Muslim Students in USA and Canada oppose French Hijab Ban
With French President Jacques Chirac's decision to ban religious insignia from schools, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) of the US and Canada is calling upon people of conscience to join them in protesting this infringement upon liberty and religious tolerance. The MSA of the US and Canada (MSA) believes that President Chirac's ban on religious wear - which specifically targets Muslim females who wear hijab - signals one of the greatest setbacks for freedom and democracy in France since it became one of the democratic powers of the world. To deny a woman her God-given right to freely practice her religion does not only constitute a violation of her personal freedom, but it defies the very concept of secularism. By officially prohibiting religious practices that have no correlation with state functions, President Chirac is leading France down a dangerous path of banning the acts of the religiously devout in the name of secularism.
MSA is calling upon President Chirac to rescind his order, which jeopardizes the religious rights of all schoolchildren in the state of France to dress according to their religious mandates without discrimination, fear or legal persecution. By curtailing the religious rights of its citizens, France is consequently jeopardizing the most cherished and fundamental principle of its foundation, liberty.
A woman's decision to wear hijab is a personal and private matter, which reflects her commitment to God and her desire not to expose her hair and body to strange men. To claim that a woman's decision to dress modestly in public somehow infringes upon the rights of others around her defies common sense and raises questions as to the real motive behind this proscription. "As an American Muslim, my decision to wear hijab does not conflict with being both an American and a Muslim. The hijab is simply my personal desire to observe God's commandments of modesty," said Lina Hashem, Vice President USA MSA.
MSA will join the international day of protest in conjunction with human rights, civil rights and religious organizations around the world on Jan. 17, 2004. The protest will take place in cities where French consulates reside including: Washington, DC; Atlanta, GA; Houston, TX; Miami, FL; San Francisco, CA; and New York City, NY. A 48-hour call-in and email campaign will precede the protest, as all participating organizations will ask their members to call or email the French consulates to vocalize their opposition to the ban on religious wear in schools.
What: An International Day of Protest Against President Chirac's Hijab Ban
Where: French Consulates in the United States
When: Jan. 17, 2004, Saturday
Who: Muslim Students in the United States and Canada
Contact: Tareq Elgawhary, MSA President - 240-505-7850.
Hadia Mubarak, Political Action Task Force Vice Chair - 202-213-7608
Ismail Kamal, Outreach Director - 202-431-1505
The Muslim Students Association of the US and Canada
Topics: France, Jacques Chirac, Muslim Students‘ Association
Related Suggestions
As for your patronizing take on my "anger," obviously I have no particular love for the french and their pompous posturing. To me, keeping silent when wars both cultural and militarist are launched based on ficticious propaganda is a far worse sin than being "angry" could ever be.
You're missing the point, Muslim woman don't need your permission to do anything, let alone what they can wear. Arguments in support of this ban are poor, regressive and ultimately nothing but a reflection of the fear and hatred Europeans have of people who dont "fit" in, so to speak.
Our sisters will continue to wear hijab anytime, anyplace as they please. The french and all those seek to emulate their failed example can quite honestly go to hell.
I agree we should not be silent when there is injustice, but I would like Muslims to be more consistent.
am here by praying for ur success in what u r in i prayer may ALLAH help us in all our strive to see that islam is immproving all over the world Wassalam
President of France should re-think it over and lift the ban on Hijab.
May The Al-Mighty give the right sense those who got influenced.
Hameed Abdul
Wa As Salam Alaykoum wa Rahmatoullahi wa Barakatouhou Brothers and sisters,
Unfortunately this decision is not only presidential but more the last step used by a part of non Muslims who intend to erased totally the whole religious spirit non only Muslim to be free to do what they want.
No kippa no cross no scalf at the school but welcome to the minishirt and more and more......
But it will be the most important mistake of these 3 last centuries in France because it will open by the intolerance the door to the violence and the clash beetwen the Muslim communauty and the non Muslims.
And what will be able to do the French
government ?
He won't be able to put one policeman behind each muslim ?
So those who like the peace one root of the word Islam will be very disturbed.
To be honnest I am very afraid of what can happen
Wa as Salam Alaykoum wa Rahmatoullahi wa Barakatouhou
Lets make it plain and simple, we are against ALL dictatorship and wrongdoings ALL the time, not otherwise like the low lives who have no standards.
I cant say I'm shocked and surprised at the way the French are, Europeans have been fighting each other for hundreds of years, their criminal empires shattered with the end of the second world war. The only reason they've managed to mend their fences is because the center of power has shifted to the US.
Today, they get their kicks by harrasing minorities and kicking up some dust in their former colonies. A fine reflection of failed culture with nothing in common but petty intolerance.
Maybe next we can also be as outraged when Muslim countries like Turkey outlaw women from wearing scarves in Universities or when Saudia Arabia outlaws women from driving or when the Taliban prohibit women from getting an education.
What the French are proposing is wrong but how about our own house? Is it in order?
You talk about bikini's, but what about the right to walk in the general public naked or topless, why isnt it allowed in America? Isn't that an abuse of ones' civil rights? No, it isn't. There are decency laws in this country, and although the standards of decency have been steadily declining, there is still some decency left. So, the difference between the west and east is that the east has held on to the values the west has let go.
So, I call on all Muslims to cease spending any money on any product from France. Why should we support oppression against Muslims and against Islam?
Still trying to link Saudi Arabia with this are you ? Tell me BJP boy, since when are bikini's a religious obligation ? Its fair to say you're willing to make an idiot out of yourself just to thumb your nose at Muslims facing an evil assault on their faith. To people like you civil rights are a mystery still as millions of "lower caste" Hindus can attest to.
Maybe Idi Amin was on to something when he had all those Indians tossed out of Uganda back in 70s hmmmmm...oh did I hit a raw there ?
you made some great points and I agree with what you said...
I also agree with others that said Muslims have to lash out etc etc.
In my area there is no French ambassy OR a very big Muslim community and Masjid (150-200 small families) but there is an MSA.
I wrote to the president who Alhamdulillah happens to be my Islamic school teacher :-)
and he will Insha'Allah be able to organize something on Jan 17th.
In the mean time, I think all of us Muslims should get the word out..even to NONMuslims to campaign against this decision AS HARD AS YOU CAN! we need to show them that we're not going to take any crap from them and we need all the help we can get.
This could be the beginning of the Muslim Ummah reshaping itself Insha'Allah!
Mr. president chirac is acting like an ignorant he dit not know the meaning of wearing hijab he must study first the princple of islam through hijab so that he will understand well.. this is sign of failure and panatic and also this is the act of no faith and belief without spiritual guidance... hope insha'allah they will learn about islam and wearing hijab... God Allah Bless all muslim around the world...
I dont see the need for churches in Saudi Arabia, atleast not until all bellicose talk of "crusades" and so forth continues. They have no laws preventing people from practicing their faith. Given the behavior of christian fanatics like you, its best for you to stay within the confines of your own failed culture.
As for the Hijab issue, it is a matter of civil rights when French woman are being denied education and employment for being practising Muslims. Outright blackmail and anti-Islamic propaganda is what this is about. Its not going to work. A fine relection of failed societys which claim to be democratic.
So there is no link between the two scenarios you raised and pathetically tried to link.
Further more, nobody cares about your lack of interest in the affairs of Muslim civil rights in the west or elsewhere. I'd bet stalgamites like you dont care about anybody else's condition.
It is truly a shocker to learn that Chirac, the President of France, has legislated the ban on the wearing of Hijab. I know one thing for sure, and that is when one gets pushed too far, one has nothing else go do but lash back. Muslims are no exception. Many look at Islam as an ideology whereare it is a faith. Communism and socialism are two ideologies which have been somewhat defeated. The difference between ideology and religion is that the former is subject to change or even defeat whereas the latter is not. Religion stays the same through ages and territories. It seems to me that Chirac has not studied enough about Islam; if he did, he would be the first one to support it rather than alienate it.
Why do people look at Islam as a threat? I advise all those who do not want to associate themselves with Islam to study this unique faith. Hijab is no more than a way to protect onself from the perverted and warped attitude of the lustful. It is also another way to protect the viability of a healthy society, but again the porn industry and the perverted fashion industries will do everything to alienate our Muslim sisters. You would think that people would revere the Muslim women as they do the Christian nuns, but hypocrisy is the deal of the day until a new dawn of awakening springs to embrace us all. One thing I have to say here and that is the Muslim states have failed us, and this is what we get at the end: we get driven out of our cherished homelands because most Muslim leaders are nothing but blood suckers. They need to go today before tomorrow because they have done nothing honorable in our name, nothing.
Thank you for the article.
He should listen to the voice of reason.
The hijab is a fundamental and important part of a muslim woman's dressing.
Banning the use of hijab mean no freedom of worship and religion. People are being restricted from practicing their religion.
The president should not put his country into Quos.
While this boycott is a nice idea and may allow people to vent some frustrations and show solidarity with the Muslims in France, we do a disservice to this issue without studying the larger cause of Western coexistence with Muslims and Islam INSIDE their own countries. Furthermore, one *major* issue in all of this is the so-called "fatwa" by the highest "sheikh" at Al-Azhar supporting the French govt. (something our friends at Fox news never fail to mention). Here is the source: 4CD.htm
salaam aleikum,
The Honourable Garment Prescribed by
the Creator(swt)
For The Honourable Women In Islam
Its a Protector of Muslim Women's Dignity
The Garment Not Worthy of Molestation For the pious Women in Islam to Show Their Islamic Identity.
Hijab! is Neither the Garment of Enslavement
Nor a Garment Bondage But a Liberated Garment
The Covering of Our Adornment and Beauties to Guide Our Modesty and Have Eternal Felicity.
Hijab! A Protective Garment that Save Womanhood from Bastardization and Build a Peaceful Society.
The Garment of the Believing Women For the Queens of Responsible Homes To Be the Queens of Eternal Home.
Hijab! The Crown of the Believing Queens Who Are Spiritually Guided To Preach to the Entire Women.
In fact it is time that the whole world realise that enough is enough in the attempt by so call "Freedom Nations" to keep trampling with Allah's injuctions. A woman wanting to cover her modesty is prevented from doing that while a whore is allowed to walk the street in her bikini! What an irony. And they say this is the true civilisation. God forbid.
"O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (33:59)
These are the Allah's commands...I rather die than bowing kufars. And my brothers and sister from Atlanta please come out of your houses on January 17 on the call of MSA. We got to tell these cowards that nothin can separate your love to sisters and mothers in France...that we are with them...and inshallah no matter how many laws they put on us....they can't stop Islam.
Allah u Akbar
Note to Ahmed:
You are asking "feminists" to help you for getting the right of muslim women to wear hijab!. Seems to me you have no concept of feminism. They hate Hijab. They rather take off clothes in public and walk nude in the street than wear hijab. So, they can't support muslim women in this endeavour.
Dont hold your breath, we wouldnt expect less from the likes of degenerates who hate Islam.
Besides, a boycott of french goods, the french language should be removed from education cirriculums in Islamic countries. Bigoted and failed cultures like these should be shunned completely.