Iraq: The Cradle of Civilization
Iraq is the cradle of civilization. It is how we came to be what we are. Mesopotamia was the center of the universe and was the oldest civilization anywhere on this planet.
Iraq is an Arabic word and has been a geographical term for the general area throughout the Islamic traditions.
The land of Iraq is important historically, because it is the land where the first law, the Hamurabi code, was enacted in Babylon thousands of years ago, its where writing was first discovered 5000 years ago at Uruk, and where the seventh wonder of the world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, is situated. It is important culturally because Iraq was the center of the Islamic Empire (Khilafat), and Arab civilization for hundred of years. Iraq is where science and culture prospered, where Arabic language has its two distinguished schools, Kufa and Basra, and where one of the oldest universities in the world was built, Al Mustansiriyya University in Baghdad.
It is also important religiously, as it has the oldest established church in the world, The Church of the East, founded by St Thomas, one of Christ's 12 disciples. In addition, it has numerous Islamic holy sites such as Karbala, Najaf, and Baghdad. The holy city of Najaf is the study center of theology for the world's 150 million Muslims who follow the Shia tradition.
It is where the two great rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates meet and gave birth to the concept of agriculture. The earliest evidence of animal and plant domestication has been found in and around northern Iraq, dating more than 10,000 years ago.
Five thousand years ago, territory now in southern Iraq was the home of the Sumerian civilization, which contributed such breakthroughs as the wheel and the plow.
The land of Iraq has been conquered by Alexander the Great, ravaged by the Mongols and dominated by Britain.
If you follow that history to the present, you find Iraq at the epicenter of world attention, this time as the likely target of an attack by the greatest fire power that has ever been accumulated in the history of humankind.
"It is an ironic twist of fate to stand on the remains of a city in southern Iraq where the civilized world began and realize it could all end right there as well," cautions historian Bradley Parker. Advertisement |
Will the civilized world of today build the way for enlightenment for the entire world or will it barrel down a path of self-interest empire building?
In a rapidly shrinking global village, humanity's only hope for the future is to use our intellect to develop cooperation in our neighborhoods and around the globe.
Related Suggestions
My heart goes out to both the coalition soldiers, their families, to the Iraqi soldiers, their families, the Iraqi people, and all the people whose lives have been shattered by these religious and political conflicts.
I, as an American, do not want war. But I also was appalled by 9-11. I don't have the answers. But I also do not hate. I want to raise my family, and want others to be able to do the same.
Islam, Christianity, Judaism... killing each other for any of these idealogies is wrong. Everyone is wrong right now, our governments, the zealots...
Let us all just wish for a swift end so lives can be spared on all sides.
We would help then in this time by using any method. We are equally participate sad accourding top the musilms in this war.
Though we try our best to help them in this difficult time.
Ok .
Please do not take offence at my comments. At a time of great trials and tribulations for the ummah, it will be in everybody's best interests to speak openly and work toward a common goal, a goal to liberate the lands of palestine. A goal that will once and for all destroy Zionism from its roots!
I am not a scholar. I am not a sufi. I am not a mulvi. Indeed i didnt even finish off college. You may think im just a pompous windbag, just another right-winger. Think what you like, but one thing is clear. The events of Iraq will happen again, and again and again. Insha'allah may we be guided towards the sirat-ul-mustaqeem. Insha'allah may our sins be forgiven by Allah, that which are past and those that are to come but only Allah hath knowledge of them.
i feel all time if i was there that i am support to iraq!!!!!!!
allah iraq ki madad karega
insha allah
tell the king to get out. that is wrong and
everyone knows i think that the king of usa
if he knows to know the bad guy he should look
at the marry so that he can see himself.We
beleive thtat allaah is with the Iraq king and
This comment is to address Syed Taliba Agha's question reg the current events.
Allah remembers and helps those who REMEMBERED Him during times of prosperity. Whoever took Allah as the only Source (Tawheed) and asked for help, He will not let him down no matter if all the armies in the world try to destroy. Pl. don't compare earlier muslims with current day muslims. Allah is punishing the rulers who were unjust for 30 yrs by using the people who had committed sins.
You aren't going to end it.
If you pray for victory pray for American victory. They will win anyway, because the Baathist they fight are Munafaqin the worse of Allahs world.
If you want Iraqi civilians to survive better pray that America takes Baghdad quickly and implants, finally, the religious freedom for Muslims that they deserve.
I hope that the US goes after Saudi Arabia next. The 2000 or so "princes" here are lawless infidels who rule the land with absolute authority. They dont even allow women to drive cars in that country. What the heck kind of government can they ever hope to create for their people.
I hope and pray that all these parasites are quickly deposed and that they go away once and for all.
Robert Mugabee has been terrorising his population openly for years and no one is doing anything about him.
North korea is may be close to producing nucleur weapons and no one is attacking them.
Even though i believe that saddam is in the wrong i do not believe that he is a world treat or that he should take priority over those already mentioned.
any war with iraq without a palastinian state or peace proccess will destablise the entire region and put peace a longer way off than before.
I am very very sad to see the sufferings of innocent people of Iraq, Afghanistan, and muslims all over the world,Be Brave and unite, keep our iman, the americans forget that one day all of them will die too,they are kafir,God will pay them back.Ammen
Allah will help us, inshallah,
Allahu Akbar!
I'm christian and I believe, that christians, jewry and muslims have the same God.
There is no reason to fight each other.
No war!
Peace now!
Bertold Werner
It is not wrong to put forth the truth about the present days situation. Infact, todays war on Iraq started with the fall of Uthman empire. The leaders of peace are using aggression to control the world and are taking rights of human beings away by one pretex and another. World belongs to the peace loving people be they from anywhere. We are seeing pure aggression now!
where is Genghis Khan,Alexandra,csar etc....Gone hahah!!
Islam is still there and will never be destroyed....The faithfollowers of Islam are the winner even though we wont see them on CNN or SKY or Canal+!!!!!!
These people have been killing each other for hundreds of Years, with no respect for each other or human life,and the only language they undestand is force.
It is mainly about protecting and preserving the survival of jews and Isreail by gradually eliminating the neighbouring Arabs and Muslims phase by phaser.Now is the time to silence Iraq, and tomorrow it could be Libya or Iran,or perhaps Egypt.
Bare in mind that most of the Pres. Bush advisors are jews including the undersecretary of defence.
Jews in the American politics is like Blacks in the American sports.
Khuda Hafiz
Who is Mr. Hussein, and is he the true choice of the people? Muslims are a fair people and place their trust forever in God. For those of us who know that Gods'promise
is true, know we will answer for all that we do.
In terms of how we deal with these dictators as Muslims - what can you or I do? I have e-mailed and attempted to visit their embassies in DC with no success. So if one cannot command good and forbid evil with the hands, he should do so with the tongue, and lastly hate it with his/her heart. When you lead the revolt against one of these unIslamic monarchies, let me know. Otherwise keep making du'aa here in the US. Ironically, with all our numbers and ranks we still cannot make a difference HERE and you want to change the conditions overseas?
However you cannot call yourself AR Rahmaan. This title of "THE Most Merciful" (with Ar meaning THE) is only for Allah. May I suggest that you choose ABDUR Rahmaan, which the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said was of the best names from Muslim boys.
Also k2: You are wrong in the assessment that Muslims do not condemn the oppressive regimes in the other Muslim countries. Many are just as tyrannical as the Iraq leadership, however I know many people who prefer to live in those countries as opposed to the US - I am one. In Sha Allah I will make the Hijrah fee sabeelillah soon. And you wait. They are slowly eroding the civil rights of the Muslims here. They are overtly and covertly infiltrating masaajid all over the US. They are mistreating Arab and Indo-Pakistani peoples in their hunt for terrorists. This country is not as open to Islam as many people think. May Allah give us the hidayah and the reward of Jannah for our struggles in this dunya.
The war should not go ahead as millions of civilians will be murdered and AMERICA/UK should be blamed !
I hope that the writers will be just and unbiased while using their knowledge and skills next time.
Ihave said ealier as it is in the holy Qurian they plot and Allah also plot but ALLAH is the best of plotters
MA salam
God bless all of you
History will tell itself.
Why are we not taking a stand against the racist, intolerant and oppresive regimes of Saudia Arabia, Eqypt, etc.
Yet we don't hesitate to hate everything of a country we all desire to live in. A country which gives Muslims more rights than any of the oppresive Muslim nations in the world.
Admit it, if the doors of the USA were opened. Every Muslim in the world would rush in to escape the brutality they live in.
My name is ar rahman.before this my name is raja. now i embraced islam. now only i understood what is islam.after iembrace islam
i leave my father,mother,.because i want only allah and mohammed nabi.i read your is very nice.please send some photograhp's of mecca and madina.please do dhua for my parent's.iam willing to learn much more about, please send so many articles to my email id. i will send this article to my friend's also.daily i will read your article's.
I Hope and pray that the rest of the world can eliminate their misconceptions about the religion Islam as one that is to be yielded by the sword to one that follows its true meaning-submission by free will to ALLAH(SWT)....
Insha Allah, that the rest of the world can understand their wronged prejudices...
Hmmm... I wonder how many of you know what takes place in Iraq on a daily basis. The pain and suffering of muslims at the hands of another muslim.
Yes the US sanctions did ALLOT of damage and they are very bad...what do you expect from a people who only considers their own self interest?
We need to stop and consider how many of us objected when Saddam murdered the Kurds, people that opposed the Bath party and it's policies, his sons-in-law etc.
Iraq has a large enough GDP, or could have if correctly managed, so that every Iraqi could drive a Lexus....the car is an example of what kind of life they could have.....INSTEAD....most of them are eating SAND!
You people are relishing in Mesopotamia PLEASE!!!
WAKE UP and consider what Iraq SHOULD HAVE BEEN....and WILL BECOME!
It's because this UMMAH sits idly by while Muslim dictators rape the wealth of the people in Muslim countries....but raise holy hell if someone else says or does something about it.
Shame on us... that includes YOU!
barak allah feekum
We need to see ourselves as players in the present who are capable of making a valuable contribution to global society.
I'm talking society and culture - where we, the people, engage with perceiving, living and interacting, as well as doing and shaping, in an empowered, powerful, way.
This crime of war should not be accepted. This is crime against humanity.
First: The Expected US attack on Iraq, is just the bigining of the new crusades against ISLAM, it has nothing to do with civilization or oil or terrorism, and whoever thinks otherwise needs to open up their eyes, look around and go back to history and the Seera of the prophet Salla Allahu-alayh wa sallam.
Second: In your article you say, and I quote: "In addition, it has numerous Islamic holy sites such as Karbala, Najaf, and Baghdad. The holy city of Najaf is the study center of theology for the world's 150 million Muslims who follow the Shia tradition."
La hawla wala Qowata illa billah, there are only 3 holy places for muslims all over this world, Mekka, Medina, and Al-Quds, and again anyone who says otherwise is mistaken and you can go back to the correct authentic ahadeeth of the prophet salla Allahu-alayhy wa sallam taht talk about this subject.
As much as I like your website, now I'm going to worry about the content you provide, fear Allah in what you place on your website, there are a lot of lost people out there looking for the truth, I don't think we need to make them even more lost by what we tell them.
May Allah guide you and us to his Sirat Mustakeem.
Salam Alaykom
I am happy to receive the topics regarding the Islamic history and other things.I would like to ask u can I forward this letter to News-papers over here in India.May god bless u for doing very good work.May God bring peace in world.Ameen.
u.s and u.k have lot of nuk weapons.first they must disarm.israel and it's citizens must be remived from the world
believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten son
of God. The one true God, Jehovah.
I aways make good use of the notes you are been sending to me alway help me to deliver my lecture to my students.
I will be very happy if your organisation could help me the Transliteration and translation of Holy Quran. Thanks and looking forward to hear from again of my demand.
Mohammed Alhassan Fawei.
work @ eduating us. It is our honour 2 be receiving education from All.of.U.
African Americans are still economic slaves in America and many immigrant Muslims are here helping to exploit the African American. Many of them did the same thing in Uganda and South Africa. They said with their mouths, "There is no racism in Islam". Well, maybe not but there are many, many racists Muslims.
Now they are finding out that here in America they are not "white" people as they thought they were and they are still selling alcohol, pork and pornography in the Black Community but NO immigrant Muslim leaders or organizations will say a thing about it.
Shame! Shame! Whame!
A croud of pathatic Shaks (Milkshak) arein control of the most effective tool ( oil ) in the world , and the try to convince the population this tool can not be used to stop the evil,if that the case why the evil are coming to have full control of usless tools . !!!!!!.what a sham
they the sheks claim the are the protectors of the holy places , and the Profit (saaw) has sad meaning of hadith * the life of one muslim is grater in ALLAH views than makka * they new that and even so they do not car about the life of millions of Iraqi people will be unlawfully killed by the evil ( sahron)
indeed, iraq and babylon are the fortresses of
time - and unfortunately FATE. the impending
dance of the leviathans is prophetic and
cannot be avoided. yet, when the smoke
clears it is ISLAM that will stand taller under
benir in new york
However, the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has to go. He has used chemical weapons of mass destruction on his own people. He has tortured,imprissoned and killed Iraqi people who oppose his brutal rule. He has to be removed so the people of Iraq can be FREE again.
In my opinion the Unites States is not against the people of Iraq but is against the ruthless leadership currently in power.
All good Muslims should be happy that this dictator, Saddam Hussein, will be removed from power restoring the government of Iraq to it's own people.
We Muslims in the USA have the right to practice our relegion without government interfearance.
I support the US Military which includes many Muslim Brothers and Sisters in it's mission to get rid of Saddam Hussein and restore power to the Iraqi people.
Throughout history men of power have been influenced by women in the bedchamber, even been blackmailed into agreeing to subtle suggestions by threat of with-holding "favours". I wonder if this is the case now? Perhaps we ought to remember also that Catholicism might play a big part in all of this-the need to preserve the status quo?
as salam aleikum
A great and very informative article, It was helpful to explain about civilization to my young children and how its important to hold to Islam and its values.Simple language was the key to my attention.
May the Almighty Allah save innocent people and the children of Iraq, and reward you for all your work.
Jazzakkallahu khair.
very informative
In Iraq there is also the start of the world religion of the Baha'i Faith, the founder of the Baha'i Faith declarded to the world that he was send by Allah as the messanger for today, this was the start of a new world religion.
Saying Iraq is this or that is like sayinh we know the will of Allah.
I want to start a discussuion on our first month of the year, all nations welcome their new year with happy , why we muslim welcome with sarrow/black flags, is it due to Karbala Event,
some one like to clarify please, do not be emotional, be realistic, I hereby like to inform all the readers , that I am the first one who respect the grandson of prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Syedna Hussain, Hassan & all family, but to think is not bad , it is not decission
best regds
khalil khan