a:17:{s:8:"theTitle";s:46:"USA-Israel-India: Semantics of 'Common' Vision";s:12:"thePermalink";s:76:"https://www.islamicity.org/2235/usa-israel-india-semantics-of-common-vision/";s:13:"theAuthorName";s:14:"Habib Siddiqui";s:12:"theThumbnail";s:0:"";s:6:"isWhat";s:7:"article";s:7:"theIcon";s:0:"";s:11:"theCategory";s:44:"cannot-retrieve-category-see-cell-part-1.php";s:6:"theTag";s:19:"india|/topics/india";s:7:"theDate";s:12:"Feb 18, 2004";s:11:"theDate_ORG";s:17:"February 18, 2004";s:9:"theAuthor";s:33:"Habib Siddiqui|/by/habib-siddiqui";s:5:"theID";i:2235;s:14:"theReadingTime";s:7:"29 min.";s:10:"theExcerpt";s:133:"In the 1920s, Gandhi declared, "Palestine belongs to the Palestinians as England belongs to the English and France to the French." ..";s:12:"theTitle_ORG";s:46:"USA-Israel-India: Semantics of 'Common' Vision";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:15:"whereItCameFrom";s:0:"";}

USA-Israel-India: Semantics of 'Common' Vision

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Category: World Affairs Topics: Ariel Sharon, Foreign Policy, India, Occupation Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:2235} {customField:ic-view-count}9829

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In the 1920s, Gandhi declared, "Palestine belongs to the Palestinians as England belongs to the English and France to the French." Gone are those days when India was one country that had been doggedly anti-Zionist and a powerful voice in the non-aligned movement. In the decades following the Nehru-Gandhi era, there has been a steady progress in India's bilateral relationships with both Israel and the United States. Today, India is one of the largest trading partners of both these countries.

India established full-fledged diplomatic relations with Israel in January 29, 1992. Since 1994 Indo-Israeli civilian trade has risen from some $250 million annually to $1.5 billion today with Indian purchases of Israeli defense products estimated as high as $900 million annually.*1 Contacts at many levels have become quite common when the Bharata Janata Party (BJP) came to power in March 1998. The relationship became warmer after the 1999 artillery duels between Pakistani and Indian forces in Kargil. Israel rushed to provide needed military technologies to New Delhi. Since then ties between the two nations produced a booming defense trade and rising commercial ties. In the summer of 2000, the then External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh, and the Home Minister L.K. Advani visited Israel, followed by India's National Security Advisor Brajesh Mishra's visit. In Jerusalem, of all places, Singh attributed India's decades-long Palestine policy to the 'Muslim votebank.' The then Israeli Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, came to India twice - in August 2000 and January 2001. As a prelude to Sharon's state visit to India later in the year, Mishra was even invited to speak at the Annual Dinner held by the American Jewish Committee on May 8, 2003 in New York. The Dinner was attended by many hawkish supporters of Israel. Explaining the basis for the warm relationship between the two nations, he said, "India, the United States and Israel have some fundamental similarities. We are all democracies, sharing a common vision of pluralism, tolerance and equal opportunity."*2 

To cement the relationship, recently Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel ended his official visit as an invited guest of the Government of India. During the Vajpayee-Sharon meeting, New Delhi was promised to acquiring Phalcon airborne early warning system and anti-ballistic missiles from Israel. United States, which had earlier opposed the sale of AWACS to India (and as a prelude to its own sale of nuclear and space technologies to follow in 2004), gave its nod. Speaking to Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the assembled media, Sharon proposed that India and Israel work together to combat terror: "Today, Israel and India are embattled democracies and sharing values and the challenge of terrorism. United in our quest for life, liberty and peace, our joint determination to fight for these values can inspire our hope for a better future for our people."

So, here again (like Mishra earlier), Sharon - a war criminal, who is guilty of killing tens of thousands of Palestinians, who opposed every peace deal, who personifies evil and exemplifies anti-thesis [for the pursuit] of 'life, liberty and peace' - spoke about sharing and fighting for common values with the Vajpayee-Advani's India. Since when has the apartheid state of Israel promoted a "vision of pluralism, tolerance and equal opportunity?" Isn't it a fact that the Israel is a Jewish state, which discriminates against non-Jews on the basis of religion? Palestinian people are even denied basic human rights. Could Mishra or Sharon explain why there are scores of UN Resolutions and Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch Reports, which condemned Israel for war crimes? If Israel promoted pluralism, why did its leaders oppose a bi-national state since 1918, a position that has remained unchanged to this very day? Wasn't it Dr. Weizmann, who in 1918, when asked by the British Secretary Balfour if coexistence of the Jews and Arabs was possible, argued against it by saying: "... the democratic principles reckons with the relative numerical strength; and the brutal numbers operate against us for there are five Arabs to one Jew"?*3 But that was then: some 86 years ago, before they uprooted nearly three quarters of a million Palestinians from their ancestral homes; Jews are now a majority in Israel. Has that shift in demography changed their position? No, not in 1967 when they occupied the West Bank and Gaza; and not now, with nearly a million Russian Ashkenazim Jews settled in their midst. They [Israelis] are still opposed to the return of the Palestinian refugees. The raison d'etre, which has never changed, was reiterated by Moshe Dayan on June 11, 1967 in an interview with the CBS TV program "Face the Nation". He explained: "It would turn Israel into either a bi-national or poly-Arab Jewish state instead of the Jewish state, and we want to have a Jewish state." So much for the Israeli brand of pluralism!

A nation is often assessed in terms of its treatment of the minorities. In Israel, the Palestinians living within the pre-'67 borders are treated as the Fourth Class citizens (after Ashkenazim Jews, Sephardic Jews and Falasha Jews - in that order). As far as the Palestinian people living inside the Occupied Territories are concerned, they are not even treated as human beings, a fact that is corroborated by hundreds of eyewitness accounts.*4 Even the former speaker of the Knesset Avraham Burg of the Labor Party described Israel as a "nation [that] rests on a scaffolding of corruption, and on foundations of oppression and injustice."*5 The indiscriminate bombing and shelling of civilian targets, routine demolition of homes, confiscation of lands, blockade of roads, denial of medical care and water rights, collective punishment and relentless harassment of the Palestinian population are all kosher things in the dictionary of Israeli leaders. As such, the massacre of Palestinians in Deir Yasin, Kafr Qassem, Qibaya, Sabra, Shatila, Tel et-Zaatar, southern Lebanon, Gaza, Jenin and other parts of the Occupied Territories and the resulting unfathomed misery and suffering of the Palestinian people are only a few footnotes to be repeated over and over again in the bloody history of Israel. 

Consider also a specific example: in Hebron, 85% of water is diverted to 600 Uzi-totting Zionist settlers, while the 240,000 Palestinians are allotted the remainder 15% of water. That is equivalent to providing the share of 2267 Palestinians to a single Israeli illegal settler. Are these signs of equal opportunity, democracy or pluralism? How about the Settler 'Apartheid' wall that separates Palestinian farmers from access to their land? An example of Qalqilya is enough to demonstrate the harmful effect of this wall. The 40,000 Palestinian inhabitants of the town of Qalqilya live on one side of the wall; the land they farm and actually live off is on the other. It is estimated that when the wall is finished - almost 300,000 Palestinians will be separated from their land. The modus operandi of the Israeli state is typical of an apartheid state and not of a genuine democracy where people are treated equally. From its very conception to the present state, Israel has always been a colonial enterprise, established in the image of Cecil Rhodes' Rhodesia, with rights limited to her Jewish people, in exclusion of her indigenous Arab population.*6 

Just as Israel considers the Occupied Territories of West Bank and Gaza as integral parts of Israel, so does India for the disputed territories of Jammu and Kashmir. Just as Israel has ignored scores of UN Resolutions relating to the Occupied Territories, India has refused to hold a UN mandated plebiscite in the IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir) for more than fifty years. Just as Israel hinders UN inspection teams from investigating war crimes inside Israel, the government of India likewise bars any independent investigation team into entering Kashmir. Just as Israel has settlers in the Occupied Territories, India has been settling thousands of non-Kashmiri families in the Valley to change the demographics of the disputed territory. Just as Palestinians are depicted as terrorists in Israel, Muslims are likewise depicted as villains in India. Just as Israel discriminates against Palestinians, India discriminates Muslims. (For detailed statistics, see "Minorities in the Indian Subcontinent").

Since 1990, Indian security forces have killed more than 50,000 Kashmiris, with a lot more unaccounted for. Thousands of helpless Muslim Kashmiris have fled across the Line-of-Control to the so-called Azad Kashmir ("Azad" literally means "free") and are now living in refugee camps. The US State department, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have recorded varying categories of human rights violations in Kashmir. These include: political and extrajudicial killings; disappearances; rape, torture and custodial abuse; arbitrary arrest and detention; willful destruction of property; denial of fair trial; arbitrary interference into privacy, family, home and correspondence; use of excessive force and violations of humanitarian law; suppression of freedom of speech and press; suppression of freedom of peaceful assembly and association; and suppression of religious freedom. Are these the types of 'fundamental similarities' in the treatment of minorities (especially in the Occupied Territories of Palestine and the Indian Occupied Kashmir) that Mishra was alluding to?

Or, was Mishra referring to the similarities of the government actions in Gujarat and Jenin? In this regard it is worth quoting Mani Shankar Aiyar who wrote in the Indian Express (April 30, 2002): "Ariel Sharon is the Narendra Modi of Israel. Naroda Patiya is to Gujarat what Jenin is to Palestine. And just as Naroda Patiya is only the worst of a series of grisly atrocities deliberately inflicted as an act of revenge on a hapless people, so is Jenin only the worst of a vicious vengeance exacted from blameless innocents. If the Muslim pogrom in Gujarat is justified as 'action-reaction' for Godhra, so is Jenin exculpated as 'action-reaction' for a suicide bombing at a Passover party. ... And just as Sharon, the Butcher of Qibaya in 1948, and of Sabra and Shatila in 1982, is the same as the Butcher of Jenin, Bethlehem and Ramallah in 2002, so are the mass murderers in Gujarat of the same stock as those who assassinated Gandhiji in 1948, razed the masjid at Ayodhya in 1992, and undertook the genocide of Gujarat in 2002. ... Jenin was written into the Likud victory in the Israel elections as clearly as Gujarat was written into the ascendance of the BJP in ours. The BJP is the Likud in saffron, as the Zionist Movement is the BJP in gaberdine.*7 As in Gujarat against the minorities, so in Israel against the Palestinians the full weight of the state has been thrown behind the invasion of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank - the territory on which, at Oslo and Washington in 1993, the Palestinians had been promised an independent state of their own by just about now."*8 

N. D. Jayaprakash, a member of the Delhi Science Forum, India, aptly sums up the newly-discovered 'common vision' between Israel and India: "Mr. Mishra's claim of shared vision obviously rests on the ignoble Sangh Parivar's (self-proclaimed group of fanatical "Hindu" organizations) version of history. According to them: 'Just as the Hindus of India are fighting for their survival in the very land of their origin and forefathers, so too are the Jews of Israel confronting the very same threats to the nation that is theirs by historical and religious birthright. Hindus and Jews both face exactly the same danger: Islam."*9 

So, once again we notice that both these countries have identified Muslims as their common foes and are cementing the relationship on the basis of the Machiavellian mantra - 'enemy of my enemy is my friend.' The troubling question is: has the United States eventually come out of the closet to join this anti-Muslim crusade? Otherwise, why would Bush in a statement from Monterrey, Mexico on January 12, 2004 pledge to help India with its space and nuclear technology?*10 Calling India and the United States "partners" in the effort to stop the proliferation of WMD, Bush said collaboration "will deepen the ties of commerce and friendship between our two nations and will increase stability in Asia and beyond." India will not be asked to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Indeed, Indian leaders made clear that, as a nuclear country, they would not sign the treaty. India's neighbors in the region are denied any such privilege. Only six years ago the Clinton administration imposed economic sanctions after India's nuclear tests in May 1998. The restrictions barred military sales and the transfer of military technology to India. Since then there has been much thawing in the relationship between India, Israel and the United States. The Bush administration waived the sanctions against India in September 2001 as a reward for cooperation against terrorism.

America has been fighting its war, both directly and indirectly, against the world of Islam for quite some time, since its use of cluster bombs against the Moro Muslims of the Mindanao Islands in the southern Philippines almost a century ago. It has also been providing billions of dollars worth of military, economic and technical aid to the rogue state of Israel for more than half a century. In recent days, Israel has also become the middleman to sell American technology and arms to third parties, with tacit US approval. So, with the official visit of Sharon to India, and the guaranteed sale of sophisticated weapons, it was only a question of time when USA itself would join the club. With Bush's announcement in Mexico, it is obvious that that time has come. 

It can surely be argued that these three countries, representing three world religions, are now united on the basis of a toxic ideology of hatred against Islam. Their 'common vision' is to defeat Muslims globally. The current 'war on terrorism' is a ploy to that end.*11 Demonization of the 'other' people legitimizes unilateral, lawless violence that otherwise would not be condoned. And this is precisely what we are seeing now. In today's India, historical revisionism to spread hatred against Muslims has official BJP sanction. A similar disturbing trend is also up-and-coming in the United States where anti-Islamic bigotry is at an all time high. A visit to any of the bookstores or public libraries (let alone the media outlets like the TV, Radio, newspapers and magazines) is enough to smell rotten anti-Muslim bigotry. Malicious anti-Muslim materials are now easily downloadable from scores of hate websites, some affiliated with the Religious Right (whose 60 million strong Christian fundamentalists, now representing the single most powerful voting block in American history, are the greatest backers of the Bush Administration).*12 Almost all the Muslim charity organizations have been shut down under the pretext of illegally aiding groups like the Hamas.

A very large number of Muslims, mostly with minor immigration violations, are still locked up in detention centers across the country with no official charges brought against them in more than two years.*13 In a manner reminiscent of the Dreyfus case in France, Muslim Army chaplains, translators and others working at Camp X-Ray in the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been charged in military court on various charges.*14 Many of President Bush's spiritual mentors,*15 political advisers and powerful members within his Administration - from Attorney General John Ashcroft*16 to Pentagon's Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin*17 - have made disparaging remarks about Islam. And none of these individuals was officially reprimanded for their offensive remarks. Since 9/11, Bush, in total disregard for Muslim sensitivity, has also appointed some anti-Muslim hawks to important posts.*18 And to add insult to injury, Bible-belt missionaries have been dispatched to preach Christianity in Iraq and Afghanistan.*19 

Paul Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld's deputy, is the front man for the Project for the New American Century. As the ideologue of the American unilateralism, he guides, promotes and drives the wheels of serial wars, aimed at one Muslim country after another. Richard Perle, the intellectual guru of the neoconservative movement, has profound influence over Bush policies and officials like Vice President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.*20 He co-authored (with Bush's former special assistant David Frum) the book "An end to evil: How to win the war on terror," which is dubbed by columnist Jim Lobe as "Neocon's Manual for Global Warmongering." Regarding Muslims the authors write, "The roots of Muslim rage are to be found in Islam itself. There is no middle way for Americans. It is victory or holocaust." That malicious remark speaks volumes as to what to expect in coming months and years if Perle's neocon friends still control the policymaking bodies in Washington.

Gujarat was neither the first, nor will it be the last of its kind where the ideology of hatred showed its ugly face. The same goes for Jenin, and, arguably, for Afghanistan and Iraq (where US-dropped bombs and missiles sometimes contained highly offensive graffiti/epithets, written on their bodies, which mocked Islam). There are ample reasons to believe, something that Arundhati Roy also agrees to, that the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat and Jenin could not have taken place without the demonization of Muslims in America after 9/11.*21 

Bush's pledge to India comes at a very odd time when India and Pakistan are talking - taking the first step towards peacefully resolving their problems. It is bound to enhance India's ballistic missile and weapons programs, thereby strengthening India's military capabilities and escalating an arms race in the region. It is irresponsible, if not immoral. 

One also wonders if the term 'stability' means something different in Bush's dictionary. I am sure no one is fooled by such an oxymoronic justification from the Bush Administration. The message from Washington is quite clear for all to understand. Just as Israel has been armed to the teeth so as to make the rogue nation the Goliath that it is today, India is now groomed for a similar role in South Asia. 

Pakistan's self-appointed President and strongman Pervez Musharraf can carry Bush's baton and fight America's war against terrorism, which many see as a cover for America's emasculation of Islamic societies, but his service is seemingly paltry to merit America's trust or friendship. Only a metamorphosis to Anwar Sadat may lend him that privilege. But is Musharraf ready to follow Sadat's trail?

Dr. Habib Siddiqui lives in suburban Philadelphia, PA, and is the author of the book Islamic Wisdom. He can be reached at saeva@aol.com

  1. See the report by JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs), a powerful neo-conservative pro-Israel think tank - website link

  2. See http://www.indianembassy.org/i

  3. The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia, by Phillip Knightley and Colin Simpson, Bantam Books, NY, p. 140.

  4. Read, e.g., former Staff Sgt. Ron-Forer's recently published book for the treatment of Palestinian people at the checkpoints. See also Haaretz report about harassment of Armenian Christians by Amiram Barkat, Jan. 13, 2004.

  5. Is there hope? - Where to look for it, by Ran HaCohen, Dec. 29, 2003, http://www.anitwar.com

  6. It was no wonder therefore that the founding father Theodore Herzl approached Cecil Rhodes to okay his plan for the Jewish state.

  7. The reference here is from Shylock to Antonio in The Merchant of Venice: "You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon my Jewish gabardine."

  8. http://www.indianexpress.com/columnists/aiyar/20020430.html

  9. http://www.counterpunch.org/jayaprakash07302003.html

  10. (Phila. Inquirer, Jan. 13, '04)

  11. For the USA, in particular, the 'war' allows them full control over the politics and economics of the subdued territories. The flow of cheap oil and multi-national contracts are the extra bonuses.

  12. Many of them are Southern Baptists - who believe that Jews of the world must be assembled in Israel a priori to facilitate the second coming of their Messiah (Jesus); those Jews who convert to Christianity will be salvaged, the rest slaughtered. President Bush identifies himself with the Christian Fundamentalists (Ref: Kevin Phillips's latest book: American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; also heard over NPR Morning Edition: The Bushes, an 'American Dynasty', Bob Edwards' interview with Kevin Phillips: Jan. 22, '04).

  13. See 'Abuse of Human Rights in America' by this author, in the Media Monitors Network, USA, Nov. 12, 2003.

  14. "Camp Delta translator charged in military court" by Rupert Cornwell, Independent.co.uk, Jan.14, 2004.

  15. Franklin Graham (Samaritan Purse), Pat Robertson (700 Club), Jerry Falwell (Moral Majority), Jerry Vines (Southern Baptist Convention) and leaders of the Christian Right have all made highly provocative, anti-Islamic remarks. Jerry Vines, former head of the Southern Baptist Convention, has described the Prophet Muhammad (S) as a "demon-obsessed pedophile". Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham and the head of Samaritan's Purse, has described Islam as a "very evil and wicked religion".

  16. In an interview with Christian right-wing columnist Cal Thomas, Ashcroft said, "Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die for Him. Christianity is a faith in which God sends His son to die for you."

  17. Lt. Gen. Boykin, a Christian fundamentalist, was recently appointed deputy undersecretary of Defense for intelligence. A month-long investigation by LA Times showed that "... (the) 30-year veteran .. (is) an intolerant extremist who has spoken openly about how his belief in Christianity has trumped Muslims and other non-Christians in battle." Appearing in dress uniform before a religious group in Oregon in June, Boykin said Islamic extremists hate the United States "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christians. ... And the enemy is a guy named Satan." " "Discussing a U.S. Army battle against a Muslim warlord in Somalia in 1993, Boykin told one audience, "I knew my god was bigger than his. I knew that my god was a real god and his was an idol." (CNN, Oct. 16, '03).

  18. Elliot Abrams was appointed in December of 2002 with appointment to head the National Security Council's Near East and North African office. Daniel Pipes was recess-appointed by President Bush to the US Institute of Peace (USIP).

  19. "Bible Belt missionaries set out on a 'war for souls' in Iraq," London Telegraph, December 27, 2003.

  20. He is a close friend of Wolfowitz since 1969 and is the latest recipient of the "Senator Henry M. 'Scoop' Jackson Award" at the Inaugural Jerusalem Summit (Oct. 12-14, 2003). He advocates regime changes in the Middle East. [Ref: Richard Perle vs. Paul Krugman: A Debate On the War On Terror, Jan. 13, 2004.] (http://www.democracynow.org)] He is also opposed to the Road Map for Palestine. It may be recalled that he was the election adviser to Netanyahu's Israeli government during the period of 1996-99, and counseled Israel to scrap any and all peace attempts, and to annex the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

  21. In a Znet interview on "War Talk," Arundhati Roy said, ".. in 'War Talk' I look at how the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat could not have happened last year without demonization of Muslims in America after September 11. It's not just that the radioactive waste from the wreckage of the World Trade Center [was] dumped in Gujarat, but also a toxic ideology that reached a critical mass in the 'war on terrorism' and the rabid hatred of the Muslim world we see being driven by the Bush administration. Anti-Muslim hatred has been given sanction and legitimized."

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Older Comments:
Good observations, Ahmed!!!

H.A. concurs with you. India is indeed becoming an infidellic and corrupt state. Just compate its old culture+people and the new culture + people; its like water and oil.....

A true Axis of EVIL.

Hopefully Arab governments will now realize that supporting India vs Pakistan has gained them nothing. Arab gov. have always supported and treated India and Pakistan differently. Pakistan to this day support every Arab casue where Arabs never did support openly Pakistan or Indian Muslims in Kashmir. If only they would threaten to send all Indian laborors out of Mid East, it will get India attention. But unfortunatly they never did.

I hope that America, Israel, and India will accept their role as the Triumvirate of Peace and serve as an example to other countries in how to promote freedom and justice globally. With three great countries marching lockstep towards their goals, we now have good reason for optimism.

I wish all of you peace.

Wow you hit the nail on the head with this article excellent work asalaam alaikum

Paul Morland, in your crusade against distortion, please keep in mind that it was Israeli agents who precipitated the 'flight from Iraq' (pun intended) of Iraqi Jewry, a total of 100,000, in 1950 and 1951 (CE) -- at least according to Ahron Bregman in his book Israel's Wars (page 40). If you already know this than evidently it doesn't weigh too heavily on your conscience.

The demonization of Muslims today is identical to the deomonization of Jews in Europe before the "Holocaust" if not worse.
InshAllah it will not take a "Holocaust" of Muslims in the near future to unite them as it did the surviving Jews.
Muslims have to reach out and explain the real Islam to Jews and Christians before its too late. After all, it's a duty that today's Muslims have abandoned.

as far as international affairs are concerned .

Kevin Danaher gives a colorful presentataion.



An excellent piece of work,I largely agree with the author but I like to add that as a muslim nation our problems can only be resolved if we can produce a bunch of "God Fearing & Sincere" leader ship among us.

ITS NOT what someone does its ALWAYS WHY he does that..

what is war?
what does enemy do? and what are his intentions.

enemy is not just after your land, as they yell ...."they are coming for your wives and children...."

after the land grabbing they put them in the refugee camp, to monitor and contol.

after the genocide, they send orphan muslim children to the nonmuslim families for adoption in the western countries.

and you talk about AWACS deals?

if you keep talking like this, they will kick ur sorry ass even harder.

uniting muslim countries??
there is no such thing in islam..
there r no muslim countries in islam?

u need to think with more liberty, beyond National interest, to go somewhere.

in the end it will be muslim against everyone else , as we know....

Prepare ur self.


Why not fully agree with what all Dr. Siddiqui has said? I think he followed a scientific process to establish and evince what he wanted to say. Only people who are blinded with prejudice wouldn't agree with documented facts. After all, the similarity between the countries in question is extremely striking and obvious. Well done Dr. Siddiqui. I do pray for Allah to increase people like you.

Muslims ruled india for 600 years.well 30% percent of indian population were muslim before partition.It is easy for muslims to relate to jews,christians as all of them are from same prophet abraham.The only relegion still following strict code is islam - no alcohol,smoking,adultery,telling truth,descent clothing,life after death etc .I guess muslims should keep following these strict code and Allah will award us.Islam is a true relegion and muslims should try to spread message of Islam among non-muslims.Many hindus don't know what islam is (they think it is just about eating biryani).And for jews one doesn't become great by just occupying other lands illegally.jews population is just 15 million compared to 1.3 billion muslims.I would like to say a lot but , allah please guide all of us to peace and forgive all of us.

Recent concessions of Sharon and Vajpayee are nothing but to encourage Mushrraf and Arafat to deceive populace. Loads of Indian actresses have already mesmerised the secular Pakistanis by visiting one after another to Lahore. Once relaxed and settled, the cultural and social attack of India will destroy the very existence of Pakistan.

Sooner the better - our ulema, both Shias and Sunnis have to overcome their personal agendas and completely overhaul the Islamic History. They should not spare anybody who has done damage to the Islamic cause. Everything should be discussed openly. The confederation of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan must be achieved asap. It is not easy, but fair minded people can certainly change the situation. The confederation of these nations must withdraw their ambassadors from United Nations; cease all types of relationships with the rest of the world including Muslim countries, that includes cultural, social, trade, sports and political. They should develop domestic economy, by manufacturing arms and agricultural machinery the way Hitler did it. Aluminium, steel and Machine Tools should be the mainstay of the industry. Pakistan can become bread basket of the nations, while Iran can provide oil. Domestic railway should be developed coast to coast. All international treaties should be abolished. Loans will be paid to International banks, when the money is available without interest. With ten million personnel in the army, compulsory military training to all the able body people including men and women should be must. Five thousand aircraft, fifty thousand tanks, 1000 nuclear bombs should be fitted into missiles. The nation should be completely isolated until the formation of Khilafat. The people should become simple, if possible should eat only one time. Today, Muslims are in need of Omar's political, social and economical system, more than Ibn-Sina's scientific mantra.

While agreeing to the contents of the article, I must add the following:

Who allowed the massacre of Taliban brothers? Musharraf.

Who killed 1.5 million Iraqi Muslims by 12 year old brutal sanctions? Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, UAE and etc......

Who attacked Iran and murdered millions of them? Iraq financed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

Who is intimidating and arresting one of the greatest Muslims of last century, may be of all time that is Dr. Qadeer Khan? Musharraf.

How many Muslim countries have pulled their ambassadors, when Babri Mosque was demolished in India, followed by 10 thousand Muslims were murdered in Bombay? None.

How many Muslim countries even condemned Russia when Chechnya was razed by Russians? None.

In the Midst of political crises surrounded to Bush and Blair for not finding WMD here in west, how many Muslim leaders are even questioning these leaders of WMD? None.

India was the friend of Arafat until that stupid has signed the Oslo accord. If Palestinians themselves have signed the accord, then India was waiting behind the curtains for such stupidity to happen? Did I say anything wrong!

Have you watched Pakistan TV lately, it looks more Indian than Pakistani!!! Shame.

Turst me, if Muslim countries unanimously stopped all the contacts with Israel (No war - No Peace), Israel will be destroyed by itself.

The existence of Israel is because of the stupidity and cowardness of Muslims. Nonthing else. Israel is an illegal nation. It is illegitimate to its bones. This is an artificial nation manufactured by thiefs and thugs. Muslims should rise up and throw all the Muslim leaders, including the religious thugs too into the ocean. Bring Khilafat, and hoist the flag of Islam at Jeruselum, which is imminent. Even talking to Israel should be banned. How can you even negotiate with these European thugs, who are worst than gypsies.



The author is obviously a Pakistani. After more than 50 years Pakistan may finally able to convince those Arabs to stop selling petrol to India.

The fact is India is acting purely out of national self interest and not because of some common hatred of muslims or arabs. Indian foreign policy is much more pragmatic than the author of the article would let us believe. Americans are mistaken if they believe they can counter China's influence in the region by arming India. Only recenty India sent a high level delegation to China to improve bilateral relationship. China is an emerging economic power in the region and India knows it.

After all India is going to fit that Isreali AWAC system on its Russian made jets. Its does give Indian Air Force an edge over PAF so obviously they are mad about it.

Paul Morland, in your crusade against distortion, please keep in mind that it was Israeli agents who precipitated the 'flight from Iraq' (pun intended) of Iraqi Jewry, a total of 100,000, in 1950 and 1951 (CE) -- at least according to Ahron Bregman in his book Israel's Wars (page 40). If you already know this than evidently it doesn't weigh too heavily on your conscience.

This article starts with a misquotation. Ghandi said 'Palestine belongs to the Arabs.' Of course his sentiments in saying this were anti-Zionist as the writer maintains, but nobody talked about 'Palestinians' until the 1960s, when it was deemed convenient by the Arab propaganda machine.
A minor point perhaps, but if a write is happy to distort the sentence with which he opens, you should be suspicious of the rest of what he writes.

And in this case, you would be right to. So the peoples whom the Mulims have tried to exterminate, expropriate and usurp cooperate with each other. Big deal. The fact is, as we know, there are thriving Muslim communities in Israel and in India. The Hindus of Bangladesh were the victims of Islamic genocide in the early 1970s, although some are still there. The Hindus of Pakistan have been cleansed almost entirely(hence 'Land of the Pure) and just about all the Jews have been chased out of Arab lands.

Behind all the ranting, hatred and racism from Muslims on this site, I think there lie some guilty consciences.

A very good article by Dr. Siddiqui. Jews have had a much better treatment under Muslim rule than under Christianity throghout history. John should read Karen Armstrong's book "History of Jerusalem". instead of revisted history mostly written by Islamophobes for the Johns of this world. But this is not what prompts me to write as I do not wish to argue over 1000 year old hisotry.

Muslim leaders over the last 50 years bear the full responsiblity of what is happening to us collectively. They have aligned themselves with Western governments at the cost of their own people whilst lining their own pockets.

OIC meets frequently to talk about the ills that has befallen us but seldom comes with solutions benefiting the Ummah. They are a bunch of useless fat cats like the rest of the leaders.

The truth of my statement is measured by our predicament today. The world has lost faith in us. We can not easily travel without harassement. If not for oil our combined Arab world GDP is lower than that of Spain. Our people live in exile, we put up with all the hate thrown at us. etc. etc. Shame on us. We have truly left Allah's way to follow material wealth and our leaders treat us like sheep.

If they had the guts here is what I recommend: 1) Drop the US currecy as the trading currency for oil/goods/services. Coin an Islamic Dinar (Malaysia has done that but it needs to be circulated and all other local currencies dropped). 2) Withdraw all capital from Western banks and invest it in local economies. 3) Invest largely in education and industry with research, health and technology bias. 4) Abandon frivilous expenditure. 5) Work towards creating an economic union with all Islamic countries with the final aim of removing all barriers to trade and labour movements. 6) Attempt to rewrite the laws governing life with emphasis on Islamic and universal justice, respect for life and one person one vote.

These are just for starters. Where are they?
Ahmed Asgher

I agree with this article. I also agree with Ansari that nations cooperating in their common interest is normal and logical, no matter that the aim is cold and dangerous. i find it strange that while the US is going around the world making sure nations don't have nuclear weapons programmes, suddenly they approve to help increase India's nuclear programme. they are doing all over again what they did for Saddam. but then, maybe India is not another Iraq - they could be another Israel.

This article is a good work -- in my opinion. One of our duties, as described by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is to show compassion for oppressors by preventing them from being oppressive. If you sincerely feel that you are a friend to Israel then please ask yourself whether or not your unqualified support of the Zealots of this age might lead to a repeat of the events of the last. After all, ill will is ill will -- is it not?

Every smart nation looks after its own interest. It is in the interst of india usa and israel to cooperate for their common good. Dont criticize them for that. Tell the leaders or so called leaders of muslim countries to cooperate or unite for some common cause. Do you know that budget of OIC is measly few million dollars, which represents all Muslim nations, while the yearly budget of AIPAC runs into several hundred of millions. We should try to improve ourself rather than criticise.


I agree with this article almost entirely. I must say though, Muslims around the world should make a much greater effort to help their brothers and sisters whereever they are being oppressed. Muslims also must make a greater effort to follow the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh)so that Allah (swt) may extend greater blessings upon the ummah.

interesting and mostly true. just a few things though. i think the US are arming India in reaction to China and not because of guerilla threats...also they can always send missionaries to afghanistan, we all know they won't go very far. The aghans are true muslims and would be the last to change.

For all you ZIONISTS and CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS out there...you think that Israel is in the right for subjugating Palestinians? How about this, you think this pollutant of a people are cleansing the holy land by being there and exterminating Palestinians? Well what if I told you that Israeli's are sexually abusing their children? Almost 2000 children have, 1191 girls, and 572 boys, and only 73 out of all of them have received just compensation by their aggressors. 32.6% of the abused children are between the ages of nine and 11 yrs old...29.9% between 12-14 yrs, and 26.2% between six to eight yrs, and 11.3% under the age of five. .. ... This report was compiled by the "National Council for Children in Israel."

Also, 2/3's of Israeli married people deceive their partners.

Assalamu Aleykum, great article, I would just add Russia to the list.
This just shows, how truthful is the Koran. Allahu Akbar!

Blessed the Holy Quran and the Prophet's tradition. Islam will triumph, Insya Allah.

The negative forces in all forms against Islam and it believers are mounting each day. It is truly a mark of a great religion - the religion for all mankind. As such it is high time for muslim countries to get united and stay focus and fight for true peace and harmony for the world.
There should be no more enforce suffering for all mankind.

Are Jews treated as eqaul citizens in Arab and Muslim states? Of course not, because you can't find them: they were all expelled, except for a handful. Even before their expulsion, Jews were never anything more than second-class subjects, placed there explicitly by Muslim legislation.

Similarly, an Indian writer has said that the Muslims broke the back of Indian civilisation. Muslims have been given all too easy a ride over their record of colonialism, imperialism, aggression, bloody destruction, discrimination, expulsions, murder and massacre. A "Black Book" of Islam needs to be written and published about its all too many depredations. It will come.

Sorry for being blunt in this post.

Every country should align with the winners and not with the losers. In World War I, Ottomans sided with Germans; and Germany lost. Well, everybody knows what happended to Ottoman Empire afterwards.

India sided with the Arabs for a long time. Arabs had been losing for quite a while. So, India decided to switch side with the winners (Israel). After all, every nation looks for its own interests; India finds that its intersts are better served by aligning with Israel than with Arabs and muslims; after all, India had nothing but trouble from its muslim neighbours; Israel is too far away to give any troubles. Arab-afghans/muslims have been waging jihad (and suicide bombings) in Kashmir for the last 15 years; there have been no Jews/Zionists/Israelis waging any kind of Jihad (and suicide bombings) in India.

Muslims (and Arabs) have become nothing but a bunch of cry-babies. A small island nation, England, ruled one fourth of the world; 100 million arabs (and trillions of dollar of petro-wealth) are no match to a tiny country called Israel; all we hear is moaning and groaning (and jihad sloganeering); in international affairs, everybody ignores moaners and groaners.

Do moaners and groaners ever learn anything; I have serious doubts about it; all they can do is more suicide-bombings.

I hope editors publish it; after all somebody has to call a spade a spade.