Muslims = Terrorists
"While it may be true - and probably is - that not all Muslims are terrorists, it also happens to be true that nearly all terrorists are Muslim."
Dan Gillerman, Israeli Ambassador to the UN, March 7, 2006 |
Terrorism has long been the chief demonizing marker that Israel and the United States have used in their wars against Islamic states and peoples who have stood in the path of their imperial ambitions.
Israel has led the way in charting this course. With massive propaganda, the Zionists succeeded in equating the Palestinian resistance with terrorism. In no Western country did this propaganda encounter greater success - including Israel itself - than in the United States. Most liberal Americans - and a few leftists - argued that Palestinian terrorists threatened Israel's existence.
After the capitulation of Egypt at Camp David, Israel pursued more lofty ambitions. The original dream of a Pax Israelica, stretching from Morocco to Pakistan, now seemed within reach. Only the newly emerging Islamist forces in the region - notably, in Iran - now stood in its way.
The nascent Islamists offered both a challenge and an opportunity to Israel. If Israel could paint the Islamists as a civilizational threat to the very survival of the West, the American voters could be goaded into supporting Israel's war against the Islamists: or better still, make this war their own.
This is not to discount the lure of Middle Eastern oil for America's power elite. Although the US is the world's only superpower, its relative economic position has been declining for some time. Although the US may not reverse its economic decline, it could solidify its power by gaining control over the world's oil spigot in the Persian Gulf. Europe and China could be tamed if they knew that the US had its hand on the oil spigot.
This temptation was strong, but it also carried risks. In a democracy, moreover, there stands another obstacle. Public opinion in the United States would resist such a major and risky war. Americans, therefore, would have to be prepared for war by conjuring fears of new Islamic hordes gathering to attack and destroy the West, especially the United States.
Israel, the Zionists and their neoconservative allies in the United States began to work on these fears. It would not be too difficult to revive the West's old obsession about fanatical Muslims, forcing their religion upon infidels at the point of their swords. But these atavistic fears would have to be decked anew. The Zionist and neoconservative thinkers would go to work painting Islam as anti-modernist, opposed to freedom, and inimical to the rights of women and minorities. In other words, Muslims were the last remaining obstacle to the final and irreversible triumph of Western values and power.
This was not all. The Zionists also argued that the Muslims were an active and growing threat to the survival of the West. The new forces gathering under the Islamic banner were determined to attack the West. Israel was only their immediate target. After destroying Israel, they would go for the United States and Europe, their real targets. Their goal was nothing less than the imposition of Islamic law on Western Christendom. Most importantly, the Zionists warned repeatedly, the Islamists would use terror - the same tactics they had employed so long against Israel - to destroy the Western economies.
This strategy could scarcely fail to achieve its objective. On the domestic front, Americans were being told constantly of Islamic hostility to modernity, to the West and the United States especially. On the international front, the US and Israel together deepened their siege of the Islamic world, with open wars against Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Afghans, and threats of new wars against Iran, Syria and Pakistan.
Under these dire circumstances, small groups of Muslims - no more than a few hundred at first - broke away from the mainstream Islamist movements who were battling the repression and corruption of their own governments. These splinter groups advocated attacks against the United States, the 'far enemy' that they argued was the real power behind Israel and the indigenous tyrannies.
When these splinter groups began their terrorist attacks in the early 1990s, the Zionists, neoconservatives, and other assorted right-wing reactionary groups had gained what they waited for. Here was proof, they proclaimed, of the malevolent designs of the Islamic terrorists, the Islamic fundamentalists, nay, of the entire Islamic world. Wake up, the Zionists began telling the Americans. The Islamic terrorists who have been attacking us since 1948 have now attacked you. We face the same terrorist hordes. It is the Islamic world, stupid.
So, when the nineteen hijackers from al-Qaida attacked the Twin Towers, renewed efforts were launched to establish a definitive connection between Islam and terrorism. Some voices proclaimed that all Muslims are terrorists or at least potential terrorists. The US government was not going that far yet. It proclaimed that it was waging war against Islamic terrorists, not against Islam.
What the US government did after 9-11, however, sent exactly the opposite message. It launched a war against Iraq, a secular Arab government, opposed to the Islamists and with no known connection to the perpetrators of 9-11. It gave up its pretense of playing the honest broker between Israel and the Palestinians. It launched plans to effect 'regime change' in Syria and Iran. US intentions in the Middle East were summed up ominously in its plans to bring 'democracy' to the region. The real plan - long a part of Israel's strategic plan for the region - was to redraw the map of the Middle East.
The advocates of civilizational war in the United States were not yet resting on their laurels. They had not achieved quite what they wanted. They wanted all-out, open war against the Islamic world. They wanted the US to equate Islam with terrorism, and Muslims with terrorists. They wanted to deport Muslims who called the West their home, or shut them up in internment camps. They wanted to legalize the torture of Muslims, and their indefinite detention. Indeed, they were celebrating the loss of their own liberties as a necessary tool in the war against Islam.
Unremittingly, Israel, the Zionists and neoconservatives are pushing the United States to start the total war against Islam. They work openly, covertly and by deceit. On the ideological front, their goal is to define all Muslims as terrorist. This goal appears to be nearly in sight. They have persuaded many Americans that all terrorists are Muslims even if all Muslims are not terrorists.
A tenuous distinction indeed, if there was one. If all terrorists are Muslims, and we cannot tell the bad ones from the good ones, can we then afford to give 'good Muslims' the benefit of the doubt? Can the West risk its survival on so fine, so tenuous a distinction? Should the West risk its survival on this distinction?
The charge that all terrorists are Muslims is a scarcely concealed advocacy for war against all Muslims. It does not matter that this equation is false. The claim that Saddam Hussein had WMDs was also false; so was his connection with the 9-11 hijackers. But these lies were used to invade, occupy and devastate Iraq. If this new falsehood prevails, and it appears to be gaining ground, this is what will drive the war against Islam - the most deadly after the second World War. Duped into rage, Americans will stand four square behind the war of the twenty-first century to defeat the Islamo-fascists, to eradicate the Islamic terrorists. Once this is over, they can enjoy the glories of yet another American century.
M. Shahid Alam is professor of economics at a university in Boston, and author of Challenging the New Orientalism: Dissenting Essays on America's 'War Against Islam' (IPI Publications: 2006 forthcoming). He may be reached at [email protected] c M. Shahid Alam
Related Suggestions
You accused the islamist as being biased by:
1) using only selective parts of history. You yourself are being selective, but u just didn't know it (since u r only good with ur words). Why didn't u mention the history of Islamic "colononialism" in this part of the world where I live namely the Southeast Asia.. because it doesn't fit into your FIXED MINDSET? It has the largest ,muslim population and the Islamic army has never been here, the people embrace islam willingly through the God-Fearing Islamic merchants and the mystics (Sufis) after years and years of living under the oppressive caste structure in Hindu society at the time of the Majapahit rule. The egalitarianism of Islam, especially the ideals of equality, brotherhood, and social justice, were appealing both to Buddhist and lower caste Hindus (the theory that the muslims are using forceful conversion is a myth and such is against Islamic teaching).
I am forever grateful to Islam city and to brothers Shahid Alam and brother Hudd my Canadian fellow country man and other Muslims for doing their best to help ignorant people see the light of Islam. I wish I had enough time to deal with every statement Romsesh made but alas, i don't...suffice to say that most Copts including the Patriarch of Alexandria were happy to be under the rule of Amr Ibnu Al'as and khalifa Umar ibnu Alkhataab than be under the brutally repressive Byzantine Empire. Suffice to say that the North Africans were way better off under Musa Ibnu Nussair than be under the rule of the Vandals...and if you Romesh equate the Muslims with the vandals and vandalism you would have to see a psychiatrist. If you still think Hudd and I are biased it is suffice to say that one of the world's greatest historians H G Wells a non Muslim states that the Muslims and YES THE MUSLIMS committed the least crimes against humanity compared to others. And Romesh, if you don't believe me I challenge you to go check his book "A World History" , it is not important that my comments are sent from Morocco or Canada. It is my personal history and the history of Muslims in general except for a very few criminals among us that make us Muslims to be very proud to be MUSLIMS!
Your common sense is Golda Meir's hypocracy. There is no fatwa. There is only the struggle of a brutally occupied nation for independence. Quran or not Quran, Muslim or non-Muslim, Palestine belongs to the Palestinian people, the Arab-speaking natives of the land, period. Now this is common sense understood at grade three level.
know that what i believe is &
nobody can be against that .
There was nothing new in your post, and nothing specific either.
It is rather surprising that you did not argue on any of the points I had raised. (1) If Mongol/muslim invasion of India was great, then should Mongol invasion of Baghdad should also be great (though Mongols destroyed all of Baghdad). (2) If Muslim invasion of christian lands were great, then should not Jewish invasion of Palestine and US/UK invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan should be great. (3) If Jewish should leave Palestine, should not Jews move back to Makkah (after they used to live in 7th century).
These are all reciprocal and common sense arguments and one does not need any fatwa (or Koranic dictates). What is good for gander is good for the goose.
No wonder, no muslim has been able to convince the merits of Palestinian claims or shed any tears on Iraqi cries.
Chrisitanity cannot divest itself from colonialism and neither can Islam (though muslims don't like to call their rule of christian and hindu/buddhist territories as colonialism).
I wish him well and a healthy winter.
1) Muslims are too many to be exterminated, 1.4 billion.
2) Muslim countries are too spread out for nuking to work, besides, some Muslim countries already have the bomb, Pakistan, Khazakstan, etc. and some we don't know. There will be a response to any nuclear aggression, you can bet your denture on that.
3) Muslims are everywhere, in any country, although the non-Muslim population is brain-washed into fearing and dreading Muslims, extermination progromes like those generated by Nazi Germany, won't work; for reasons I don't even bother to explain to you, ...
4) Another obstacle is, you cannot physically destroy an idea. Islam is here and will last for ever, even after the worlds ended, because the natural nature of things is Islam as God Almighty has decreed.
5) Not everybody is a congenital idiot in the USA, even though they ellected one as president. Muslims are in the Americas, everywhere, and our rate of birth exceeds by far that of the non-Muslims.
So, Romesh, get used to the new face of the America
As usual, you are good at obsfucating the issue. You write "No arab muslim invaded India". In my post, I never said, any arab muslim invaded India; I said, muslims invaded India. Now, there is lot of difference in the two statements.
As I said in my post, nobody is going to thank muslims for invading other countries, unless you want to thank Jews for invading Palestine, US for invading Iraq and Afghanistan. Other countries were satisfied with their systems (good or bad is immaterial); I don't think muslims liked British and French and Italian colonialism though they may have done some good to muslims.
Now if no Jews lived in Mecca in the 7th century, then why was Muhammed fighting them? Were they some kind of phantom people?
If you think, Mongols were good for India, then do you think Mongol invasion of Baghdad (a Caliph seat), I think in 13th century, and literally destroying "Mesopotamia' was also good? Or have you forgotten that part of history? Oh, yes, Mongols finally decided to convert to Islam.
By the way, the first invasion of India (Sindh) was I think in late 7th century (or was it in early 8th century); and was probably by Arab muslims, because, at that time, there was no country which was muslim east of Arabia. Of course, you don't want to remember that part of history.
Dr Edriss, if you want to have any intelligent discussion, try to be as much unbiased as is possible (which is difficult for a Islamist, I know that).
You sign as Dr Edriss. I don't know if you are a physician or a PhD in Islamic studies or some other subject; guess what, I don't have any of the PHd's, and don't feel giving advice to learned men like you to be try to be unbiased.
It is rather odd that some muslim sitting in Morrocco is going to tell Indians what their ancient history is by quoting muslim authors. Remember, it is the victors who write the history, not the vanquished. Indian history was written by muslims over 1000 years of islamic rule.
As usual, you do not look at things in an unbiased manner, rather from islamic point of view -- never to analyse the real situations of islamic rule. It is just like Americans who always forget terrible aspect of their history (slavery, indian slaughter, denial of rights to minorities, trampling of US Constitution, etc).
If islamic rule was that great then why did spain, portugal, and Italy/Sicly reconquered their territory and threw out not only the Jews but also muslims?. Why did Greeks refuse to live under islamic rule? Why there were periodic rebellions in Balkans against Ottomans? Of course, I will never find any muslim to discuss these issues. All they can do is sing songs of glorious islam rule, even if there was no glory. Why don't muslims sing songs of rulers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Algeria, Pakistan, Indionesia?
There is nothing wrong with getting on the offense, as long as one has some semblance of unbiasedness; otherwise, it becomes meaningless bluster.
this is a bit of what you don't know: use your mind and think as human not as untouchable?
how many arab moslems invaded India? none! I know you do not know that!!! unfortunatly.
India was the first cake for the Mangols Empire. I wish you were condemning the first invasion of mangols to India!!? like that I will feel little bit logic in what you said. take it from the Mangols side or from the Afghan side? India was never invaded by any arab moslems. it's time for Indians to teach their people the truth and stop running behind America like they were running behind USSR in the past. and you still have to thanks the Mangols for bringing Islam to free india from the Marajas slavery. at least the mangols, knew they did bad to indians before Islam and wanted to correct that after they saw the light of Islam.
about jewish Mr history maker! the jewush were never from Makkah. jewish people who had good remaining of the Torah, knew Makkah is the land of the last messenger. immigrated to Makkah to witness the coming of this messenger, with the intention to follow him. when he didn't come from them, they reject it and that was clear they have to go back to where they come from(following your first so called theory, if you still remember it !?) :) .
conclusion: If the jew believe to what I believe, which is Islam. they will abid with Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Fasting and they have right to enter Makkah because in Islam, we believe the land belongs to Allah. ask the jew who converted if you don't believe?. about the North African, they were under the Bizantine. the war between Islam and Romans, started from the Romans as an answer to a letter sent by the Prophet calling them peacefuly to Islam.
last comment in my last post was nice joke. I won't explain it, but proved you ungreateful :).
quit rambling? and good luck
Allah (SWT) assures us that no Muslims will remain in hell forever. So, in light of that, we can safely conclude, when we consider the following Ayat carefully, that terrorists (and in particular suicide bombers) are not Muslim.
...Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah has been to you Most Merciful. If any do that in rancour and injustice, soon shall We cast them into the Fire... S4: A29 & 30
The Hadiths on this subject, moreover, specify that those who commit suicide will remain in hell forever, constantly repeating their act of suicide.
...if any one kills an innocent person, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind... S5: A32
Naturally, 'the whole of mankind' also includes all the believers.
If a man kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, to abide therein (For ever): And the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for him. S4: A93.
Everything belongs to Allah (SWT). If a potential suicide bomber is a believer, he would as a result of committing his act, be transformed in nature and sent to hell forever, by virtue of the logic that applies to the above Ayat, because he would have intentionally killed a believer, albeit himself. This phenomenon is confirmed in several Hadiths.
Muslims should sue for defamation anyone who says Muslims are terrorists and, thereby, counteract our enemies' efforts to incite hatred against us.
A Muslim is someone who submits to, and acts in accordance with, the Will of Allah (SWT). In whose name do those, who act contrary to the Will of Allah (SWT), a
First of all I sent my post before your appeared in this panel & the reason I didn't read it because it wasn't posted yet at the time. I read the other ones though and that was enough to tell me that you are ignorant about Islamic history. I am shocked to find out that you are ignorant about yours as well. The British were not there when Albidaya wa nihaya was written by Ibnu Kathir or Almilal wa Nihal when it was written by Ibnu Hazm but that's not the point.
The point when God gives a nation some power what do they do with it: they either go on a terrorist spree like the Zionist Hagannah terrorist organisation or the American regimes & in their terrorist missions all over the world. Murder to you in the form of a military campaign is not terror may be because you came from the Intouchable cast that does not value life but for proud muslims like our brothers and sisters in Palestine life without dignity has no value. Martyrdom operations don't mean that life has no value; not at all, it just means life without honor, life under state terrorism (India, USA or Israel) for instance is not worth living because it really doesn't and that's why the martyrdom bomber blows the Zionist terrorist that you suck up to. When many Israeli professors were asked when did Palestine three world community (Muslims, Christians & Jews) enjoyed justice & peace and stability in the last 1000 years? Their answer was: Under Muslim it or hate the truth came from the Jews themselves...are you now willing to believe it since it came from those that you defend all the time? be a man do so!
Come on, Hudd; you are a fairly smart and knowlegable person. History did not begin after WW2. You cannot ignore conquests of Islam before 1948 and harp only on the Jewish conquests of 1948.
European imperialism/colonialism can essentially be considered to be about 500 years old (i.e. after 1500), whereas Islamic colonialism (muslims consider others to be colonialists, not themselves) is about 1400 years old. Spanish and Italians and Portugese did not like islamic colonialism and they reconquered their terrotory. Greeks did not like it either; they rebelled and seoparated in 1823 and maintained their Greek Orthodox Church. Balkans were freed of islamic colonialism after the defeat of Ottoman empire, though Balkans tried quite a bit before.
No wonder muslims cannot convince anybody when they make selective use of history. That is why nobody listens to the cries of palestinians and even of Iraqis.
Islam is not material it's a thought.Are u suggesting creation of a state which denies freedom of thought.
Also, the biger issue to me as an US citizen, is the fact that people without the public backing of a nation or a government have chosen to muder US citizens in the name of a religion. Until 911 I had no problem with Islam. But now, with Osama bin Laden hailed as a great warrior in the Muslim world, I am in favor of the destruction of any one that supports him and his ideals. 911 was not a miltary campaign, it was murder. But there has been little or no comdemnation of those acts. That tends to empower people like George Bush which only further empowers people like bin Laden. The result is that people write articles like this which do not seek diologue, but seek to support a point of view, that even if it were correct will only insure more death and distruction.
Many western people have bought into the idea that Muslims love death more that they love life. I don't beleive it. I see the funerals on TV. I see people mourning their dead. I see the need for revenge. But what I don't see is anyone really interested in stopping it. All Muslim retoric seems to be directed at more blood and more death. The big problem with that is that the US has a capacity for bloodshed that most people can not imagine. At some point there may be mood in this country to find out just how much the Muslim world loves death.
Romesh, you are just trying to stir a stink, because I don't believe that you were so ignorant of the new ideologies and human values after the WWII. It was determined that colonialism or the armed-forced invasion of foreign lands was to be crimes against humanity. In other words, what happened before could not be fixed. Colonialism was officially abolished and the acquirement of new colonies was deemed as unti-democratic and an abuse of human rights that would call automatically for armed intervension from the international comunity. Imagine Turkey invading Greece for the purpose of colonizing it in the frame of a plan for Greater Turkish Homeland or in the name of Reconquista. What do you think the international reaction would be? You see, old man, here stands the hypocracy and the double standards of the West. What is good for the gander it should be good for the goose too. If the occupation of Palestine is OK, then the occupation of Kashmere by Muslims should be OK, East Timor shouldn't exist, etc., etc. Don't present yourself as an imbecile, you are better than stating such cretinous contradictions. I generally have a good oppinion about you and I appreciate most of your comments. Bottom line was that after WWII there should be no international aggression or atavistic recurrences of a dishonourable past. I understand you are a Judophile, that's fine by me, however if you want to be credited with fairness then be fair and apply the same unit of measure to all and everything. Don't just try to do what anybody else does, bash the Muslims, it's not nice. For Zinedine and other Muslims of North America, including myself is of bad taste knowing that our non-Muslim neighbour, for intance yourself, would be an asanine creep. Think about it. All we try here on this site is to get to some answers and try to even differences and reach to some sort of undertanding, since nobody goes nowhere.
Aryan invasion of India is a British theory, written after British came to India. Hindusim is over 5000 years old. Hindus are the oldest settlers of Indian sub-continent.
Zinedine, you did not read my post carefully. I stated, nobody is thanking muslims for invasion of their countries; those countries were satisfied with their own civilizations, whatever they were. South American natives don't long for islamic invasions (muslims never did invade south america).
If invasions are such a great thing, then why do Arabs not like Jewish invasion of Palestine or US/UK invasion of Iraq/Afghanistan or British and French invasion of Egypt (in the 19th century as well as in 1956) or British invasion of Arabia after the defeat of Ottoman Empire? What is good for the gander is also good for the goose.
Following your line of thinking would you agree then with the expulsion of all Indians that have Aryan origins from India by the native Indus?
No of course not so try to imply that India is made of a homogenous society because it's not and you know it. You know that the Aryans introduced the caste system to the Indus and spread southward and to the Gang region as well.
You know that India was invaded by the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Portuguese and the British. Unlike others, you need to know that the Arabs, Persian & Afghani traders introduced Islam to India peacefully through business relations.
Did you know that if it was not for the Muslims India would not have an ancient history..thanks to Albairuni & other Muslim historians that India has a history...
You & others need to know the truth about the spread of Islam in Alandalus (Spain). Between Morocco and Spain there was always this political arrangement by which politician and army generals call upon one another for rescue. The Moors, Musa Ibnu Nussair and Tariq Ibnu Ziad's army "invaded" Spain to rescue the Unitarian leaders, the southerners and the Unitarian church from the Trinitarian Visigoths. The History of Moorish Spain is a history of alliances between Muslim/Christian leaders against other Christian leaders & most of the wars in Andalusia were about lands and power. If Islam is such a violent and terroristic religion why most of Spain was Muslim until the Catholic terrorist church forced them to convert to Catholicism.
You should be thanking the Muslims for inventing Sciences as we know them now...and like historian Will Durant said : if it wasn't for the Muslims, the world may have been delayed by 600 years. He meant that by burning Greek Works, the Barbaric Catholic Church has delayed the Renaissance by 600 years.
All non Muslims including non Muslim American must be thanking Islam and the Muslims for the gift that is SCIEN
So, you have no problem with conquests done over the last 1400 years, whether done by muslims or christians (or capitalists or communists) or by the English of North America. Then why do you have problems with Jewish conquest of Palestine? What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
You write "I believe the Earth belongs to Allah, then I have no problem to go wherever I want go and do whatever I want do. that's the real freedom.".
Great. Would you give the same freedom (or right) to Jews? Can they go back to Mecca and Medina? After all, they used to live there in the 7th century. Christians, Pagans, and other idol worshippers used to live there too; can they go back to Mecca and Medina too?
Hindus are no saints. But they never invaded (before the coming of Islam as well as after coming of Islam) outside their kindoms; it was Islam (and muslims) who invaded them. And don't expect me to thank you for that or bringing islamic advancements; we were satisfied with what we had
North Africa did not invite muslims either, nor did Spain or Persia or Central Asia. Whatever civilizations they had they were proud of it. After all, the natives of South America were never invaded by Islam; and they don't feel that they were deprived of muslim advancements. Should Egypt thank UK for bringing railways to Egypt? I hope not. Railway would have come to Egypt, whether Egypt was a UK colony or not.
No, you don't get any thanks from me for islamic invasions of India or any part of the world.
When others are ready to leave US (including you), I will be very happy to leave US; I consider myself an economic refugee (an opportunist will be a better term), not a religious or political one.
before you make this state of "That all the muslim immigrants that immigrated to the west to go back to the countries they were from".
You should read and know the history of American and US on how it began as a nation that stole from the Native Indians.
Also read the history of Muslims which have done good for mankind. In Europe it was the Muslims who got rid of plaque disease and people were
living thanks to common sense of the Ottoman Empire rulers, Know as today the public washroom.
you got some nerve, know the facts before you speak or write.
I think I have struck a nerve. If we were to return to our homeland than will the Zionist leave Palestine and go occupy a part of US or Europe. Since it was Europeans countries who did this to Jews not the Muslims nor the Palestinians.
Now the Zionist state are doing what happen to them over 60 years ago. I am sorry for what happen to them. Why punish the Palestinians, leave our land.
Who was ADAM? He was the first man and first messenger(prophet) on earth.
Adam was sent by whom? The same one God-Allah who sent other prophets(Abraham,Jesus and Muhammad-pbut.
Whom did Adam worship and what was his religion? He and other prophets worshipped the same ONE GOD. HOW MANY NEW (INVENTED) RELIGIONS WE HAVE NOW SINCE THEN?
Are we not the children of Adam and Eve? Yes we all are the children of Adam And Eve. May Allah guide us and bring brotherhood among us and we live in peace and Love on this earth created by GOD.Aameen.
ok romesh, how about this? you believe that the land belong to the native people of it. then you agree that you should go back to india or whatever you are from, that's if I consider you know where are you from.
I believe the Earth belongs to Allah, then I have no problem to go wherever I want go and do whatever I want do. that's the real freedom.
now suppose you are referring to Europe and America as the west! jesus is from the middleeast and it's time for those who claim to belong to this fictive west, to stop using middleeast messengers. enough playing people in the name of middleeast messengers.
the people of middleeast did not give right to anybody to spread the corrupted message after jesus! if you read the book of the Greeks "bible", jesus was sent to the sons of Israel tribes. jesus adviced the disciples to not enter the cities of the pagans and to go after the sons of Israel tribes, for he was sent to return them to the right way.
now if you seek a message sent to a messenger from middleeast with purpose to spread it to the whole worlds, it is Islam. Allah said "and we didn't sent you(Mohammad) except mercy to the worlds" worlds in plural because we live in more than one world and I can't explain this here. then the last message is the one who hold an order from the Almighty to be spread for All. unfortunatly, shaytan(satan) drove the people seeking power in Roman's Empire to spread the cross worship belief, shaped by Constantine 300 years after Jesus(alaihe Assalam).
look at the difference? the arab moslems entered North Africa, had an Northern African leader to lead them (include the granson of the Last messenger) to spread Islam in Andaloss(spain now). Mangols invaded Islamic land and returned home with Islam, Islam entered Turks and Turks become the leaders of the whole moslems of their time. Roman did nothing but destroyed others. America was doing a bit better before copying the roman doctrine...
do I deserve thanks
Yes, I agree with you that not only muslims should go back but also all immigrants in USA (whites,Blacks,europeans,arabs,asians etc)should go back and return this country to whom it belongs - Native americans or american Indian".
Khan, I also agree with you. Now let us apply that to muslims. Englishmen conquered America. Remember, muslims conquered Spain, North Africa, Balkans, South Asia, Persia, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Egypt, Anatolia, etc. Spain and parts of Balkans, muslims later on lost but retain the rest of the world. When are they going to leave Turkey, Persia, Egypt, South Asia, Afghanistan, Central Asia and other territories they conquered and still occupy and return the land to the children of original settlers? I have no problem to going to India -- I am part of the original settlers -- the Hindus.
I hope Iwiews has the courage enough to publish this!! Anybody for intelligent discussion or the usual hot air.
Romesh Chander
[email protected]
Read the history of America and Muslims:
how USA was formed by taking away from the native americans, and how they purchased the land/conquered the land from others for USA that did not belonged to us, sir.
Yes, I agree with you that not only muslims should go back but also all immigrants in USA (whites,Blacks,europeans,arabs,asians etc)should go back and return this country to whom it belongs - Native americans or american Indian. Actually we should return this world to the children of ADAM(phuh) and to his people who follows HIS religion ? What was HIS religion and who are those people that worship HIS religion? Who are they?
It is the immigrants from all over the world made America a great country including muslims and their countries thru their resources like petrol,gas, gold and diamonds,money,financial contributions in investments/stocks in the banks,companies,economy, medicine,engineering (sears tower-Bahadur Khan).
Learn the Muslim/Islam history,their discoveries and inventions in Math, Medicine, Science Banking etc. The latest is the religion -ISLAM which is for all humanity. It gives rights to women, teaches tolerance, forgiveness,love, peace. Arabic, once was was known as the language of science.
America did not get independence just like that. It fought wars with British empire by ALL MEANS. What do you call that and the citizens who gave their lives(freedom fighters,martyrs or ???)
Intead of watching spicy and biased media, news,and politicians, please read the articles that appeared on this site:
1)'Islam in America:From African Slaves to Malcolm X'(4/7/2006)
2) Muslim women in Science(9/21/2005)
3) Muslim women scale everest(6/1/2005)
4) Islam-once at forefront of SCIENCE(4/16/2994)
search on internet 'Muslims/Islam and their discoveries,inventions etc'
Overall, I agree with the viewpoint expressed in this article however, we must remove from our vocabulary the word " Islamist " which makes absolutely no sense. Muslims are Muslims whether they are right or wrong doing. We must then remove this term to the best of our ability and omit it completely as that it is a carry over from Mercantile-Militarist propaganda.
Enough said on that point, let us as Muslims offer up our own assessment of the Global crusade on our Communities throughout the world. I would like to offer one such point of view; Mercantile-Militarism is both an ideiology and system of cooperation between government, judiciary, corporations, military and paramilitary. It is further characterized by the overt use of force, physchological warfare and propaganda, to obliterate, destroy and or otherwise eliminate all opposition to its policies of grand-theft, robbery and genocidal tatics, whether the opposition be foreign or domestic. All under the guise of national security fronted by government legislation.
most of Europe and rest either killed or murdered.
It was Islam that accepted the Judaism, Christianity as equal. Islam gave Jews
A place beside them and gave them freedom to practice their faith.
This is thanks we get.
"While it may be true - and probably is - that not all Muslims are terrorists, it also
happens to be true that nearly all terrorists are Muslim."
Dan Gillerman, Israeli Ambassador to the UN, March 7, 2006
Thus the Jewish terrorist group act against Muslims and have never take the responsibility of under mining these terrorist acts. The Zionist Terrorist Group
has always able to point the finger at some other terrorist group.
The American asked why we hate the Zionist state, would you hate them for
stealing your life, property, personal property and future of many generations to
come. The international community has taken no action against the Zionist State.
Israeli and its buddies have taken many actions against Islamic nations.
President Bush has been closed minded against the nations of Evil axes-US, UK
and Zionist State.
The American and Jewish terrorist groups act
have always blame others. They can't be blame for the act itself.
As for the governments and purposeful hate-mongers behind them, I can only say, Hasbuna Allah wa Ni3m-al Wakeel. how beautiful of a response that is in that it totally removes all fear and apprehension from one's heart.
He attributes this quote to the Israeli Ambassador to UN (March 2006).
But did Professor Alam forget that this quote originally came from a Qatari editor after murder of children by Chechens in a school at Beslam about 3 years ago?. Why he did not quote his muslim brother?. Is it too painful?.
Do I see some JudoPhobia among muslim intellectuals like Professor Alam!?.
To be fair, the comments by the Israeli amabassador are milder than those by the Qatari editor, who wrote a long article on the killings at Beslam. Israeli ambassador used the term 'probably'; but Qatari editor was far more emphatic.
Jews may be a problem for muslims, but they are not problems for all the ills of muslims.
By the way, I am not a jew, never been, and will never ever be a jew.
The other point is the seemingly unwaivering support of the many powerful Christian groups in the US of the pursuit of Israel's expansionary policies. This they claim is mandated by the old testament. Although this argument is very flawed.
Fundamentally Moslems want to live peacefully where ever God puts them, and within the laws of the country of residance, and the within a framwork of what the Quran and Mohammed (PBUH) teaches us about equality, harmony, justice and love of humanity and all of God's creatures.
Many thanks
Similarly, meaningful avenues should be opened for access to the life and practices of the noble Messenger (pbuh).
Perhaps, Dr. Shahid can start the work on the sciences of the Quran - that he had intended just prior to the 9/11 and the booming "clash" theories enterprises. There is an urgent need for such work for the SEEKERS OF TRUTH.
However, I do see Pax Islamica in Europe (assuming if Turkey becomes a member of EU) by 2050 and Pax Isalamica in US by the end of 2100, simply by higher reproduction rate among Muslims.
The rate at which Jews are reproducing, I doubt there will be any Jews around by the year 2100 ( problem of Israel/Palestine will automatically be solved, so Iran does not have to annihilate Israel; just wait out about 100 years).