The Evolution of 'Jihad' in Political Discourse

Islamist discourse, like any other political discourse, is full of plastic concepts and ideas that are meant to serve politically utilitarian and instrumental purposes. But what is important for us to remember is that the instrumental use of such plastic concepts (including 'democracy', 'human rights', 'justice', etc.) invariably leads to their contestation as well, as they come to serve as tools for political mobilization.
The word 'Jihad' has now entered the space of international political and media discourse, along with those other well-known favourites, 'Fatwa', 'Mullah' and 'Shariah'. Yet this entry has also been a disabling one that has robbed the word of some of its meaning while stretching the limits of its signification even further. 'Fatwa' for instance, has now come to mean 'death penalty' thanks to the fatwa against the British Muslim author Salman Rushdie. But those who have some knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence will tell you that 'Fatwa' really means 'judicial ruling'- and these rulings can range from grave matters like the death penalty to mundane everyday concerns like the proper price of sheep in the market. The latest casualty in the war over meaning is the word 'Jihad'.
That the term 'Jihad' has become such a plastic concept is hardly surprising. Plasticity is, after all, a normal feature of language and signifiers invariably lose their roots as they find themselves translated from one context to another.
But without falling into the trap of narrow essentialism, it is nonetheless useful for us to get to grips with the concept of Jihad itself and understand how it came into being - If only to see just how far the term has been abused of late.
'Jihad' can be loosely translated as 'to struggle' or 'to expend effort' towards a particular cause. The term was originally used to refer to one's personal struggle against one's own mortal failings and weaknesses, which would include battling against one's pride, fears, anxieties and prejudices.
The Prophet Muhammad himself was reported to have described this personal existential struggle as the 'Jihad Akbar' (Greater Jihad). Alongside this notion of the Jihad Akbar was the concept of 'Jihad Asgar' or 'Lesser Jihad'. This refers to the struggle for self-preservation and self-defence - which has always been regulated by a host of ethical sanctions and prerogatives.
The Quran does stipulate clearly that Muslims have to engage in a Jihad when they are under attack, but the conditions for such a jihad are clearly laid out and are strictly defined within certain ethical prerogatives. Muslims cannot engage in conflict for the sake of mere territorial expansion for instance (which brings into question the legal status of the early Arab conquests which were motivated mainly by considerations of realpolitik). Muslims also cannot engage in acts of terror and indiscriminate violence where civilians are targeted. (In fact, numerous Muslim leaders like the early Caliphs even warned their troops not to burn the fields of their enemies or kill their livestock). A proper Jihad for the sake of self-defence was therefore a complicated and highly regulated matter - and the rulers had to consult the jurists as well as their own populations before such an enterprise was undertaken.
But Islam, it must be remembered, also happens to be a faith that does not possess a clerical class or a supreme leader like the Pope. On the positive side this lends the creed an egalitarian outlook which puts all Muslims on par with each other. But on the negative side the absence of a centralised hierarchy also means that the Muslim world is full of self-proclaimed 'leaders of the faith' like the Taliban and their unwanted guest, Osama bin Laden.
It is this absence of a clerical order and the plasticity of religious discourse that allows concepts like 'Jihad' to be hijacked by such self-appointed defenders of orthodoxy. Coupled with this is the predicament of a Muslim world that feels itself increasingly threatened and marginalised by the forces of globalisation, leading to the defensive posture being adopted by many Muslim leaders themselves.
'Jihad' has now been taken - by Muslims and non-Muslims alike - to refer to an aggressive attitude that is rooted in a reactionary discourse of authenticity and purity, giving it a militant edge that it did not possess. While it is true that the international media has done some damage to the understanding of 'Jihad', it is also important for Muslims to realize that the term itself has been used and abused by the very same people who have resorted to the use of violence in their name.
The task that lies before the Muslim community today is to reclaim the concept of 'Jihad' and to invest it with other meanings different to those imposed by the Mullahs and militants. Cognisant of the painful realities that stand before the Muslim world at present, Muslim intellectuals must jump into the fray and regain control of the discourse of Islam which has for too long been regarded as the exclusive purview of the dogmatic Mullahs. We have to break down the rigid pedagogical structures that have kept Islamic discourse in such a static mode by by-passing traditional institutions of learning and indoctrination. Everything - from the universities to the media - will have to be used as the new sites of Islamic thought and education, in order for us to spread our message across to the wider public.
Muslim intellectuals need to show that our struggle in the present-day has more to do with striving for economic development, modernisation and the creation of civil society. Rather than thinking of 'Jihad' in exclusive and defensive terms, we need to redefine the concept in proactive terms that link it to the actual economic, social and cultural needs of the Muslims of today. 'Jihad', we need to show, is useless unless it brings us closer to a more prosperous, liberal and tolerant society where Muslims are at ease with themselves and the Other. For liberal and progressive Muslims at least, this Jihad has only just begun.
Dr. Farish A. Noor is a Malaysian political scientist and human rights activist. He has taught at the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya and the Institute for Islamic Studies, Frie University of Berlin.
This article was originally published on June 6, 2003.
Related Suggestions
In the political aspect of it, again I reiterate what I said before, individuals struggling with emotions issues can indeed take Jihad out of its implied contextual form and twist it, undermining the true principles. I believe that Muslims must be able to understand Quranic concepts clearly and know the true rules of how Muslims must conduct themselves both on a physical and spiritual level.
To read a very good article which clarifies the issue including Jihad An-Nafs, please read Jihad: The Highest Peak of Islam .
secondly, i really disagree that we need a "clerical" structure. what i am conviced through reading the quran and sunnah, we as an entire ummah despritely need the return of a khaleef. this is an obligation. hedeeth on the authority of Naafi: whoever withdraws his allegience to the khaleef will meet allah on the day of ludgement with no excuse forhimself and whoever dies with no bay'ah on his neck dies the death of jahiliyyah. and this will deal with the poverty in our lands. haddeth "the khaleef in a sheild behind which the muslims fighht and behind which they r protected.
thank you and may allah protect our ummah from the hell fire. in sha allah we meet in junah!
It is his lack of understanding of the sunnah of Rasul saw which recommends pre emptive strikes, when the enemy intensions are clear.
Is there still anymore left to prove that the enemies of islam [yahud, mushrikeen & nasara] are at war with us.
as-Salaamu Alaykum.
I found this article, not unlike countless others to be apologetic and not based on Islamic evidences.
As Muslims, we should not "pander" to the requirements of the non-Islamic ideologies of this world, and re-define our own deen, according to ideas and constructs which we know will pelase them, and which will make us fit in better with their way of life.
The term Jihad, lingsuitically, does, yes mean to struggle/strive, but when we look at it from the Shar'iah point of view, this term is overwhelmingly used to refer to physical struggle in the causeof Allah (swt), namely fighting/engaging in battle. There is no shame in this, as battle/war is a part of human nature, this is something which needs to occur sometimes, in order for humans to work their differences out. And like Allah (swt) addressed all of our actions in formulating the perfect system for us, he also laid down the commands and regulations and complete military system that the Islamic nation must implement.
This article used one weak (some say fabricated) hadith, to promote the misguided idea that qatilu fi-sabi'lillah is somehow the "small" Jihad, and that simply struggling against your own inner desires (or non-violent jihad) is the greater Jihad. This is contrary to hundreds upon hundreds of Qatai Islamic evidences, ayaat from the Qur'aan and Mutawatir Hadith which clearly speak about Jihad as referring to battle, and which place the Mujahideen (those who engage in this battle) in the HIGHEST ranks in the hereafter.
How can this article, which is already severely lacking in daleel, overlook the overwhelming majority of Islamic textual evidences relating to the topic, which it is proclaiming to explain? Imam al-Bukhari's book of Hadith for instance, which is the second most reliable textual evidence in Islam, has a complete book within it, which relates to Jihad, why isn't it used?
Anyway, Just want to provoke
it is refreshing to read this article!!
I have often had non-muslims asking me "What is Jihad?" as they now, unfortunately due to the media slant and the action of a few muslims associate jihad and terrorism together. What is even scarier is that some muslims are even starting to believe this too!!
I will keep this article and email it to the next person who asks.
I am from a different faith and today is the first time that I came to know Jihad doesnt mean voilence but it is the struggle with in,if it is so then I am impressed.It is for the persons like u who have to come forward and tell world about the true teachings of Islam.
May God bless all.
YA IKHWANUL MUSLIMIN am a muslim who hapens to be a kenyan meaning am not proud of being a kenyan or an african but am proud of being a muslim i have read youre atticle about jihad as you know as long as there is injustice war is a fact of life.Yes jihad is a single word but with alot of meaning but lets focu on jihad with the curent situations that are going on around the globe.
1)our bros in philipine are fighting for there freedom and to establish sharia law coz only the law of Allah is the one that should rule the wourld 2)the philipines 3)the taaliban 4)the al-qaida etc all this groups are terorists infront of the kufars but Inshallah infront aoAllah thy are HIZBULLAH.some of as muslims may be coz of accepting this kufar we have lso been like them as S.A.W SAYS IN A HADITH (MANTA SHABAHA BIKAUMI FAHUA MINHU)that if you try to be like a certain generation youre also going to be like them.Today we have accepted that AMEERIL MUMINUN AL AKH SHEIKH USAMA BIN LADEN HIS TERORIST BUT NO HIS INAALAH AGOOD MUSLIM WHOM HAS SACRIFICED HIS LIFE OF FANTASY AND WORLD THINGS FORTHE CASE OF ALLAH REMEMBER ALLAH SAYS IN THE QURAN "THAT YOU MIGHT HATE SOMETHING THUS GOPOD FOR YOU AND LIKE SOMETHUING THUS BAD FOR YOU" SO MY DEAR BROTHER BECAUSE WE HAVE refused to follow the ways of the S.A.W. thus why today pple are against our bros the mujahids and the sunnah os S.A.W LETS FIGHT EVEN IF THE DISBILIVERS AND MUNAFIKS DONT LIKE IT
Some muslims have become so weak in their conviction that islam is the only correct ideology revealed to man kind from Allah (swt). Therefore they lack the courage to stand up to an unbeliever who hates any concept like Jihad that are well explained in Quran and Sunnah. Therefore those of us who lack belief and courage are on a mission to interpret such islamic concepts as jihad in a way that is palatable to non believing states and people. Any ordinary guy that reads the translation of Surat at thouba (9th surah in holi quran) will know that this article has done gross injustice to this concept of Jihad.
I wish to invite anyone who agrees with this article to read surat at thouba and tell me if they have still not changed their wrong opinion about jihad
though the article is good and reflect some of the term like "jihad", "Fatwa" ,"shariyah" are misinterpreted and misused some times.
But the hadiths that the author was refering to is most of times misundestood...i might be wrong also, to me "Jihad Akber" mean the greater jihad for the inner struggle, greater here refers to time and not to Sawab. no doubt people who fight for cause of Allah has best reward that a muslim can expect...and it should be understood that people who do jihad-e-akber are the one who can really do the Jihad-e-asgher and vice versa...
there is no point in doing just one of them and considering that to be the greater and neglecting other....if u do Jihad-e-asgher and later on become lineant and if u do jihad-e-akber and u dont defend when required ....thinking both of the ways hardly brings u any reward.
so both of them has to be done and should be considered important.
there are other issues in the article like the Absence of leader ship in islam is not correct
who is "khalifa" then? its unfortunate that we dont have one now and this is one of the main reason for misfortune that muslim world is facing.
May Allah give us all the taufeeq to better understand quraan and may Allah give us all toufeeq to understand and practice the sunnahs of Rasool allah(pbuh)
jazak Allah
K mohammed
To all my brothers out there as members in the
global market, please do not be apologists for muslims, as the ones who are not in American puppet governments in the world, yet who rely on the Higher and the Highest Power there is are patiently and quietly persevering through the brainwashing of non-muslims, and apparently some muslims in North America, so kindly do not support the wrong in reiterating the mantra of the mainstream media. If you study even this phenomenon of media even further still, one will find that many are themselves paid by CIA as well. This is an aid to help those brothers who write to editors and so on if they encounter attacks against this beautiful 'deen. Allah knows best.
Assalaamu alikum-wa-Rahmatullahi-wa-Barakathuhu.
embrace their culture and erroneously assign Islamic principles to justify their actions. If the radicals would place as much emphasis on the inner jihad as they now devote to the outer, I am convinced that Allah will enlighten them to a more practical means of fulfilling their avowed ended assuming their motives are just and pure.
Clarification...first of all, this article doesn't hold much weight just because of the fact there are no sources stated, and then after the quoting of a FABRICATED HADEETH, which is:
The Prophet Muhammad himself was reported to have described this personal existential struggle as the 'Jihad Akbar' (Greater Jihad). Alongside this notion of the Jihad Akbar was the concept of 'Jihad Asgar' or 'Lesser Jihad'. This refers to the struggle for self-preservation and self-defence - which has always been regulated by a host of ethical sanctions and prerogatives.
There is no support for this to be found anywhere. Not only is the meaning incorrect of this 'hadeeth', but it has actually been linked to the statement of either a sahaabi or tabi'ei, and that too also being weak.
The definition the writer of this article has provided was also stated by the presidnt, that's one sign that it is incorrect. It is not for unlearned people to raise the level of actions over another. If any one was to ask a proper qualified 'aalim regarding this issue, then the response they would get is definitely 'the inner struggle' doesn't come clsoe to the level of the 'real struggle in Allah's path.' Besides, there are too many aayaat in the Qur'aan stating the greatness of the 'real action.' 'The inner struggle' is something one should be involved with 24/7, so it is not possible for it to be close to the 'real action.'
And lastly, the closing statement of the article:
For liberal and progressive Muslims at least, this Jihad has only just begun.
this is an absurd statement. This is forsaking our brothers dying out there in almost every other country except this shaytaans land. Who will protect them if we sit and ignore their pleas arguing we are doing 'a self struggle?' It is plain and clear what the truth of this matter is. May Allah guide us to it, and He knows best.
Wassalaamu alaikum,
There is an old saying, "what you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you are saying". To my understanding, the best example of behavior would be exemplified in the early years transition of peoples to Islam between Damascus and the Pacific Ocean. As I understand it, it was the bahavior, social and economic value added to the societies that won these people to the active embrace of an Islamic appreciation and acceptance.
Want for your brother what you want for yourself.
Fear none but Allah.
Remove fear of you from your neighbor and he may become your protector. Basic Islam, is better than political Islam.......
the definition of Explosion is: expantions of gas in a confined space without any valve to decrease the pressure which causes the enclosure of this gas to break, mostly assosiated with a loud sound and the burning of the expanding materials itself.
I'll tell what i really FEEL,
when i read a similar article to yours:
I feel an extreme one sided look -even if is true- I remember all the Friday preaches when the Imam had to attack one side of the story 'the muslims ofcoars' and he is not allowed even to mention the name of the otherside because it is a super power.
This is a very critical point where a muslim feels PRESSURE reaching him after passing through layers from the super power to his country to the imam and finally his head that's the point when he may look for other references let it be taliban or their guest.
i think the defensive attitude is also being taken by lot's of muslim intellects who started preaching muslims (who are getting all the missiles and bombs)about peace but the preaching was directed westwards just as an apology and sometimes -maybe- hypocricy
I think the biggest thing missed in the article was that Jihad also is:"a word of truth in the face of(against) a cruel ruler" or maybe this mere word which has no explosives or bullets has become forbidden these days although it's the best safety valve against explosions.
If i want ppl to listen to me I have to say the whole truth, saying the whole truth involves balancing the amount of time, research and words spoken about each side of the subject
your essay did not tell how to look after science and economy while we are either under direct or indirect occupation, or under tyranny.
(maybe I went one sided olso but i guess your article has covered the other)
Although well written and shows thought, I believe this article could use some light to be shed. There're different elements to Jihad; and due to the character limits of this comment post, I urge you to reference "Jihad: Explained" as posted on
under "Introduction to Islam"
The article will shed light on:
- The term Jihad, as was accurately represented in this article as well
- Recognizing the Creator and loving Him most.
- Resisting pressure of parents, peers and society
- Staying on the straight path steadfastly
- Striving for righteous deeds
- Having courage and steadfastness to convey the message of Islam
- Defending Islam and the community
- Helping allied people who may not be Muslim
- Removing treacherous people from power
- Defending through preemptive strikes
- Gaining freedom to inform, educate and convey the message of Islam in an open and free environment
- Freeing people from tyranny
- What should Muslims do when they are victorious?
- Did Islam spread by force, swords or guns?
Again, you can find this posted on
under "Introduction to Islam" with the title "Jihad: Explained"
Thank you,
I thik for such a very important topic as 'jihad' the author should based his argument on quran and sunnah not on fabricated hadits. Please, look at the oppressed muslim al over the world how they should defend themselves? May Allah guide us to the right path and bless us with shahid
The author wrote very eloquently on the idea of jihad and the variables that constantly reshape the word. More discourse must be facilitated to expound upon the perfectness of Islamic ideals and its political and economic structure. Jihad in Palestine must be continued and it must be noted that the jihad could be one of non-violence as well. We must all continue our jihad on a daily basis struggling against the enemies of Islam and our own evil inclinations. Balance between carrying out the greater and lesser jihad must be had.
Listen brother, please do not misinform the muslims especially those with insufficient knowledge about Islam. Jihad is the way Allah(sw) and prophet(pbuh)explained clearly, not the way anybody else want to hear it.
Forgive me if I sound offensive.
Wabilaahi Tawfiq
The writer is obviously a secularist whose main concern is this life and the satisfaction of his Western masters.
Pls note and remember that Jihaad still and will always as it was meant for fighting with the sword against the unbelievers to make them either to accept Islaam, to give Jizjah or to fight, regrdless that from the arabs is nothing is accepted from them but Al.islaam or war.
By these kind of articles, the Ummah is misled nad the Wahan incresases in our hearts; for the facts that we want or not, the kuffaar are fighting us day and night, and we are humulated by who ever habba nad dabba just because we left Aljihaad!
The writers of such articles live in daaru alkufr, so they are affected by the kuffaar's doctrines!
Might Allaah Almighty guide us to the perfection that lead us to lead the world and to win Alfidawsa Al.a'laa, wa salla-llaahu wa sallama wa baaraka 'alaa Muhammadin rasuuli-llaah wa aalihi
wa-ssalaamu 'alaa mani-ttaba'a-lhudaa
Jihad in the Quran is is synonymous to Qitaal and it is undertaken to spread the message of Islam or ward off those who commit aggression against an Islamic land.
This artical is very well written and i think if more non muslims read this artical they would know that Islam is not about war and terrorism. Islam is inspiration, peace, love, care and warmth, a family of people rich or poor in knowledge learning the Correct life.The Islamic Life.
Allahu Akbar
While agreeing with the author that there is need to have a central leader who will be the Ameer -u-l muslim as it was done during the caliphates era (RTA), the author should not condemn those who took it upon themselves to defend the oppressed muslims. e.g David duke is not a muslim but he also acknowledges that muslims are being oppresed. There is one proverb in my tribe that says " if you pursue somebody to the wall, he/she will has no option than to turn back in defense.
It is a balanced article...alhamdu'lil'Allah.
However it should be clearly stated,without hesitation or latent fear, that the muslims'first PRIORITY these days is to ACHEIVE the lesser jihad FIRST by ending occupation,albeit not by targeting civilians, and then ,during the period of organisation/peaceful living,focus on the greater jijad.Or the two jihads can evolve in tandem if at all possible;its a tall order though !
The authour knows that it is impossible to even think about greater jihad when your family is murdered BEFORE your eyes, your house demolished and your livlihood ,eg agriculture burnt/destroyed. I ASK the author: Has Allah commanded us to offer the other cheek? I am afraid ,and sorry, that the author for some reason did not spell out clearly that AT THE MOMENT THE SMALLER JIHAD IS VITAL.
I note that afetr 9/11 and after the Iraq war,most
clerics are speaking of ending the intifada on USA/Israeli terms under the banner of
"Fear them and not ALLah" real terms!
The author is also fearful to even mention how MOST of our RICH islamic countries have. IN SECRET , colluded with the enemies and DILUTED/emasculated the vigour of our nation by their chronic hypocrisy. Now they stoop so low that they perhaps hate their own shadows!
So perhaps the author should inject some REALITY
and expose the truth without fear !....insha'Allah
The article is written very well. As a result of Jihad the Muslim community should come closer to prosperity etc as rightly pointed out by the author but not the other way.
"no group of people left the jihad, except that allah stamped humiliation upon them".
i do not mean to be patronizing but it seems the writer of the article has given us the sugar coated version of jihad.the article did not talk about it islamically with resort to quran and sunnah and even used content from a fabricated hadith.allah will not elevate in rank and bless with his greatest favours those who struggle (jahadu) to establish modern and technological development for the muslims. i totally agree we need to do these things, but the muslims who do these things can never be compared even to a man who walks out to do jihad but dies before reaching it. indepth research and time needs to go into talking about such a subject that goes out to muslims on a large scale, and i think the article missed the target completely. we have become such intellectuals now that we feel completely satisfied when someone tells us the linguistic meaning of 'jihad', i feel sad that on reading through most peoples comments this has been the case. we have been so confused by jihad that instead of getting up and finding out from the real sources like bukhari and muslim and imam nawawi,ibn taymiyyah etc,we have sat down and let our hearts rest when we see such a 'lovely well set out,and linguistically rich' article settle our fears about what jihad is.i think we all need to look around and take heed of abu bakr (ra)'s words,as he is a man of greater status in the sight of allah than the whole ummah, as firmly stated by our prophet muhammed (saw).we need to get up and humble ourselves not to start shouting out that 'my islam is best,no my mine is', but to sit down and find out the truth from the truthful,i do not mean to disregard the author,but i think a bit more work needs to go into such a big topic.may allah make us all die as shaheeds.ame
I am Iranian and speak on persion.
tanks for you and I wish and hope does estabilshed Islam in world.
However, he should note that any discourse on Islam should be abundantly supported with quotations from the holy Quran or Hadiths in order that his views wuold not be taken as one lacking scriptural backing.
In truth, it is up to every progressive islamic scholar to take up issues like this and expatiate on the correct position of things. Islam has been lacking this, and muslims in the western world need to be educated so that they can stand up and defend thier faith anytime anyday.
Jihad is not all about physical battles and Islam does not support terrorism
attitude towards norms and values of Islam.Under
present circumstances it is difficult to bring a
change,unless the west shows positive attitude.
Allah knows best.
Jazaak Allah Khair
You must keep writing articles like this one so we can educate the many Muslims who are ruled by their biases and hatreds instead of by the Qur'an.
I have to say, being very upfront, that i disagree with nearly all the points that was made. Firstly, the 'hadith' about the 'greater Jihad' is in fact a clear outright fabrication according to ther expert traditionists. However, i realised that when i read this 'hadith' found in this article I knew what i was going to expect in terms of the theme of the article: A defeatist understanding of Jihad, and also a newly invented understanding of Jihad which negates offensive jihad (whereas the Fuqaha of islam have a consensus of the validity and obligation of offensive Jihad - as can been seen clearly in classical books of islamic jurisprudence).
Anyhow, I would recommend the author of this article to read Syed Qutbs 'Milestones' and his chapter on Jihad..
This article on the concept of Jihad has been clearly set out in a very good manner, but unfortunatly it fails to highlight the current issues that are arising around the world which make certain individuals like Osama bin Laden declare 'Jihad' against the enemies.
The question is asked, "Why is Jihad being mentioned so many times?", to answer this importnant question we must look around at the Ummah, Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan etc, either all these countries are being oppressed directly by the presence of oppressive kuffar soldiers or they are indirectly oppressed by the tyranny of the so-called Muslim leaders hired by the Kuffar to prevent the muslims from uniting.
What are we doing whilst this is happening? We are doing nothing because the kuffar have trapped us, by twisting our religion to make it look like hate and terrorism. They have fooled nearly the whole world and the prinicipal of Jihad is heavily criticised.
Whether we like it or not, Jihad is obligatory on us, and at this time it is must. While our land are being attacked isn't it our right to defend them, isn't it our right to fight back.
Maybe 'some' muslims abuse the concept of Jihad and use it to their own accord, but isn't it time to show what Jihad is, both inner and outer.
So I respectively ask one question to you, will we abandon AL-JIHAD? Or shall we maintain it and inshallah ALlah will grant us victory? Please answer this.
Wasalaam ALeikum
Umar Nazir
And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!"
and this is occuring right now for sure
if it wasnt for these so called terrorists, you think americans would have any resistive forces. Why would meetings between leaders such as aqaba meetings occur. when did the west care so much for the palestinian state. what do they want from it. Their aim is to disarm those "terorists". These groups are effective without us realizing it,
As the quran mentions:4-104
And slacken not in following up the enemy:
{"If ye are suffering hardships, they are suffering similar hardships; but ye have Hope from Allah, while they have none. And Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom."}
I dont talk about any specific group because the knowledge i have about each of them comes from various forms of the media and i therefore do not have a reliable source to judge any group whether they are good or bad.
It is alos not true that all the Jihadis are a result of mullahs. It is required that every muslim struggle to bring the word of Allah as the only one in the world as it is the only religion in the eyes of Allah. There is a concept of Quital also in Islam which has also to be understood before criticizing the people who are struggling for the cause of ummah and trying to enforce islamic rules and regulations in what ever way it is possible by them.
They have at least to strive/jihad - learn and practice the fardu ain
Those who have the knowleadge strive/jihad - call those who need it and dissiminate the knowleadge they have
They can start doing it to their family 1st thereafter their siblings 2nd, their neighbours 3rd & community etc
The Irgun Ben Leumi and the Stern Gang are today hailed as heros in Israel; yet these same groups were labelled terrorists under the British mandate, when they were killing peace-keeping troops. I hold no hope for the present peace initiative, since it starts from Sharon's premise that there will be no right of return for expatriate Palestinians. Similarly, the deliberate policy of intrusive Jewish settlements on the West Bank has been expressly set up to prevent the formation of any meaningful Palestinian state. The Intefada is the only meaningful way left for the Palestinian people to vent their natural resentment of the occupation. Until the world (United Nations) addresses this matter in a fashion that might well involve moving its headquarters from New York to Jerusalem this problem will never be resolved.
i have to say that the main point of the article i am in disagreement. i do believe, also that the word jihad has been hijacked,but from both parties.(those who are known as miliant and also those who are known as modernate). First the hadith of the greater and lesser jihad is fabricated and was a saying from someone by the name ibrahim ibn abi yabla and this is from ibn hajar and hafidh al iraqi both great muhaditheen. so that hadith can not be used to define jihad. to say that jihad means struggle is incorrect within the shariah meaning. jihad in the shariah meaning means the removal of obstacles,by jihad if necessary,that stand between people and islam and to make the word of ALLAH the highest in the land. in bukhari and muslim it is reported that the prophet was asked"who is in the way of ALLAH". He explained,"
whosoever fights to make ALLAH's word the highest,then he is in the way of ALLAH"
The Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon You!
Warren Kundis
As always, our authors are fabulously wealthy in knowledge and expertise. I whole-heartedly concur that the word "Jihad" has been warped and hijacked in every way possible, not only by the non-Muslim world but the so called "Muslims" themselves. I am a Muslim and I feel utterly disgusted at those who have not done their research on Islam and the Prophet (SAW), and who keep claiming that our faith is one of extremism, radicalism, and perversion. Who is in his/her sensible and sound mind will do this kind of posturing? Any one who desires to attribute some feature or characteristic to Islam needs to, first and foremost, learn Arabic and do some analysis before taking on such an endeavor. It is like attempting to study the real Greek philosophy; one has to study Greek to get a real feel of its content. Nowadays, one cannot study the sciences without learning English. In the context of Islam and its language, not doing so must trivialize if not annul those acts of defilement and blasephemy which many have embarked upon. Take Michael Savage (based out of San Francisco) and the like who are bombarding the American radio and T.V. stations and channels with their propaganda against Islam. These claim themselves to be "very well educated," yet they have never tried to speak a word of Arabic. They have always studied Islam from the eyes of those who are blind and the ears of those who are deaf. These radio and T.V. hosts end up capitalizing on people's feelings in order to promote their financial greed, fame, and personal inner dissatisfaction with their short-comings and short-sightings in life. Stirring hate against 1.4 biilion Muslims, as they should be aware of, will be to no avail. They should bear in mind that Islam is part and parcel of mankind's very existence. After all, it is God's will to make it as such, for all things which happen are destined to do so with the will of the Almighty.
However, Dr Noor appears somewhat contradictory, if I may excuse myself, when he says that the dogmatic mullahs have hijacked our terms. It is the western media that is portraying them as such-- true there is no smoke without fire, but we do not need any to offer apologies while following our religion-- we are not imposing it over others.
You've twisted the article and its meaning which is of no surprise. Now we're going have the defender of jewish terrorism and fascism tell us which "jihad" to follow. Sorry but not all goyim are stupid.
So to all adult out juzto let u all know i'm 15 and i'm reminding u to read the Quran.
Our Quran says: be mighty against the unbelievers and humble to believers. This in my mind means believers in the glorious Lord Allah {S.W.T.} my king, master and ruler of all. Let us follow our God Allah {S.W.T.} for he is the all knowing the wise and there is none like onto him.
From the humble slave of Allah {S.W.T.}
May peace, blessings and goodness be with believers-Anthony Ashmead Mohammed(B.Com,FCMA,FIPM,FIAB,FCEA,AICA,AIS)
What was the jihad for Muhammad? The man was trying to convert the world (the whole world indeed) with the pure strength of his faith and of his companions'. He was striving to win wars with no blood shed, by the mere showing of his greatness, his dignity, his inner power, that is the correctness of his faith, of his vision of god. And he actually was able to do that a couple of times. That is the real jihad.
But, unfortunately, Muhammad had sometimes to accept the rules of his times too, and thus to fight bloody wars as well, and accept contradictions. His faith was not (always) strong enough for convincing his companions and his enemies. But he kept a few rules about war, that Muslims should still be respecting today, the first of which being to always offer the enemy a clear proposition to convert to Islam. Muhammad thus wrote a number of letters to leaders where he was trying, without expressing any threat, to convince them of the quality and genuine superiority of Islam. Well, he was not very good in rhetoric, but his faith was indeed impressive.
I think he was a great man of faith and, yes, of peace, but he was not strong or blessed enough for countering the influence of the people around him over time. So that, today, I don't see any chance that Islam, without its prophet, can become a peaceful religion. Today, the core message of the Qur'an is diluted in the body of interpretation made of the tradition, which is the adaptation of Muhammad's message to the (political) will of his followers. And people live more with the tradition and the social interpretation of Islam than with its prophet's wishes.
Yes, the original jihad was (is?) for peace, but that chance has been lost. Well, I may be wrong, or course.