An Islamic Perspective on Violence Against Women
While women in many parts of the world have made advances in areas previously closed to them, the problem of violence against women remains pervasive. Unfortunately, this violence takes many forms and occurs across national, cultural, racial, and religious borders.
Islam condemns all forms of violence against women. The basic Islamic premise of equality between women and men cannot be achieved so long as violence against women persists.
In pre-Islamic Arabia violence against women began at birth in the form of female infanticide. Islam prohibited the practice of female infanticide. Not only did the Quran prohibit this practice, it also mocks those who view the birth of a girl child with contempt. (Quran 16:58-59).
Another common form of violence against women is that committed by husbands on their wives. Islam requires that husbands treat their wives with respect and it prohibits any form of physical or emotional abuse. The Quran requires that spouses treat each other with love and mercy. (Quran 30:21). Moreover, the Quran repeatedly warns against the use of injurious statements by a husband against his wife. (Quran 58:2-4).
Rape, unfortunately, remains a common form of violence against women. In addition, the woman is often blamed for being the victim of rape. Islam views rape as a violent crime against the victim, against society, and against God. The perpetrator has committed a crime and hence is morally and legally responsible. The victim is an unwilling partner in the sex act and thus bears neither blame nor stigma. To either ostracize or condemn the victim because she was compelled to engage in sexual intercourse is against the laws of Islam as the victim was an unwilling, and therefore, a blameless participant.
In addition to the violence that women are subjected to during times of peace, women are particularly vulnerable during times of war. Islam condemns violence against women no matter what the circumstances. War is no exception. Prophet Muhammad was strict in ensuring that noncombatants, primarily women and children, were not harmed during war time.
Female genital mutilation, another form of violence against women, has no basis in Islam. Rather, it is a cultural practice which must be eliminated through education and the empowerment of women.
Likewise, forced prostitution is another form of violence against women with no basis in Islam and which must be eradicated through the empowerment of women.
Islam's mandate of equality between women and men necessitates that all forms of violence against women be eradicated, for so long as women suffer abuses, women cannot achieve their full potential as free and equal members of society.
Source: Muslim Women's League
Related Suggestions
One can sing a song about how islam gives rights to women on ground we know Muslim women are the least disadvantaged and dont even have legitimacy to fight for their rights because then they are branded as 'modernist' enemies of Islam. Respectiblity is connected with whether you take a conservative position of Islam or not.
comments. "Oh yes but there's violence against women
in the U.S. And there's violence against women in
China, etc...etc..."
Difference is: there is the rule of law here in the U.S.
and despite Bush's attempts to force religion on people,
the U.S. still maintains that breaking the law is breaking
the law and justice is blind to differences in race,
ethnicity, religion, etc... Is it perfect and does it work all
the time? Certainly not. But it works a hell of a lot better
than it does in countries that are ruled by Islamic law.
Women in those countries are amongst the poorest in
the world with the worst quality of life and in many
cases are slaves to their husbands and other male
relatives. Please don't tell me what the Quran says -- it
may be written there but the interpretation is done by
so-called "Islamic Clerics" who take it upon themselves
to air their macho perversions about women in
servitude to them. What kind of human beings decides
that raping a woman to the tune of a cheering crowd is
not worthy of a prison sentence? You've go to have the
mentality of a serial killer to even do that to a women.
What-- because her brother committed adultery?? Not
only is it the work of sick minds but stupid minds too. I
have no sympathy and no understanding for those kind
of decisions and anyone who tolerates that kind of
treatment to a living being to ANY degree deserves the
scorn of the world and deserves to be called backward
and ignorant. Please don't accept this and then act
hurt and surprised when people look down upon
Islamic-ruled countries. Do something to change it.
We have known since the Blessed Prophet's (P) time that it is a sin to exploit women or do any kind of violence to them.But here is one issue where even good practicing brothers have failed. Men act as wonderful muslims outside family but while they are with their wives they seem to forget all norms and values of islamic relations with their spouse. May be their are few brothers but they are very rare.
I chose not blame them totally for their hypocracy, but blame the muslim nations that chose not to educate the world about the loving ways we treat our women.
Salaam alaykum.
What would cost an arab muslim to awaken, more than self control and 'struggle' to remain in the cause of god and his prophet, the real struggle that would make the ideal muslim society. "Jehad" begins from here, and end in the battlefield, where unfortunately most try to take its beginning from that source.
Each and every pillar of Islam is kept standing by strong struggle against self and other pressurs, we need 'Jehadis', not to shew off enemies, but to tame our own people.
Love and regards
a Submitter of Will to God.
Islam is peace,women has same equal with men.
Stop violence against women.Show to the world the meaning of Islam.
Stop violence against women.
This article is timely and accurate. Please visit our web site at Our organization has worked on this subject for nine years it has been an up hill battle all the way.
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You can also call (800) 285-9489 pin #00) or (404) 366-6610.
I am very dissapointed to discover how difficult it is for a Muslim woman to lodge a report against a broken marriege and abusive husband. Let alone to get a legal redress and protections. In my effort to assist my own younger siter whose marriege is on a verge of breaking down due to the husband being a frequent adulterer (with proofs), abusive and arrogant, to the extent of using knife as a threat. Even in a civilised nation and educated society I find it hard to believe that it is so obvious the relevant authorities are turning away from the issue. The religous department and Syariah Court Judge very reluctant to the idea of the woman seeking a divorce, despite proof of adulteries and infectious disease, police and doctor reports. Continuous threats and aggressions by the arrogant husband is taken lightly by all authorities despite all our calls and pleads for helps. It could take up to 5 or 6 years before any case is properlly addressed, in the meantime women suffer in the hand of irresponsible men. Look into past cases on record and one will be amazed to discover. Makes one wonder if Allah gives man the right to be arrogant.
and find out what is the Pure Islam, and what is man-invented.
The forgotten children are not the orphans, but the children raised witnessing viloence committed against their mother,who silently suffer.
On the other hand, some rich married men have more than one sex partners; although Chinese laws forbid a man to marry more than one woman.
May Allah(swt)continue to Bless and keep you all close!
Your SIster in Islam,
Although I fully empathise with the main contention of this article, I can't help feeling that this article is very imbalanced and thus does not do the issue of violence-against-women justice. For example, verse 4:34 from the Quran is often translated/interpreted (whether erroneously or not), to allow some form of 'physical correction' (in certain circumstances) of a wife by her husband. THis verse is certainly a cause of controvery in this issue but has not been mentioned/discussed in this article. Not to mention interpretations of some hadiths are often manipulated by some Muslims to allow men permission to beat their wives etc. Perhaps if the author(s) had delved more into these controversial points, the article would have been somewhat more comprehensive.