race sta rted on the earth.
Date: 10/13/2002
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Location: 10th Ave 57 Street
G-D does not need religion we do.What is G-D without us? Why,still G-D of course.What are we without G-D? Any one careing enough to access this site realizes that we are lost without G-D.
More people have been killed in the name of G-D then for all other reasons combined.They have been killed by people not by G-D.
Mohammed killed the Jews in Medina. The crusaders killed both the Moslems and the Jews of Jerusalem.And the Jews killed the inhabitants of
Jericho.One can throw in lots of other examples
from around the world and throughout History.
There are too many for a careing person to contemplate.
The story of man's inhumanity to man is an abomination to G-D.And,in fact,is an arrogant denial of the true nature of G-D and is blasphemy by deed.I think this is the worse sin people can commit.
I will breifly explain. There is one G-D.Common sence dictates this truth.For G-D to have the attributes of G-D there can be only one G-D and
G-D must be Universal and for all time.
Simply put, this means that we are all part of
G-D and being one with G-D we are also one with each other.Sorry for those who want to play him vs me and us vs them. The spiritual truth is WE ARE ALL ONE.G-D did not create only some people or some things.G-D has to be the G-D of all or the
G-D of none.
The physical truth follows the spiritual.We can exchange body fluids and organs.Our DNA structure has been maped.Just like there is only one G-D there is only one race.It is called the Human
The hard trick we have to learn is how to marginalize freaks like Falwell and to remove the trash in our heads that feeds our egos and blinds us to these truths.There are no winners and loosers.WE ARE ALL either winners or loosers.
Peace be upon you and yours.
The brother Abdul Wadud is correct. We need the Muslims to be about the deenul haqq - in name and application. Then we wouldn't have idiots like Falwell (or well flawed) making idiotic statements, we wouldn't have weak terrorists commiting atrocities against humanity, nor would we allow countries with terroristic tendencies to dominate us. What is wrong with the muslims that we canot stand together? Our deen commands us not to be divided, especially by racial or national lines. Don't we know that these prejudices were infused in the minds of muslims by the shayateen from Western countries to destroy the Ottoman Empire. I grew up a kafir but seemed to have better adab, and respect for others, than many people brought up in the deen. I'll leave you with this - The Prophet (saws) said, You will not go to Jannah until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. How will you begin to love one another? By spreading the salaams amongst yourselves. Every muslims should AT LEAST spread the salaam with the correct niyyah in their heart. May Allah give us good in the Dunya, and good in the Akhira, and save us all from the Punishment of the Nar.
While I disagree with Mr. Fawell's statement. I must say that as Muslims we have none to blame but ourselfs for all of the misrepresentaions of Islam. I relate to you a story told to me. There was a Muslim speaking to a group of people explaining the beauty of Islam. It's message of peace,tolerance and equality. A message that the measure of man is how well he behaves. He went on to speak of the manner of the Prophet and his kindness to men,women and animals. After his talk he was aproached my a man from the audience who said "I like all that you say and if you can tell me one place in the world where Muslims exhibit these principles and have such character and I will become a Muslim today". The cleric began to cry and said" I CANNOT!!! all I can do is set a good example to the rest of the Muslims". I have said it a number of times and will contniue until I see a change the biggest enemy to Islam is the Muslims and until we start as a body to behave as Muslims and not "act" as Muslims the world will have the wrong opinion of us. To my non-Muslim friends please remember and understand that a lot of what you see Muslims doing has no place in Islam and wouldn't be tolerated by our beloved Prophet. And to my Muslims brothers and sisters I say Aquire true faith and live as we are supposed to all the world knows about Islam is what we show them. Let "La Illaha IllAllah" take root in your hearts for what is in the heart comes out through the hands. Until our behaviour changes we can only expect more of the same. Look at how the Prophet treated the Jews and Christians and see that even though they did not all convert they all respected him so much that they asked him to be judge in their disputes. "Allah the Dignified has no mercy for one who has no mercy for others", "O Abu Zarr when you prepare soup put a little more water in it and see if your neighbor needs some." "Allah is Kind and likes kindness in all things
As Salammu Aliakum
As for the war on terror being a war on Islam, there are a few Americans who understand that if the US becomes a muslim nation, as muslim clerics have voiced as being their dream, the freedoms that we hold dearest will be a thing of the past. Therefore, some of us are quite willing for you to consider us as your enemy. We despise your political aspirations in our country, and we will fight to the last man, and the last drop of blood to keep you and your like from having any undue influence in our politics. Mr. Bush and his administration are not among those of us who feel this way, but give us time, and we will convince him, unless any more muslim attrocities are committed against our people - in which case you will do a good job of convincing him yourselves.This is, and always has been a Christian nation, which is why America enjoys the blessings of the 21st century, while Iraq, Iran, Sudan and other muslim nations are stuck in the 15th century.
Jehovah Bless America, and one day Muhammed will bow at the feet of Jesus Christ and confess him as Lord!
I think I speak for most Americans when I say please accept my apology.
What exactly are you trying to say? You don't state any clear point.
allowing humankind for letting us know how he really feels about Mohammed and Muslims.
It is however, ironic that peace loving Evangelical Christians would choose to use Jewish people,in order to carry out there war against the Palestians,whom happen to be Jews,Christians, Muslims and Nomadas.I find it unforunate the West is unwilling to know all of these are anti Zionist State of Isreal.These are the real people who are been prosecuted for just being Palestians.
We need to stop looking at each other as the enemy and start learning our history.A history that has divided India, Rawanda, Sri Lanka,and many others including Palestian.Let us start with Palestine.After World War 2 why didn't England, USA, Canada,and France carve out apart of Germany, and hand it over to the Jews.I would think that it make sense seeming it was their language,culture, art,and the only life they knew.Instead they choose to disrupt the lives of the Palestians.Let us look at the harm we have created, and correct it.
Thank you for allowing me to express my views.
R. Deen
Your simplistic and opportunistic version of history is based on false premise. Do yourself a favor and get the facts straight.
Its funny, how little you so called "Christians" represent the sayings and teachings of the historical Christ. If you really are into Christ, follow the teachings of his succesor Muhammed(saw).
To have peace one must give glory to GOD thru the teaching of Jesus Christ. amen
Falwell is an extremist tv evangelist who has no credibility. No one even knows who he is. He is simply copying the ignorance of people like Franklin Graham. The best thing we can do is to ignore him inspite of his remarks.
He is not credible enough to be taken seriously except by his followers. This die will away if Muslims do not act as hysterically as Falwell and his followers.
He is making outrageous and ignorant remarks because he knows there is no other way to attack Islam, but by falsehood.
Thankfully there are far more non-Muslim and Muslim writers who have done their research and written the truth about Islam and the incredible life of Muhammed (pbuh), (a fabulous example is William Chittick).
By getting hysterical over an ignorant man, we will only help him just as some Muslims were so helpful in promoting Salman Rushdies books, which would have otherwise just sat on bookstore shelves.
Thank you v. much for the article. I wish this was published in the front pages of all the news papers in U.S.A.
Do the likes of Falwell and his war-makers really think that they will force the hand of God by creating and sustaining the state of Israel? Astagfur Allah! The might of God is above their evil cunning. It's almost like they want to force God to abide by the Book of Revelations. And they call Muslims crazy.
I just want to remind my Muslim brothers and sisters that this is a fringe group who call themselves Christians. Real Christians stood by us after 9-11, guarded mosques and offered words of support. Let's not get sucked in to his devious plans vis a vis our understandable anger.
If anything, his remarks have reaffirmed my Muslim faith (not that I needed him to do that, thank God).
First, one year after 9-11, all Americans have witnessed the spate of incessant attack on Islam/Muslims/Arabs, its noble personages and sacred symbols. Muslims today are in worse shape (from a psycho-socio-economic standpoint) than they were after the carnage and destruction of 9-11.
The bigoted and ethnocentric assault on Arabs, Muslims, and Islam is coming from the fundamentalist, tripartite axis of the Rev. Frank Graham, televangelist Pat Robertson, and Rev. Jerry Falwell. Their attack is organized, sustained and well orchestrated, and is augmented by total silence from US political leaders, including the President.
I disagree with Arsalan that this 'tripolar' axis of demagoguery is a "fringe element of the Christian Right." The fact is that these three religious leaders represent a substantial constituency of President Bush's republican conservatives. To diminish their import and significance is a grave mistake.
Second, to categorize Huntington's thesis on the "clash of civilizations" as myopic is itself myopic, a view that belies current events. And despite claims to the contrary, unfolding US actions manifest a different reality, revealing a head-on collision between Islam's fertile crescent and Anglo-US war policies.
Last, Falwell's depiction of apocalyptic events on the "so-called" Second Coming of Jesus is just that: a belief in the destruction of the anti-Christ and a fight for religious supremacy--in this case Christianity, over all others, including Judaism and Islam. But Falwell's belief is no different from that of Sunni Islam, which holds similar tenets on the Second Coming of Jesus. Islamic tradition holds that Jesus will defeat Dajaal, kill the pig, and break the cross. He will then lead an army and defeat Islam's enemies ... retire, marry and live for 40 years thereaft
Jerry and his Mob have struck again.Who is jerry kidding when he is talking like he knows what he talks about? NOT ME..
I guarantee you, jerry's knowledge of islam is the same as my knowledge in building Rocket ships..(which is Zip,Nothing,Zilsh).
I Appreciate the article, and Cair(Jazahum Allahu khairan) Has been Active in responding to the bigots of this country.
All that Jerry is trying to do is get the Zionists on his side and his Ignorant christian clapping after him and saying AMEN!i mean come on,do you ever toon to TBN or The 700 Club? those shows are a big fat scam,with their big money gathering telethones and such,taking the poor peoples money inreturn for a whole lot of nothing.
Calling my Beloved Prophet a Terrorist...News Flash for Falwell, Look in the mirror,don't forget Africa and what you did with your buddy Robertson,don't forget Asia and your money laundring and buying poor people into your religion..it's a shame that those people preach Love,Peace and Tolerance when they are the Farthest from them...
Jerry I Have a Secret to tell you, i know that you are doing all this because you want the second coming Of the Blessed Jesus(peace be upon him), if i were i wouldn't be so excited, he's not coming to save you, destroying you and your liking is what he's going to do...Sorry
As Muslims it's such a shame that we haven't really delivered when it comes to teaching the flok in this country about Islam and The great Prophet that Allah him self testified to his great and outstanding moral, conduct and honesty, History and Historians(at least the honest ones) have testified how great Mohammad (Peace And Blessing Be Upon Him)was and IS. but obviously Jerry and his cult are not Big on FACTS and HISTORY, Lies are what they promote, Lies are what they Preach, And A Big Lie is What they are living.
"Never will the Jews nor The Christians be Pleased with you (oh Mohammad) till you follow their religion..." Qur'aan Surah (2),Verse (1
Mohammed, then promoted it everywhere to raise
ratings. They could have easily edited this out; it was not
an essential part of the story. Falwell's bigotry is old
news. CBS's encouraging and amplifying the slander of
Mohammed for financial gain is the real insult to the
Muslim community.
The Quran warns us of times when we should definitely not turn the other cheek. Please refer to Surah 2, Ayah 216 and Surah 4, Ayat 74-75. (Thank you, Ahmad.) Indeed, we Americans seem to think the world owes us a great deal for our occasionally having heeded advice that was available to us long ago within the Quran.
Even if Falwell had not seen fit to confirm the matter for me, I would still have believed that God's Prophet, Muhammad, was capable of waging violent war for a just cause - that is to say, with violence for a cause the average American would have no trouble recognizing as just. My response to this is, "May Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, grant the Prophet Muhammad a mighty reward!"
Regarding Falwell's use of the term terrorist, that label conflicts with everything I've learned concerning the conduct of God's Prophet (Rasulallah) in matters pertaining to war. Please consider the following entry from a (fully authenticated) Muslim source: Hadhrat ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulallah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to advise the army before dispatching them, "Do not deceive, do not disfigure, do not kill children and those in churches." (I'elaa-us-Sunan vol.12 pg.31; Idaratul Qur'aan) -- Peace be upon God's Prophet. Peace be upon you, as well.
comment from a so called revern. He should
apologize without delay.
Falwell is a man who was an ardent segregationist, an opponent of civil rights, an open supporter of terrorism and ethnic cleansing in the Middle East as well as a con man who ran many scams over the years...the latest of which is "Liberty university" where Falwell is chancelor.
In short, Falwell is a degenerate and those support his views are no less - psuedo-religious charlatans who are a threat to all faith.