Powell Makes a Case for War - What is Your Opinion?
United States Secretary of State Colin Powell today presented the United Nations Security Council with what he called "solid" evidence that showed Iraq still has not complied with resolutions calling for it to disarm.
While his speech may help sway American public opinion, whether it will close divisions in the Council is not clear.
Following are some statements from the other security council members.
Tang Jiaxuan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of China, said that the Council had basically maintained unity and cooperation on the issue before it today, which was critically important. He said as long as there was still the slightest hope for political settlement, the utmost effort should be exerted to achieve it. China was ready to join others in working in that direction.
Jack Straw, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, said that the Council had just heard a most powerful and authoritative account of Iraq's practices by Mr. Powell, which demonstrated the great danger that Iraq's regime represented.
Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin of France said "Why go to war if there still exists an unused space in resolution 1441?".
Khurshid Kasuri, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, said: While the international community was justified in bringing about the earliest possible compliance by Iraq with its resolutions, he said it could not ignore other elements that arose in the context of security, namely: amending the suffering and ensuring the welfare of the Iraqi people; preserving the unity and territorial integrity of Iraq; and preserving the political and economic stability of the region.
Mikhail Wehbe of Syria said that the Council should lift the sanctions imposed on the Iraqi people and activate the provisions of its resolution calling for the declaration of the Middle East as a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction, without any exceptions. Those provisions should include Israel, which was the only country in the region possessing such weapons. It was important to arrive at a peaceful solution of the Iraqi crisis. Iraq's neighbors had expressed a readiness to cooperate with the Council towards that end. A peaceful settlement would save the thousands of lives that would be lost through military action outside of the legitimacy of the Council.
Joschka Fischer, Vice-Chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany, said it was now decisive that the inspectors were also provided with that extensive material, in order to be able to clarify the unresolved questions, quickly and fully. He had no illusions about the inhumane and brutal nature of Saddam Hussein's dictatorship. Under his rule, Iraq had attacked its neighbors, Kuwait and Iran, fired missiles at Israel, and deployed poison gas against Iran and its own Kurdish population.
He said that several States suspected that Saddam Hussein's regime was withholding relevant information and concealing military capabilities. That strong suspicion must be dispelled beyond any doubt. At the same time, the dangers of military action were plain to see. A peaceful solution must continue to be sought.
Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed Aldouri said his country would provide detailed and technical explanatory answers to the allegations made in Mr. Powell's statement. What had been mentioned in the presentation was utterly unrelated to the truth. No new information had been provided, except for sound recordings that could not be ascertained as genuine. What had been presented contained incorrect allegations, unnamed and unknown sources, as well as assumptions in line with the American policy towards one known objective.
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Related Suggestions
Standing firmly against skeptical allies as well as the demonstrators, Bush said: I owe it to the American people to secure this country. I will do so."
I THINK BUSH OWES IT TO THE WORLD TO STOP THIS NONSENSE ! It is about time the UN Security Council told Bush to STOP IT. Amazes me to see how the World Community can allow One Man to carry on against majority World Opinion !
The Australian Prime Minister insists he will not be swayed by the human tide of protest against a war with Iraq - not by the more than 250,000 people who marched in Sydney yesterday, nor the 10 million who rallied worldwide ....
"And I believe the way we are handling this is in the best interests of Australia."
Will somebody please tell us WHAT interest will be served by killing innocent people ? Yet Another person has joined the Mad Bush Bandwagon against Islam !
The US want the women in Afaganistan to remove their head scarves as they say that this is a violation of womens rights
That is a gross simplification of things. If you believe that 'The US' really cares what anyone wears, then you've really misunderstood the issue.
To use mode of dress as an example, the women's rights issue is more accurately described as allowing women to choose what they would like to wear. If they then choose to cover themselves from head to toe, then fine. If they are harrassed, beaten or worse because they try to have the same freedoms as men, then that is wrong.
Your poing regarding atomic bombs is silly as well. The US dropped the a-bombs close to 60 years ago, and has never used one in anger since. Would you want someone such as Saddam Hussein to have that capability? Why, as a deterent? Why not just give one to every individual, then? The answer is because some individuals, like some countries, would actually USE them without thought of consequence.
Your point regarding the UN, the US and Israel? That comment is spot on. I agree with you 100% - Shame on the UN double standards.
Peace. Dino
The US claims if the UN does not endorse its plans it will lose credibilty. The UN has lost credibilty over Israel-Paletine years ago, and mainly thanks to the USA.
Considering, US foreign policy is as durable as the tenure of its presidents, there is hope.
When my country Sri Lanka fought the LTTE terrorists they were accused for killing civilians and shouted at for detaining people without trial. The US at Guantanoma bay are allowed to violate human rights unprecedentaly and the whole world and the United Nations are blind to this.
The United Nations is a play tool for the US as the UN resolutions for Iraq must be implemented and the UN resloutions against Israel must be ignored. " Shame on the UN Doble Standards".
The US want the women in Afaganistan to remove their head scarves as they say that this is a violation of womens rights. They however do not dispute their christian nuns to cover their heads and wear long and decent attire covering all their hands and also cover their legs well below the knees. Shame again for following what the muslims are supposed to cover and trying to uncover the muslim women.
If the US can have and drop atomic bombs like in Japan why not allow the other countries. Shame again on the United Nations which allows some countries to have wepons of mass destruction and prevent others from having it.
Finally, dear people let peace and justice prevail for the world to be a better place.
normal class of people in power not the rich
cause they don't particularly care about most
of the things going on they care about looking
good. and this may be wrong but i think it's
right that only 3 or 4 of the congressmen and
women acually have kids in the armed forces.
they probally aren't going to care as much as if
it were one of their kids fighting.
presuring the council and i think we shouldn't
have a trigger happy president and secretay of
state. cause that's what they are
Stop using the news sources that get their stories from press releases and start watching the stations that do fact checking and research.
As for the US not being in the business of torture, the US ran a school of torture near Atlanta Georgia for quite a while. They called it "The School of the Americas" if you want to look it up. The name was changed and supposedly the curricula a couple of years back but who knows. One of the finds in the Shaw of Iran's effects was a video tape from the US explaining how to ram broken coke bottles up women's butts documented by a British professor in the book "The Islamic Threat, True or False".
The US had a good record on the treatment of its prisoners of war before Vietnam but that has changed, assuming they will even call them prisoners of war.
Just because the other countries torture folks that is not an excuse for the US to do so. One wrong does not excuse another. I hold my compatriots to a higher standard, that standard being based in truth, justice and equality. Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself implies don't do to others what you would not wish done to yourself. This has become the failing of the US, a willingness to support, for political reasons, those that good judgment would suggest should never be given support.
Do not spare the rod so the child will not be spoiled but restored into truth of the living God.
A denizen from a trailer park like you should just shut up, listen and learn becuase you simply dont know anything. Yes I know you're a idiotic imbecille, but try anyways.
Have you failed to see where the headlines on this site's home page are taken from? Have you read any of them? The Guardian, the Independent, Yellow Times, the Christian Science Mon., We Hold These Truths, the Times of London, Common Dreams, Anti War, Al-Ahram, Der Spiegel, even Ha'aretz has an ani-establishment column.
The US does not engage in torture, but here's the caveat: they contract and commission countries who traffic in this despicable trade, like Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Please check these sites:
Mike, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Show me anywhere the words administration or government. Oxford dictionary defines republic as a government by the people or their representatives. And if I see my reps swerving, then it's my duty as a citizen to correct them.
Killing POWs is deplorable anywhere, anytime. And how on earth does someone like you know what we do with POWs in Bagram or Guantanamo Bay? Do you honestly think ANY government would tell its people something they don't like to hear? You're smarter then that. All I'm saying is don't get swept with the herd, stick your head up and look, the herd could be heading to a precipice.
You say that the US doesnt use torture, this is more US crap, your government has been using torture for years, it is just that it is more sophisticated then most countries. In fact during the 1960's and 1970's the US had a special budget for the development of torture techniques, go the CIA archives in your country and chech it out.
As for the soldiers that were taken prisoner in Somalia did u know that your soldiers killed 13000 innocent Somali's. Your General who led the operation admitted this, but said that as they were acting on behalf of the UN (which has not signed up to the Geneva convention) Which means they cannot be tried for War crimes. As for the other countries, this has nothing to do with me and is not relevent to the argument.
As for the "quality evidence" you are asking for, US soldiers admit killing innocent people on TV, are you going to argue with that? No! We all know Saddam is a murderer, but who thought him how to do it? The USA. You say the US governemnt is not in the business of torture, wrong again the USA has a monoply on the technique
America's agenda is oil and world domination, not disarmament or human rights, after all, Amnesty International named them number one for human rights violations. These are the facts.
Fayaz Karim
Toronto Canada
For anyone to have the audacity to look at the US and say that we want to hide from the Geneva Convention is not worthy of press space. The US soldiers that have been taken prisoners by: japan, Germany, Somalia, Iraq, Viet Nam, North Korea and Italy were all treated to extremely brutal condtions. Many died at the hands of their torturers. You have the forum and right to speak, but at least try and get something right.
The American government is not in the business of torture.
And please don't start in about where I get my information, the US government owned CNN, FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC. Where is all the quality information that you think you posess come from? Please show me your reliable news sources so I can watch them too. You don't have any. You make up things as you go along or read some email some idiot sent you. Iraq tortures EVERY disident that it find. Oh, excuse me, alot of them are just executed, my mistake.
Iraq has not caused trouble for the last 12 years, the containment policy works so well. They country is decimated militarily, and economically is torn. The people have not seen peace since 1980 when the Iraq-Iran war started.
If Saddam has WMD (let's assume) and he knows the US will attack come rain or sunshine, don't you think he'll not disclose those weapons because they're his ace-in-the-hole for survival.
If we attack, our forces undoubtedly will be exposed to these WMD and we would have brought it on ourselves. We will then react with our nuclear deterrent. And who will suffer? I need not say. It could be like Vietnam, we can win all the battles and still lose the war
If we leave him alone (how much longer is he gonna live anyway?) and beef up the inspection regime, he will be contained as was the far-greater and more-dangerous USSR. It's a simple cost that can avert massive destruction, and it's a plan I believe the Iraqis can stomach and live with given the unmentionable alternative.
It was a delight to read your comments. True, living in America, I can say that not all Americans hate muslims. However, I fail to understand how, fighting Iraq is fighting for what we (Americans) believe in. If you go to the Florida coast, you will see all the world's erstwhile dictators, retiring in our country. Is that what you believe in ?
8 February 2003
The Saudi authorities have decided to cut short the rituals of this year's Hajj (pilgrimage) in response to a US request to clear the peninsula of pilgrims so it can pursue a war with Iraq as soon as possible after the annual gathering.
The policy has been adopted as a "necessary" measure taken in accordance with a fatwa (religious edict) to that effect, a leading Egyptian paper reported on Saturday, February 8.
The semi-official widely-circulating daily Al-Ahram quoted the head of Egyptian delegation of pilgrims as saying that "the Saudi officials grounded their shortcut in a fatwa to the effect that pilgrims might not stay overnight in the Mina area and move directly for Arafat plain."
In the first day of the Hajj, pilgrims travel a few miles to the plain of Mina and encamp there. From Mina, pilgrims then move the following morning to the plain of Arafat where they spend the entire day in earnest supplication and devotion. That evening, the pilgrims move and encamp at Muzdalifa, which is a site between Mina and Arafat. Muslims stay overnight there offering more prayers.
According to the latest modification, the pilgrims would leave directly for Arafat, without earlier encamping in Mina.
The reported announcement raised questions whether there is an American request for an evacuation of the pilgrims amid great prospects for launching a military offensive against Iraq after Eid Al-Adha (Day of Sacrifice), an Islamic celebration marking the end of Hajj.
Meanwhile, a correspondent for German news agency Deutsche Press-Agentur (DPA) quoted a western source as saying on Wednesday, February 5, that a number of Islamic countries received American calls for precipitating the return of their nationals travelling for pilgrimage in a five day frame after the end of Hajj.
The press report, carried by the Saudi website El
Run out of
November 05, 2002
Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel
From Stephen Farrell, Robert Thomson and Danielle Haas
ISRAEL'S Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has called on the international community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq is complete.
In an interview with The Times , Mr Sharon insisted that Tehran -- one of the "axis of evil" powers identified by President Bush -- should be put under pressure "the day after" action against Baghdad ends because of its role as a "centre of world terror". He also issued his clearest warning yet that Israel would strike back if attacked by Iraqi chemical or biological weapons, no matter how much Washington sought to keep its controversial Middle Eastern ally out of any war in Iraq.
He made clear that western Iraq would be one of the first areas targeted by the US in any invasion, saying that lessons had been learnt from strategic mistakes of the 1991 Gulf War when Iraq successfully fired 39 Scud missiles into Israel.
Mr Sharon, 74, was speaking as he conducted high-level negotiations to keep his Government afloat after the desertion of his centrist coalition partners. Last night he survived three no-confidence votes, giving him more time to forge a coalition with small right-wing parties. He rejected calls for early elections.
The Knesset also approved the appointment of Shaul Mofaz, the hawkish former Israeli Army chief, as Defence Minister.
But even as the Knesset voted, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up inside a shopping centre in central Israel, killing at least one other person and injuring 20.
In other significant changes of tone and policy, Mr Sharon told The Times that:
Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, could have an ongoing role as a "symbol", but could not have a role overseeing financial or security functions. This was a departure from previous statements that Mr Arafat was e
Another reason people say that attacking is a good idea is that Saddam has killed more Muslims than the USA. This is crap. During the Gulf war the USA killed 250, 000 people mainly civilians and un-armed Iraqi fighters, in fact 12,000 unarmed Iraqi soildiers were buried alive, how do I now this you may ask? USA soildiers boasted on CNN that that's how I know, they killed these "desert nigger" as they say in the US army.
Since the Gulf war Iraq has had to deal with the most brutal sanction regime in history. the UN figures say that 2, 000, 000 people have died including 5, 000, 000 children.
A leason from history. when the West were directly colonising countries they said that they were bringing freedom and civilaisation to the savage tribes of the non-western world. my country India was a target. Before the British came two thirds of India was controlled by Muslims, we were the richest country in the world with the most educated society, when the British left we were one of the poorest nations and the most uneducated.
another leason
U may say that if Hitler was dealt with earlier, they may not have been a second world war. this is another load of crap. many people dont know that Germany was rearmed after the WW2 mainly by the USA, while he was invading his neighbours in the name of fighting "terrorists",freedom and historical Germany (sound familiar, isnt Israel and USA saying the same thing) Hitler nominated for the Noble peace prize and was Time Magazine man of the year. The west was responsible for Hitler.
out of
(Bush+Powell+Rumsfeld=CONGENITAL LIAR!)
There are probably few members of the world community, including Muslims, who do not regard Saddam Hussein as one of the foremost "bad guys" currently playing on the world stage today, whose acts of cruelty and savagery are infamous. His oppression even of his own people is reknown. In general, he is not considered by the practicing Muslim world as being a Muslim, let alone as representing Islam; indeed, he has been the primary instigator of secularism within Iraq for the past three decades.
According to Allah (swt) Himself, as stated in His book, The Holy Qur'an, (Sura II:191 and 193) ....."For tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter".....and....."Let their be no hostility except to those who practice oppression."
These two statements alone are reason enough to ask why those who purport to follow this Holy Book have not already removed this menace.
The opposition bases its vociferous sentiments upon the "apparent" and past foibles and indiscretions of the US, as if fingerpointing the US would somehow diminish Saddam's culpability; he has only become a hero, the current posterboy, for the ongoing world war against US hegemony.
I am not here to argue the purity or lack thereof of US intentions with regard to waging war on Saddam Hussein. To the world at large, the intentions of the US do not matter, but the removal of oppression, from no-matter how small a country does, and similarly, it should to every practicing Muslim. Allah (swt) also says: (Sura II: 251)
".......And did not God check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief."
I say , "Go Bush!"
when you say whoever releases CBN in Iraq do you mean who will release biological chemical and nuclear (CBN) weapons during the war, or whose fault it is that the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) will be allowed there to try to convert at the whim of Pat Robertson after? Just a light hearted not so good joke.
If you want to know what I think, I think Iraq is hiding something and that is exactly why the files are incomplete (by Blix's accounts, not simply Bushes) and that the US knows they have something but simply has very circumstantial evidence to proove it, and is also embelishing the truth. Mustard gas after all isn't as scary as a mobile Nuclear labratory.
The Love/Hate (pact with the "kufar") relationship Baghdad has with the US over the last decade or two has resulted in the deaths of millions of Muslims with "plausible deniability". I am not really sure who's side Baghdad is on. If they are stupid enough to use CBN's on American troops then they are too stupid to be allowed to rule. (Much less morally qualified.)
Consider recent reports of Baghdad handing out guns to citizens to create an urban war. Besides the "shooting gallery" effect of untrained citizens shooting at anything that moves this gives the green light for American troops to shoot at any man, woman or child unlucky enough to come within their sights. No one will blame them. On top of this the US will call anyone they capture an "illegal combatant" whether they had a gun or not and the Geneva convention will be conveniently ignored.
Its just another setup for massive civilian casualties And it will further inflame both sides. The only one I can think of that could be happy with this situation is the hater of humanity and it's cohort. Its like some science fiction horror film where some alien being feeds off the death and hatred of human against human and the humans are too caught up in their fighting to realize they are just being used.
I only hope the rest of the world doesn't get sucked into this nightmare.
M16 report copied straight from a research
associates work! Where did Powell get the
rest of his presentation from -- the Arabic
version of 'Saturday Night Live?"
"are you from Rabat or Sale ?"
Un peu entre les deux :>) a cheval sur le beau BouRegreg.
Je prefere le prive.
[email protected]
Allah Hafiz
What can be worse than Non-belivers are attacking Islam? WE NEED TO CHANGE OURSELVES.
these other countries have been through more than 911 for years at the hands of Israel, who buys / is given the weapons it kills with from the USA
you won't get much sympathy from them
Don't get fooled and get into their shoes.Your's Supremo and His Team are all "flicker" minded,denial,damn liar,hypocrite's and disastrous Management which cause the instability of the World.
It turns out Powell was quoting a British intelligence report...which in turn has been exposed as an outdated and plagerized group of writings from different sources....including a California grad students thesis. The lengths these warmongers will go to is truly insane.
are you from Rabat or Sale ?
God bless the world !!!!
2/3 of refugees in the world are muslims is according to the same UN that you so admire. You can vist the UN human rights web site.
Afgahns who have returned home are not the ones that ran from bombing but are the ones those who could not bear the barbaric system imposed by taliban (the number syed is now close to 2 million returned home)
And syed let us not talk of human rights while youhave stoning, woman unbale to drive, honour killings etc we all have faults but you cannot deny the problems that muslims are running from sharia based countries ruled by muslims.
I did not mean that Iraq and clerics (who are by and large people of zero intelligence) being same but the insidous designs of Wahabbi clerics from Saudi Arabia not having an opportunity once Iraq is free.
And do not concern yourself with Indian muslims they are better off than most muslims in muslims countries
Anyhow for what it is worth I think that USA along side civilised world should leave Iraq alone they are useless incompetent and cannot fight anyhow.
we say Muslim this and Muslim that because we have made a mess of Islam somehow and that is how we have been conquered divided had one of our holy places taken from us. Paying attention to Mad man Bush as you say will not fix the problems in Muslim countries. The first step of recovery is to stop blaiming things outside and admit you have a problem. Bush can't creat or fix any problems for Muslims, anything he does is simply taking advantage of our ridiculous unmuslim situation.
It is refreshing to hear from someone within the circle that can think straight. Congradulations for having the conviction to express what you feel is the truth. It is obvios to me...
United Nations should have the final word about any decision towards Iraq.
The American people supports a wae in Iraq because, they are being lied to by their goverment.
Is Isreal the only country in the region who should have these deadly weapons. If Isreal deceided to attack any of the arabs country, how can they defend themself? Will they turn to America? or will America tell them the same thing they said to the Palestanian goverment.
In my honest opinion, no Arab country should let an outsider come between them. I am so very suer that if the shoes was on Saudi Arabia feet Iraq would stand by their side. So my advice to all arab nations, tell America that if you do not want Iraq to have these weapons let Isreal give them up too. Look ahead of you for the next five years....what do you see? America will do to all of the Arabs, the same thing they wants to do to Iraq. They will accuse them innocently and they will not be able to defend themself.
eg. Afganistan, now Iraq, then Iran, then Saudi Arabia and so on. Look what is happening in Kuwait.Would you like the same thing to happen to all of the Middle East? Tell you Goverment not to be another Tony Blair (Bush"s puppet)America is like cancer, it touches you and eventually kill you.
What you know about Shariah ? Afghanistan is more a dangerous place to live now than it was in Taliban time, crime is every where, rapes, killings, flourishing poppy fileds, tribal fighting's.......... The people who are returning to Afghanistan are the once who run away American bombing and live in camps in Pakistan other wise those living in Pakistan before even before Taliban rule are still in Pakistan they are there because of economical condition of Afghanistan nothing to do with Taliban rule. The Afghans still love Taliban as rulers than the present lawless government.
2/3 of Muslims are refugee from where you get this figures (or you counted Muslims of India as refugees).
Yes, Muslims may be running from their governments not because of Shariah, but because their governments are anti shariah and pro western (protected by west).
Well, for your information Muslims in west are more appreciable of shariah because of what they see around them.
Where in the world we now have a Islamic system of government ?
Common civil law burning young brides with her husband and killing females fetus, killing humans for animals.....
Iraqi government and Muslims clerics ? Do you know anything beyond India.
A knife weilded by a skilled surgeon is a tool, but the same instrument can cause immense damage in an unskilled hand. The same is the case with "shariah Law"
but i hate muslim (the neighbor) because they hate my dog.
There are no correct facts in this situation. The US made a mess now they want to clean up. The US doesn't need the oil its already being given for food, and the economic sanctions on Iraq are not just the responsibility of the US but every vetoing member of the security council. In addition anything the American press or Saddam say or gross exagerations, in concerns to civilian casualties, you are argueing one side of a quarter of the arguement. The real problem is the propaganda machine that is the world mass media, that is purposely trying to pit cultures against each other and agree with whatever facts their government agrees with whether steeped in truth or false. Neither the arab press or the US press have a monopoly on the truth, and there are many good as well as bad reasons in the potential war.
2/3 of the worlds refugees are muslims and nearly all of them are running away from their own governments ie muslims rulers imposing sharia.
Muslims have voted with their feet and have run away from sharia governments to live in civilised world in Eurpoe, America and Australia. Sharia has failed muslims that is why muslims are leaving islamic countries
Islamic system of government has failed, sharia was designed for the savages of arabia not civilised people thus it has no relevance today and where ever there is sharia there is misery.
It would be better for muslims to have common civil law rather than sharia so that they can progress - eg Malaysia
Iraqis like Afghans will be happy after liberation and muslim clerics will be the ones sad because they can no longer dream of imposing misery on Iraqis
And do not worry about a Muslim conquering "another" Muslim countries, Arab borders and nationalism is only in the mind of the non-Muslims and of course in the mind of cupid and sinful rulers, not in the mind Muslim mass, so spare you "concern" for your soldiers and your tax dollars.
Come to think of it, why would Irak disarm? WHY would any country disarm? so that only terrorist Israel and her slave America can retain their devastating technology. The other foolish Arab dictators Kings and other Reyes de la Tayfa are just playing hypocrites, opposing the pathetic cowboys and at the same time allowing them to station their troupes and hardware on the land of Islam.
Muslims, no doubt that America and Israel are your secondary problems, the Muslim countries need to do away with their current rulers, THEY ARE the real problem, THEY ARE the ones humiliating the Muslims by having deviated 180 degrees from the Quran and the Sunnah. The Europeans experienced the dark age because of ignorant clergy, the Muslim are experiencing it because of cupid and sinful rulers.
To go to war with the objective of stealing Iraqi oil , utilizing weapons of mass destruction is
immoral. Before Inspectors are sent to Iraq, US
should have its own house inspected.
Shuja Syed
As for all the losers who want the war...head for the nearest recruitment center and insist on being shipped of to Iraq. Chickenhawks the lot of them.
Mind you,THX,Dolby Digital and e.t.c will generously provide assistants to Powell and The Pentagon if require! to enhance that images technology.
He failed completely. No case for war at all.
People have more brains than that!!
Then, what about USA, Israel, Great Britain? there are tons of mass destruction weapons in these countries and we have tons of proof. USA was the first country who used the nuclear power against Japan and distroyed the humanity and peace. what about the Israel, the bigest enemy of human kind who is the only one in the middle east posses atomic weapons of mass destruction and seriously busy in destroying human beings.
Mr.Powell and George War Bush do you have any plan to disarm yourself and Israel.
Iraq. It still doesn't prove to have a moral justification!
Powell, Rumsfeld have all said that it will only take
weeks of bombing to bring Iraq to its knees. Iraq may
have weapons of mass destruction but united states is
not afraid to use them either. In the first gulf war United
States didn't hesistate to use Depleted Uranium which
has increased the level of cancers such leukimia by
200%. Depleted Uranium is a toxic radioactive waste
produce from nuclear reactors and atomic bombs. It is
very expensive to store for 4.5 million years so, the
most convenient way to get rid of it is through war.
Sadaam is responsible for his people but not entirely,
United States played a big part by putting him power.
Before the first Gulf War, united states and iraq were
allies agains IRAN. Although, sadaam didn't hesitate to
use biological weapons, united states downplayed it
and that Iraq was trying to defend himself or that iran
provoked them. Ariel Sharon is commiting warcrimes
but president bush downplays it. Sharon is seen
demolishing homes mostly everyday yet it is never
played in american media. Although, I am not too
worried because Sharon, Bush, Sadaam, Pyongyang
will all DIE one day or another. And Inshallah GOD
shall unveil his JUSTICE in the next life. May God help
us become better muslims, better people, forgive our
sins, shows us his mercy, remove the injustice in this
world, protect peace loving people, protect the weak.
Bush, Sadaam and Sharon will all there time and they
are nto getting any younger.
Please think peace!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also don't understand some supposed motives for the US to go to war:
The US wants to control Iraq oil: We will import the same amount of oil before and after the war. Is it worth even the dollar cost of a war to get a bargain price for oil from Iraq?
Bush wants to stimulate the economy with a war: The US stock market has been in turmoil for months over impending war. Even a short war will cost Millions of dollars a day (one Tomahawk costs around $1 Million). US defense spending is shifted from new development to supplies etc. for the troops. This puts a stress on more companies than it helps. Current anti-US sentiment is helping Russia make more business contacts in the Arab world at US expense.
Bush is looking for support in the 2004 elections: Bush was pushing for war when most(?) of US citizens were opposed to the war because alot of evidence was not public yet. I don't think a shaky stock market and big deficit in 2003 are going to help Bush's party in the next election. How about sending our 17-24 year old sons into a desert against a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons? (Unless there really is imminent danger if we don't ...)
Things will get better if we just give them time: Like Saddam may finally complete his nuclear weapons program. Everyone raise your hand if you seriously aren't worried about what Saddam has intended for his (alleged??) stockpile of anthrax and nerve agents.
That Texas Cowboy is attacking Iraq because he is a puppet of the Zionists: I have no answer for that one.
Or you could just look at the simple explanation: A man of Colin Powell's character is not a liar and Saddam needs to be disarmed by force. I will still pray for Saddam to make a cho
There should be no question that Powell was telling the truth, rather a question of America telling half troups. The American government doesn't make things up it simply ignores facts that are inconvenient. It is inconvient to lose troups in Somalia because there is no oil. Sadam may have killed more Muslims than anyONE else in 50 years (Israel/America combined)but in Somalia more Muslims have died chaoticly than anywhere else.
Iraq and Israel are sideshows compared to what is really happening
Powell lieing? Why does he need to we all know about Saddam, America doesn't need to lie to make him look bad. The question is while this whole Iraq thing is happening what international trade deals are being made? What is congress doing to limit Americas freedom. If you ask me this whole thing looks like Rome right before Marcus Aurelius, and the the imperial dictatorial ae of America is coming. No my fellow Muslims it is not here yet. You want to see how much a nation with 300 million people can be imperialist than hold on you are in for a ride. Ay least now politics dictate that the president must stick slightly to the truth.
In the end its simple both America and the Arabs will lose. America will become even more unpopular (yes it is really possible for them to become even more unpopular), due to its own doings and the Arabs who side with Iraq will sink into humiliation and lose the little bit left of their national pride.
So the question is, "Who will win in the end?" Well the answer is the European continent (exemplifying that one island to the west), we will remain hated only by the Israelis because of our nuetral attitude. And we will also have much investment possibilities in Iraq. China and Russia however will not gain from the incident, they will lose a bit.
Now this is how Powell's speech with the predictible content will sadly lay the seeds for these coming events. This might sound cynical, rude and naive, but that is how it is. To conclude my "ignorant" opinion I would like to say that I wish no war, but that it will happen. It is time for Saddam to reep what he saws and after that (in many years to come) it will be Americas time to reep what it saws. In the end Europe will clean the mess and collect the winnings. Or something :/?
and I don't know what Saddam has if anything,
but I think people commenting here would blame the US if the inspectors found an entire labratory of bio/chem weapons, or even a nuclear warhead
learn the difference between crusade and The Crusades or Crusade in English. Big difference
There is a distinct difference in meaning between them,
I don't like Bush but at least take what he says for its real meaning in English and not translate its meaning into some other language.
I just heard on Fox news last night about an Iraqi citizen who escaped from Iraq. He was telling the story about his sister and brothers who were brutally murdered by Sadam's soldiers. Sadam Hussain is responsible for killing more Muslims than any one alive today. I don't understand why other Muslims don't fight with the United Nations to rid the world of such evil. You will see after this is all over how all the good people of Iraq will finally have the opportunity for FREEDOM.
And if the people of those countries stand against their government the west label them as terrorists. Because if public take power in this states they will not sell their resources for peanuts, they will stand against western hypocrisy (towards Israel), so US and west cannot digest a democratic or Islamic Muslim state.
Regarding removing Saddam, its easy, remove sanctions from Iraq, let it go normal let saddam come out from hidden and then well assassin him (alone) not, and this can be done with the help of Iraqi's, with no or minimum damage to people of Iraq or their resources. But no, west want to teach a lesson to the people, they want to make Iraq weak in the interest of Israel, they will first bomb and destroy the public utilities and the public resources so that they can again take control of Oil in the name of rebuilding Iraq.
Its not the Iraq's WMD, it's the western dirty politics present most danger to the world peace.
i must say that no matter what the white house and the people in and behind try t o spin the truth is this is a war against truth,a war for oil and israel and it is new wave of crusade as bush rightly blurted out, look at the whole world ,who is being driven out of their homes ,lands, its muslims stupid,even in america the land of freedom ,freedom is not for muslims,they dont deserve it because they are MUSLIMS.
-CONTROL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST, including religious, cultural, economic, political and militarily
-Dividing the Arab people
-More military non-muslim bases in the heart of the Muslim world
PS: did you know Israel said "regime change" (their words not mine) in Iraq would make Israel the most powerful nation in the Middle east with nothing to fear. U may say Israel is already the most power and had has nothing to fear, but this is not true it fears Iraq more than any other country.
Peace and blessings
Fabricated evidence just produced before this address to Security Council with the date(s)after passing resolutions 1441 (to justify its geniuness). Recorded voice can play any actor of the world with the dialogs what America wants to tell to the Security Council. Photographs of sites could be taken/drawn by computer graphics etc.
This evidence has bo genuiness or reality which fails to convice any human having some senses still alive.
He is single handedly responsible for the deaths of more Muslims than any other human being alive. While other arab nations have been brutal to their own people he is the only one who can lay claim to murder and brutality to other Muslim nations. There is no other Muslim nation that has attacked anoter Muslim nation except him. There have been bloody civil wars but that is it. Sadam Hussain is and has been a threat to his own people as well as his border. He gains nuclear capability with his current missle technology he extends the substantial threat to the borders of nations bordering his neighbors.
There is no question that Saddam Must be stopped
The issue of civilian deaths is an issue, but a small issue. He has done more damage to his own people than the US has. (do you really believe Saddam's one million poor Iraqis dead from US sanctions? Most of the diseases treated by "banned" medicines are rare at worst, and no Vegtable, meat, dairy or grains are banned for trade with oil in the program so any claimed starvation is Saddam's Stuburness not the sanctions themselves as for fertilizer, ammonium nitrate could easily be used with oil to make explosives so you bet it is banned)Thats not corporate media thats the truth.
The real question about US envolvment is the form of US/UK "Imperialism" that will take place. Don't lie to yourself, Germany, France and Japan want this war too, when they say no they are lieing. They will also benefit from the opening of oil reserves, they lie so America, the global scape goat can take the blame. All western corporations benefit for "American" corporate Imperialism, as well as Gulf Arabs.
The Question isn't should Saddam be removed, but rather when, who should do it and who do we trust to do it. The answer is his people and his neighbors should be the ones to do it, but that isn't happening. So what now? Can't trust the west, those who should won't do anything. Let him do what he wan
Everybody knows that Israel is the fifth biggest nuclear power on the Earth and therefore it is the greatest nuclear danger for the Middle-East (i.e. the Central House of Islam). But nobody can object to the "Big Brother" when he says that not Israel, this big threat, but the already-crushed Iraq must be bombed and the Iraqi people must continue being murdered and suffering.
Anyway, Allah hears and knows what is actually taking place on the Earth and for what intentions people are attacking and killing others. Allah is enough for a witness and for a judge.
You have been brain washed by the corporate media. The issue is not just Saddam Hussein's brutality.. It is American Imperialism! If Saddam is to be removed then several other Arab rules should also be removed.
Among all the UN Security Council members... Let him who hasn't committed a sin cast the first stone.