US Bombs responsible for Qana massacre
Qana massacre again: Foreign, Domestic enemies of US constitution
It is almost unbelievable that after the US expedited delivery of guided bombs to Israel, Israeli forces shell civilians in Qana killing at least 37 children, the same city in Lebanon were they committed another massacre 10 years earlier (April 18, 1996 shelling of a UN compound killing 106 civilians).
As in that incident, Western mainstream media, guided by pro-Israeli forces, failed to report the reality of what was happening on the ground before then.
Only Reuters for example carried the statement nine days before (on April 9, 1996) of Major General Amiram Levine: "The residents in south Lebanon who are under the responsibility of Hizbullah will be hit harder, and the Hizbullah will be hit harder, and we will find the way to act correctly and quickly."
So indeed residents were hit "harder." Yet, leftwing politician and architect of Israel's nuclear program Shimon Peres stated then with a straight face that the 1996 attack was simply a mistaken target.
The UN appointed military advisor Major General Franklin van Kappen of the Netherlands to investigate the 1996 incident concluded that facts on the ground were at odds with the Israeli explanations given.
Amnesty International investigation concluded, without mincing words: "the IDF intentionally attacked the UN compound, although the motives for doing so remain unclear."
"The IDF have failed to substantiate their claim that the attack was a mistake. Even if they were to do so they would still bear responsibility for killing so many civilians by taking the risk to launch an attack so close to the UN compound," it said.
Yet, Israel was never punished for that crime in Qana and the hundreds of other massacres going back six decades. Israeli historians now acknowledge for example that some 33 massacres of civilians occurred between November 1947 and May 1949 that helped precipitate the exodus of the Palestinian refugees.
More crimes ensued since then and today; over two-thirds of the native Palestinians were made refugees and displaced people and Israeli Zionists increased their control of Palestine from 7 percent of the land in 1947 to over 90 percent today.
Now we are faced with another massacre in the same city of Qana and with a parroting of the same "explanations" used in 1996: "a regrettable mistake." So far 54 are confirmed killed including 37 children.
Unfortunately these never-ending "mistakes" are perpetuated using US weapons (violating the terms of the US Arms Export Control Act and Foreign Assistance Act).
In the past two weeks alone over 500 civilians were killed in Gaza and Lebanon.
Our Congress and media, succumbing to the pro-Israel lobby, chose to close their eyes to the damage done to the US. The damages go beyond public image around the world (a majority of Europeans now think of the US and Israel as the most dangerous countries on earth).
The damage also includes the foolish attack on Iraq (2,560 US killed, over 25,000 injured, $300 billion of our taxes spent so far). Each day that we remain there over 100 Iraqis are also killed.
A vast majority of Iraqis and even 70 percent of US servicemen and women want us to bring the troops home. Lest we forget, it was Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, Wurmser, and other neocons who argued (well before 9/11/2001) that an attack on Iraq would serve Israel.
It was these same neocons who support Israeli extremist political parties who violated constitutional protections with domestic wire taps, attacks on civil rights of Arab and Muslim Americans, infringement on academic freedoms, and allowing torture and imprisonment without trial.
When defending the constitution, we pledge to defend it against enemies both foreign and domestic. Isn't it time to challenge the domestic enemies of the US constitution? Isn't it time to realize the danger posed not just to the US but to the whole world (as Europeans and Latin Americans are now realizing)?
Isn't it time to challenge the myth (found among the left and the right) that Israel serves US interests? Isn't it time to stop delivering billions of our tax money to Israel (largest recipient of US foreign aid)?
Dr. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh is Chair of the Media Committee, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition. Acknowledgement to Media Monitors Network (MMN) from Connecticut, USA
Topics: Conflicts And War, Occupation, United States Constitution
Views: 4197
Related Suggestions
There have to be a movement to start a chain letter to all Muslim and Arab to boycott UDS until justice is prevail. I wish all Arab TV can broadcast this message to all Arab and Muslim. If our governments fail to do it do not matter as long as the public are aware that they can do something to help their brother and sister. Is about time we show our strength.
Please not harm anyone, be violent, brutal and ferocious just in a kind way do all our trade in GOLD OR EURO.
STOP the "TERROR DOLLARS" campaign.
If read this and have a resources to start a campaign please do.
NO DOLLAR will humble the ISREAL as US tax payers are the cash cow for the Zionists Group.
and here:
Matt, I did not mean for our Mujahideen (Jihadis) to target good people like yourself or even people like ignorant Sean. I meant that those of us that chose to perform the small jihad (aka the just war) need to actively target & hunt down Zionists such as Richard Perle & Bernard Lewis etc as well as their Christian Zionist supporters such as John Hagee & Pat Robertson etc in order to weed them out of this world. Why not didn't Pat Robertson advocate the killing of a good men such as Hugo Chavez. And not to sound anti-American, I would like to see Saddam Hussein, Radovan Karadic & Slobodan Milosevic & not just George Bush son and father hanged in pubic. Because, your leaders have an Armagadonists view of this world and love to see us & our children die in cold blood with your tax dollars Qana style, I do predict another 911 look alike is coming but I just hope it happens in Tel Aviv this time. I am definitely not condoning it or happy about it because I am not sick like the war criminals that lead your country but hey the Jewish Lobby is to blame for it. I don't support any act of violence against regular civilians but I will shed no tears because my eyes have dried out thanks to your leaders war crimes. I would definitely be happy to see the House of Evil that is the White House wiped out from this planet. May be that will lead another American revolution to overthrow the Zionist Lobby that is leading your country to the abyss.
I do not think that any Muslim deserves this, the terrorists are USA and those who sell with this country.
How much blood do you need for water in South Lebanon? If you make friends and buy water lawfully is cheaper, without installing puppet Lebanon government.
This is what happens when you have United State of Israel running America.
My sympathy with the American, they lost their country without even knowing it. Good luck trying to discover America again in future.
Religion is not based on the practice of people who follow erroneous misconception. If you think that the actions of Muslims are violent because Islam teaches violence then Christianity must be far more violent.
It was German Christians who killed 6 million Jews and it is the American Christian who has killed 500,000 Iraqis through sanctions alone and thousands since the latest Iraq invasion. For Gods sake and your own sake open your eyes.
In response, to a comment posted by Sean, we are complaining because of the fact that Muslims are being victimized. As a matter of fact, it is very inhumane for one to bring up such a comment as yours and say that we are complaining and anti-west, and that we blame the US for all the problems. Well guess what in no way should be have to defend our right to speak or write. And guess what else, at the stake of Middle Eastern civilization, the Western nations are profiting and reaping in better lifestyles, with no regard for the rest of humanity. Its almost as if Middle Eastern, or Muslim lives do not matter. Dont you think the problems happening in the world started somewhere? Do you think people will start forming terrorist organizations for no reason? Do you think the people in the East have anti-US sentiment for the hell of it? Your mistaken my friend. The wests actions are only allowing terrorists to get stronger and in return this is screwing all Muslims!. You want an example...United states says its pro democracy and against dictatorship and an advocate of human rights for everyone in every nation. Well how come the country of lebanon is being destroyed while US sits around and watches and instead just gives more weapons to Israel. Lebanon was one of the most pro US countries in the Mid east. And they see that democracies do not help each other. especially dissappointed by what US has NOT done. Dont you think this will create anti-US sentiment. That US is the first one to come in and invade a country that has no democracy but then wont back one up in a terrorist war being waged against it. Its really pathetic!
I am not going to dignify your comments with an answer. This site is one of the best sites in the web. Believe it or not the editors care about you Americans and Israelis more than I do. They have blocked my comments many times to protect your feelings. The editor knows American poeples better than me because this site staff live in the USA. I live in Canada & I 've never visited your Zionist plagued country so I know very few good Americans here in Canada. My view of most Americans is that they are a very easy to buy and sell just like our Arab and Muslim leaders. Women are mostly Gold diggers and men are usually money lovers & sex addicts: NO DIGNITY!!! I am sure that there is decent minority there but they are week and useless.
children. If Syria didn't leave Lebanon perhaps this would not have a large impact on the people
of Lebanon. US/ISraeli wanted the Syria military out of Lebanon so they can attack.
We can not take US and an honest and trustworthy broker any more as you can see US interest never for Arab and Muslim. Our lead are been use as a puppet for few dollars and the good one are been black mail to submission. They should wakeup; only submit to Allah. Only then we will see the tide change.
Sorry to see America as a dishonest player to help. !!!FOR WHO!!!
It took almost one hundred years to split us and dived. As long we are divided they win!!!