The Influence of the Christian Right
The Influence of the Christian Right .. on U.S. Middle East Policy
In recent years a politicized and right-wing Protestant fundamentalist movement has emerged as a major factor in U.S. support for the policies of the rightist Likud government in Israel. To understand this influence, it is important to recognize that the rise of the religious right as a political force in the United States is a relatively recent phenomenon that emerged as part of a calculated strategy by leading right-wingers in the Republican Party who-while not fundamentalist Christians themselves-recognized the need to enlist the support of this key segment of the American population in order to achieve political power.
Traditionally, American fundamentalist Protestants were not particularly active in national politics, long seen as worldly and corrupt. This changed in the late 1970s as part of a calculated effort by conservative Republican operatives who recognized that as long as the Republican Party was primarily identified with militaristic foreign policies and economic proposals that favored the wealthy, it would remain a minority party. Over the previous five decades, Republicans had won only four out of 12 presidential elections and had controlled Congress for only two of its 24 sessions.
By mobilizing rightist religious leaders and adopting conservative positions on highly-charged social issues such as women's rights, abortion, sex education, and homosexuality, Republican strategists were able to bring millions of fundamentalist Christians-who as a result of their lower-than-average income were not otherwise inclined to vote Republican-into their party. Through such organizations as the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition, the GOP promoted a right-wing political agenda through radio and television broadcasts as well as from the pulpit. Since capturing this pivotal constituency, Republicans have won four out of six presidential races, have dominated the Senate for seven out of 12 sessions, and have controlled the House of Representatives for the past decade.
As a result of being politically wooed, those who identify with the religious right are now more likely than the average American to vote and to be politically active. The Christian Right constitutes nearly one out of seven American voters and determines the agenda of the Republican Party in about half of the states, particularly in the South and Midwest. A top Republican staffer noted: "Christian conservatives have proved to be the political base for most Republicans. Many of these guys, especially the leadership, are real believers in this stuff, and so are their constituents."
The Movement Takes Office
The Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State recently quipped: "The good news is that the Christian Coalition is fundamentally collapsing. The bad news is that the people who ran it are all in the government." He noted, for example, that when he goes to the Justice Department, he keeps seeing lawyers formerly employed by prominent right-wing fundamentalist preacher Pat Robertson.
As the Washington Post observed, "For the first time since religious conservatives became a modern political movement, the president of the United States has become the movement's de facto leader." Former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed marked the triumph by chortling, "You're no longer throwing rocks at the building; you're in the building." He added that God "knew George Bush had the ability to lead in this compelling way."
American liberals have long supported Israel as a refuge for persecuted Jews and have championed the country's democratic institutions (for its Jewish citizens). Historically these liberals, bolstered by the disproportionate political influence of Zionist Jews within the party, prompted Democrats to adopt a hard line toward Palestinians and other Arabs. Though more hawkish on most foreign policy issues, Republicans traditionally took a somewhat more moderate stance partly due to the party's ties to the oil industry and in part because of GOP concern that too much support for Israel could lead Arab nationalists toward a pro-Soviet or-in more recent years-a pro-Islamist orientation. But this alignment has shifted, thanks to the influence of the Christian Right. Though Christian fundamentalist support for Israel dates back many years, only recently has it become one of the movement's major issues.
As a result of renewed fundamentalist interest in Israel and in recognition of the movement's political influence, American Jews are less reluctant to team up with the Christian Right. Fundamentalist leader Gary Bauer, for example, now receives frequent invitations to address mainstream Jewish organizations, which would have been hesitant toward the movement prior to the Bush presidency. This is partly a phenomenon of demographics: Jews constitute only 3 percent of the U.S. population, and barely half of them support the current Israeli government.
The Israelis also recognize the Christian Right's political clout. Since 2001, Bauer has met with several Israeli Cabinet members and with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Former Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu noted, "We have no greater friends and allies" than right-wing American Christians.
It used to be that Republican administrations had the ability to withstand pressure from Zionist lobbying groups when it was deemed important for American interests. For example, the Eisenhower administration pressured Israel during the Suez Crisis of 1956, the Reagan administration sold AWACS-equipped planes to Saudi Arabia in 1981, and the first Bush administration delayed a $10 billion loan guarantee for Israel to await the outcome of the pivotal 1992 Israeli election.
With the growing influence of the Christian Right, however, such detachment is no longer as easily achieved. For the first time, the Republican Party has a significant pro-Israel constituency of its own that it cannot ignore. Top White House officials, including Elliott Abrams, director of the National Security Council on Near East and North African Affairs, have regular and often lengthy meetings with representatives of the Christian Right. As one leading Republican put it: "They are very vocal and have shifted the center of gravity toward Israel and against concessions. It colors the environment in which decisions are being made." Indeed, the degree of the Bush administration's support for Prime Minister Sharon has surprised even the most hard-line Zionist Jews.
Rising Power of Christian Zionists
It appears, then, that right-wing Christian Zionists are, at this point, more significant in the formulation of U.S. policy toward Israel than are Jewish Zionists, as illustrated by three recent incidents.
After the Bush administration's initial condemnation of the attempted assassination of militant Palestinian Islamist Abdel Aziz Rantisi in June 2003, the Christian Right mobilized its constituents to send thousands of e-mails to the White House protesting the criticism. A key element in these e-mails was the threat that if such pressure continued to be placed upon Israel, the Christian Right would stay home on Election Day. Within 24 hours, there was a notable change in tone by the president. Indeed, when Rantisi fell victim to a successful Israeli assassination in April 2004, the administration-as it did with the assassination of Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin the previous month-largely defended the Israeli action.
When the Bush administration insisted that Israel stop its April 2002 military offensive in the West Bank, the White House received over 100,000 e-mails from Christian conservatives in protest of its criticism. Almost immediately, President Bush came to Israel's defense. Over the objections of the State Department, the Republican-led Congress adopted resolutions supporting Israel's actions and blaming the violence exclusively on the Palestinians.
When President Bush announced his support for the Road Map for Middle East peace, the White House received more than 50,000 postcards over the next two weeks from Christian conservatives opposing any plan that called for the establishment of a Palestinian state. The administration quickly backpedaled, and the once-highly touted Road Map essentially died.
Theological Influences: Good Versus Evil
Messianic theology is centered around the belief in a hegemonic Israel as a necessary precursor to the second coming of Christ. Although this doctrine is certainly an important part of the Christian Right's support of a militaristic and expansionist Jewish state, fundamentalist Christian Zionism in America ascribes to an even more dangerous dogma: that of Manichaeism, the belief that reality is divided into absolute good and absolute evil.
The day after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush declared, "This will be a monumental struggle of good versus evil, but good will prevail." America was targeted-according to President Bush-not on account of U.S. support for Arab dictatorships, the large U.S. military presence in the Middle East, U.S. backing of the Israeli occupation, or the humanitarian consequences of U.S. policy toward Iraq but simply because they "hate our freedom." Despite the Gospels' insistence that the line separating good and evil does not run between nations but rather within each person, President Bush cited Christological texts to support his war aims in the Middle East, declaring, "And the light [America] has shown in the darkness [the enemies of America], and the darkness will not overcome it [American shall conquer its enemies]."
Even more disturbingly, Bush has stated repeatedly that he was "called" by God to run for president. Veteran journalist Bob Woodward noted, "The President was casting his mission and that of the country in the grand vision of God's Master Plan," wherein he promised, in his own words, "to export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defense of this great country and rid the world of evil." In short, President Bush believes that he has accepted the responsibility of leading the free world as part of God's plan. He even told then-Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas that "God told me to strike al-Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did." Iraq has become the new Babylon, and the "war on terrorism" has succeeded the Cold War with the Soviet Union as the quintessential battle between good and evil.
Cultural Affinities
The esprit that many Americans have with Israel is rooted in a common historical mission. Each country was settled in part by victims fleeing religious persecution who fashioned a new nation rooted in high ideals with a political system based upon relatively progressive and democratic institutions. And both peoples established their new nations through the oppression, massacre, and dislocation of indigenous populations. Like many Israelis, Americans often confuse genuine religious faith with nationalist ideology.
John Winthrop, the influential 17th century Puritan theologian, saw America as the "City on the Hill" (Zion) and "a light upon nations." In effect, there is a kind of American Zionism assuming a divinely inspired singularity that excuses what would otherwise be considered unacceptable behavior. Just as Winthrop defended the slaughter of the indigenous Pequot peoples of colonial Massachusetts as part of a divine plan, 19th century theologians defended America's westward expansion as "manifest destiny" and the will of God. Such theologically rooted aggrandizement did not stop at the Pacific Ocean: the invasion of the Philippines in the 1890s was justified by President William McKinley and others as part of an effort to "uplift" and "Christianize" the natives, ignoring the fact that the Filipinos (who by that time had nearly rid the country of Spanish colonialists and had established the first democratic constitution in Asia) were already over 90 percent Christian.
Similarly, today-in the eyes of the Christian Right-the Bush Doctrine and the expansion of American military and economic power is all part of a divine plan. For example, in their 2003 Christmas card, Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne included the quote, "And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?"
But is such thinking normative in the United States? Polls show that the ideological gap between Christian conservatives and other Americans regarding the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the "war on terrorism" is even higher than the ideological gap between Christian conservatives and other Americans regarding Israel and Palestine.
In many respects, much of the American right may be at least as concerned about how Israel can help the United States as about how the United States can help Israel. Due to the anti-Semitism inherent in much of Christian Zionist theology, it has long been recognized that U.S. fundamentalist support for Israel does not stem from a concern for the Jewish people per se but rather from a desire to leverage Jewish jingoism to hasten the Second Coming of Christ. Such opportunism is also true of those who-for theological or other reasons-seek to advance the American Empire in the Middle East. And though a strong case can be made that U.S. support for the Israeli occupation ultimately hurts U.S. interests, there remains a widely held perception that Israel is an important asset to American strategic objectives in the Middle East and beyond.
Strategic Calculation Trumps Ethno-Religious Card
Ultimately, Washington's championing of Israel-like its approval of other repressive governments-is part of a strategic calculation rather than simply ethnic politics. When a choice must be made, geopolitical considerations outweigh ethnic loyalties. For example, for nearly a quarter of century, the United States supported the brutal occupation of East Timor by Indonesia and to this day supports the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, despite the absence of powerful Indonesian-American or Moroccan-American ethnic lobbying forces. The United States was able to get away with its support for occupations by Indonesia and Morocco due to their relative obscurity. This is certainly not the case with Israel and Palestine. (Interestingly, even though the East Timor situation involved a predominantly Muslim country conquering, occupying, and terrorizing a predominantly Christian country, virtually no protests arose from the Islamaphobic Christian Right.)
The Christian Right has long been a favorite target for the Democratic Party, particularly its liberal wing, since most Americans are profoundly disturbed by fundamentalists of any kind influencing policies of a government with a centuries-old tradition of separating church and state. Yet the positions of most liberal Democrats in Congress regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are far closer to those of the reactionary Christian Coalition than to those of the moderate National Council of Churches, far closer to the rightist Rev. Pat Robertson than to the leftist Rev. William Sloan Coffin, far closer to the ultraconservative Moral Majority than to the liberal Churches for Middle East Peace, and far closer to the fundamentalist Southern Baptist Convention than to any of the mainline Protestant churches. Rather than accusing these erstwhile liberals of being captives of the Jewish lobby-a charge that inevitably leads to the countercharge of anti-Semitism-those who support justice for the Palestinians should instead reproach congressional Democrats for falling captive to the Christian Right. Such a rebuke would be no less accurate and would likely enhance the ability of those who support peace, justice, and the rule of law to highlight the profound immorality of congressional sanction for the Israeli occupation.
Those who support justice for the Palestinians-or even simply the enforcement of basic international humanitarian law-must go beyond raising awareness of the issue to directly confronting those whose acquiescence facilitates current repressive attitudes. It will not be possible to counter the influence of the Christian Right in shaping American policies in the Middle East as long as otherwise-socially conscious Christian legislators and other progressive-minded elected officials are beholden to fundamentalist voting pressures. It is unlikely that these Democrats and moderate Republicans will change, however, until liberal-to-mainline churches mobilize their resources toward demanding justice as strongly as right-wing fundamentalists have mobilized their resources in support of repression.
Stephen Zunes is an associate professor of politics and chair of the peace & justice studies program at the University of San Francisco. He serves as Middle East editor for the Foreign Policy in Focus project and is the author of Tinderbox: U.S. Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism (Common Courage Press, 2003).
Source: Foreign Policy in Focus
Topics: Christianity, Government And Politics, Occupation, Republican Party (United States)
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18.66 Moses said to him: "May I follow thee, on the footing that thou teach me something of the (Higher) Truth which thou hast been taught?"
18.67 (The other) said: "Verily thou wilt not be able to have patience with me!"
18.68 "And how canst thou have patience about things about which thy understanding is not complete?"
18.69 Moses said: "Thou wilt find me, if God so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught."
18.70 The other said: "If then thou wouldst follow me, ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to thee concerning it."
18.71 So they both proceeded: until, when they were in the boat, he scuttled it. Said Moses: "Hast thou scuttled it in order to drown those in it? Truly a strange thing hast thou done!"
18.72 He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"
18.73 Moses said: "Rebuke me not for forgetting, nor grieve me by raising difficulties in my case."
18.74 Then they proceeded: until, when they met a young man, he slew him. Moses said: "Hast thou slain an innocent person who had slain none? Truly a foul (unheard of) thing hast thou done!"
18.75 He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"
18.76 (Moses) said: "If ever I ask thee about anything after this, keep me not in thy company: then wouldst thou have received (full) excuse from my side."
18.77 Then they proceeded: until, when they came to the inhabitants of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused them hospitality. They found there a wall on the point of falling down, but he set it up straight. (Moses) said: "If thou hadst wished, surely thou couldst have exacted some recompense for it!"
In the Glorious Qur'an, in Surah Kahf, or Surah 18, verses 60-82, we find a description of Khidr, and his relationship with Prophet Moses (peace be upon him). Khidr is not mentioned by name in these verses, but commentators on the Qur'an and many scholars of past and present, have agreed that based on the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (saaw), the mysterious person who meets Moses in Surah Kahf, verse 65, is none other than the mysterious saint, or "on of Our votaries", known as Khidr.
In the South Indian Subcontinent, not only is he depicted in Islamic art, but also in Hindu art, and is shown wearing a green coat, standing on a fish, carrying over the rivers of life. I guess this might symbolize that he has been given a prolonged life by Almighty Allah (SWT). Khidr is supposed to be immortal because he drank from the water of life. Some people have said that Prophet Elijah, and Khidr are the same person. He is also known as the "wandering Jew." My own opinion, I prefer to refer to what the Holy Qur'an teaches me about this great figure, and learn from it and relate it as closely as possible to what other people have researched, just in teh same way I make my opinion of who and where Gog and Magog come from.
In Surah Kahf, verses 60-82, it is understood that Moses was in search of this spiritual guide while he was travelling with Joshua in search for a servant of Allah, from whom Moses was to learn the secret knowledge given to Khidr, by God. Some Qur'anic commentators say that Khidr is a Prophet of Allah, and some say that he is an angel. Some commentators say that he is the perfect wali, which means the one who is a friend of God. in the Qur'an, prophets are referred to as being blessed, or being Rahma (not Al-Rahman, this name means The Most Merciful and is a name which belongs only to Allah). Since Al-Khidr whom God had blessed with His grace, I would say Khidr, according to many, is a Prophet of Allah.
Thank you sir, for your complement. If I may say so, I have a profound love and respect for your religion and its tradition. I agree, that Christians and Muslims truly are more alike than any other people in the world, and I believe that I can know myself and my tradition better by studying yours. I truly feel that this is a mandate from God Himself, for the more I study Islam, the more I love it! I feel sorry for the Seans of this world, walled in by their prejudices, they'll never know the sublime poetry of Islam, or wonder at its philosophy, or marvel at its many achievements.
I wonder if you saw my posts at another article, regarding Japheth? Also, thank you very much for the information regarding Gog and Magog, I have wondered about it for a long time.
Aside from that, I have a question. Who or what is Khidr? I had a dream about it the other night.
may Allah reward you for your wise words and increase your knowldge. I always enjoy reading your kind and balanced views. As the Quran in many places implores us, we all need to maintain 'the middle ground'. We are indeed "Ummatun wasetah" and we had better behave as such for Allah's sake and love and above all to follow HIS will.
Shukran wa jazak Allahu khairan.
EVERYBODY, email this to everyone you know!!!
Evangelicals, born again methodist Christians like Bush, and neo-conservative right-wing fundamentalist politicians like John Ashcroft need to be exposed for what they really are. Pat Robertson's, Jerry Fallwell's and their kind want to create an artificial Armageddon between Muslims and Christians, but they will fail in doing so. This is simply because as a Muslim, I know in my heart and learn from the Qur'an to love Jesus Christ THE TRUE MESSIAH who spoke as a baby, and was was born of Virgin Mary, and that the likeness of Jesus with Adam is simply put that God just has to say be, and he is. that Angel Gabriel breathed his spirit into Mary's womb.
This is what the Qur'an teaches me, and besides any other two groups of people, Muslims and Christians share more in common with each other than from amongst anyone else, Glory to Allah.
Christians and Sephardic Jews (I say Sephardic because most Jews who claim to be ethnic Jews are really Ashkenazi Jews whose ancestors come from the Caucasus Mountains between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea - the Kingdom of Khazaria; Christians and Jews are mentioned in the Qur'an as Ahlul-Kitab, or People of the Book, and that as Muslims, we accept the Torah, Psalms, and Bible, as previous revelations from God to humanity. Come tommon terms with them, do not speak with hostility or confrontation, share knowledge about each other's faiths, and live in peace.
L. Alahem, may Allah shower you with his mercy and blessings
My of my friends asked me why he should be a Jew, Moslem or Christian, since they all believed they were the righteous guided ones and all the rest would go to Hell. He reasoned they would all end up in each other's Hell.
Maybe we will if we don't respect each other .
Peace for all
Jerry Fallwell and his ilk made statements after 911 that were far more scandalous to my mind than any made by any Muslim.
This threat to the world is very real.
Again, my friends, I implore you, please separate Roman Christians (our Pope has spoken highly of your piety and devotion)from these poeple, they do not speak for us (and very often they speak against us), do not represent us, and malign the good name of Christianity.
Reading this article, I am strongly reminded of the political landscaping that I have noticed over the last 20 years. I have been a registered voter since my 18th birthday, when the law permitted me to exercise my civic responsibility and I have been faithful in my duty. I am frightened for my country and my countrymen (and women)as we sail off into a disaster.
I was a member of a fundamentalist christian sect prior to my reversion to Islam. I remember the pundit pulpit, I was there. I heard and I saw what happened, and the author of this article is not mistaken, and not lying. I have watched the systematic exploitation by the Republican part of decent men and women. I have watched them play on their fears and ignorance, and I have watched the pastors, the so called shepards of the flock, lead these poor people down the happy path, so that they can participate in the rapture. Ha! The prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, said "I will spew them out, like tepid water", and he also said "you will know them by their fruit". The fruit being harvested today is bitter and foul, rotted on branch and vine by racism and religious intolerance and bigotry.
To mr Van: We know you by your fruit. It is poison and we reject it, and we reject you. Not all of us are afraid, and Allah will prevail. His will cannot be turned by machinations and manipulations. You and your ilk shame us all.
Why don't you just pin up a confederate flag in the back window of your pickup truck and be done with it.
You perhaps might seem to be of the opinion that Islam should be declared an enemy of the state - or something along those lines. Whatever the case may be, may you receive and enjoy peace (Ameen).
article I totally agree. There has definitely been
a history of religious-politics played in the
beginning of American history. the author's
mention of "manifest destiny" as well as his
reference to Winthorp are very true. These are
definitely the American truths to the history of
American politics.
It's unfortunate that, an individual by the name
of Don Van uses such language to denounce
Islam, using fanatics as the very source of a
culture that he/she seems unfamiliar of. Such
expressions ring very true in american society,
and these very expressions are the very
unfortunate truths of the beginnings of
American society.
Don Van, your comments are a disgrace to the U.S. Constitution.
refering to Christians as "Christian Zionists"
is exactly the kind of hate speech designed to
portray Christians as ignorant,low income,fanatics. It the typical approach of the Islamics.First portray the infidels as less than
Muslims, then demonize them, and finally dominate them. Christians view the Islamics as a threat and Israel as a defender of that threat. We know
the Muslim barbarians, we know them by their deeds.The barbaric Taliban is a good example of true Islam. Killing women,brutalizing children,
indoctrination and brain washing. These are the
true Islamic tool of expansion.
Christianity has nothing to do with fanatics...neither does Islam. Every religion preaches peace and love for humanity. I would suggest to the Christian Right to consider this if they want this cycle of violence begetting violence to starts at home, stop the fanatics within your community, or else come out in the open about your leadership's secret agendas about support for the Zionist Likud government, and your hatred for the Palestinian people.
Now I know why Bush is always so careful in talking about tax credits and how everyone will get a share of it, or how he always lies but makes those promises of breaks for low-income earners in America. It's b/c he needs to offer a bone to those right-wing Christian voters so that they end up voting for him. To all those Republican voting right-wing low-income earning Christians, let me ask you, has President Bush delivered any of those tax breaks and government checks he said that American's would be receiving? reconsider if you're oging to vote for someone who will say lies just in order to get your support.