Freedom at Home

True Patriots Should Worry More about Freedom at Home

President George W. Bush claims that he is spreading freedom throughout the world. However, for him "freedom" appears to be more a slogan, devoid of content and used to harness U.S. nationalism for his own purposes. Freedom meant much more to the Founders of the American republic. They would be appalled at the president's crusade to impose democracy abroad and its resulting, but unnecessary, erosion of liberties at home. Bush's attempts to renew expiring USA PATRIOT Act provisions, which were supposed to be a temporary enhancement of government police powers in the wake of 9/11, show his shallow commitment to freedom where it is needed most-here at home.

President Bush's State Department is now suppressing statistics that support the conclusion that his reckless invasion of Muslim Iraq has dramatically increased the number of significant terrorist attacks in the world. Any future retaliatory terrorist attacks in the United States could make renewal of the PATRIOT Act, or an even more severe crackdown on civil liberties, a slam dunk.

During passage of the Act, the Executive Branch's law enforcement bureaucracies used the 9/11 attacks to broadly enhance their powers of search and surveillance for investigations unrelated to terrorism. Also, the Act eroded the checks and balances enshrined in the Constitution by limiting traditional judicial review of Executive Branch search warrants.

In the wake of the post-9/11 hysteria that pressured Congress to show progress in "doing something" to prevent a future attack, the legislature got cold feet and required especially draconian provisions of the Act to sunset at the end of 2005. Yet the "freedom loving" Bush administration is busily lobbying Congress to make those provisions permanent.

The most pernicious PATRIOT Act provision up for renewal is section 215. Originally, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978 set up a secret court to approve Executive Branch search warrants in espionage and terrorism cases. The clandestine court, unlike other courts, never notifies people that the government was spying on them, hears only the government's arguments, and publishes no information about its activities or the warrants approved or denied. Apparently, the FISA court has rejected only a few government requests for such warrants. The reasoning behind creation of the clandestine court was that a lower standard of evidence should apply in intelligence cases. (No matter that secret courts in a free republic are questionable at best and that the Constitution's Fourth Amendment requires that government search warrants, without exception, be issued only on the high legal standard of probable cause that a crime has been committed.)

Before the PATRIOT Act, the FBI had to provide "specific and articulable facts giving reason to believe that the person to whom the records pertained" was a spy or terrorist and convince the FISA court to issue the clandestine warrant. Unless allowed to sunset, the PATRIOT Act allows the FBI to obtain a secret search warrant without demonstrating such facts and instead merely requires the agency to certify that the records are sought for a terrorism or espionage investigation. Upon FBI certification, the court must then issue the order, even if no facts are provided. In short, this provision of the PATRIOT Act eliminates the check of judicial review on the FBI.

Thus, the FBI can investigate anybody without "probable cause" - that is, citizens not suspected of crimes-and without having to show that the subject's records are relevant to an investigation. In other words, the lower legal standards for intelligence collection of the secret court can now be applied to criminal investigations other than those for terrorism or espionage, further undermining the Constitution's guarantee of a "probable cause" standard for search warrants.

The Executive Branch is using its expanded investigative authority zealously. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, government records show that the FISA court is secretly authorizing more surveillance than all other federal courts put together.

Section 215 is only one of many severe restrictions on civil liberties contained in the PATRIOT Act. For example, other provisions of the law-such as roving wiretaps and national, instead of local, jurisdiction for warrants for electronic evidence-appear to erode Fourth Amendment requirements that warrants specifically describe persons, places, and things to be searched. Not only should the sunset provisions of the Act be put to rest, Congress should repeal the entire law.

The purported tradeoff between civil liberties and national security is a false one. No need for dubious usurpations of freedom like the PATIOT Act would exist if the United States would avoid unnecessarily creating and inflaming anti-American groups overseas with its overly interventionist foreign policy. A more restrained policy abroad would better preserve both liberty and security at home.

Ivan Eland is the Director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California and author of the book, Putting "Defense" Back into U.S. Defense Policy: Rethinking U.S. Security in the Post-Cold War World.

New from Ivan Eland!
THE EMPIRE HAS NO CLOTHES: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed

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Older Comments:
Marl I entirely disagree with your point of view. The Patriot Act is good only to harrass especially innocent Muslims. There isn't such a thing like al-Qaidah! Inform yourself, it's all fantacy. The attack on the towers were done by the 19 and their group was all what it was to it. Of course it doesn't mean that there won't be other attacks, the possibility of an attack is real, whether it has or it has not Islamic fringes to it. All I say is that the Patriot Act is bullshit. I live in Canada. Nobody is harrassed here, irregardless of faith/race/ethnicity/status(unless illegal). Do you think we don't have an alternative to the Patriot Act? Of course we have. People that are suspicious are screened, watched and investigated without the person envolved even knowing. Everybody feels good about himself and especially free and in control. As such he/she feels free to operate in any sphere. If that sphere is of National Security he/she is nabbed without he/she having a clue of how the authorities learnt about it. You see this is professionalism and skill! You Americans are sloppy cobblers and second hand detectives overidden by paranoia and schizophrenia. You know the saying:"The Royal Canadian Mounted Police always got their man." It's true, eh? Fine detective and investigation work, a mark of a gentleman, what class! It's ridiculous to even watch you armed to your teeth at your border checkpoints, how very idiotic! The 19 were armed with box-cutting knives not with AK47 or granade launchers. What's wrong with you Americans? You are a nation of pussies! God save you!

In recent statements defending Americans' right to bear arms, Condoleeza Rice seemed to think that the police were not always "going to protect you" and especially not if you are members of a minority. Apparently it has something to do with her father reacting to threats against her family during a time of racial unrest.

I disagree with your position that the Patriot Act has taken away or limited individual freedoms. I can think of no area of my life that has changed negatively because of the passage of this Act. Please list them for me. As a resident living near a large city, I can think of areas of my freedoms that would have been curtailed if the Act would not have been passed. I can also think of areas that my freedoms have be inconvienced because of these fanatical Islamic terrorist. (Have you been to an airport lately?) Especially if the fanatical Islamic terrorists were able to launch another effective attack in America. We must take the offensive and the Act helps with that fact.

The Patriot Act is essential to attack these religious fanatics on our home soil and around the world. The attack of 911 has changed the way we must think and act as a country. The Act has made it easier for our law enforcement agencies to communicate with each other. That is only common sense. I would surmise that only those who worked in law enforcement knew that certain government agencies were not able to exchange investigated information with each other prior to the Act. Most Americans not involved with law enforcement never knew that this was the case. Why do we continue to hamper our police and those who are dedicated to help protect us?

For those who obey the law, no freedoms have been lost. For those who don't, I hope they are caught and punished accordingly. The Patriot Act helps make this a reality, especially for the Islamic Terrorist.


Correct. The price for freedom is now including
freedom itself