Moment of Truth
1999 - Rubble is cleared from a gas station that the Iraqi authorities say was hit by US air strikes. |
Secretary Powell, the most respected man in America and the only one in Bush's administration with respect abroad, wrote a most important opinion piece published in the Post on November 10, 2002 entitled "Baghdad's Moment of Truth". As Secretary of State the entire world listens to his opinion. Given America's war on terrorism and the unjustified rush to war on Iraq, a contained sanctioned and militarily deprived nation for the last eleven years, which has inexplicably and suddenly become a nation of "immediate threat to US and world security", it would only be logical that many Americans and foreign citizens would have written hundreds of letters and comments on Mr. Powell's article. Contrary to the people's opposition to war here and more so in Europe, the Post and other media outlets are beating the drums for war. America counsels parties to worldwide conflicts to seek peaceful resolutions and negotiations to end their conflicts and urges a break in the cycle of violence. Yet when it comes to the Middle East and Muslim nations America's weapons are the favorite means to end conflicts, control "oil threats", and ensure Israel's superiority.
While the Post always comes to the defense of any hint of alleged "Anti-Semitism" be it in Europe, the Middle East, or anywhere else, the Post did not see fit to write an editorial condemning the "Anti-Semitism" of Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggert, or even Jerry Falwell, unlike the powerful condemnation by Secretary Powell who personally understands racism and prejudice.
Our media has tragically become the "opium of the masses" launching soft drinks and wars upon the already weak, hungry, and impoverished masses in the third world. America's morality has been drowned by our media, advertising, and power of public relations. The uninformed void of Americans in their governmental policies is tragically filled by the powerful minority with money and access to the decision makers. Secretary Powell succeeded in simply delaying the inevitable massacre of Iraqi's by ensuring an international umbrella behind the "smart bombs" and the immoral killing Iraqi civilians followed by Israel's plan to attack Iran, then Syria, Lebanon etc. You may recall that it was Martin Indyk, the recipient of the fastest American citizenship in history, who formulated the "Dual Containment" of Iraq and Iran, which was a prelude to the "Dual Destruction" of both nations.
The world breathed a sigh of relief when the much admired and respected Colin Powell was appointed Secretary of State, a balanced military dove among chicken-hawks. Unfortunately after repeated undermining and embarrassment by the Pro-Israeli lobby, Secretary Powell has decided that his future lies with "joining the hawks" rather than a principled resignation.
I am Anti-War but Pro-America, it's democracy, its values, its morality, its peace and security that will surely be threatened by what President Carter calls "Our Arrogance". No American business, institution of learning or faith, and no American citizen anywhere in the world will ever feel safe given our propensity for gun diplomacy, our shoot than analyze mentality, and our belief that our might will ensure our security and prosperity. When we kill it's "civilized and in defense of freedom", when we are killed it's "uncivilized terrorism" by those who are genetically born to hate us. America, like Israel, is now isolated and hated around the world. What a difference to the attitude of the world toward America prior to 1948.
Being a "Muslim", under the Bush and Ashcroft regime, can negate ones citizenship rights. When Jefferson originally wrote "all men are created equal" blacks were excluded, now "all men are created equal" excludes Muslims and other minorities of color. We've come a long way in our history.
Views: 2004
Be VERY careful about the pronunciation of takfeer on Muslims. It is a trait of the Khawarij and other deviant groups which declare a Muslim to be outside of Islam because of one's sins. This opens the door for the bloodshed that has torn the Ummah. It is a serious issue an should be avoided at all cost!
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men (humans on earth) are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." If we can return the US to these concepts and get them to champion them instead of their opposite the rest should be easy. Though this won't be. It will take a push-pull PR campaign on many fronts. And will need to include the good will organizations across the spectrum from the Audubon society to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
With or without the United Nations "blessings" for the upcoming Gulf War II,I like to call the Highest Most Islamic Idol all over the World to condemn any others Islamic Countries which allows their country to be a launch pad for an attacks against Iraq by The United States and it's allies,denounce them as 'Murtad'! and 'Kafiruun'!.
Obviously,the word "Crusade" against Islam is still harvest deeply inside the heart and soul of The World President George Bush Shit Jr.,
Thank you and Best regards.
I was sorry to here ur story, why a man would deny marriage is beyond me. The excuse of financial stability is poor one at best! I'm going to tell you something and it may hurt, as you care for this man! However I would be doing an injustice to you if I did not say the truth.
Being a Muslim is not about having Ahmed or Bilal Ali as a name. It is about ur actions. You cannot claim to be a muslim while u drink alcohol, u cannot claim to be a muslim while eating pork, and u sure as heck cant claim to be muslim while having sexual relations (or dating) outside of marriage. These activities and being a muslim are mutually exclusive. So u have to ask urself, the man ur dating, is he a muslim?? How is he a muslim?? Simply having mulim parents does not make one muslim!!
Tragically ur situation is similar to many others in the world. Where the guy is fulfilling his desires, all the while stringing the women along, with some rediculous excuse. And in the end after the guys has had his cake, he breaks off the relationship and goes along preying on other vulnerable women.
My advice to u Layla is simple if the guy refuses marriage, then tell him to take a long walk off a short pier. He is a deceiver, trust me I'm a guy I know what men think like. He is leading u into hell. I fear that u may let ur emotions get in the way of making the right decision....I hope not for ur sake.
Honestly the guy ur with now is not a MUSLIM, not by any stretch of the imagination. He is a HYPOCRITE (as described in the Quran) at best. Or more likely a HYPOCRITE + a MUJREMEEN (a criminal as described in the Quran)