Confounding Patriotism and Bigotry in Post 9/11 America
A patriot is "one who loves, supports, and defends one's country." A bigot, on the other hand, is "one who is strongly partial to one's own group religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ," says the American Heritage dictionary. The difference between the two is obvious and enormous: Patriotism is borne out of love and generosity towards the country to which a person belongs, while bigotry is borne out of hate and a mean-spirited attitude towards those who are different.
The clear difference can be easily obscured when defending one's country includes fighting an enemy whose identity is broadly and loosely delineated, and when that identity is defined in religious and racial terms
9/11 attacks presented America with a real threat that required an appropriate response to defend the homeland against a ruthless enemy. The identity of the attackers was pined down, and the whole world learned that the terrorists who carried out the brutal attacks were Arabs and Muslims.
Armed with these facts, bigots sprang to work, hiding their hateful and mean-spirited design against Islam and Muslims under the garment of patriotism. Rather than calling for inter-religious and inter-racial unity against religious fanaticism, the bigots advocated hate, religious and racial discrimination, and the violation of the civil liberties of American Muslims. Never mind that none of the terrorists who carried 9/11 attacks were American, hate mongers insist on treating all Arab and Muslim Americans as potential terrorists. The bigots turned the war on terror into a war on Islam. Islam has to be fought on the pretense that it forms the ground of the terrorist impulse, and on the false claim that the Quran is the source of violence and hate.
The line between patriotism and bigotry has been crossed, in the last two years, too frequently and at all levels of the American society.
When Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, tells church gatherings in reference to a Muslim militant leader in Somalia "I knew that my God was bigger than his; I knew that my God was a real God, and his was an idol," and is allowed to keep his job, the line between patriotism and bigotry is crossed, and we end up with Abu Ghuraib scandal.
When John Ashcroft, US attorney General, contends that "Islam is a religion in which God requires you to send your son to die for him," while "Christianity is a faith in which God sends his son to die for you," the line between patriotism and bigotry is crossed, and we end up with massive detention and deportation of thousands of innocent Muslim immigrants.
When Washington Times, a leading newspaper, publishes an article by Sam Harris, entitled "Mired in a Religious War," that declares Islam the enemy, and openly advocates an all-out war on Islam and Muslims, the line between patriotism and bigotry is crossed, and bigotry and intolerance are elevated into an acceptable national discourse.
When reputed evangelist leaders such as Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, and John Vine describe Islam as "wicked, violent and not of the same god," and call the Prophet of Islam a "terrorist " and "Pedophile," and are allowed to get away with it, the line between patriotism and bigotry is crossed, and America is degraded.
When sweeping laws designed to undermine constitutional protections are enacted without congressional debate, given the title of "Patriot Act," and used to smear main stream American Muslim organizations and law-abiding Muslim individuals and leaders, the line between patriotism and bigotry is crossed, and we end up alienating a community crucial for the success of the war on terrorism.
When the military accuses Capt. James Yee, a dedicated Muslim Chaplain and West View graduate, of spying, and orders his incarceration in a maximum security facility, but fail to provide any evidence to back up these serious charges, the line between patriotism and bigotry is crossed, and the trust in the military's commitment to diversity and due process is undermined.
Defending one's country is not about protecting a piece of real estate, but protecting the values upon which the country is found, and protecting the people who espouse and perpetuate those values. True and genuine patriotism requires that one defend the freedom and dignity of one's fellow citizens regardless of their racial and religious affiliation. Those who limit their sense of patriotism to defending the freedom of specific religious and racial groups, while attacking the civil liberties and questioning the patriotism of those who do not share their religion, race, or political orientation are undoubtedly the real bigots.
Dr. Louay M. Safi is Executive Director of ISNA Leadership Development Center (ILDC), Plainfield, Indiana. He also serves on the board of several leading Muslim organizations, including the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), the Islamic Horizons, and the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS).
Views: 6476
I am also Sicilian. I'm sure that you know this already, but at one time Sicily was 50% Muslim, and was very similar to Andalusia in its culture. The Muslims did much to amplify the livelihood of the Sicilians (both Marsala and Mafia come from Arabic root words): they brought lemon trees, pistachios, excellant architecture and awesome poetry. Interestingly enough, my family has a recipe for pesto (that's a Italian dish) that calls for the use of pistachios instead of the far more common pine-nuts. Hmmm. Cause for thinking there.
Anyway, may Allah give baraka (blessing, yes? I'm new, I hope I said that right) to you and your family, Mr.D'Alhamd. Inshallah, I'll see your posts here more.
Peace now and take care!
You are right Mr. D'Alhamd. I'm Muslim, that's all that matters.
Also, I guess the reason why I brought up the superheroes was that the White folk in question do no (in the States, at least) see the Jews as white. Along with Italians and other Mediterranean peoples (Arabs included) they are seen as a sort of 'probationary' white person. That is, they are white when Blacks and Asians are around. They are not white when they are not. Stupid and silly, I know, but that's how those people are.
Alhamdulilah! Allahu Akbar! Thank you Allah for saving me from those folks and delivering me here to the one, true deen.
Bottom line. White is not a synonim of Caucassian, namely: all whites are Caucassian, but not all Caucassian are whites. A Muslim can be Caucassian, even a Caucassian belonging to the white culture, however by becoming a Muslim he might share in the white culture but not in her ideology. He/she is a Muslim, having his/her own specific culture and the common ideology(way of life) of Islam. In Germany, I was invited for Oktober Fest at a grassroot German Muslim family. I was very curious how are they going to "Islamize" this pagan beer guzzling festival of the Fall?! They had grilled beef smoked-sausages, saurkraut, smooth mustard and Clausthaller non-alcoholic beer to wash it down.
Spiderman (along with the Hulk, X-Men and Fantastic Four) was created by Stan Lee (real name Stan Leiber), who is also Jewish. Spiderman also has dark hair, and is not 6'0 as you say, but is slight in build and height (about 5'8 or so, I'd say). You may be interested to know that Marvel Comics has come out with an Indian version.
Even Captain America, who is decidedly "aryan" in appearance (blonde hair, blue eyes) was created by Jack Kriby, another Jew. What is more, he spends his time fighting Nazis.
Jack Kirby and Stan Lee also created the first black super-hero, the Black Panther, in the pages of the Fantastic Four.
Of course, the poly-ethnicity of the X-Men (another Kirby/Lee collaboration) is well known.
I'm not sure why you picked super-heroes to embody the white superiority complex, maybe because the movies are so popular, but really, I think you'll find that comics are very liberal concerning issues of race, religion, nationality, etc.
I hope this was helpful.
I think that my real point is that we shouldn't mention race (e.g. busting on whitey) pejoratively as they (the English and their American heirs) have done. Two wrongs don't make a right. For good or for ill, many there are who identify themselves as 'white people' or 'caucasians'. Maybe these definitions are artificial, maybe not, but the fact of the matter is that many who may consider Islam as an option for their faith will be put off by comments that are derogatory to 'white people'.
I'm not trying to argue with you, brother, I see your point and, Inshallah, I agree with you. But please try to see my side of things; how can I ever hope to bring Europeans or their descendents to the deen if they feel they are not welcome?
I've seen people post things against white folk here before, plenty of times. And I have seen non-Muslim white people respond that they came here in the spirit of understanding, only to be put off by the comments they read. That is wrong.
New entry for you Idris, "Who are the Semitic people? In ancient times, many, nowadays they are restricted to 4: Hebraic(the Jews), Assyrian(the majority of the native Christians in the Middle East), Arabian(the majority of the Muslims in the Middle East), and last but not least, Amharic(the main ethnic group of Ethiopia). That's the reason why is so very retarded to say about the Arabs or Muslims that they were anti-semitic?! By association, every Muslim, regardless of his race, is a Semite!
Last entry, Idris, White is a culture of the Anglo-Saxon subrace of the European Caucassians who established an ideology of a narrow subrace supremacy(their own) of people looking a certain way with a very narrow spectrum of tolerance from the ideal. Ideal prototype of White man, blond, blue-eyed, translucent pigment-challenged skin, at least 6 foot tall and having extraordinary physical aptitudes(Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Crapman). If you belong to this culture Idris, I feel sorry for you. Indeed in Islam there are no races or subcultures, we are one Love!
My friend, I am a convert to Islam. And I have to tell you, I never would have converted to Islam if it were indeed the religion of hate, intolerance and violence that many believe it to be. You must understand that these perceptions are just that, perceptions, and they are not the reality, but the result of fear and loathing between cultures that do not have open dialogue between one another. When this occurs, people demonize each other, and this invariably leads to things like invading countries 'pre-emptively'to instill the doctrines that one believes to be the right ones (you can't have democracy from the end of a gun barrel, but that's a topic for another day).
Islam is very simple, really: we believe in one God, and worship Him and Him alone do we worship, we believe that He is without partner, He neither begets nor is begotten. In other words, we are strict monotheists. We pray 5 times a day to maintain constant rapport and awareness of our Creator. We also believe that giving to the poor is obligatory. We also believe that one should make the pilgrimage to Mecca. It's that simple, quite frankly. I mean, is there more to it than that? Perhaps so, but these are the Pillars of our Faith. Where is the violence in that? Did you know that compulsion to covnert to Islam is forbidden? It is. Did you know that we have a much better record of equanimity between religions than the Christians (especially the Western Christians) did? It is so. Look-Ken, I'm not attacking you, I understand if you have misconceptions about Islam, all I ask is that you be fair to us and yourself and do a little more research. You might like what you find.
Ken, I am a Canadian Muslim, part of the growing North American brotherhood of Islam, don't make me your enemy or your killer for that matter. I wouldn't care less of your petty existence, why would I want to kill you for? Go about your miserable fears in your futile everyday struggle and hide in yourself since there is no place to hide. I am greatful to my country, Canada, that she doesn't share in a morbid paranoia of extremely fearful people. It takes courage to live in the North, my friend, and a great commitment to each other, regardless of our ethnicity or ancestry. There are 7 million Muslims in US and growing, Canada is filling in rapidly the mark of 10 million. Do you think in your feable mind that we plan your murder?
Stop spreading hate agains Muslims and supplant our faith. If you feared God, you would repent and ask for forgiveness. But, alas! Your lord is of the Abyss!
Peace out!
I am sure that your well stated, thought out and balanced views have changed Michael's life, and he is now open to hearing our side of things. Just kdding. I was being sarcastic, in case you were wondering.
Please listen to reason: when you go down the road of rationalizing the prejudices of our leaders, you have to know where it ends: war and concentration camps. The comments made by Fallwell, Boykin and the others are wrong, period. No qmount of apologizing can ever make such inflammatory remarks right. They are even more reprehensible because they are made by those to whom others look for guidance, and thus their words carrry an inordinate amount of inlfuence. Where does leadership end and demagoguery begin, we might ask? Well, I submit that this takes palce when comments are made that are unsubstantiated, without cause and without merit.
I mean, think about it man, calling Muslims idolators? It's so far off the mark it'd be comical in its ignorance if its results weren't so tragic. We have to hold our leaders to a higher standard and they have to be held accountable for their statements for the very reason that everything they do and say produces very real repurcussions in the world. This can range from simple coffee time talk behind a co-worker's back or a war in Iraq.
As far as whether or not we would condemn someone for saying similar things about Christianity, nothing could be further from the truth. The Chistians and Jews are dhimmi, People of the Book, and are protected under Islamic law. We have a much better record of tolerance than the traidtionally Christian countries ever did (please note, there are Catholic monasteries open to this day in Syria. Henry VIII closed them in England almost 500 years ago). I mean, have you been reading this web-site at all? Articles have been posted all over about how our faiths are related, condmening the church bombings in Iraq, and yes, condemning what is going on in the Sudan, and much more besides.
Listen, Michael, I'm not blasting you, I'm not attacking you. I'm just trying to get you to open your eyes a little and get some understanding.
John Ashcroft, a hard man to defend at times, oversaw the deportation of Muslims who had actual connections with terror groups, and so he was just doing his job.
I am really surprised at the hypocrisy leveled at Commander Boykin. He definately said something very anti-Islamic, but it was not extremism. If we in this country had a leading Muslim General who in the confines of a Masjid said that Christianity was a false religion, would any of you claim that he showed bigotry against a group? I doubt it. After all, that is how religions like Christianity and Islam view the world, as many being right and possibly many more being wrong.
I know for a fact that Franklin Graham's comments came after visiting the Sudan, where the typical Moslem is involved in an awful slave trade, and bombs Christian villages. That is awful, and so I understand why he said that, for if that is his only real exposure to your religion, then he would have nothing else to form an opinion with.
Bigotry and xenophobia are wrong and at times can be very prevalent. But I doubt that Muslims are being specifically targeted becuase of their race or creed. Patriotism and bigotry should never be considered the same, but trying to simply say that people who have an unfavorable opinion of your beliefs are all blind bigots is simply degrading to alot of people, myself included.
Illegal Nukes/Guns/Drugs/sex/abortion/Bad Trade/slavery/occupations/thift of nations...
So Muslims in amer i ca are not doing a good job in their "bayaa to prophet Muhammad PBUH" to impeach Bush and Gangs the roots of these problems and more to come.