a:18:{s:8:"theTitle";s:33:"Raising A Muslim Child in America";s:12:"thePermalink";s:66:"https://www.islamicity.org/2443/raising-a-muslim-child-in-america/";s:13:"theAuthorName";s:18:"Ayse Gul Yesilyurt";s:12:"theThumbnail";s:82:"/global/images/photo/IC-Articles/motherbaby__1024x519.JPG";s:6:"isWhat";s:7:"article";s:7:"theIcon";s:0:"";s:8:"theEmbed";s:0:"";s:11:"theCategory";s:26:"Americas|/explore/americas";s:6:"theTag";s:25:"children|/topics/children";s:7:"theDate";s:12:"Oct 19, 2004";s:11:"theDate_ORG";s:41:"October 19, 2004 {wpcf-soft-date engaged}";s:9:"theAuthor";s:41:"Ayse Gul Yesilyurt|/by/ayse-gul-yesilyurt";s:5:"theID";i:2443;s:14:"theReadingTime";s:7:"12 min.";s:10:"theExcerpt";s:120:"Living in a society that embraces different norms of behavior as acceptable and normal than our own has been a burden ..";s:12:"theTitle_ORG";s:33:"Raising A Muslim Child in America";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:15:"whereItCameFrom";s:0:"";}

Raising A Muslim Child in America

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A Mother's Perspective

My almost 6 year old son looked pretty distressed the other day when I picked him up from his kindergarten. Trying not to sound too anxious, I asked how his day was. After a period of silence, he said two of his friends made fun of me, his mom. They asked him what I was wearing over my head, and laughed at him when he answered "a skirt" (He confused skirts and scarves ).

Although I must admit the idea of wearing skirts on someone's head is quite funny, and probably this was what made the kids (and me) laugh, I have been expecting such an incident to happen for a while. 

Living in a society that embraces different norms of behavior as acceptable and normal than our own has been a burden for everyone in my family. I have learned quickly to ignore stares, or to answer gracefully and with humor when I am asked whether I was a nun while I was 8 months pregnant with my second son or whether I felt hot wearing all that in California summer, or how I coped with long days of fasting. I have learned to use the curiosity of my colleagues at work or people on the streets, playgrounds, grocery stores or libraries to inform them about my religion. I should admit I find being different "cool", rewarding and challenging. But trying to raise my son (and now sons) as Muslims in the U.S. has been a pretty challenging experience. 

Of course, we have used every opportunity to let him know who we are, why we are proud to be Muslims, how lucky we are to be Muslims, and how a Muslim should behave to the best of our knowledge. Early on he learned how two angels were recording good and bad deeds. He learned about stories of Adam , Moses , Jonah , and Muhammad . He is intrigued by the magical powers given to Moses . The favorite part of the story of beginning of revelation of Quran is when Muhammad was scared of the angel Gabriel and took refuge in his bed under covers, not unlike himself after a scary dream. He identifies Jonah's staying in the fish's belly as a "time-out". He wonders aloud about the powers of Allah whether He is everywhere, whether He can do this or that. All of these are pretty normal in the life of a young Muslim child, except for one thing: Most of his friends are not like him. 

Muslim parents living in non-Muslim societies develop different coping mechanisms to adapt to their surroundings. There are differences in interpretations of how a Muslim should conduct him/herself in such societies, how different they should be from followers of other religions. The real difficulties in child raising surface when children start attending day care or reach their school years. Not every community has Islamic schools or even Islamic Sunday schools. Sometimes parents choose or have to send their children to public and non-religious private schools. In addition to the task of teaching youngsters about Islam by themselves, many parents are left to their own devices when it comes to dealing with Halloween, Christmas or Easter activities, that are heavily embedded into school programs. Proponents of "they-are-just-kids" school argue that these celebrations have been very much commercialized and secularized, there is hardly any hint of religiosity at schools and society in general. They do not find it problematic to let Muslim children go trick or treating, or sitting on the Santa's lap in the shopping mall asking for gifts, singing hymns about Christmas in the school chorus as a part of "Year End" celebration, or going on egg hunts on the Easter day. They point out that the celebrations are mostly about dressing up, receiving and giving gifts, doing the "children stuff". Some others counter this attitude ignores the fundamental reasons why these events take place, remind that the duty of a Muslim to be distinguished as a Muslim with his/her conduct and appearance, and question how our children will develop a Muslim identity if their celebrations are shunned by festivities of other religions. 

As a family we decided early on that our children should not join in celebrations if it has any religious or pagan connotations, such as Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc. However, not until my son reached age three that did it occur to me how much he will be missing from our own Holy Day experiences: The Ramadan, the preparation for Eids, the food, the adhan, the mosques looking pretty in lights, the drums before Sahoor (Ramadan breakfast), the visits to family members and neighbors, candy and money received between the folders of handkerchiefs... My son was not only to resist the fun and glitter of the celebrations of other cultures, if I didn't try, Ramadan and Eids would not have much to look forward to either. 

I am not alone in my quest to raise my kids as good Muslims, and desire to make our Holy Days special for them. Many mothers and fathers around us and in other communities are struggling with the same questions. Internet discussions are being held on how we can enhance our children's experiences as Muslims in this society. Many parents are searching for ways to make them feel good about themselves and their religion, while emphasizing they are a part of this society as well and must take a harmonious constructive role in it instead of isolating themselves. Families are trying to establish their "new traditions" on these celebrations. During Ramadan and Eid Days from hanging balloons and lights around the house, to special meals, from taking the day off and participating in the Salat-ul Eid to trips to friends and amusement parks, from giving small gifts to kids to doing something charitable for the needy Muslims, many of us are trying to find ways to mark these days as special and fun for our young ones in an environment that very few participates. 

Thanks to the efforts of caring and hardworking Muslim men and women, many books, video and audio tapes and internet sites became available on subjects that interest Muslim children. Informative books and video tapes on Islam and Muslims have started to find their way to the public libraries. Some parents and other volunteers have begun to take the time to show up in their children's classes and give presentations on Islam and our festivities. Activist groups have begun campaigns for inclusion of Muslim Holy Days on radio and TV stations and printed media (to the delight of my son recognizing symbols of Muslims on "regular" TV), some even succeeded to convince a few colleges to recognize these days as vacation days. Organizations such as ICNA even published a book giving practical tips on how to raise our children in North America. 

Muslims of North America come from many different cultural backgrounds and more than half are first generation immigrants. Having such diversity unfortunately brings problems in uniting as a single group. However, there are many examples around us on how as soon as these differences are set aside and the community embraces one another ,as it was ordered by our prophet , our children benefit tremendously. The mosques, Islamic schools, Islamic summer camps, in addition to providing spiritual knowledge and being a sanctuary to every Muslim, offer great opportunities in bringing together little ones and making them feel that they are not alone. As Muslim children growing up in North America, they have a lot more things in common than their parents, not only in religion, but also in culture. They will be the leaders and members of the next generation of Muslims in North America in the new century. Giving a chance for them to get to know our religion and love another may help them join as a single group in the future in this diverse society and maintain our way of life and identity. 

Providing a Muslim environment in North America for our children is no easy task. As the famous African proverb goes "it will take a village", in our case, all of us Muslims in our communities, to raise them with a strong sense of who they are. Instead of losing heart due of the enormity and challenges of this task, I believe, we all must attack it in any way we can. Each and every one of us can contribute, be a parent or not, by staying in touch with our religion and Muslim community, being a good example to our children and youth around us as practicing Muslims, by joining mentor programs, by volunteering at Islamic schools and camps, by helping to build Islamic full time schools with excellent academic programs as well as an Islamic curriculum, by providing opportunities for our youngsters to spend time with each other. There are so many things we can do: We can donate informative books and tapes giving lectures and presentations on Islam in our neighborhood schools and libraries. We can be informed advocates on issues relating to Islam in any forum from home to workplace, from playground to schools, from universities to libraries. By being visible, exemplary, honest citizens in our communities we can help create and distribute positive messages about Islam and Muslims. Some of us can write children books, or songs for our children to share with their classmates, others can create web sites. We can participate even by bringing sweets to a class or workplace on our Holy Days. In whichever way we can, we must shoulder this great responsibility. Our future in this world and in the Other will depend on our efforts. 

Yes, the task is difficult and time consuming... But I take heart at the remarkable ability of our children to remember what they are taught: It brought me tears of joy to overhear my son telling his little friend they could not play gods in the Hercules movie as he suggested, "because", he insisted, "there is only one God!"

Source: Anadolu

  Category: Americas, Featured, Life & Society
  Topics: Children  Values: Education
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a:18:{s:8:"theTitle";s:70:"The Significance of Parents in Islam: A Sacred Bond in Today's Society";s:12:"thePermalink";s:102:"https://www.islamicity.org/82136/the-significance-of-parents-in-islam-a-sacred-bond-in-todays-society/";s:13:"theAuthorName";s:13:"Sophia Farooq";s:12:"theThumbnail";s:90:"https://media.islamicity.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/iStock-678534408MuslimFamily-1.jpg";s:6:"isWhat";s:7:"article";s:7:"theIcon";s:0:"";s:8:"theEmbed";s:0:"";s:11:"theCategory";s:26:"Articles|/explore/articles";s:6:"theTag";s:23:"parents|/topics/parents";s:7:"theDate";s:11:"Jun 18 2024";s:11:"theDate_ORG";s:42:"February 26, 2023 {wpcf-soft-date engaged}";s:9:"theAuthor";s:31:"Sophia Farooq|/by/sophia-farooq";s:5:"theID";i:82136;s:14:"theReadingTime";s:0:"";s:10:"theExcerpt";s:95:"As society becomes increasingly individualistic, the importance of parents is often overlooked.";s:12:"theTitle_ORG";s:70:"The Significance of Parents in Islam: A Sacred Bond in Today's Society";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:15:"whereItCameFrom";s:47:"content.php & related posts > post_tag=children";}
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Older Comments:
The more difficulties we face, the more reward there is in raising our kids in shaa Allah. One thing to definitely keep in mind is, become the best example and love them wholeheartedly. So they can be proud of their identity amidst all the negativity in shaa Allah.

I thought this article was extremely well-written and well-thought out and offered concrete and positive ways of raising children as devout/good Muslims in such a diverse society as ours.

I appreciate good writing and I must say this author did a terrific job in presenting her position, thoughts and suggestions on this challenging topic. Well done and thank you!

This article reminds me of the things I have to endure being one of the only muslims in my school.

I attend a high school in the United States. I have many friends who are non-muslims and I respect their faiths and normally do not discuss religion with them. Recently a friend of mine, my ex-friend now, being a christian, was going around my school saying that if you were not a christian, you were going to hell. It did not bother me that he had this belief because everyone has the freedom to believe whatever they want to believe. It bothered me because he was disrespecting my beliefs by saying this outloud. I am a strong believer in respecting people whatever there religion may be. So I took offense to his remarks and decided that I was better off not being his friend.
The next week when this ex-friend of mine came to school, he tied a shirt around his head pretending that it was a hijab. He wore the shirt on his head all day as a joke. Only a few people were mature enough to realize that this was a very ignorant, childish thing to do and was very disrespectful to my beliefs. I immediatly took offense because he was making fun of my religion and disrespecting me.

I feel that I have no support in my school because I cannot believe that someone who once called themselves my friend would disrespect me and my religion in such a way and everyone thinks it's funny. It is amazing to me how ignorant people can be. It may be hard for a muslim parent to raise their child in a non-muslim society but it isn't nearly as hard as being a muslim child or teen in a non-muslim society.

Salam always,


Ahmed has a good point. It is important for a religion to maintain its sense of identity, and part of this includes language. For Islam, Arabic is the sacred language as Greek, Latin and Hebrew are for Christians. Saying the prayers in Arabic helps to invoke the sacred space one desires in order to commune with God. What is more, it is a beautiful language; and the poetry of it is most sublime and definitely loses something in translation.
Ahmed, I hope you are well. I am working on a novel wherein the Muslim characters are heroes, I was wondering if you could tell me how to say "City of the Apple" in Arabic. I'm not sure if you've heard the legend, but it is an Islamic city that Muslim travelers reported seeing in Europe during the Middle Ages (in my book I've made it real). Please let me know if you can. Thanks in advance,

Your friend,


Dear Colin

I understand your comments but please understand that for anything to remain pure to its origin it must avoid being contaminated. This is scientific law just as it is a social law.

Children are most vulnerable to outside thought. It is upto the parents to guard them against such unsavoury thoughts. Being a Muslims and raising children to be Muslims in a society which is unIslamic is a real challenge. Thus adhering to original Islamic teaching is a pre-requisite for purity. Perhaps in a couple of hundred years when Muslims are generally feeling 'at home' in America that they may be comfortable in bending a little. Who knows?

Besides, we need God. God does not need our prayers. We need HIM. HE created us and everything we have belong to HIM. This world is finite and the next is infinite. Here we plant the seeds of good deeds and in the next world we reap the rewards.

As for Arabic being the language of Quran, it was ordained so by God. There are translations. They remain only translations. Those who seek the knowldge of the Pharos go to the length of learning hyroglyphycs. To learn Arabic in order to understand the word of God, is a small price to pay. Truly the Bible has lost its message precisely because of all the umpteen changes both in essence and in translations over the years. As Muslims we do not want to fall into the same trap.

God is above our needs. Seek and you shall find and when you do the rest is easy and it all becomes a non-issue.


This article raises very real issues that muslim families here in the US face.

I was raised in Canada and know all too well the challenges that a muslim child will have growing up in a non-muslim environment in school.

My school experience was painful. Some of the things I was teased about:
not eating meat,having no boyfriends, not wearing shorts or skirts in the summer,not celebrating christmas, etc.

I was different and was made fun of--a lot.

I am a mother now of a beautiful 4 year old boy and a new baby girl. I try and teach my son about islam at every opportunity. But i wonder about my teaching verses the negative influences from this culture.

The other day i told him that there were billions of muslims around the world and that we should be so proud to be muslims. He came home from prescool and said Mama you were wrong there are no muslims in my school there are no muslims in my class. It brought back my childhood memories of school in Toronto and I desperately did not want my son to go through what i did.

Then, being an adventuresome 4 year old, my son did an experiment-he sat on our driveway and screamed out to every passerby "are you a muslim?" When all answers were "no" he came and asked me why there were no muslims in our neighbourhood.

Yes,raising my children here is going to be very tough. But if my parents succeeded then i can do it too.

My husband and i discuss moving to a city where there is an islamic school, of going to the mosque as much as we can for our sake and for our children, of cultivating more muslim friendships, buying books and videos about islam and so on.

It's going to be a real challenge but if we surround our children and ourselves with muslim influences and examples then inshallah they will be able to cope with outside pressures.

Assalamu Alikum:
I read sister Hiba's aritcle about raising children in this part of the world and I totally agree with it. We, as parents, have to give our kids alternatives and choices because that's what our religion, Islam, is all about. We believe in Allah because we understand the message and that's exactly how we have to teach it to the next generation. May Allah enable us to follow and teach His true word and help us lead our children to His straight path. Ameen.

I am Indonesian. From what I saw that, american life style (non moslem society) can change moslem into secular faith. It happened to my best best friend. He lived in Illinois for 7 years and I am very sad found that he have changed. Change in everything. He is about 30 when he went to america. And now the secularism is in his blood. SO SAD.



This is a very good article. It's very relevant to striving to live Muslim in America. It's a struggle; however, it's possible for us to live by example living Islam and also being American!

Insha Allah, we need to work together to make our Islamic life in America more attainable!!



We have to see some situations on how our Prophet (SA), Sahabees (RA) and
prophets approached this kind of situations.

What did Mohammad (sa) did when Sulah-e-Hadebia was signed and Makka
was non-muslim, Kaba still had false gods? Ans> Muslims completed their Hajj
'within them & with tollerance'.

Did our sahabees (RA) lived among non-muslim countries? (Ans> yes)

Muslims knows no boundries. It is 'advised' to get knowledge 'even from'
china, go for business and 'travel' and so on.

Answer to topic depends on if you are literalist or v. relaxed. Also it depends on
day-by-day situations/events and it's type. And it also
depends on our 'situation and availability of alternates'.

Islam gives flexibility for certain situations and all rules doesn't apply to everybody.
We pray everyday for 'good life in world and hereafter'. Good life include networking,
friendships, events and kid's entertainment.

Events like birthday, mother's day, father's day, valentine's day,
anniversary are ok to some level. As, Islam encourage to love ourselve, parents
and our partner.

Events like Diwalee, Naurattee, Christmas, Hanaka, Ester, etc. have issues.
Mostly 'No' because of prayers to other gods

Events like Halloween (modern / marketing), etc..? Answer is 'depends'.
We have to see how does that event started how it's roots are linked to religion/pagans.
Answer is detailed, but in short it depends if your kids go to public schools. If yes then probably
it is ok as rules are relaxed for some of us (Islimic schooling are either poor, absent or
expensive ($600-$1000/m).

I agree with author that it is difficult, but we are facing it. The better way is to
face it with knowledge and proactively. Decide on every new situation and be on-guard.
Kids are our responsibility and future. We can't live selfishly without taking care of them.
We can't live relaxed like parents in muslim c

It is so heartening to read such articles and to know that Muslim families do strive very hard to teach their children the right things about Islam and to take pride in their religion despite an inhospitable environment. May ALLAH be with them in their efforts. Aameen.

Asalaamu Alaikum, as a mother of a five year old and a one year old, I totally agree that it is very difficult to raise a muslim child in north america. My daughter started school this year, and already asked me if she was going trick or treating. Ofcourse not knowing what trick or treating was to begin with. I knew that when she started school she would want to participate in activities such as halloween and so on. I tried my best to explain we don't celebrate halloween, christmas or anything of that sort. Instead, I turned her attention to eid and how she should be looking forward to that. I told her about the eid prayer, and the big family and friend gathering that we have every eid. Which was actually her eid party. Being totally excited about her eid party she totally understood that we don't celebrate anything but the two eids that we have during the year. I was born and raised in Canada, and I have to admit that it's pretty difficult to be a good muslim in our society.I feel that if we don't want our kids participating in certain activities, we should at least make up for what they feel like they're missing out on. Make a huge deal out of Ramadan and eid, give them something great to look forward to and something that they can say they actually celebrate.


One of the major things that grabbed my attention in this article was the fact that Muslim children are discouraged from participating in events with pagan connotations. Islam is not going to do a lot of growing, because it holds itself aloof, and has established itself as an Arab religion, even if it is intended for all. Too much of Islam is dependent on Arabian culture for Westerners to accept it, which makes perfect sense, actually. For example, all prayers must be said in Arabic, no? Why is this? I think that raising a Muslim child in America should not be daunting, if Islam can be Westernized. Christianity is strong; Islam is brittle. Christians take Halloween and Christmas from pagan tradition and turn them into Christian rites, bringing in new followers, but Islam will not bend and will not compromise. Ultimately, that is what will keep it from gaining a strong footing in the West. I am all for Islam . . . but I am an American, and I won't change my cultural heritage to worship God. If Islam wishes to compete with Christianity, it must become more liberal, more accomodating.

I commented before having read the responses. However again I fell it is imperative that we create our own schools that allow us to interact with our scociety with9in limts of shariah. I am a product of public education in the States. and can tell you that the experience of growing up muslim while attending public school is criminal and dangerous for this world and the next. We desperatly need to have our own institutions from pre k to university like every other group has established for themselves in the west.
inrelation to the psych effects of growing up muslim and attending public non muslim schools, understand the surface hasnt even been scratched. Kids are displaying all sorts of sicknesses because of the number of different messages that the may get from each individual in relation to who there supposed to be. Eg. from parents "I want you to be a good muslimah, but remember your Indian, deen is first right after college, you must stay away from these non muslim boys in the next 8 to 10 years your in medical school, i know you wan to marry one whos deeny and this black boy has good eman but you are Indian and he is not hafiz or molana. TALK ABOUT PSYCOLOGICAL DISSONANCE

As for the comment about leavingthe west for muslim lands,I can see that you may have never lived the day to day life of a muslim over there.
Is it possible that new muslims are falling into the trap that is espoused by the emigrant of "islam is only for back home"?! It may be home for them but where is the home for a white american convert? Or better yet An African American convert. Many cultures display out right contempt for African americans, muslim or otherwise,in the US.I feel We Muslims need to strengthen our internal identities on the esential islamic beliefs that will inturn manifest itself in an outward behavior resembling that of our Prophet(SAWS),whos mission was to reform mankind by engaging mankind (not isolation) and demonstrateing the best of behavior.Furthermore being a practicing muslim (really practicing)in the west is a truly conscience choice. As opposed to being 1 by circmstance.Historicly muslims have always operated in pluralistic scocieties. Sharia when implemented produced them, protecting the rights of all people. Show me 1 such present day muslim spot.Unfortunatly most invoirnments are not even conducive to producing children whomay consider attempting such lofty goals.Infusing our children with a strong sense of an islamic identity not ethnic,both inward and out spirtual and physical.While empowering them with the necessary tools to navigate through this scociety will inshallah create muslims who are contributers to this world aiding mankind.More importantly Inshaallah securing themselves and us a spot in Allahs Paradise.This task starts not with the reforming of the children, yet with the reforming of the parents.Working in an islamic school I see parents who want the school to produce sahaba yet the parents insist on remaining in jahiliya.And so we adults should increase our taqwa seek traditional knowledge get rid of our tv's use whats good from the west and let our behavior influence the next generation. May Allahgive success ame

Asalaamu Alaikum Alaikum. Inshallah, my wife and I are expecting our first child soon. We're both Americans and recent reverts to Islam, Alhamdullilah. Me for two years, and her for a year. I found this article interesting for a number of reasons.

First, if we weren't in the lands of the Kufaar we wouldn't have this problem. Once I accepted Islam, I found it ironic that my wife and I are trying to leave America and tons of Muslims were actually leaving Muslim countries trying to get into America. As Muslims we need to shun all mercenary motives for leaving the lands of the muslims. So yes, raising a child in this country in Islam is hard, because we shouldn't be here in the first place. It's an obligation for all Muslims to migrate into the lands of the Muslims

Second, this article mentioned creating our own traditions. Remember the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said " All innovations are a misguidance and every misguidance is in the hellfire." We need to be proud of our Islamic heeritage which isn't based on culture, but on revelation. This religion is perfect and due to Modern Muslims innovating in matters of deen, this beautiful religion, by the permission of Allah, has been subjegated to the enemies of Islam. That being said if you establish Tawheed in your homes, your children will love the holidays that Allah has given us and there will be no need to assimilate the culture of the pagans. There's no need to make our holidays special for they are already special.

Third, we aren't united because we aren't upon the Sunnah. Once again I'll repeat that we must hold on to the rope of Allah brothers and sisters in Islam. This is the only way to have success in this life and the next life.

I pray that Allah guides this Ummah and puts all of our affairs in Order. I pray that Allah has mercy on us and forgives all of our sins during this blessed month of Ramadan.

Jazakallu Khairun,

Licensed Realtor

l can understand your pain,
l m proud of you

I agree 100 %
I'm not a parent myselth but I totally share your concern in regards of razing a muslim child in western society.

Jazakallah khair

Asalaaam alaikum, sister:

As a revert Muslim American I greatly appreciated your concern--My wife, who also is Muslim, and I have an eleven-month-old daughter.

Why am I concerned with our Muslim children living in America. As a public school teacher, I've witnessed the gradual disintegration of Muslim identity in our youth until they appear no different than the kaffir.

For example, just the other day, during the blessed month of Ramadan, a Muslim named Zacharia walked into a health club with a new name badge that had been Americanized as Zack. In addition, he was petting and hugging his huge pet dog while talking and hugging several female workers. Finally, to add insult to injury, he pulled out a jug of water and started drinking from it while peeling an orange and eating it. If that were not enough, he kept showing off his tattoos that were protruding through his muscle shirt.

I've talked to this Muslim in private. Do you want to know the frightening part? He has lived in the United States only four years! He had left Jordan when he was 15 and is now 19 years old;he's totally abandoned his deen for this world.

Zack is an extreme example of what can happend to our children in this country, but, as a teacher, several Muslim students tell me that they rarely pray, that they won't fast, and that they don't respect their parents.

Muslim parents, please be aware of how your children behave in this world because in the hearafter we'll be questioned why our children strayed from Islam.

As salaamu alaikum,
As a Parent Advocate working to bring clarity and balance into the public school ESE (Exceptional Student Education) Curriculums, we must begin to find solutions to the affects of the stress suffered not only by the children growing up in "two" worlds, but the stress of parenting a Muslim child in a western society. If the parents are not able to provide a solid foundation based on Qur'an and Sunnah, then the child does become isolated, when they are the only Muslim in their class or school. If their parents are not involved in the school's PTA Associations, or the parents do not volunteer and maintain visibility in the child's environment, the child is subject to becoming the center of negative or curious attention. We are seeing more examples of children with behavioral issues who are from Muslim families. They want to be "like everyone else." They become rebellious, or they begin to develop alternate personalities. They behave differently in school, than at home or in the mosque. It is a subtle psychological transformation. It is most important that Muslim Parents understand the aspects of Public Education Law and Regulations regarding the "celebrations," religious or otherwise that take place in public school. We must become part of the Planning and Advisory Councils in each school where our children attend. We must consult with professionals and realize the long term affects that our personal stress will have on our children. We must get to know the Families, Teachers and Administrative Staff and help them to understand the fact that Islam substantiates the "core curriculum" of building moral character, promoting academic achievement and developing systems for children to gain self-discipline. These are the elements of primary education that have been reintroduced in public schools. Our children will follow our lead. Let us help by giving them the best examples of courage, knowledge,and leadership,patience and tolerance.

it is a simple matter every religion or ethnicity
have the right to keep their virtues

Wa'alaikum assalam Muslimah. You expressed concern about how you might raise your kids Muslim. Perhaps consider studying ahadith reporting the various ways in which Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wassalam) gently reasoned some of the most seemingly unreasonable people of the community into being Muslim. Would you imagine that the husband of the household would normally be the person who maintains such discipline as needed? Perhaps you might consider starting with your four year old brother, using reason, if reasoning seems to be useful. I don't know - but perhaps start with explaining how fasting is an exercise in self-restraint: perhaps to help us become more trustworthy with what Allah (the Creator) provides for us. That sort of thing (insha'Allah).

Ramadan Mubarak! (for you and your family)

Asalam walaikum,

Masha'Allah, this article is nice. I am not a mother...I am not even married yet (but inshAllah will be soon) but I am always worried about how I will raise my kids Muslim if I end up living in a nonMuslim country because I have seen what a terrible job my parents did and are doing with my 4 year old brother. I want to do better insha'Allah...may Allah help us all to raise a generation of Muslims better than us, Ameen.

Let me add a little bit into this matter. I think it will be more benefited to us if you live in a neighborhood where Kids can see diversity. We can not ask our Kids not to hangout with Non-Muslim or other culture Kids as long we are in foregn land. It will probably make impact in their little heart and they will wondered "WHY"? Therefore, we need to pick and choose a neighborhood where we'll raise our Kids and let our Kids to have friends from different religion (not too many). We will be teaching our value to our Kids and it'll obviously attacked Kids from other faith as well. They all may get benefited from that mixture. We should always remember that it's not only a different culture of people that our Kids are going to face, it is also different faith of people they have to deal with. So we should plant our own norm, value, culture and religion into their little heart as well tell them about others, so, they don't get confused later. Insaalah we all get benefited from this type of discussion which will help us to raise our Kids as a good Muslim. Allah knows better.