a:17:{s:8:"theTitle";s:55:"Unprecedented events between U.S. and Israeli Relations";s:12:"thePermalink";s:87:"https://www.islamicity.org/3785/unprecedented-events-between-u-s-and-israeli-relations/";s:13:"theAuthorName";s:10:"Mark Perry";s:12:"theThumbnail";s:0:"";s:6:"isWhat";s:7:"article";s:7:"theIcon";s:0:"";s:11:"theCategory";s:26:"Americas|/explore/americas";s:6:"theTag";s:43:"conflicts and war|/topics/conflicts-and-war";s:7:"theDate";s:12:"Mar 15, 2010";s:11:"theDate_ORG";s:14:"March 15, 2010";s:9:"theAuthor";s:25:"Mark Perry|/by/mark-perry";s:5:"theID";i:3785;s:14:"theReadingTime";s:6:"7 min.";s:10:"theExcerpt";s:211:"The briefers reported that there was a growing perception among Arab leaders that the U.S. was incapable of standing up to Israel, that CENTCOM's mostly Arab constituency was losing faith in American promises ..";s:12:"theTitle_ORG";s:55:"Unprecedented events between U.S. and Israeli Relations";s:25:"processRelatedFacetsTitle";s:0:"";s:15:"whereItCameFrom";s:0:"";}

Unprecedented events between U.S. and Israeli Relations

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Category: Americas, World Affairs Topics: Conflicts And War, Foreign Policy, Occupation, United States Of America Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:3785} {customField:ic-view-count}4670

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On Jan. 16, two days after a killer earthquake hit Haiti, a team of senior military officers from the U.S. Central Command (responsible for overseeing American security interests in the Middle East), arrived at the Pentagon to brief Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The team had been dispatched by CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus to underline his growing worries at the lack of progress in resolving the issue. The 33-slide, 45-minute PowerPoint briefing stunned Mullen. The briefers reported that there was a growing perception among Arab leaders that the U.S. was incapable of standing up to Israel, that CENTCOM's mostly Arab constituency was losing faith in American promises, that Israeli intransigence on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was jeopardizing U.S. standing in the region, and that Mitchell himself was (as a senior Pentagon officer later bluntly described it) "too old, too slow ... and too late." 

The January Mullen briefing was unprecedented. No previous CENTCOM commander had ever expressed himself on what is essentially a political issue; which is why the briefers were careful to tell Mullen that their conclusions followed from a December 2009 tour of the region where, on Petraeus's instructions, they spoke to senior Arab leaders. "Everywhere they went, the message was pretty humbling," a Pentagon officer familiar with the briefing says. "America was not only viewed as weak, but its military posture in the region was eroding." But Petraeus wasn't finished: two days after the Mullen briefing, Petraeus sent a paper to the White House requesting that the West Bank and Gaza (which, with Israel, is a part of the European Command -- or EUCOM), be made a part of his area of operations. Petraeus's reason was straightforward: with U.S. troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. military had to be perceived by Arab leaders as engaged in the region's most troublesome conflict. 

[UPDATE: A senior military officer denied Sunday that Petraeus sent a paper to the White House. "CENTCOM did have a team brief the CJCS on concerns revolving around the Palestinian issue, and CENTCOM did propose a UCP change, but to CJCS, not to the WH," the officer said via email. "GEN Petraeus was not certain what might have been conveyed to the WH (if anything) from that brief to CJCS."  (UCP means "unified combatant command," like CENTCOM; CJCS refers to Mullen; and WH is the White House.)] 

The Mullen briefing and Petraeus's request hit the White House like a bombshell. While Petraeus's request that CENTCOM be expanded to include the Palestinians was denied ("it was dead on arrival," a Pentagon officer confirms), the Obama administration decided it would redouble its efforts -- pressing Israel once again on the settlements issue, sending Mitchell on a visit to a number of Arab capitals and dispatching Mullen for a carefully arranged meeting with the chief of the Israeli General Staff, Lt. General Gabi Ashkenazi. While the American press speculated that Mullen's trip focused on Iran, the JCS Chairman actually carried a blunt, and tough, message on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: that Israel had to see its conflict with the Palestinians "in a larger, regional, context" -- as having a direct impact on America's status in the region. Certainly, it was thought, Israel would get the message. 

Israel didn't. When Vice President Joe Biden was embarrassed by an Israeli announcement that the Netanyahu government was building 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem, the administration reacted. But no one was more outraged than Biden who, according to the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, engaged in a private, and angry, exchange with the Israeli Prime Minister. Not surprisingly, what Biden told Netanyahu reflected the importance the administration attached to Petraeus's Mullen briefing: "This is starting to get dangerous for us," Biden reportedly told Netanyahu. "What you're doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace." Yedioth Ahronoth went on to report: "The vice president told his Israeli hosts that since many people in the Muslim world perceived a connection between Israel's actions and US policy, any decision about construction that undermines Palestinian rights in East Jerusalem could have an impact on the personal safety of American troops fighting against Islamic terrorism." The message couldn't be plainer: Israel's intransigence could cost American lives. 

There are important and powerful lobbies in America: the NRA, the American Medical Association, the lawyers -- and the Israeli lobby. But no lobby is as important, or as powerful, as the U.S. military. While commentators and pundits might reflect that Joe Biden's trip to Israel has forever shifted America's relationship with its erstwhile ally in the region, the real break came in January, when David Petraeus sent a briefing team to the Pentagon with a stark warning: America's relationship with Israel is important, but not as important as the lives of America's soldiers. Maybe Israel gets the message now. 

Mark Perry's newest book is Talking To Terrorists.

[UPDATE 2--from Mark Perry: A senior military officer told Foreign Policy by email that one minor detail in my report, "The Petraeus Briefing" was incorrect: a request from General Petraeus for the Palestinian occupied territories (but, as I made clear, not Israel itself), be brought within CENTCOM's region of operation was sent to JCS Chairman Mullen - and not directly to the White House. My information was based on conversations with CENTCOM officials, who believed they were giving me correct information. It is significant that the correction was made, not because it is an important detail, but because it is was inconsequential to the overall narrative. In effect, the U.S. military has clearly said there was nothing in this report that could be denied.]

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Older Comments:
Romesh ,

I agree with one part of your comment below
"Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Brack Obama are brainless and gutless."

They are not brainless but gutless.
These people know that they are being controlled by the Jews . So they cannot do anything . What the Israel leaders command them they have to obey.

To the Zionist , Obama is ObeyMe.

And right now the Zionist wants war with Iran. But the poor Americans will fight and die for them .

Kaamla, if there were no Christian in Palestine, the word 'Palestine" would not be heard in this era. The few plants of wheat have obstructed the government of the believers from clearing the tares out of the land. The Lord will sort all during the harvest. Then Israel will also submit under the authority of the Lord and the whole world will have peace when the Lord reigns from Zion.

As for the land, it belongs neither to Jews or Muslims nor Christians. All are sojourners although Jews are given the duty to govern with the divine laws, statutes and ordinances delivered to them. The land belongs to the Lord (Jesus Christ).

Salam alaikum,
I have to agree with Mr. Chander on this one, and also seloria. Mr. Chander is right, Hillary, President Obama, and Joe Biden are gutless and brainless. To me, the solution is simple, stop sending these people our hard earned tax dollars. Then they will listen and show you some respect. Netenyahu and his bunch, has really made the US look stupid. Its time for our Leaders, Even in the so called Muslim countries, to get some back bone and stand against the evil that is going on in Palestine.
Some may think that it is about religion, but bottom line its about land grab, greed and money. Nothing more, nothing less. Its time now to take a stand for the right thing. Unless our Leaders do that, they will continue to be clowned by Netenyahu and the gang.

Salam Alaikum


In response to the comment about Christianity being the major belief and practice in the US and that that is the reason for Israel's ability to "do what they want" makes no sense to me as it is not only Muslims being affected by Israel in Palestine. Palestine is made up of CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS, so those Christians in the US are not supporting their own. That is disturbing beyond belief.

Yohan Yishai, to think i thought u were a 'jew' oh i mean zionist. How wrong i was?

The fact of the matter (as i emphasized) is that about 8, oh no lets give them 10 million people with an ideology worst than that of Nazi are holding the entire world to ransom. Simple reason; is they have the economy, education and media of the entire world in their hands. In fact they designed them and the rest of us execute for their benefits. How they get away with this still beats me.

As long as the remaining 7 billion - 10 million (imagine the number) people of this world do not get up from their slumber we are doom. zionism is winning and is winning fast, that is the simple truth. How pathetic.

It is an outright, blunt instigation of US against Israel to the tune of Satan asking Christ to jump down from the pinnacle of the temple to prove that he was the Son of God. The enemy is tricky enough but God has given the believers greater resources above the tricks of the enemy to stand his test and become/remain greater than him. Glory be to God of the believers that provides resources in the person of Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

I doubt that anything will change. Zionists are now more powerful than any entity in America including the military. They control the information the US population gets, they control the public relations business and everything that maters in this country. So sadly Israel will get away with murder as it always has. That's simply the truth

As long as Biblical Christianity is believed, practiced, and spread in the US and around the world, Israel will get the support it needs despite objections of Arab/Muslims,Obama, or the world.

ALI FROM US. said:
This current "row" between Israel and the US is pure theatrics for the intertainment of the gullible Gulf Arabs nothing more. Israel owns the US. It will be that way till there can be a meaningful democracy in the US. where they are free from bribery aka lobbyists and campaign donations; free media where the there are two commandments only 1) make money anyway you can 2) defend Israel. the second commandment being the only thing that can override the first.