Did the Prophet endorse suicide bombing?
There is a new level of anti-Islamic propaganda. It is based on half-truths and no truths. Let alone unsuspecting non-Muslims, many Muslims are falling victims of such propaganda, as they are sometimes feeling confused. The issue has assumed greater significance as some people are perpetrating vile acts of violence, and doing so in the name of Islam.
There are Qur'anic verses that, taken in isolation, can easily cause people to misunderstand the message of those verses. But that is only if people intentionally or unintentionally take those verses in isolation or out of context. It is also an unfortunate fact that, parallel to their glorious contributions, many Muslim exegetes and scholars of the past have added to the confusion, by generalizing issues and views that ought not to be generalized. Once Muslims were in power, especially after a century or so after the Prophet, the issues of non-Muslims and minorities have not been dealt with a desired level of Islamic and human sensitivity. Rather, attitude toward non-Muslims have been shaped by the bitter localized conflicts between the Muslims and the Mushrikeen (as well as others).
But, even beyond those, there is clearly a prejudiced propaganda against Islam and Muslims that can not be explained merely in terms of ignorance. I produce an example below. In the internet circle, some so-called "former Muslims" have been concertedly spewing their hatred against Islam and Muslims. Among them are Ali Sina (a pseudonym), and Abul Kasem (possibly another pseudonym). Uninformed or less informed readers can easily be duped or confused by their propagandist approach.
Anyway, during the post 9/11 era, Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat Stevens, condemned the targeted atrocity against the civilians. He also condemned "suicide bombing". A group of people who claim to be "former Muslims" challenged him by alleging that the Prophet himself has endorsed suicide bombing and thus the condemnation of Yusuf Islam and others is of no value, in the face of clear hadith. How did they reach that conclusion? Well, read the following part taken from a writing by Abul Kasem.
Islamic Peace Train a la Brother Yusuf Islam
If you know Mr. Yusuf Islam's email please ask him to read this message and respond. (Ali Sina) http://www.humanists.net/alisina/to_yusuf_islam.htm
Now, to add fuel to the fire, here is a Hadith, which clearly sanctions suicide to kill the 'infidels'
Mohammed eulogized a person for committing suicide for Allah's cause...9.83.29
Volume 9, Book 83, Number 29: Narrated Salama:
We went out with the Prophet to Khaibar. A man (from the companions) said, "O 'Amir! Let us hear some of your Huda (camel-driving songs.)" So he sang some of them (i.e. a lyric in harmony with the camels walk). The Prophet said, "Who is the driver (of these camels)?" They said, "Amir." The Prophet said, "May Allah bestow His Mercy on him !" The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Would that you let us enjoy his company longer!" Then 'Amir was killed the following morning. The people said, "The good deeds of 'Amir are lost as he has killed himself." I returned at the time while they were talking about that. I went to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Prophet! Let my father be sacrificed for you! The people claim that 'Amir's good deeds are lost." The Prophet said, "Whoever says so is a liar, for 'Amir will have a double reward as he exerted himself to obey Allah and fought in Allah's Cause. No other way of killing would have granted him greater reward.
Can Mr.Yusuf Islam deny this Hadith, which is from Shahih Bukhari, the most trusted Hadith in Islam.
From a plain reading of the above hadith, one may easily conclude that as Amir "killed himself", so he committed suicide. Since the Prophet actually eulogized Amir's killing himself, can't one reasonably and conscientiously conclude and argue that the Prophet endorsed suicide bombing? Well, not so fast.
One of the problems with many hadiths, even in the most respected collections of Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, one can find narrations that are fragmented, incomplete, and sometimes even contradictory. Thus, one can't take a particular hadith in isolation. The above hadith, allegedly supporting suicide bombing, is unambiguously clarified in another hadith: Amir actually had an unintentional/accidental self-inflicted wound. Let us read that hadith from the same collection, Sahih al-Bukhari.
Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 509:
Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa:
We went out to Khaibar in the company of the Prophet. While we were proceeding at night, a man from the group said to 'Amir, "O 'Amir! Won't you let us hear your poetry?" 'Amir was a poet, so he got down and started reciting for the people poetry that kept pace with the camels' footsteps, saying:-- "O Allah! Without You we Would not have been guided On the right path Neither would be have given In charity, nor would We have prayed. So please forgive us, what we have committed (i.e. our defects); let all of us Be sacrificed for Your Cause And send Sakina (i.e. calmness) Upon us to make our feet firm When we meet our enemy, and If they will call us towards An unjust thing, We will refuse. The unbelievers have made a hue and Cry to ask others' help Against us." The Prophet on that, asked, "Who is that (camel) driver (reciting poetry)?" The people said, "He is 'Amir bin Al-Akwa'."
Then the Prophet said, "May Allah bestow His Mercy on him." A man amongst the people said, "O Allah's Prophet! has (martyrdom) been granted to him. Would that you let us enjoy his company longer." Then we reached and besieged Khaibar till we were afflicted with severe hunger. Then Allah helped the Muslims conquer it (i.e. Khaibar). ... So when the army files were arranged in rows (for the clash), 'Amir's sword was short and he aimed at the leg of a Jew to strike it, but the sharp blade of the sword returned to him and injured his own knee, and that caused him to die. When they returned from the battle, Allah's Apostle saw me (in a sad mood). He took my hand and said, "What is bothering you?" I replied, "Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you! The people say that the deeds of 'Amir are lost." The Prophet said, "Whoever says so, is mistaken, for 'Amir has got a double reward." The Prophet raised two fingers and added, "He (i.e. Amir) was a persevering struggler in the Cause of Allah and there are few 'Arabs who achieved the like of (good deeds) 'Amir had done."
So, did Amir commit suicide and the Prophet praised his "suicidal" action? No. Amir DID NOT commit suicide and the Prophet DID NOT praise suicide. Such are the glaring misrepresentations and lies being spread about Islam!
Such exposure of lies or ignorant claims of these former Muslims may not stop them from their anti-Islamic propaganda, but Muslims themselves need to be educated about Islam and its various sources (the Qur'an, hadith, history books, commentaries, etc.). More importantly, Muslims need to be educated in these regards in a self-critical manner. I also should point out that there is need to produce cross-referenced hadith collection, so that people can easily identify and read "related" hadith that are scattered throughout a collection or across collections. For example, the hadith quoted by Abul Kasem is in Vol. 9, Kitab ad-Diyat (blood money) ... and the clarifying one occurs in Vol. 5, Kitab al-Maghazi (military expeditions). Such cross-referencing can be helpful for the education of Muslims, and may lessen such callous and shameless attempts to misrepresent Islam by others.
Life is the most precious and sanctified thing in this world. That applies to our lives and others' lives. Islam teaches us to be preservers of life. As the al-Qur'an categorically teaches:
We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if he slew the whole people; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our Apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land." [Qur'an 5:35]
Let others figure out their own stance, but for us as Muslims, we must have respect for life in general, life of ourselves and of others, irrespective of faith, race and nationality.
Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq is an associate professor of economics and finance at Upper Iowa University.
Homepage: http://www.globalwebpost.com/farooqm
The author welcomes volunteers who would like to translate this piece into their native language.
Email: farooqm@globalwebpost.com
Related Suggestions
The hadith in question has been edited, or is a shortened version of the original. Regarding Amir "killing himself" that is not exactly so. During battle when he had swung his sword, because he was using a short sword and missed his target the sword had hit his knee causing a gash. Later on, he died from that wound. The Prophet was saying that he did not lose his good deeds because this was not a suicide, nor should it be considered suicide as it does not even fit the definition of it. The people who said his deeds were lost had misheard the story of what happened to him and thought he intentionally stabbed himself.
Omar Faruqi and Ali Sin are well known as a conmen who twist hadith in order to create hate against Muslims and Islam. They do this under the guise of fighting for human rights, freedom, dignity and so on. How can a person mix a noble cause, the cause of humanity, with hate and bigotry against any one group? It's fine if they dislike Islam, just don't be beligerent. If you are beligerent, then don't say you are fighting for humanity.
the pakistan govt is fighting the alqaeda & taliban in the NWF province.they also engage in the suicide bombing against the pakistani army & police on the plea that they are working on the behalf of americans.Pakistan govt is not allowing them to cross into afghanistan & fight the americans as that will cause propblems for pakistan but these taliban & al qaeda elements have started fighting against pakistan army & they have killed more pakistani soldiers than the americans themselves in afghanistan.so is the suicide bombing allowed against the solddiers of a country which is an islamic republic & which was created in the name of Islam.
I hope to read about this issue from you.kindly send me your reply at my above mentioned address.
may Allah help you in all your endeavours.
I have a lot of things to write but dont know where to start. but I surely agree that the prophet PBUH did not support or glorify the self killing. Allah Ta'ala who has created us all with immense love clearly states in the holy Quran that we must not harm ourselves so how could he or RasulAllah would say yes to suicide.
Thanks for at least trying to create awareness.-
We as muslims need to open our eye's and stop believing the things the kufr is telling us.
Islam is the worlds salvation. Why do we allow these people come beytween us and make some us doubt our deen.
All praises is due to ALLAH-
Do you love ALLAH and his Messenger?
Sit back and really listen to what is being said about our religion-study your deen and this way you won't be fooled by those who want to dilute and pollute our religion.
AllAh said in the Quran that he Perfected this religion.
Islam is a gift for all mankind and truly those who accept Islam are the winners.
If you haven't seen the tape-but the Prophet and try to understand what extreme they will go through to direct the believers off the true path.
which favors of your lord will you deny........
read your Quran-talk with your Imam-support your
The Muslims of Patani are not merely the Muslims of the modern day state of Pattani in southern Thailand. They were once part of a country that covered the northern part of the Melayu Peninsula. Negeri Patani Besar included Narathiwat (Teluban), Yala (Jalor) and parts of Senggora (Songkla, districts of Sebayor and Tibor). In fact it included Pethalung (Petaling), Kelantan and Kuala Trengganu, the latter two states being part of present day Malaysia.
They are the Melayu, who were prevalent throughout the Melayu peninsular, which stretched from the northern tip of Segenting Kra all the way south through Johor to Singapura. Their civilisation had existed since before the beginning of the Gregorian calendar. Research suggests that Islam came to the Patani in the year 1457CE at which point the land of Langkasuka became Patani and the King Phya Tu Nakpa became Sultan Ismail Shah.
The Seeds of Oppression
They had been at war with the Siamese from the beginning. Although Daulah Islamiyyah never extended to include Patani, they were able to fend off their foes through various battles and campaigns until finally being occupied by the Siamese in 1785. This conquest was further consolidated in 1909 through the Bangkok Treaty between the British and the Siamese. In exchange for the Siamese's pacifism and non-intervention in their colonialist's ambitions and actions in the southern Melayu Peninsular (later to become Malaya), the British would recognise Siamese sovereignty over the lands of the Melayu (Muslims) of the northern peninsula (Patani. The Muslims were not consulted and had no part in that agreement.
After too many promises by the Thaksin, as corrupt TRT government in Patani Darussalam, we hope he will end the episode of land occupation by Thailand in Patani Darussalam. The Malay Muslims don't like the corruption practices in their home land. Why not to free their land and let them govern themselves as an independent state of Patani. As a history of modern Thailand, there was a tragedy for Patani and their own peoples where their land have been occupied by the Thai for quite long time. Actually, this land is not belong to the Thailand but belongs to the Patani Malay Muslims. The Thai behave themselves like a super-special thieves or super-special robbers this modern century.
As a Malay Muslim from South East Asia(Malay-Nusantara), we are so regret with the previous statements by Thaksin towards the land owner's history and civillisation. Why the Thaksin need to feel shy to himself to face the reality of the existence of the Patani Kingdom's beneath, South of Thailand's map? If the Thaksin love to blame the Malay Muslim Kingdom history or Malay-Nusantara History, it would be an unwise approach. Within the scope, the Malay Muslims have their own right to claim back their own land.
Let's cut out all the judgements & start acting like ALLAH created us - Compassionate, Forgiving & most merciFULL!!! Salam Alaykum
He tries to spread the same lies that anti-semites like Hitler did about Jews...
That lying is ok... that there are vast conspiracies among the common people for world domination. a proposterous idea... Muslims are regarded with suspicion for wanting our ideals and religion to spread... But who doesn't want their idealogy to spread?
On that note however I feel that the international FIQH counsel has done a diservice to Islam in not condemn suicide bombings clearly and completely when the matter was discuss... but rather upheld the status quo,
Suicide bombings (which they term martyrdom operations)especially those that target civilians... need to be clearly condemned. Not only because they are morally repugnant but also because strategically they have never accomplished anything the tangibly approaches any kind of victory. They simply don't work better than other styles of low tech attack, but continue to be used against combatants and noncombatants alike simply because they have been glorified.
They give vague non specific statements... while others Imams issue fatwas supporting the acts... These Imams should be addressed publicly. What good is solidarity in the faith if it means allying ourself with the reprehensible? Put ones future in God's hands in a legal and moral act of resistance that targets enemy combatants is wholly different than taking ones own life.
Yet the fatwas on islamonline.net and many other Islamic sites not only display fatwas support the acts, but also justify their use because of a misinterpretation of a Quranic Verse that authorizes war against those who war against you... They claim that if "they kill or children that we may kill theirs!" Where is the prophetic example for that
In 1965 war between India Pakistan, lots of Pakistani soldiers fastened explosive in their bodies and jumped under Indian Tanks to holt Indian aggession. Was it suicide or martyrdom?
I am really sorry at what have happened in London or any other places that sucide bombers have killed so many innocent peoples.
This is not the end to the tragedy but in reality all the killing and bombing done by the West in Iraq have taken new recruite and direction for this sucide bombers.
Let it be Al-Quida or on personal grounds and reasons let stop this menace and come to a dicussion and address the issue of how the West keep on killing Muslim before the sucide bomber struct at London.
The west are doing it legally wherelse the sucide bombers are not. Just stop pretending...if the sucide bomber really trying to fight the West then go for the person responsible.....then it is justified. Let spare the innocent.
studies on cross related hadiths is highly welcome.We should also be careful about our muslim bros and sisters who without fully understanding try to offer comments on matters relating to the Deen having serious implications
in the contemporary world.Wassalam
Americans and British public are so busy playing dice in the name of high spirit, they do not pay attention to the evil-doings of their repsective gov'ts. They basically brought the violence on themselves... I hope they wake up and stand up agianst their so called "civilized" gov'ts before its too late....
leading these unspeakable misrepresentations are formers muslims, the prophet peace be upon whose
greatness is even known by many non-muslims. we have enough battles without these former muslims to deal with and I'm very much thankful to allah that we have such great people who are defending islam and standing up for the whole truth. keep up the great work and allah is always with those who stand for the truth.
peace in the muslim nations.
Please respond to me as soon as possible.
I want to caunter a challenge
Surah Al-i'Imran: Ayah 104
Yusuf Ali Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity.
Pickthall And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. Such are they who are successful.
Transliteration Waltakum minkum ummatuy yad'u_na ilal khairi wa ya'muru_na bil ma'ru_fi wa yanhauna 'anil munkar(i), wa ula_'ika humul muflihu_n(a).
ISLAM, means surrendering one's whole self to Allah, freeing oneself from polytheism and complete submission to the orders and instructions of Allah.
International Life: Man has a common origin, human status and aim. Other people's interests and right to life, honour and property are respected as long as the right of Muslim are in tact. Transgression is forbidden. War is only justified if the state security is endangered. During war, destruction of crops, animals and homes, killing non-fighting women, children and aged people are forbidden.
Islam has never ever endorsed and will never ever endorse in any such violence against humanity and the holy QURAN.
Beware: A Munafiq or hypocrite is more dangerous and worse than a kafir or Musrik. Some imposters stated under oath that they are believers to infiltrate the "Deen-i Islam" with the aim to harm honest Muslims and doing mischief on earth, the Glorious Quran has already warned us.
May Allah Guide us on the right path.
May Allah SWT bless the Muslim Ummah with true understanding of Islam and especially the word of Jihad -> Allahumma Ameen. One must read the post regarding how other fellow muslims will suffer for an irresponsible, undue behaviour of these suicide bombers. http://smdahmed.motime.com/post/473504 .
Ya Allah ! bless us, protect us and have mercy on us -> Allahumma Ameen.
I will also like to get a personal contact with Dr.Omar. Salam
Usman Kabir
thanks dr farooq for such an informative article.
Although USA & UK has killed and destroyed millions of lives of muslims and is continueing to do so but will exploding oneself up with a couple of civilians do any good to the cause of freedom? These are acts of total frustration and hopelessness and do not help muslims to get out of shackles of dictators and kings that are being supported by the west.
Just a reminder: hoplessness is totally discouraged in Islam, stong believers are always hopeful for the help of Allah.
Khurram Bilal Tariq.
I think that is one of the daleels the scholars use to support thier fatwa. The young man instructed the king, because the king couldnt kill him. He did this because there was a large gathering of people who were later guided.
The author shoulds have exercised his time and energy denouncing what happend in london as evil acts committed by Blair and friends targeting civilains, and not the tactic.
As malcolm X said:"The chickens have come home to roost".
Theseis a war within Islam. Once part of our faith had decided it was their responsibilities as MEN to defend not only the Faith but their own manhood. It is, for some, a question of respect of self, of our ancient and enternal culture, and the inability or unwillingness to compromise.
However as Newton proved, for every action, there is a reaction. When the Twin Towers went down on 9/11, it was pretty obvious that millions of Muslims were going to die. Such is the Will of Allah. He chastizes for sin, and for weakness, and for backwardness.
Sadly, and to some extent-but only some extent-Muslims of whatever stripe are now seem by ordinary people-even believers-not as the followers of the tolerant religion of Mohammed (may blessings be upon him)but was zealots who, frustrated with their own culture and beliefs, seek to import radical ideologies from the West. We must be careful, in our anger, not to lose who were are. If you look at the last 550 years of the Caliphate of the Sultans of the House of Osmali, it is possible to establish diverse, well-functioning societies built on Muslim legal, moral and ethical principles with no help at all from Western, foreign, imported extremist ideologies.
So, today, among us, there is a civil war brewing for the hearts and minds of the faithful. Inside the ulema, some stand for regression, some stand for stagnation, some stand for progress and moderation and some stand for war. After all, with more than a billion believers, it is not surprising that differences exist. Each individual must make up his or her own mind and act.
But a warning. In America, where I live, unlike many other places, I am as a Ghazi, always on the edge. It is necessary to understand thos among my countrymen, in their diverse motives and understandings. If not, American is so strong and determined, I shudder to thing what her anger may bring.
Peace out!
Our religion was already in bad shape in the eyes of the rest of the world...soon...we would not be able to come out to the world as what we are. Muslims will have to hide? maybe not if some scholars seriously condemn these actions. I agree with the writer that ignorance is a MAJOR problem within our community I HAVE BEEN A VICTIM of IGNORANCE in my Jmmah.Please do something, have someone raise the voice with the true about Islam before is too late.
Concerned in Florida
There is an old Christian saying "Don't preach to the choir". Preach to the occupiers. Preach to those who take away freedom and want other to live subservient.
Freedom is an over rated commodity to some but let me assure you it is highly prized to most and yes yes it is worth dying for. Let me also assure you there is nothing romantic about committing suicide. The romance (as there may be) is embedded within that strong desire for freedom.
Patrick Henry felt it when he said, "Give me Liberty or give me Death". John Brown felt it when he, a white man, led a group of 21 men 5 Africans and 16 Whites to launch an attack on Hapers Ferry, Virginia.
Both men died. Both new they might be killed but the call of freedom was too strong for inaction. Because of our actions life reveals a seemingly ambiguous contradictory way of being.
A person who voluntarily goes to the battlefield is completely aware he might be killed.
Therefore, any wound he encounters as a result of his decision is self-inflected-therefore suicide if he is killed. The act of war is not a prerequisite for nothing but death. Once you decide upon that course of action and are killed---it is suicide.
So instead of attempting to explain away suicide bombing we should focus on the logic and reason which drives a person to such a desperate act.
The Prophet said amongst others in his famous ahadith recorded by Annawawi..Verily what is Halal(allowed) is clear and What is Haram is clear....
Therefore brothers and sisters let us stick to those things that even our innerconciousness knows is good and emphasised on these all of the time so that we have that endless bliss with Allah. With suicides certainly this is unattainable.