The man who committed 99 murders
The following is based on a hadith from Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 676.
There was a man who had heartlessly murdered ninety-nine people. Then, he felt remorse.
He went to a learned man and told him about his past, explaining that he wished to repent, reform, and become a better person. "I wonder if Allah will pardon me?" he asked.
For all his learning, the scholar was a man who had not been able to digest what he had learned. "You will not be pardoned;' he said. "Then I may as well kill you, too," said the other. And kill him he did.
He then found another worthy individual and told him that he had killed a hundred people. "I wonder," he said, "whether Allah will pardon me if I repent?" Being a truly wise man, he replied, "Of course you will be pardoned; repent at once. I have just one piece of advice for you: avoid the company of wicked people and mix with good people, for bad company leads one into sin:"
The man expressed repentance and regret, weeping as he sincerely implored his Lord to pardon him. Then, turning his back on bad company, he set off to find a neighborhood where righteous people lived.
On the way, his appointed hour arrived, and he died. The angels of punishment and of mercy both came to take away his soul. The angels of punishment said that as a sinful person he rightfully belonged to them, but the angels of mercy also claimed him, saying, "He repented and had resolved to become a good man. He was on his way to a place where righteous people live, but his appointed hour had come." A great debate ensued, and Gabriel was sent as an arbitrator to settle this affair.
After hearing both sides he gave this verdict: "Measure the ground. If the spot where he died is closer to the good people, then he belongs to the angels of mercy, but if it is nearer to the wicked people, he will be given to the angels of punishment."
They measured the ground. Because the man had just set out, he was still closer to the wicked. But because he was sincere in his repentance, the Lord moved the spot where he lay and brought it to just outside the city of the good people.
That penitent servant was handed over to the angels of merry.
Repentance is the most noble and beloved form of obedience in the eyes of Allah. He loves those who repent. Repentance has a status that no other form of worship has. This is why Allah is extremely happy when a servant repents just as a desert traveler may be happy when he finds his lost camel.
"Except those who repent, have faith and do good deeds, for such people Allah will change their sins for good deeds. Certainly Allah is most forgiving and merciful." (Qur'an 25:70)
Topics: Angels, Tawbah (Repentance)
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wa Rahamatoulahi taala wa Barakaatouhou.
Ramadan Mubarak, Brothers and Sisters.
As always it is, everything from Al-qr'an, or Hadith or a mare story from a Muslim scholar, is vast ocean of wisdom for those who ponder. This is a fact of one of those beautifull stories.
of our families back on track, insha'Allaah.
This is a very encouraging thought. Thank You for this article and for all your good work. We enjoy your site a great deal.
Ramaday Kareem
Yes, we must always remember that Allah is MOst Merciful and Compassionate. He bestow his Love and Mercy to those who ask and strive for it.
Good lesson for all of us to keep thinking.
This is the only one example of repentence. there are hundreds and even more than that. Days to read and Months to understand each of them. However the central idea of all of them is only one. i.e. Allah is forgiver and si ready to forgive any person who wants to be forgiven, no matter what he did before. This is one of the reasons due to which thousands of people are felling more truth in Islam. Lets undertand and practise this religion and spread to all mankind by interprating it correctly.
Assalam-o-Alaikum brothers and sisters in ISLAM.
(1) I thought Angel Gabriel is an angel who was always the one sent by Allah SWT to his Prophets and Messengers.
(2) I thought the power to judge was Allah SWT's alone. Agels fighting over who would get punishment or mercy? Sounds unbelievable to me!
(3) Which human being was granted the ability (by Allah SWT?) to travel into the beyond--into the world beyond this life--to report this event?
(4) And most important of all, why was the ayah from the Holy Qur'an not sufficient enough for some Muslims to comprehend Allah SWT's Word? Was someone trying to upstage Almighty God in this narrative?
A lifetime is not sufficient to read, comprehend and live by the most magnificent gift of God to Man. Why are we digressing, beating about the bush andleading Muslims away from the Qur'an?