a:17:{s:8:"theTitle";s:28:"'Muslim' shouldn't be a slur";s:12:"thePermalink";s:58:"https://www.islamicity.org/3375/muslim-shouldnt-be-a-slur/";s:13:"theAuthorName";s:17:"Constance L. Rice";s:12:"theThumbnail";s:0:"";s:6:"isWhat";s:7:"article";s:7:"theIcon";s:0:"";s:11:"theCategory";s:44:"cannot-retrieve-category-see-cell-part-1.php";s:6:"theTag";s:33:"barack obama|/topics/barack-obama";s:7:"theDate";s:12:"Oct 17, 2008";s:11:"theDate_ORG";s:16:"October 17, 2008";s:9:"theAuthor";s:38:"Constance L. Rice|/by/constance-l-rice";s:5:"theID";i:3375;s:14:"theReadingTime";s:6:"4 min.";s:10:"theExcerpt";s:81:"Excuse me, but when did the words "Muslim" and "Arab" become acceptable epithets?";s:12:"theTitle_ORG";s:28:"'Muslim' shouldn't be a slur";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:15:"whereItCameFrom";s:0:"";}

'Muslim' shouldn't be a slur

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Category: Americas, World Affairs Topics: Barack Obama Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:3375} {customField:ic-view-count}4076

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Excuse me, but when did the words "Muslim" and "Arab" become acceptable epithets?

I'm not a Muslim, and perhaps I was slow to see this coming. Four months ago, I blithely advised a group at a local mosque not to obsess over the anti-Muslim undertones of the presidential campaign. At that point, Barack Obama was defending his Christian bona fides against "accusations" of "being a Muslim" (as if it had suddenly become a Class-D felony), but was doing so without condemning the implicit slurs against Islam, Muslims and Arabs.

In a "don't worry, be happy" tone, I breezily noted that although the stoking of racial fear and xenophobia was a cherished tradition of American politics, I really didn't think that this time around the candidates would permit the wholesale slander of Islam or Muslims.

Apparently, I was wrong. The undertones have become screaming overtones. And it is past time to object.

If it wasn't clear before, it became crystal clear last week in the aftermath of Republican rallies. Fomenting fear to shore up drooping support, Republicans sadly used heated demagoguery about "palling around with terrorists," about "Barack Hussein Obama" and about how Obama doesn't "see America like you and I," words that mixed subliminally to conflate "terror" with "Muslim" and to whip crowds into xenophobic anger. After his enraged supporters were recorded uttering death threats and racial slurs, McCain was forced on several occasions to try to tamp down the anger in the audience and to defend his opponent. 

That was a good step one -until McCain blew it. A woman stood up in the audience and said that she just couldn't trust Obama because, as she put it, "he's an Arab." McCain shook his head, took the microphone and said: "No, ma'am. He's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues." 

So, what is he saying? Arabs aren't decent family men? They can't be citizens? 

The fact is, neither McCain nor Obama -who continues to combat absurd attacks on his Americanness -has been willing to speak out against the implicit slurs against Arabs and Islam. 

Is it really too difficult for Obama to respond: "For the hundredth time, I am a Christian, and if you are suggesting that there is something wrong with Islam or being a Muslim, you are wrong"? 

Would it be so hard for McCain to say: "There is no room in my campaign or in America for religious or ethnic intolerance -that's what we're fighting against"?

Maybe I missed the denunciations amid all the hoopla over field-dressing moose, but it looks like the next ice age will arrive before the NAACP, the National Conference of Christians and Jews or the Anti-Defamation League loudly objects to the implicit defamation of Muslims and Arabs that has seeped into this presidential campaign. 

Women rightly protested gender bias during Hillary Clinton's run, but we failed to strongly challenge the earlier bias against Mormons during Mitt Romney's bid, and we are currently failing to refute the anti-Muslim bias embedded in the assaults on Obama.

It is a failure we need to correct now.

Constance L. Rice is a civil rights attorney in Los Angeles.

  Category: Americas, World Affairs
  Topics: Barack Obama
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Older Comments:
The problem is not being a muslim. The problem is being an Arab. Arabs are the most disgusting people on earth right now. They make only 15% of the muslims and especially the super corrupt Al-Saud family is just doing anything to stay in power. They are a divisive power in the muslim world and The King proclaims himself as custodian of two holy mosques while most of his family are gambling the oil money in Monaco and spend it on whores and alcohol. Do they really represent the islamic values? Any non-muslim who observes these parasites' behavior will be turned off and stereotype ALL muslims as corrupt and ignorant. Unfortunately they have access to the money for the sale of 10 million barells of oil per day and they still have deficit. The stock market sank by 10% in a country with 20 million inhabitants. How pathetic is that?


Dear Brother Babandi A.Gumel, and the rest of my Muslim Brothers and Sisters,

May all be in the grace and blessings of ALLAH. Thank you Brother Babandi for lending your support to my views and that of the rest of the Muslims in these post. There is no God but ALLAH and Muhammad is HIS Messenger.

Again I reiterate my pride of being a Muslim. However this pride is not in any way an arrogance. To all humans, we treat them with dignity and respect and to our brethern, we love them on the basis of ukhwah, our Islamic brotherhood. We humbled ourselves before ALLAH, our Creator, we worship ALLAH and crave for HIS love, we pray for mercy and compassion, and we seek forgiveness for the souls of those Muslims before us, and for those who are still with us.

I read with interest the post sent by " My new life ". While I agree with the views, but on the financial crisis now plaguing the global financial market, have we not actually ponder whether or not this may be the plans of ALLAH ?

Look at it this way, all these while, western countries and their financial institutions had been economically arm twisting other countries, with their usury or high interest rates, and setting unfair market rules, all in the name of free enterprise. Or capitalism, beyond any limits ? Many countries have suffered from this usury system, yet there was nothing they could do about it. Until today, this market melt down of these champions of the usury system have no answer on how really the recent crisis begun.

Remember, ALLAH is the best of planner and I view that the financial crisis is ALLAH retribution to the oppressor.


SaleemAbdulAzeem Assalamou Alaikoum WRWB.
Colin Powell is still a war criminal and needs to be triad for war crime, along with Bush and his evil team. No doubt that Collin Powell will have to face his Lord for the lies that caused the slaughtering of a whole nation. The guy makes me vomit just by hearing him.

Thank you. I'd said the same thing when John McCain wrested a microphone away from an ignorant supporter at one of his rallies a few weeks back. The woman called Barack Obama an "Arab"...as if it were a slur or it were criminal to be an Arab.

John McCain grabbed the mic from her saying "no ma'am no ma'am..." and something to the effect of "Obama is a good man whom I just happen to have some differences of opinion with". Uh, hello? That was a missed opportunity to denounce slander and racism. John McCain did not do enough to defuse the sentiment and should have remembered to attack the racial intolerance implied in that remark.

I think you are totally correct in these two politicians standing up against discrimination. But at least we have some like you and Colin Powell to address issues like these and downgrading the mal-judgement of politicians. Because think about it politicians are just 'kiss-ups' and i don't really think thats going to change very soon.

As a white muslim (investigating Islam) all I can say is I ain't proud to be an American. This behavior is low, despicable, and shows the world what the true underbelly of America is like. If this keeps up if'n/when Obama gets elected President, I'm more than willing to give up my pick up truck and gun to move to a country that doesn't foster, feed, and support such bigotry and racism.
Any suggestions?

'So, what is he saying? Arabs aren't decent family men?' I think you're twisting things a little, but I do agree with the main point: McCain the insane. Shrek the orgre would make a better president. Partly because he is not a deluded war mongerer.

MusliM and proud of it!!!!!!

Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah .. al-Qur'an 3:110

I would also like to add... What are the Muslims doing to challenge this view about Muslims? Are we all doing our part? We should not be afraid to talk to people. I have recently went to a Hollocaust museum and have noticed a errie similarity at how the press would treat the Jews and how they are portraying the Muslims today. The Germans would write their stories leading the people to believe that even though one Jew did something bad all of them were bad. I do not want to see somthing like this happen again!!! How horrible this is in our human history! People might say that it will never happen, that this is a new century. As we have seen that history does tend to repeat itself unfortunately. An example is the Financial crisis we are in at the moment.... Muslims and non-Muslims alike should stand up for injustice no matter if it is against us or another. As this is clearly presented to us in the Quran. We must not be complacent about injustice around us. Who's going to fix it if we don't do anything about it. We all have talents to lend to humanity. Its time we started sharing....

Remember, if no one took the time to talk to me I might never have come to this deen. Should others not decide to come to Islam, they at least will not be hostile toward us and understand us in the right perspective.

May Allah guide us all toward peace. Amen.

My Goodness! I'm happy finally I heard something on this issue. I wonder why this did not become a huge issue in the 'freedom of expression' loving media? Just replace those Muslim words with some other faiths - and Arab with some other ethiniciyt - you can see freedom loving media jumping on it. Something is stinking very bad.

It is not often you see or read something like that in print. Thank you very much Constance Rice. It is very unfortunate that people make a living been epithets and abusing other people as is done here in America. In the case of Obama and McCain it seems it is for their personal gain, greed and stupidity. Instead of promoting hatred and slander why not promote truth and love among the American public? The gains would be much better. I am totally with you, something should be done to stop this injustice. Such injustice was placed on the Aboriginal tribes, then the African Americans, Jews and now the Arabs; particularly Muslims and Islam to mention a few. Why do people stoop so low? Peace and fair treatment of others is what we need all over the world

Thank you for being a voice of justice.

Dear Constance of Los Angeles Times:

I am happy that someone is finally doing a great job of reporting truth. It's about time that the Western media start noticing 1/4th of the World humanity.

If and when the people really start understanding Islam, that's the day the real peace will arrive. It's said in a Prophetic tradition that before this world comes to its conclusion, Islam would have entered in each and every house.

Those who are wishing ill against Islam should remember what happened to the Mongols who invaded Baghdad in the earlier time. Wherever it went, Islam became part and parcel of the land due to its honesty, sincerity, and simplicity.Ignorance is no excuse in the 21st century.

Please keep up the good work.


In support of what my dearest Brother Kris Macpherson has said Islam is unfortunately misunderstood by the majority of people Muslims and non Muslims alike.Due to some unfortunate evil actions carried out by some few Muslims brothers around the globe majority of Muslims are collectively now being portrayed as evil themselves.Coupled with prejudice plus additional media propaganda exxagerating in news coverage Muslims have become victims of evil circumtance.No any other religion suffers the kind of victimisation as Islam and the Muslims suffer now a days.Although one can attribute all these due to negative publicity and unnecessary misinformation carried out by section of media and other intellectuals aimed blackmailing Islam and the Muslims, yet I agree with Brother Kris some of our Muslims are also to blame for all these negative campaign.Anyhow it is our belief the more you engage in negative campaign against something the more that thing becomes popular. As everyone can see despite all negative campaign aimed at the Din is becoming the fastest growing Religion.Its simple message There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Final Messenger like all other Messengers of Allah including Noah Abraham,Moses,Jesus and all other Prophets.We don't descriminate against any of the Prophets we submit to Him Allah (alone) as Muslims.Muslim means one who has submitted to nobody but Allah.The Sun the Moon,the Angels the Heavens and the Earths the Seas the rain sent down from the Sky and all the natural things known and unknown seen in the sky and the earth which our dear enviromentalists continue to adore are essentially Muslims. The reason why we call them Muslims because they have naturally submitted to the will of the Creator and you cannot find change in the system of Allah.I invite every one to do away with prejudice and study the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad that reflects the nature of the Universe leading to guidance and felicity in the Hereafter.

Americans need to grow up.

Dear Constance of Los Angeles Times,

I am a proud Muslim. I have no hesitant to reveal my Muslim identity anywhere and everywhere. When I travel, if there is any question as to my faith, I with delight would reveal myself as a Muslim. ALLAH is the Only GOD and Muhammad ( s.a.w ) is HIS Messenger.

While I whole heartedly agree with your views, and definitely the slurs are a hurtful thing to Muslims, but therein again, there is a question of image in the eyes of those who do not know, or those who can't differentiate between what is the true face of Islam and what is not. Islam stands for submission to ALLAH and it also means peace. Islam does not allow violence and it only allows force to be use in defence of the faith, in defence of fellow brethern Muslims, in resisting onslaught and attacks of their countries, their motherland and their homes. You can see how Muslim countries are being annihilated, attacked, all in the guise of freedom and spread of democracy.

But having said that, some Muslims are partially to be blame on this branding or associating with terrorists, becuase of unjustified attacks that they launch on civilians alike. I do find it appalling that piracy, kidnapping by warlords of certain Muslim countries, the bombing of civilian targets had added more to this terrible image of Muslims in the eyes of the world. Muslims as a whole have to decide, which struggle represents the true of Islam, and which one had battered it's image. To that extent, as you can see, it's not difficult for the mainstream media of the western world, to picture Muslims to images of being bad people, when such branding is absurd. Then again, in looking back, Muslims need to re-define the struggle, to remain in purity of intentions, to remain true to the faith, and to go back to the Quran and Sunnah.

Having said that, doesn't John Mc Cain or even Obama realise, that, it was the US foreign policies or methods perpetuates this response from the Muslim world ?

Obama nor the Dems will stop Biblical Christianity for Islam.

The writer of this article have very articulately summed up her observation very well. Thank you.