a:17:{s:8:"theTitle";s:26:"Ralph Nader as David Duke?";s:12:"thePermalink";s:58:"https://www.islamicity.org/2399/ralph-nader-as-david-duke/";s:13:"theAuthorName";s:10:"Josh Frank";s:12:"theThumbnail";s:0:"";s:6:"isWhat";s:7:"article";s:7:"theIcon";s:0:"";s:11:"theCategory";s:44:"cannot-retrieve-category-see-cell-part-1.php";s:6:"theTag";s:36:"george w. bush|/topics/george-w-bush";s:7:"theDate";s:12:"Aug 24, 2004";s:11:"theDate_ORG";s:15:"August 24, 2004";s:9:"theAuthor";s:25:"Josh Frank|/by/josh-frank";s:5:"theID";i:2399;s:14:"theReadingTime";s:6:"4 min.";s:10:"theExcerpt";s:167:"Nader's crack at Ariel Sharon for being the "chief Israeli puppeteer" and his jab at George W. Bush for being Sharon's "puppet" didn't sit well with the pro-Zionist ..";s:12:"theTitle_ORG";s:26:"Ralph Nader as David Duke?";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:15:"whereItCameFrom";s:0:"";}

Ralph Nader as David Duke?

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Category: Americas, World Affairs Topics: Ariel Sharon, George W. Bush, Government And Politics, Occupation, Ralph Nader Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:2399} {customField:ic-view-count}6241

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The ADL Wants You to Think So 

On Thursday August 20th the Washington Post reported that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has branded Ralph Nader a "bigot", which is a furtive way of saying they think the independent candidate for president is a vile anti-Semite. Nader has come under attack from the ADL and their executive director Abe Foxman for suggesting that the US should proceed in a new direction regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue. 

"The days when the chief Israeli puppeteer comes to the United States and meets with the puppet in the White House and then proceeds to Capitol Hill, where he meets with hundreds of other puppets, should be replaced. The Washington Puppet Show should be replaced." Nader said in a Washington DC forum titled "The Muslim Vote -- Election 2004". 

Nader's crack at Ariel Sharon for being the "chief Israeli puppeteer" and his jab at George W. Bush for being Sharon's "puppet" didn't sit well with the pro-Zionist defense organization. Nader's comments provoked a rejoinder from the league which stated, "[Nader's] image of the Jewish state as a 'puppeteer,' controlling the powerful US Congress feeds into many age-old stereotypes which have no place in legitimate public discourse." 

Of course Nader wasn't speaking of Israel's control over all US policies, but simply the US's special relationship with Sharon's occupying government. But as usual, the penalty for condemning the Israeli military establishment amounts to nothing less than being labeled a filthy Jew-hater -- for which it seems Ralph Nader is not even immune. 

Standing fearlessly behind his claim, Nader told Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! that, "The truth here is that there is no balanced determination. The U.S. government never connects with the deep and broad Israeli peace movement ... They put 120,000 people in the square in Tel Aviv recently. You would think that the U.S. government was not a puppet it would support the deep Israeli peace movement -- which has been in touch with the Palestinian peace advocates and has worked out more than one accord So, there should be a debate. The two candidates Kerry, and Bush, are both pro-Israeli military government." 

Even if some progressives detest Ralph Nader's decision to run this year, pro-Palestinian advocates must admit that it is gratifying to finally hear such arguments made in the public arena -- for these criticisms have been political faux-paus for far too long. And certainly Nader is right to point out that little will change regarding the US and Israel if Kerry defeats Bush in November. As Kerry exclaimed to a Georgetown University crowd in January 2003, "Israel is our ally, the only true democracy in a troubled region ... America has always been committed to Israel's independence and survival. We will never waiver." 

Ralph Nader isn't notorious for backing down from a fight, and hard-line Zionists are always quick to throw the first sucker punch. So you can bet this will not be the last of the anti-Semitic accusations hurled at Nader by the ADL or other pro-Israel factions. It seems their only response to allegations of the US's critical support for the brutal Israeli government, or one's compassion for the Palestinian plight, is to label such individuals as malicious Jew-hating-bigots. It just shows how insignificant the ADL's charges have become. Ralph Nader is not David Duke. Even if they want you to think so. 

Joshua Frank is putting the finishing touches on Left Out: How Liberals did Bush's Work for Him, to be published by Common Courage Press. He welcomes comments at frank_joshua@hotmail.com.

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Older Comments:
It is clear that in a Zionist-dominated Western arena, no open discussion is permitted without being branded as anti-semite. The charge will undoubtedly loose its lustre when brandished once too often in silly situations. In the end they will become the laughing stock. Pity because anti-semtism is a genuine fear yet it is being watered down by the very people who use it to further political agendas.

I strongly believe the onus is on the individual Jews to speak out against this 'hijacking' and not hide behind the shield of 'victimhood'. High time they metamorphosed into the beauty that Judaism was intended instead of fermenting in the ever-caterpillar state.

The very fear of justice, truth and open-debate is an anathema to Zionists. It is blatently obvious that Zionist and Judaism as a devine religion are poles apart. Jewish diaspora must decide whether they should unashamedly support the unjust policies of Israel or speak the truth as commanded by their ancient prophets. To do both is to be Jackle and hyde! Sure they tread a delicate path but there is no substitute for truth and as the Master said' "The truth shall set ye free". Admittedly, there are a few of them who speak the truth, but only a few.

As for American Muslims, they surely should vote for Nader, that is if they want a change. Otheriwse voting for Bush/Kerry is to get more of the same. Except this time round, a hell of a lot more of the same!

My friends tell me that voting for Nader is a waste....my reply to them is that if you vote for either Bush or Kerry, you'll be the real loser.
Nader wont win, but he's spoken the truth much too the chagrin of jewish extremists and terrorists everywhere. Its a truth which has secured respect which neither Bush or Kerry will ever have.

It is a breath of fresh air to hear Nader speak the TRUTH about Isreali politics. I am not anti-Israel nor am I anti-jew, I recognize the State of Isreal and would personally rather live under an Isreali Govt. then an Islamic one for fear of influence of wahhabi's or Islamist who have no concept of the seperation of church and state. I am also pro-human dignity, and when you take away the dignity of people, a people with a rich and deep history and take away their hope for a future, you can then understand the motivation of their actions. I hope I did not offend any of my Muslim brothers or sisters by my comments. Allah' Makum'.

Thank GOD someone has called out this wierd and unexplained attachment and loyalty to Israel by a country founded and ran supposively on Christian values. The attachment the whole world knows lies within the jewish strong hold on financial institutions world wide, and Im sorry ADl and other Semetic orgs you all know the truth.I say Nader lets take one step further and incorporate in your political stance to aid the Palestinians with weapons and military aid to even out the fight. Now that would be truly American.


We should all vote for Mr. Nader this year, regardless of whether he wins or not. There is no difference between Kerry and Bush on the issue of Palestine. It's about time we started putting our votes in the right box. This will start a new promising trend for coming generations, InshaAllah. We need to start now.

I agree with Nader 100% when he said,

"The days when the chief Israeli puppeteer comes to the United States and meets with the puppet in the White House and then proceeds to Capitol Hill, where he meets with hundreds of other puppets, should be replaced. The Washington Puppet Show should be replaced."

Equally agree with Frank's,

It seems their only response to allegations of the US's critical support for the brutal Israeli government, or one's compassion for the Palestinian plight, is to label such individuals as malicious Jew-hating-bigots.

minus the 'It seems'.

That is why the muslims in America should go for Nader [the better of the two(or is it three?)evils]. As I said before, even if not for anything but to send some MESSAGE that ure of age(and still growing fast). But if u stick with Bush or go for Kerry, u still remain insignificant for the next four years! And the Israel oppression continues! The choice is urs.