The Documentary that they didn't like
The well-known Islam-hater, Daniel Pipes, is very angry with PBS for airing the documentary on Prophet Muhammad during the Christmas season. In an article published in a local edition of the conservative webzine Human Events and the New York Post the pro-Israeli Mr. Pipes accuses the documentary of not being critical enough. Mr. Pipes, who is the director of Middle East Forum, writes that the film treats Muslim religious beliefs as historical facts and ignores "an ongoing scholarly reassessment of Muhammad's life."
"Its patronizing film might be fine for an Islamic Sunday school class but not for a national audience, " he writes. He calls for a public-interest lawsuit on behalf of taxpayers against the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) "both to address this week's travesty and to win an injunction against any possible repetitions. It should be noted here that apart from CPB, the documentary has received the funding from several foundations and about 4,000 individuals. The donors include the Arabian Bulk Trading Ltd., the El-Hibri Foundation, the Sabadia Family Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Irfan Kathwari Foundation and the Qureishi Family trust.
Regardless of Pipes remarks the documentary Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet has received wide acclaim from most newspapers in the country. Describing it an "enlightening documentary," Dave Mason of Scripps Howard News Service writes that it is a "well-researched reminder that Islam is about peace, love and the acceptance of other people's beliefs-the same tenets as those in Christianity and Judaism."
In the Washington Post Caryle Murphy writes that it is an "enjoyable and informative film about a man who did indeed change the world." Why is it that Mr. Pipes and others like him hate Islam? Is it the personality of Prophet Muhammad? Or is it because it was shown on PBS, which is supposed to be reserved for people with his kind of views only? One basically has to review the writings of Mr. Pipes to determine an accurate answer. Mr. Pipes believes that he alone is an authority on Islamic history and his words must be considered the final version on issues pertaining to Islamic values and culture. He believes that Islam is not a genuine religion and Prophet Muhammad's contribution to world history is often exaggerated. He believes that jihad promotes violence among Muslims and the Quran teaches hatred.
Obviously, it is futile to accept Mr. Pipes give a fair review to the documentary. Also futile is the expectation that he would change his position on Islam and Muslims. However, one must question the validity of his scholarship and the soundness of his opinion. He appears to be irrational in his criticism and portrayal of Islam. He bases his arguments against Islam on the basis of a history that he has distorted to suit his political agenda. He sees everything from the perspective of Israeli interests and he believes that the popularity of Islam and acceptance of Muslims in the US might diminish the Israeli interests in the country. This is nothing but intimidation and an attack on free speech and our first amendment. Americans are entitled to understand diverse aspects of their cultures from reliable sources. They should not be subject to deception and intimidation.
Certainly, the documentary tried to rely on original sources to depict an accurate portrayal of Prophet Muhammad. However, there are a few other issues whose inclusion could have enriched the documentary. A segment on Prophet's relations with Christians would have highlighted the importance the Prophet attached to pluralism. A more critical examination of the Banu Quraiza story might have revealed alternative historical accounts. Within the authentic Muslim sources, there are different opinions on the events leading to the story of Banu Quraiza. A detailed discussion of the subject might have yielded a different perspective.
Regardless of these issues, the documentary appears to be a classical study of the life and achievements of Prophet Muhammad. It showed the relevance of his life to contemporary times. Above all it documented his impact on the life of Muslims all over the world in making this world a better place to live.
Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet
This documentary, aired on PBS, portrays the Man, the Message and the Mission, who called Moses & Jesus his brothers. His Message continues to influence mankind. Reserve your own copy now!
Related Suggestions
however,why we shouldn't go outside and condemn
that our relegion is not terorist and speak out from all over the world?
why from all over the muslim people hate USA?
and not china,Russia and the rest of the world?
Who help Kosovo,somalia,Kuwait and so on?
Let us talk and tell people who we are and stand up for what we believe? and not let small group of people to hijack our relegion.
thanks.hope to hear from you soon
On the other hand, until Palestinians stop killing innocent civilians and acknowledge Isreal's right to exist and exist in peace along side a Palestinian country, people like Mr. Pipe's will have plenty of ammunition with which to disparage Islam.
What Palestinian leader will have the courage to stand up and say that the killing must stop? I hope he (or she) will not wait much longer. We don't have much time.
What Islam really need is a modern, progressive tolerant Muslim society like Malaysia.
Obviously his main concern is not the accuracy of the historical facts, but his own political agenda.
Keep up the good work PBS.
Wasalam and thanks to all that made that documentary possible
some personal eperience I can safely say that there is sooooo much hatered and misundersanting
about a great religion.The hindus,sikhs,buddhists,christians ,jews to name afew all have decided to unite against muslims.I mean, sure there are good people among these religions but unfortunately misguided ones who control the media and other important positions will stop at nothing to make muslims look bad.Muslims all over the world there is a lot of work to be done.the first step is to unite .All muslims all over the world even if you live in a cave, get up comeout and fight this.The only way to do this isto teach these people the basics of islam from the Quran and the hadith the only source of informatoin,nothing else but those two.No school of thought or anything like that .Teach them the word of God only but not our own thoughts or views.Sure these haters will come and go,and the truth will always remain until the end comes.But is our responsibility to teach these people the truth about islam and what it stands for.Remember it can only be achieved by all muslims uniting .Anthing less would be pointless.
brothers and sisters here is a chance for us to teach Mr Pipes and others like him what Islam is about.You never know maybe one day he'll come to know that Islam is infact a peaceful wonderfull and enlightening religion.
Thank you.
True and enlighted with knowledge-scholars never brag about their scholarships. But a phony and narrow-minded "expert" like D.Pipes do.
it is a fact that there are enemies of"The Islam "
We moslems should be allways prepared to defend the religion ,without loosing our heads ,or getting emotional about it . This is a racist
country , racissism is been made legal through the "jim crow " laws .
the biggist fight against enemies of "The Islam "
and the garanee of our triamph is our unity and solidarity.
God helps all
sa-lamo 3alaicm
John thinks that the Jews, but not the Muslims deserved an apology from Spain. But Jews fought alongside Muslims to conquer Spain. Jews held high positions in Muslim Spain. So if you think Muslims don't deserve an apology, neither do the Jews.
In America Jews hold important decision making positions, Jews and Christians(who hold high positons in western nations) and Saddam Hussein are responsible for the millions of deaths in Irag
Everyone complains that Muslims do not condemn violent acts done in the name of Islam. But this is not not true, many Muslim organizations condemn violent acts but the mainstream press refuses to acknowledge it. so just because you didn't here it, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Weiskop wants Muslims to condemn the various bombings around the world which have not definitely been proven to have been done by only Muslims. Because the mainstream press always has headlines about Islamic terrorists without doing follow ups stories, your average person thinks all terrorist acts are down by Muslims and there is no pressure put on the mainstream media to do serious research or investigations.
Weiskopf wants muslims to condemn the killings and opression of Kurds by Irag. Don't forget that Kurds are Muslims and it was Western nations that sold weapons and chemicals to Saddam Hussein and even gave him strategic support (how and were to use the weapons)that killed the Kurds. Are you asking Christians and Jews to condemn that. Did you know slavery exists in Isreal?
Russian and slavic women and girls are used in the Isreali sex industry. And this is the role model America holds up for the rest of the Middle East to follow? Are Jews condemning this?
Holding all Muslims responsible for the actions of Osama Bin Laden and AlQuada, is like holding all Jews and Christians responsible for the actions of the CIA and the Mossad
John Norman.. one day people will realize this and I know truth will prevail. One question everyone may ask, why would only American are sided with the Israel but not the rest of the world. Infact if you in US just cross the Canadian border and start looking at the News there and you will see and clearly understand why American as so on Israel sided because they have been feed with Zionist Propaganda and only Israel sided of the story. One Israel killed made to the news all day in US, but there are many Palestinian Children, women and old people got killed everyday but their story went out to the world, not to American because the Media in US have been controlled by the Zionist/Evangelical people who has their own "Political" agenda and personal self interest.
So it is not fitting for Muslims to defend Islam as a Peaceful religon; it is not Islam which is fighting Europeans, but some muslims who are fighting. We do not have to speak on their behalf, they should explain their motives; and the local press should air their views; and the people decide for themselves wether these people are terrorist or fighters at their last stand.
Some of these people had a Cruise Missle dropped on them from no where, or had bombs rain on them from aircrafts flying 5 miles above them. Or has bombs that can blast metal doors, shot at their mud or concrete houses. This has happened in Lybia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia besides some other countries which are not the part of the current discussion.
I am not bombing or killing any European, I am peaceful, and I am a Muslim; and there are thousands like me living in the western countries. As the majority of us Muslims are peaceful, Islam has to be a Peaceful religon; this discussion should be closed for ever, unless you doubt yourselves. What we should be looking at is what has the Europeans done over the
Good Job PBS! We need more like you!!
PBS did great in broadcasting this noble documentary. It is a classical study and understandingly partial presentation of the life and achievements of the very best of Allah's Creation. So what are Mr. Pipes and his disciples' problems?
Only men of wisdom and understanding will truly comprehend the gist of this presentation. Obviously Mr. Pipes and his disciples are very porous!
Keep them coming PBS.
Shah Ally
Solomon eventhough you share your name with Prophet Solomon known for his wisdom, justice and piety, what a shame that you have none of the qualities of the real Solomon. In your blind hatred of the semites you fail to understand Islam is a religion (a verb), you CANNOT expect a Muslim (a noun) to fully qualify the qualities of Islam. Its like saying "See how bad swimming is..., John Doe finished 10 hours after the last swimmer." This may show that John Doe may be a bad swimmer, but you think the very act of swimming is bad then you have a serious problem, you might want to see a doctor.
John Norman: I dont know what is normal about you. You seem to have a problem with everything that Islam even vaguely represents.
I pray onto God to lead you to the right path and protect you from the filth in yourself... Ameen.
During Christmas services yesterday, Muslim militants threw a hand grenade into a Christian church in Chianwala Pakistan. All of the dead and wounded were women or girls.
On Sept 25 2002, Muslim gunmen broke into a Christian welfare organization's office in Karachi. They tied seven employees to their chairs and shot each in the head.
On March 17, a grenade attack on a Protestant church in Islamabad killed five people.
On August 5, Muslim attackers raided a Christian school in Murree, killing six.
On August 9, Muslim attackers hurled grenades at worshipers at a church on the grounds of a Presbyterian hospital in Taxila.
(*) NY Times Dec 26 2002
The 1917 Balfour Declaration is also worth reading, to get an insight of the issue. According to it, "His MAjesty's Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to faciliatate the achievement of this object, it bing clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non Jewish communities in Palestine..."
And this is what happened (as against the declaration)... Zionist companies were handed over the the lands natural resources, the land of absentee landlords was sold off to Zionists...ofcourse there was palestinian outrage , so would that of American citizens if its Government allowed the purchase and colonization of large blocks of the richest American soil by foreignersa with the aim to eventually establishing an independent contry theron.
Anddddd welll theres a lotttt more to know!
Zumer Bass.
P.S: (quotes from Jeffery Lang's book, "Struggling to Surrender"
p/s: everything must has limit.
Thank you to all those who made the production and the airing of that feature. Would love to have a personal copy
Those of us that have more rational and unbiased news reporting treat Pipes as the insect he is. We would love to squash the insect once and for all.
I wonder if there are Americans who still ask 'why do they hate us?'
Allah Ahkbar
This is the first time I watched continuously for 2 hours a program that presented a clear none distorted image about the prophet of Islam. In spite of my busy schedule I will watch it again and again. I believed American public has long waited for such a production. I congratulate everyone participated directly or indirectly in the production of Muhammad, a legacy of a prophet.
Mr. Pipes and the few like him is not going to dictate on the American public their "foxy" opinion. Let Mr. Pipes disclosed his tax return to compare it to any of the America Muslim Military Personnel, Physicians, Educators, Businessmen, Lawyers, Engineers and other processions before provoking others to sue PBS for showing such a wonderful piece of work..
Many Christians have apologised for the Crusades. You should read up; search Google. Alas, Muslims have never apologised for invading other nations. The truth is that they cannot as they are bound by their faith to spread Islam. Islam is an aggressive faith. Until it learns to apoloigise, it will always be so. end of story.
A biography of the Prophet based on Islamic sources...imagine that. What a radical notion. If we had more programs like this, it would certianly make for more civil and intellectual debate.
May God shower His blessings on all who want to explore this religon with open hearts and live in peace. Amen.
You must have some oposition, and critisium for this big project, otherwise ppl will think no one watched. Regrds
Informative, accurate and honest.
May Allah/God bless you all and reward your intentions.
However, the team that worked hard for this does deserver the credit of their work, it was a very
informative program, one should see it at least this way, we need accurate information about Islam or any other religion, it's the only way to understand and respect each other more, knowing others believes and practices does not mean accepting them for ourselves, but it it will help us to understand each other better and it's through understanding that we can respect each other and live in peace in this world that belongs to all of us, we are people and we live together we have to learn how to live happy amongst each other, the Creator made this world for ALL of us and we are humans, let's live as such.
Thanks to this channel for airing such a great material, may the Creator bless your work and efforts, and intentions.
We would like to see more of this material in all different topics.
Keep up the good work, on behalf of the Asociacion de Musulmanes Hispanos, recieve our most sincere appreciation for the contribution to a better understanding.
Islam is about Peace, Muslims are good people.
There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is a Mensenger of Allah.
Thank you again.
Anti-Palastines=Anti Semitic pressure Mozel Tov!!
It was a very knowledgeable and enlightening documentary that you showed.
There will always be critics, and productive criticism is a very good thing. However, i fyou have critics like pipes then don't pay any heed to his comments since he is no more than a racist without a brain. Calling him a scholar is insult to all the great scholars who have spent thier lives in achieveing the true knowledge and using it in the right way.
Once again Bravo for the GREAT show and keep up the good work.
A Viewer.
Despite Islam/Muslim hater - Daniel Pipes claim that American tax dollars are being wasted to spread Islam, it is PBS that stands to make money off these programs. Currently the DVD and Video of "Legacy of a Prophet" and "Frontline-Muslims" are both best sellers. In fact the DVD version of "Legacy of a Prophet" is #1 overall.
Bhuddism/ Hinduism/ and so on are Pagan relisions, and Christianity followed the suit, Christianity is nothing but Paganism in modern form, do you know the concept the Trinity existed in Hinduism long before Christianity ever came to earth? The concept of 1 in 3 , and 3 in 1 god concept is Pagan, the concept on calling people to the place of worship by ringing bells of the Temple long existed in HInduuism, it is Christianity which followed the suit. The concept the god wants sacrifice has again long existed in Hinduism , it was again Christianity which followed the suit.
Christianity was formed to win the hearts of all the PAgan worshippers and other to bring them into Christianity in order to increase the numbers of believers.
This is nto what Jesus (Isa) came to earth for, he was the Great Prophet who came to preach which Abraham, Moses, David and other had come to preach the mesasge of One True God.
How can you forget what Jesus said: Your God and my God is one God .
Go back read your Own Books properly.
I would like to appeal to the muslim community around the globe especially in the western hemisphere to wake up and smell the coffee, as we say in America. Be an active part of the community we live in, be a positive role model, quit bitching about trivial issues, set aside nationalism, work towards a goal that is achievable. Our work has just begun, we should become active in political system, judicial system, a mindful voter, support causes which reflect our view points, both social and economical.
In my opinion it is time for Muslims to stand up for our rights as law abiding citizens of the land of freedom. Voice our concerns to the people we elect in the office of US congress and senate. The constitution of US does not allow for dicrimination based on color, religion or creed. We are all equal in the eyes of the law until proven otherwise.
Let us all become active in our efforts to become better muslims first then serve the community we leave in. Our neighbors are our friends and well wishers. We must refelct on our Prophets (saw) teachings on how to deal with our neighbors, protect their rights.
In closing I must say that I am fortunate to live in a country where the voice of the people make a difference, the land of free speech is part of constitution.
May Allah(swt) guide us in the right path, make the journey easy
nothing new, right from the inception of islam
there were many PIPES like daniel who were gung ho about criticising islam
sumoom bukmoon uumyun fahum la raji oon
deaf dumb and blind ,they will never return to the true path
Why don't you apologize for the massacre in Jenin, Nablus,.... for the illegal settlements, for the ongoing attacks on innocent men, women, and children, for the illegal occupation and for the terroristic ways of your countrymen.
Remember this Solomon, when pointing the finger at others, there are three other fingers pointing in your direction.
We're waiting ....
Charles Jacks
Senior Software Engineer
hussam Charif
And for the hard core bible thumpers out there, read John 16 verse 12-14, and then wonder, "Who is Jesus talking about here?"
The Jewish media however , hard they try can't touch the legacy of Prophet Muhammud (PUBH). The Documentary is a super one and I liked it and will be buying a personal copy.
Mr Pipe is not a Jewish Scholar ask any real Jewish Scholar there are people in Berkeley who have read Quran and understand it , they will say it is indeed the word God , Muhamad is the last messenger . In fact Islam does not hate any cult , it points examples of the clear signs from God which were received and ignored by people of Moses (Jews) , People of Shuhaib (PBUH) , the pagans , people of Yusf etc. Jews are shown as prominent example because most of them have manipulated the orginal documents of God , given to the Moses (PBUH).
Mr Pipe is just as hollow as a pipe , ignore that man. Worst of the hollow personalities is Michael Savage who utters only blunders in his hate show.
I applaud and admire PBS for airing such a good documentary which helps thinking people understand what Islam is about. It goes beyond the Legacy of prophet Muhammad it is about worshipping Allah (Arabic word for God).
Great Prophets of God always brought messages from the merciful Lord.
Moses - Ended slavery of Jews , brought the Jews out of Idolatery. Did miracles to free Jews , split the caspian sea with power of Allah.
Jesus - Brought the message of love and peace. Cured the diseased ones with the power of Allah.
Muhammad - Brought the message of worshipping the Allah , Manifested the power of Allah through the teaching revealed by Allah , Muhammad PUBH could not have done anything if Allah have not walked with him.
Saif khan
Further, his view was narrow-minded and small-hearted in relation to caledars since most Gregorian calendars now include Jewish holidays. Our "A.D." concept of calendars not too long ago didn't include Jewish holidays let alone Kwanza. In the Judeo-Christian-Muslim (Abrahamic)tradition, is it too much to also recignize holy days for Muslims?
This show came right after Ramadan as a wonderful celebration of a man who indeed changed history. PBS has presented biographies on many men and women who changed history. Thank-you to PBS for having enough presence of heart and mind to share the beauty of the Muslim faith with us.
If Mr. Pikes is disgruntled that Islam has had its warped representatives, he should note other groups with blights in their past: Roman Catholics who engaged in the barbarism of the Crusades (not to mention the Spanish Inquisition); Explorers who decimated Native American populations; Americans who upheld slavery; white supremacists who murdered millions in the Holocaust of World War II; Israelis who deny Palestinians their own land, or water, medical care, and jobs. What makes Pikes particularly despise the faithful of Islam since all groups of people stand with their own ugly baggage?
Building bridges for understanding and peace matters far more. Thanks PBS!
For instance, Pharoh against Moses (Peace and Blessing Upon Him), Romans against Jesus (PBUH) and there will/would be much more ignorants to come...and this is legacy of our beloved prophet of Allah (Sallal laho alaihe wassalm) A mercy to all creation. This is beauty of islam as yusuf Islam (Cat Steven)quotes, " you better enter in Islam today or Islam will come and knock on your door..., not you today then your generation will tomorrow"...say LA ELAHA ILL'AL LAHO, MUHAMMADu'R RASULLALLAH, there is no God, but ALLAH, and MOhammed is massenger of ALLAH, INSHALLAH..if God will.
O ye that reject Faith! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
However, when anyone is so impertinent as to dare challenge this statement, they are attacked:
"...peace and love and the acceptance of other people's beliefs"? I think intelligent people can judge for themselves.
O ye that reject Faith! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine.
To answer you, Moslem rulers occupied India for more than 400 years. They ruled for long before British came in.
If Islam was truly violent and had killed and forced Hindus to convert (as distorted History Text puts it) then in 4 to 500 years of this Muslim Rule there wouldn't had been a single Hindu remaining in India. If we take your type of description of Islam, India would have been "Ethinically Cleansed" of Hindus long back before British arrived in India.
Think over it Mr. Raman, read real History not CNN.
May God guide you with correct knowledge. Ameen.
Sr. Natasha
12/19/2002 - Social - Article Ref: IV0212-1811
By: Dr. Aslam Abdullah Iviews* -
Many atrocities have been commited in the name of religion for millenia now. A list of apologies would be very long across the board. But have the Jews, outright, apologized to the Palestinians for the massacres and defamation? Some have, but most have not. If anything there are more Jews calling for more bloodshed - and you wonder why people have hated Jewish people for so long. It has been understood, that some Jews are very and self-serving - after all, the consider themselves the chosen people - a distiction only achievable by birth from a Jewish woman. The state of Israel has already began to defy the American country that has supported them, which in my mind, reaffirms THEIR goal of world domination and exploitation. I am African-american and during our struggles to obtain civil and human rights, Jews often allied themselves with us. some, of course were genuine, but many others had their own political and ecomonic agendas in mind.
You know, I find it strange that a freedom, peace loving country such as America happened to be built upon the labor of slaves, the "terroristic" fight against the Red Coats, and the theft of land from the French, Native-americans and Mexicans. And now can turn a blind eye to its own history and condemn those who do lesser than that. The silence that marks all of these atrocities is deafening.
It is a shame that you do not know all of your history. First of all, I do not hear apologies for the Crusades nor do I hear apologies for the colonialization of the Muslim world after WWI, which is owed to the Muslim peoples by France, Britain, Spain, and the other Allied conquerors. Second in case you did not know, Spain was in the midst of an internal struggle in which Rodrigos was victorious. He also picked fights with the traces on the Roman empire still existing there, by ill-treating the daughter of the Roman governor Julian. Julian enlisted the help and support of Tariq ibn Ziyad to help him against Rodrigos forces. And after the Muslims became victorious, the rest is history. Thirdly, when Umar ibn Al-Khattab went to Jerusalem to sign the treaty with the Christians and Jews there he gave standing orders NOT to destroy or dessicrate any of the Churches or synagogues. He is even reporteed to have visited a Church there, and Allah knows best. The point is, throughout history Muslims have shown the best manners and code of conduct on and off the battlefield. It is for this reason that many people surrendered to the forces without bloodshed, because Muslim rule was far BETTER than Roman and Persian. It is also for this reason that many of these the peoples became Muslim after witnessing the lifestyle of Islam. Therefore, you and others like you, who only get 1/2 of the info avaiable - or ahould I say propaganda - should get your facts straight before you come to the table with nonesense. May Allah guide the Juhal.
"Other apologetics are more consequential. What Muhammad did for women, viewers learn, was "amazing" - his condemning female infanticide, giving legal rights to wives, permitting divorce, and protecting their inheritance rights. But no commentator is so impolite as to note that however admirable this was in the seventh century, Muslim women today suffer widely from genital mutilation, forced marriages, purdah, illiteracy, sexual apartheid, polygamy, and honor killings."
he seems jelous too, not to mention i can't even stress enough how right you are when you said mr pipes distorts history by suiting his own political agenda, its not hard to tell he's prejudice, you can tell by the way he writes. allahfiz
I found the documentary to be heartwarming. If Muhammed was alive today, our world would be at peace. The more I study this great man, the more I understand why he is revered and loved by billions.
If PBS make similiar documentary on other leaders... mohamed(pbuh) documentary will be best one.Because Mohmaed's(pbuh) is the model of human kind.
Islam is the only religion tha accept only one God among major religion .
into the very people that gased the Jews ie the
Nazis.Pipes and his likes should take heed, hatred destroys the hater more than the hated.
Remember Pharaoh and Hilter, where are they now?.
I've read your comment following the airing of the documentary about God's last prophet, and it's really sad to see how much hate is in your heart for this peaceful religion and its peace loving people in virtually every corner of this earth.
You and I know that every religion at one point or another had to deal with its radical elements, so I pray God to show you the right path, and hopefully you'll stop your bigotry. Believe me; misguided people like you are only successful at triggering people's curiosity, and ultimately finding the truth. Just like I did when I discovered this religion a couple of years ago, and converted to it this year. And maybe that's why Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and throughout the world.
And if you want to talk about apologies, I'd like to hear yours for the atrocities that the Zionist movement that you support has committed against innocent people including women, children and elderly people.
Cynthia E.
The fundamentalists believe in violence as a way to achieve their aims. And they are a large community that cannot be ignored. They are present whereever Muslims are. They believe in only one way of life as they see it. They will annihilate anyone who does not conform to them. A recent example is the shooting and beheading of girls in Kashmir who did not wear burqa.
The other Muslims understand peace to mean that they are allowed to use(misuse) the secular, free and democratic institutions of the countries where they reside to further their agenda of growth of Islam through population growth, and by opposing integration with host societies by not conforming to common civil codes but their own Islamic codes.
We in India have many good Muslims. But it is difficult to identify and seperate them from the bad, mostly because they chose to remain quite. The bad are a good proportion of them. Inspite of India's efforts to integrate them in the society, the fundamentalists have remained backward and stubborn and are now sowing seeds of religious hatred. They are responsible for the new found aggressiveness among otherwise non violent communities such as the Hindus. All other religions have integrated well except Islam. Why? This problem is endemic through out the world.
The following is a list of the genocide-style massacres that
Jews committed against civilian, arm-less Palestinians, murdering them in an ice
cold blood:
1990 Aqsa Massacre.
Tarkumia Massacre.
Jenin Massacre.
why do you poeple consider your blood more important then the blood of other human beings ?Did you poeple ever APOLOGIZED for those crimes against humanity which are still taking place in PALESTINE ?
I hope you can give us an apology on this site for those crimes,otherwise don't ask poeple for something that you will never give yourself.
Now you figure out that WE MUSLIMS BELIEVE AL ISLAM TO BE THE GREATEST OF RELIGIONS. But while we do believe that from the deepest depths of our hearts, we don't believe that other faith are INHERENTLY EVIL, like your CHRISTIAN PALS like FALWELL, ROBERTSON preach the Gospel of hate against Islam and Muslims!
Insha Allah, I'd like to respond to Solomon Weiskop's comment as objectively as possible.
As a muslim, each of us must follow the Quran (Koran) and the sunnah of the prophet (Muhammad SAW). Thus,it should be clear to a muslim (or any human being) to separate right from wrong.
Bombing and killing of innocent lives are definitely wrong for whatever reason. No TRUE muslim will EVER do this in his/her clear mind.
I am sure there were numerous people with muslim or christian or judaism or other faiths who condemned such terrible acts already.
It is NOT for me to judge other people as that is reserved for Allah on the judgement day. What I know is that Allah gives me a choice to think, and has guided all human mankind to the true path (i.e. prophets and the holly books). Insha Allah. Amien.
Now, what do you think of "targeted killing" in Palestine/Israel?
only what he is told to know. he has been caught many times of not telling the truth
An insight into the Muslim mind was given me by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. In a recently published book he remarks on the Spanish Government's apology to the Jewish People for the expulsion of 1492. He asks why the Sapnish Governement did not apologise for the expulsion of the Muslims a hundred years later. In other words, it does not enter Darwish's mind that there might be some problem in apologising to the conquerors and occupiers of their country. But that's Islam all over.
I hope it helps.
The documentary is excellent...Keep up the good work.
Basically, I recounted how during the first days after the tragic Oklohoma city bombing of the Federal building, that Dan Pipes had a prophetic vision that it was Muslims that terrorized the heartland. Sadly, for the week until the apprehension of Tim McVeigh, Muslims across America were subject to hate crimes.
The self-annointed "scholar on Mideast affairs" Pipes still sits by his words. He never did acknowledge that he caused pain and suffering to so many innocents.
I think Muslims should sue daniel pipes for his lies and unfounded accusations about Islam and Muslims.
The American people should demand that he is fired from his position because he proved to the world that he is nothing but a hater of Islam
and he is willing to decieve th American people for his own Israeli agenda.
Jaz'akum Allah Khair.
Prophet Muhammed, upon whom be peace, was the most excellent husband, helping with the housework, spending time with his wives, living the religion that he preached not only in the public but also in every area of his private life.
Prophet Muhammed was the most excellent statesman. He resolved conflict fairly and treated everyone with respect regardless of his or her position or religious beliefs. He judged people only upon their actions and intentions.
Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, was the most excellent friend. He was the kindest, giving whatever he had away. When he died, he had only a few possesions.
Prophet Muhammed followed the teaching of God to the upmost degree. He prayed, fasted, gave in charity, fought in the way of God, and taught by example. He united a group of pagan, hostile men under the banner of the unity and mercy of God.
Prophet Muhammed practiced what is the true meaning of Islam, peace through submission to God. He lived each moment as though it were his last, and did not fear the hereafter.
If there is any example for the modern man, it is Muhammed, prophet of God, friend of all, extoller of peace, teacher of mercy.
God willing, everyone will come to know this Prophet, upon whom be deepest peace and richest blessing, this most noble of men, and follow his teaching and wisom.
pbs and all sponcers for good job. Thanks and I wish they repeat this again or make good program like this tahat tells truth about Islam and Muslims. May ALLAH BLESS ALL
What about that? I as a muslim condemn the killing or mistreatment of any innocent person. What about you?
I'm still listening for those Muslims who condemn their fellow Muslims for Mombassa, Bali, Sudan etc. etc. But there is only silence.....
Silence sometimes says more than words.
Hindu extremists have concocted all these myths about forcible conversion in order to cover up the system of social and economic slavery endemic to Hinduism which prompted lower caste Hindus to move towards other faiths, notably Islam.
The fact that India is a fascist nation where pogroms and calls to genocide are made openly by Hindu terrorists against religious and ethnic minorities is just another piece of evidence in this regard.
So Amit, snap out of your wilfull hindu ignorance and denial of hard facts.
For alas, how may one say anything about any matter without the proper knowledge and understanding? It is a shame to see that many people are talking about Islam without that knowledge and understanding, but it is also amazing to see that people with knowledge and understanding accept Islam and Muslims. The way they described the Prophet (S.A.W), gave insight to even me, for it allowed me to experience, through words and pictures, how others see Islam. I wonder why if there is a problem with airing Islamic programs and documentaries in the "holiday season," then why is there not a problem airing other religious programs in our religious season? I am not discouraging other religions from airing their programs, but I feel that anyone deserves the right to air religious programs, including Islamic programs, without the criticism from others. In Canada here, we deserve our rights, and I hope that people will use them wisely. Thank you for allowing me to say what I feel about this matter, for it allowed me to recognize that I also do have some say in these matters, even if I am only a teenager.
PBS and Mike Wolfe did a great job.
I'd like to clarify to Amit Raman that Islam IS about peace. Among all the good things Islam teaches us is to be tolerant and compassionate. We need to separate the teaching and the actions by individuals. One can claim to be a good muslim/hindu/jew/christian/budhist although in reality his/her actions may not reflect it.
Thus, what you are asking here is not about Islam but about the individuals.
If the action = the teaching per your argument, then all religions/believes are all already doomed by definition.
In Gujarat, Indians killing Indians.
In the Middle East, Israel's Government/Armed Forces killing Palestinian civilians; or the Palestinian Suicide bombers killing Israelis/Arabs civilians
In Chechnya (sp?), Russian Armed forces killing Chechens
In Ireland, Irish Catholics vs. Irish Protestant etc...etc.
I hope we get the point. Insha Allah, God blesses us all. Amin.
Can u post a list of all his books, and where they can be found.
Allah Hafiz.
What we need in the UN is a ruling that a vote or veto in contradiction to international law or the Geneva Convention is a material breach of the law and is therefore uncountable. Further the person casting the vote or veto should be remanded to the world court for tria
Also, I want to touch on the subject of the untouchables (no pun intended). There are mass conversions of these people to Islam as it is a religion, which doesn't curse its' followers because of their birth. Islam does not dare call one of God's creations "untouchable". Glory be to God that Islam is readily accepted by the poor and downtrodden. The ruling class' opposition to Islam, to me, is a testimony of its truth. Because of this, the government of India has made conversion from Hinduism into other religions against the law. So, Mr. Raman, are you not actually accusing Islam of something Hinduism is guilty of?
If you want a mirror example of the spread of Islam, just look at how it spread in southeast Asia -through traders and commerce traffickers whose behavior was studied by the natives and was judged decent and exemplary, thereby worthy of being followed.
1: "you shall love The Creator your God with all your heart, soul and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment". As the last monotheistic believers we will be the primary target of the devil and it will use all the mental and ethical failures. We know such people will be set as leaders of the polytheists by God's command. The prescription of tit for tat with forgiveness is a near zero sum game and that minimally penalizes the good and stalemates ill will. They will ramp up attacks in frustration until they exhaust themselves and hopefully learn better or destroy everything. God caps our response to stay within other constraints. No dead innocents, no environmental or infrastructure destruction. We don't kill Peter to get justice from Paul. Blood sacrifice and vicarious atonement are concepts of the Devil and we don't traffic in it.
The tools of servants of light are truth, justice and graciousness, now the second point.
2: "and the second is like unto it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself" The Creator's graciousness is to provide the daily bread of all even if they show appreciation by worshiping something else. We can do no less. We know that the people of heaven will come from Muslims, Jews, Christians and others. Don't disqualify yourself by trafficking in racism.
The devil uses the tone of the first set to tempt the good toward ill. We should engage in it only as a rearguard action. The second feature set that spreads comprehension and allows us to make progress. Don't ramp up violence, stalemate then educate. Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent and the first instrument of the corrupt. We must show some finesse. The light shiniest in the dark, the darkness comprehends it not. Video cameras and satellite uplinks instead of bull
And as for the argument that Islam is violent..evident by some of the violent begginings...well The People of The Book...had (and still have ) not escaped the use of violence to settle disputes. As is evident by our current global crisis.
Just remember is new name : Daniel 'Abu-Lahab' Pipes.
p/s: "everything must has its limit"
Pipes recently started a web site which publishes personal information on professors who he deems are not succiently pro-Israel...a modern day black list.
Regardless...I felt the documentary was well made and acted as an antidote to the poison which Pipes and other vermin like him seek to propogate in the minds of millions of Americans.
p/s: preserve human dignity???
evening. I have read Karen Armstrong's book
Mohammed, and I very much appreciated all the
additional information presented. To me, it was a fine
presentation, and I gained considerably more
understanding of Islam from watching it. I do not
understand people like Mr. Pikes, who see not to want
to see what a thing is for itself. Too bad, because such
people miss a lot in this life that is very wonderful. I
encourage PBS and others to keep up the good work.
Many, many thanks.
But you know what this and all of his previous action implies? It means he recognizes the emerging power of the American Muslim community and our future strength. And he is determined in doing everything in his power to try and stop it. He sees our "enfranchisement" and HATES it to the point where he personally feels threatened, and as a Zionist fears the day when the iron-grip of the Israeli lobby on the US gov't will be loosened. It is incumbent therefore that we not stop at anything brothers and sisters in Islam and continue to excel at our various fields of expertise (jobs) and with the iman in Allah do everything in our power to become educationally, politically, vocally, financially, and most importantly: SPIRITUALLY become enfranchised!
May the Almighty grant our community these things and more and punish the mischief makers who hate to see the word of Allah made Supreme! Ameen
He is the Abu Jahl of our times!