Tancredo: `Stupid, Brazen and Uncivilized`
By even suggesting that Mecca could be bombed in retaliation for a terrorist attack, Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has made the world a more dangerous place. He is not alone, of course. Ironically, the Congressman has plenty of company among those who, either because of the evil they do or the stupid things they say, have endangered us all.
Now before I am attacked for establishing a moral equivalence between terrorist bombers and unthinking macho politicos, let me be clear: I know the difference. The sick malevolence that led to 9/11 (US), 7/7 (UK), and 7/23 (Egypt) is dramatically and immediately more evil than the lies that led the US and UK into Iraq or the hate-filled incitement practiced by religious extremists of all stripes. Right thinking innocents can reject and counter the latter, while we are all potential victims of the former.
At the same time, however, it would be wrong to ignore the ways the "evil doers" and the "stupid sayers" feed off of each other. They both prey on fear and anger and contribute to exacerbating the fear and anger that exists on both sides of the ever widening divide. Both the "doers" and "sayers" operate with absolute certainty and a sense of moral superiority. And both commit their deeds and utter their threats convinced not only of their righteousness, but impervious to the damage they do.
Look at Tancredo's comments.
During a radio interview, the Congressman was asked what the US's response should be if our cities were targets of a terrorist attack. He replied, "Well, what if you said something like, 'If this happens in the United States, and we determine it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their Holy Sites.'" "You're talking about bombing Mecca," clarified the host. "Yeah," Tancredo affirmed.
I had the opportunity to debate Tancredo on CNN last week and was struck not only by his insistence that his remarks made America safer-presumably because he felt "terrorists" now knew we meant business-but also because of his inability to understand the damage that his remarks had done to our country.
He is after all, a Congressman and his words matter. When I reminded him that his words had reverberated all over the world, he seemed pleased. When I observed that the State Department had issued a strong rebuke (The State Department spokesperson said: "Such remarks...are insulting and offensive to us all. Speaking on behalf of the United States Government, let me say that we respect Islam as a religion, we respect its holy sites..."), he insulted and dismissed the State Department. And when I noted that there was no logic, no proportionality, and no moral justification for threatening to bomb the holiest city of over one billion Muslims, he rejected this as "political correctness."
Like demagogues everywhere, Tancredo is performing. He is in search of a constituency and will spare no effort to find one. He is, after all, running for President (having made more visits to New Hampshire and Iowa than any other 2008 aspirant), and like other right-wing nativist zealots before him, he is playing to an angry and fearful base that wants a "strong and decisive leader" to defend "us" against "them."
Having done enough radio talk-shows on this issue and after reviewing a few of the e-mails I received after our CNN encounter, I know that there is a small hard-core constituency out there that wants that kind of champion.
What I also know from the vast majority of the e-mails I received and from the public criticism Tancredo has received from other elected officials and the press, is that should he run for high office, he will fail, as have other demagogues before him.
Where, then, is the danger? Certainly not in the sense that anyone responsible for US policy would take Tancredo seriously. Rather it is that his words, coming as they do from a Congressman, do reverberate throughout the Arab and Muslim world and only serve to fuel fear and anger at America. Far from serving as the deterrent he intended, Tancredo's threats will only play into the hands of extremists and encourage anti-American violence.
That is why I write. To make it clear that Tancredo's brand of "America" is not, at all, American. His comments are the bluster of a weak and unthinking buffoon.
Ironically, Tancredo said it best a week earlier when he condemned a similar threat from a Chinese general. In response to Major General Zhu Chenghu's threat to use nuclear weapons against the US should China be threatened, Tancredo responded, "For a senior government official to exhibit such tremendous stupidity by making such a brazen threat is hardly characteristic of a modern nation..."
"Stupid, brazen, and uncivilized." That may be the smartest thing the Congressman ever said.
Dr. James J. Zogby is the President of Arab American Institute and can be reached at jzogby@aaiusa.org
Related Suggestions
Any Muslim knows that so apparently you're either not Muslim or very stupid to think that what Allah has created (all mankind) can destroy Allah's sacred home. And, if you're Muslim, then it seems you're only so by name & haven't studied enough or done your homework. Any Muslim knows (& even non Muslims who believe in the oneness of God) that Allah/God is our Creator & to Him we shall return. I pity you; you need to go hide somewhere. But no matter where that is, no one will escape Allah's Wrath if an attempt is made to destroy Mecca. Now that's what you should fear...ALLAH'S WRATH!!
Iran did nothing good for its own people let along Islam or for Ummah.
The only force which is truly against enemies of Islam are the brothers of Alha Sunnah Wal Jama. Basically from Al Hijaz and those spread around the world and involve in Dawah.
Secondly the story of Kaaba you mention was before Islam, we now have the Quran and Sunnah with us, the religion off Allah is complete and its ultimate, we don't need to wait for miracles to protect Kaaba (if it ever being attacked), Inshallah we are enough (with the help of Allah) to protect Mecca and destroy any mighty coming to attack Mecca.
Being a congressman in US or somewhere is not important. Great personality of a man does count and valued.
As for tancredo he should join KKK since all Bushites belong to that camp anyway. They are expert in using rehtorics. It is a Zionist trait.
My question would be, does any act of murder from the side of the terrorists legitimate an attack on the holiest place of Islam? It is like UK would have bombed Rome as a form of retaliation for the terroristic assaults of IRA. Strange philosophy you've got up there, steve, I hardly can imagine a mind so detached of reality. The US agression of ME brought about a new breed of international suicide bombers, before it was reserved to Palestine alone, as for now US has some close to a 100 million enamies in the region. By bombing Mecca, US would transform the 1.2 billion Muslims abroad and on homeland into vowed avengers and one of the deadliest enemies there ever were on the face of this planet. I'm not afraid, not even concern of a possibility of US bombing Mecca. If Bush and Tancredo have manure for brains, too much time spent on the ranch I suppose, I'm really doubtful about a green light coming from the congress for this operation. If it would, it would mean that I overestimated the mental capabilities of other than Bushites US politicians. But mind you, steve, Islam like any other creed cannot be destroyed by force. How many times the Temple of God in Jerusalem was utterly destroyed? Could Judaism be destroyed? Even with the great genocidal efforts from Hitler, Judaism survived and prospered. But the arrogant will never learn, he being an ignorant wanted to emancipate. How pathetic! My message to Tancredo would be, 'talk is cheap, let me see you actually do it, God willing'. Everything is the will of God. If God wants to unite us Muslims by means of a catastrophe then He would facilitate to the US to bomb Mecca, as a test for you and us. I can foresee it as the Armagedon you so hardly want to bring about. I wonder, you have a death wish,or what?
I would add that he can try if he could, some more powerful than him thought about doing the same, and what happened. Maccoa the house of God still standing up.
This, of course, would be a nightmare scenario.
Nobody has brought up this issue against Congressman, Tom Tancredo. Does the law in the USA give a Congressman immunity from the Patriot Act and other USA laws in the books? The only statement that I have heard in response is that Muslims have asked for an apology from this U.S. citizen. An apology? Come on! Does the world fully comprehend the consequence of such an act, if someone did what this Congressman is advocating? This is an irresponsible and bizzare statement. And, why have members of the House not spoken up against this American citizen? Why the silence? Why such blatant double standards in the World of Global Justice?
Tom Tancredo: curse upon you from All Angles of Allah!
Tom Tancredo: curse upon you from All Muslims of The World!
You brazen ! you are 'talking about bombing on Mecca' ! ! ! you are not threating to Muslim,But you have threaten to Allah, Becaouse Mecca is His (Allah's) home. and He
can well save His Home.Muslims have nothing to do with It. Before you ,this kind of Stupid
thing had happend and what did He do with them ? Do you brezen Know????
See The Holy Quran
[105-1] Have you (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)) not seen how your Lord dealt with the owners of the Elephant? (The elephant army which came from Yemen under the command of Abrahah Al-Ashram intending to destroy the Ka'bah at Makkah)
[105-2] Did He not make their plot go astray?
[105-3] And He sent against them birds, in flocks,
[105-4] Striking them with stones of Sijjl (baked clay).
[105-5] And He made them like (an empty field of) stalks (of which the corn has been eaten up by cattle).
If you are so ironically, then hurry up , donot waist time, and attack on Mecca, and Lets see
what happens with you nonbeleivers in this world.
Bomb Muslim Holy sites?!
Let me think of a scenario. Man, the after math of such an act will be 100 times greater than the Amageddon being anticipated by some lunatics. Cos we are talking about thousands of so called suicide bombers, that hide themselves under some funny looking masks. That day almost all the muslims, and I mean what I say (millions) will turn into a suicide not bombers this time, but 'crazy' bombers. Man I have run short of words to describe what will happen.
But I hope this tomcredo, or whatever he calls himself, swallow his statement and begin to think straight. And if he has any sympathisers let them also reverse their mad thoughts.. Man, is this guy crazy or is he..
Tancredo please learn from past happennings.
Think about the birds sent with stones on to the people of 'FEEL'.They were destroyed by a storm of stones.
Allah's power has not decreased.Allah is most powerful even then and now.
I too hate this rift between the Sunni and Shia brothers. I also want to see a united Islam. I dream of a day when the most powerful, properous and peaceful nations in the world will be Islamic nations.
If a man gets food to eat, clean water to drink and clothes to wear than he will think about religion, being a Sunni or Shia lies further away. Just be a good human being and do good deeds.
I want to see peace in this world especially in the Islamic world. Insha-Allah
The only thing Muslims can do to end their terrible situation in the Middle East and Sub-Continent is to unite. As long as they are divided, they will be used and abused by their dictators, corrupt kings, and the likes of the USA and Europe. Since the Ummah fell apart politically, the Muslims have been walked and spat upon by the rest of humanity. Maybe we even deserve the treatment we get, because we know what is right and what is wrong and we don't act to change anything. We as Muslims have the Quran and the Sunnah and yet we sit on our rear ends as though we were the most ignorant fools on the face of the planet.
Say for example they attack Mecca, who will come for help. The maximum they can do is become suicide bombers and kill innocent civilians who are not at all responsible for anything.
The Mullahs will scream on top of their voices from minarets. Thugs like Osama will collect some more of their kind. That's what the Muslims can do, nothing else. Basically they have become cowards, but not only cowards senseless and stupid cowards.
It is better that Muslims don't even think about what they will do if someone attacks Mecca, because they are incapacitate in every respect. Saudi Arabia is a puppet of the USA. Turkey continuosly being spat by the EU , but still begging. What will Syria, Lebannon, Jordon do, they themselves are in trouble. Pakistan a totally corrupt country. Afghanistan, God knows how many years it will take to restore this country. I can see only one country fighting by itself and that is Iran. So this is the state of Muslim countries today, guess who will come to to help if they attack Mecca.