Turkish Prime Minister's Speech on Israeli Attack on Aid Flotilla
Today I do not only want to speak to my dear people but to all of humanity.
I want to call to the conscience and hearts and minds of the whole of humanity, I would like to share courageously my feelings.
Yesterday, in the darkest moment of the night two bloody attacks occurred.
The first of them was the terrorist attack against our military troop at the Iskenderun Naval Base. In this malicious, vicious attack six of our soldiers died, and they have become martyrs. Seven of our soldiers have been injured.
The second, at dawn in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the heart of humanity has taken one of her heaviest wounds in history. The aid ships, from the humanitarian heart, these flowing aid ships have been hindered with guns, by violence, despotism.
They, who with mercy, compassion and humaneness, loaded onto these ships, they could not reach their place of destination, they were wreaked in carnage.
Yesterday, beginning in the morning hours, armed elements of the Israeli Army stopped humanitarian aid being brought to the Gazan people, from more than 32 countries, with 600 people inside carried by the Free Gaza Flotilla, in international waters, in an absolutely illegal way did they attack, spilling the blood of innocent humans.
At this violent attack, resulting in casualties and persons being wounded, the humanitarian aid ships were seized and sequestered. This inhuman attack against those women, young people, religious functionaries that the ship was carrying, I do one more time strongly, severely condemn.
I have declared in Chile. Here I do stress it one more time. The bloody massacre of Israel, brought against the ships bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza is a massacre deserving of any kind of curse and condemnation. This is openly an attack against international law, against the heart of humanity, against world peace, I say against the heart of humanity, for, on those ships were people from all nations, all religions. People alone and they only were bringing humanitarian aid to those under blockade, embargo, to the people in Gaza. The ships, before they left openly declared to the entire world their cargo, their intention, their mission. As witness to this openly humanitarian aid from the world and our country 60 journalists have entered the ships as well. In international waters, in open sea, this armed attack against 600 people and 6 ships which were carrying aid to oppressed people, poor people, to starved people, to people whose homes were destroyed - this was openly an attack against the basic philosophy of the United Nations.
The ships which set sail, be it from Turkey be it from other countries, were completely stocked to carry out the humanitarian purpose, having aid material. They were, according to international traffic rules, strictly controlled. At the same time on the ships were no other passengers than civilians and aid volunteers. The ships were flying white flags. Despite all those conditions the ships were subject to an armed attack.
As you know we were during that time on our Latin America program. Due to this abhorrent terrorist attack which occurred in Hatay and Israel's illegal attack against aid ships, we had to cut our work sort in Chile and return to our country. From the very first moment we had been watching the events closely. We have taken the necessary steps, together with our friends in Turkey. Yesterday morning at 6:30, deputy Bulent Arync, together with related ministers and administration representatives, organized an evaluation meeting in which we have considered the issue in all its dimensions. Our Foreign Ministry, our intelligence units, related establishments and armed forces have been monitoring the issue very closely.
Our Minister of Foreign Affairs and our Minister of Defense, talking on the phone with Israel's Minister of Defense, forcefully put forth our reaction and sensitivities. And I, together with my ministers, evaluating the events during the entire night, have been continuously in contact with Turkey. On the other hand I have established contacts with the international community and for now this process continues. In this framework, I have put on the table everything necessary to do in all the dimensions of this situation. I urgently I did the steps necessary. The Republic of Turkey is using all possibilities, every chance made available by international law and diplomacy. And Turkey will keep using it. In this framework, Turkey's ambassador to Tel Aviv has been called back. Three joint military operations which were on the agenda have been cancelled. Our Minister of Foreign Affairs went to New York and The UN Security Council has been called for an urgent meeting and it was ensured that there would be an urgent, extraordinary meeting. The UN Security Council has made a statement condemning Israel. It has been pointed out in the statement the need to open an investigation, to set free immediately the civilians and the injured. The matches of our youth football team have been cancelled. NATO's Council has been called for an extraordinary meeting. Furthermore, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the Arab League, European Union and all related establishments have been contacted, international institutions have been called to duty. The Organization of Islamic Conference will hold a meeting on Monday.
Primarily, the safety and security of the convoy and our citizens in the convoy has to be ensured. Necessities to ensure the treatment of the injured are being taken care of. Israel has said: "Let us send the injured to you." We have replied that we have the will and power to take our injured ourselves, and we have refused this offer. Two military ambulance aircrafts have taken off to bring our injured back. And now, they shall be taking our injured, and then returning to this destination. With civil aircraft the Ministry of Health is about to arrive there. To the Israeli Ambassador, who was summoned to the Foreign Ministry, a call was made to demand the immediate return of the citizens of the Turkish Republic, and setting the captured ships free.
Further, all efforts to attend to the treatment of the injured, bringing them to Turkey, have been made and in our country all measures have been taken. Israel, hindering the international community's access to information from the first moment of the incident, now must inform the world public opinion in a truthful way, and must not refrain from international cooperation. Israel must understand the seriousness of the situation and must stop committing actions such as this that are wrong. Israel's attitude at this stage is being watched by the world's people, the public opinion is forming its views. Those who are affiliated with the effort are in touch and are coordinating with the countries whose citizens are in the flotilla.
The ships fly the flags of Turkey, Greece and the Comore Islands, there are people from 32 countries involved. I expect those countries, too, to show the necessary reaction and sensitivity. Thus I once again express that Israel must immediately lift the inhuman embargo against Gaza. [15 seconds applause]. Israel must not hinder that the humanitarian aid reaches its destination.
Dear comrades, as you know do we prosecute together with Spain the Alliance of Civilizations' work. Our goal and mission is to reinforce the conviction that different religions, different civilizations and cultures can live in peace and tolerance together. It is a struggle so that instead of hatred and animosity, love will dominate.
Regrettably I must say, the incidents which occurred yesterday, in terms of humanity's collective civilization and culture have been a black mark. In terms of history of humanity this has been recorded as a major shame. Attacking humanitarian aid ships with arms, to massacre innocent people, treating civilians as terrorists is in terms of humanity a great defeat. A despicably cowardly and vicious act of presumption that is recklessness and dauntless. [20 seconds applause].
We know, war as well as peace has its laws. In war you do not attack children, in war you do not attack women, old people, in war you do not attack civilians or religious functionaries, in war you do not attack those who are hoisting the white flag, health and rescue personnel; not in wartime, but in peace time, those who do these things not only violate the law, at the same time they trample humanity under their feet, they abandon humanity.
Despots, gangsters even pirates have specific sensitiveness, follow some specific morals. Those who do not follow any morality or ethics, those who do not act with any sensitivity, to call them such names would even be a compliment to them. Israel has, by attacking a ship with volunteers from 32 countries, in fact defied the world. World peace has been deeply wounded. This brazen, irresponsible, reckless government that recognizes no law and tramples on any kind of humanitarian virtue, this attack of the Israeli government by all means - but by all means, must be punished.
A government, having made lying its state policy and does not blush on account of the crime it commits, instead of expecting them to open an investigation, the international community must investigate this incident in all its dimensions and must give the legal response.
The State of Turkey won't be satisfied only by watching this. Turkey is not an adolescent, rootless state. It is in no way a tribal State! No one should attempt to play around with this nation, to test the patience of Turkey. As precious as Turkey's partnership is, so harsh will be her hostility.
Losing Turkey's friendship and partnership is a price itself to pay. We have always been in a historical friendship and collaboration with the Israeli and Jewish people. I do so believe, those Israeli people who watched this bloody attack in tears, who strongly criticize it, do understand very well that this incident does not befit human dignity, is a great mistake, how a heavy hit strike it has been to the friendship of both countries.
The issue is not a matter between Turkey and Israel. The issue is Israel's present lawlessness, and recognizing the present government's inhuman practices, using violence, spilling blood, showing approaches that threaten peace.
Turkey has always been, in the Middle East, on the side of peace. She has contributed to regional stability and security. In the recent past, for Israel's relations with Palestine, Syria and Lebanon to be normalized, the country contributing was also Turkey. Israel now is showing attitudes, taking the most important peace defender in the region, and opposing her. Israel from now on, must give up the carelessness it shows in explaining the injustice being practiced with their justifications about security, criticism that they call anti-semitism.
There is an understanding where violence is its policy, Israel sees that it is licit for itself to oppress, tyrannize, maltreat and she does not hesitate to shed blood. There is no longer any way for the illegal actions of Israel to be covered, to be misinterpreted intentionally, to be ignored. The time has come for the International community to say: STOP!
It is Israel who does not recognize over 100 UN Security Council resolutions against her. So, the United Nations cannot be content with the condemnation decision it has taken last night.
I just talked to the General Secretary of the United Nations. He is also coming to New York. And this evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Obama said he would, I will also talk to him. I declare here that I will share precisely these issues with them.
Israel's aggressive manner doubtlessly takes its source from the power they get from elsewhere. At this point, as Turkey our precision is obvious. And I talked yesterday from Chile with one of United Nations Security Council permanent members, Mrs. Merkel. I spoke with others today. I talked to England's new Prime Minister, he called as well, I am also going to talk to him, I called him earlier and we talked, today we will discuss this again. And with the others we will also talk.
We cannot leave Israel with what they have done, alone. We cannot say to the Israeli government, all you do will go to your advantage. Everything has a price. And this government will have to pay for this.
For this kind of comprehension that does not show respect for human life, that they find it impossible to esteem any right and law, we cannot have a peaceful attitude, my comrades.
It is impossible to support a comprehension that does not esteem and respect the human and human rights.
A State considering the security of its own people cannot achieve this by obtaining the hate and hostility of the whole world with their actions.
An administration that does not esteem others as humans except its own people cannot have a concern called peace.
Israel has been destroying her defense shields one by one, losing one by one her alliance points, isolating herself. The Israeli administration, generating grudges and hatred in the Middle East, is setting dynamite off in regional peace, as an instability is spreading, Pandora's Box comes out like iodine.
The international community must immediately take action.
I also want to call to the Israeli people from here. We have always been against anti-semitism. We have raised our voice against the injustice against the Jewish people. We have contributed so that the Israeli people can live in peace and security in the Middle East. Now, as the Israeli people it is your turn to show the same sensitive attitude, the same humane attitude, to say, "Stop these cruelties being done."
The policy of violence shown by the coalition of the government, violating any kind of right and law, is totally putting Israel's interests aside. Is clearly putting your peace and security at risk. Due to the aggressive attitude of your government, the State of Israel assumes a piracy position, engaging in banditry.
Those reckless administrators, thinking that they, with lies, deceit, shedding blood, aggressiveness, piracy, using state terrorism, the massacre of innocent people do govern a State. But those reckless politicians primarily do evil to Israel and the Israeli people.
Before all else you must say stop to this situation. By the way, I thank the Turkish Jewish Community, putting in words their right and sincere reaction to the event. Our Jewish citizens have, as members of the Turkish people, defended, and continue to defend the right position of Turkey to the utmost.
Looking with hatred upon our Jewish citizens or being in any other different manner by anyone is not acceptable, it cannot be and should never be.
Dear brothers, sisters, today is a new day. Today is a new beginning, a birth. Nothing will be like before, this is clearly apparent. An aggressive State which openly murders, massacres, cannot explain itself to humanity without regretting, without being held to account for it, cannot stand in the face of the international community.
Those ships were all ships of mercy. And their cargo was the heart of humanity.
72 miles far from their own waters, entirely in open sea and international waters, Israel carried out an operation on a ship, a civil ship, not a military ship, one is not allowed even do this at all. To make an operation on a civil ship, even the capture of the passengers is itself a crime. Attacking innocent people with arms, to shed blood, and to massacre is clearly state terrorism. They deny, they say that they were shot at. We are sick of your lies, we are sick. Be honest, honest, be honest.
The captured ships, together with the staff and volunteers immediately must be released. With the volunteers (activists) and Members of the European Parliament, 60 journalists, with his mother on board, the one year old infant Kaan, who was released, on the ships, no one has the right to show those ships as if they had any other intention, purpose, mission than to deliver humanitarian aid. This attack has one more time clearly proved the inhuman oppression and cruelty Israel for years has been using regarding Palestine and Gaza.
I have said it once before. The Israeli administrators, whom we told into their face how well they know to murder, have one more time shown the world how good they indeed are in massacre. A comprehension, handcuffing even heavily wounded innocent people they have shot at. Hey! Can there be an explanation for his? Lying on the stretcher, wounded, you even handcuff him! Can that be explained with human rights, with universal values? It is no longer possible to tell the world how much those were shown humanity.
All people of the earth condemn this clear cruelty, I know this. But it is not enough anymore to only condemn, we have to obtain results.
All people on earth who want justice on earth, one day not power but justice will dominate, you should know that, I want this.
Turkey will use all opportunities that international law allows. At this course we will move together with the international community. I want all humanity to attract attention to this issue. With her blood-shedding policy Israel cannot legitimate this illegal, this bloody murder with any excuse, she cannot explain it.
Israel, with no excuse, no reason can wash the blood on her hands. The issue, case created by the bloody attack in the Mediterranean Sea, is not the problem between two countries but the problem of the entire world. I believe that no country considering humane values and virtues, no international institution will just watch a murder of these dimensions.
From now on, whoever shuts their eyes to the bloody attacks of Israel, whoever ignores them, should know, they are accomplices of these murders. It has been understood that the matter is not a matter of defending against terrorism, that the matter is not struggle against terrorism, but that the matter is an effort of a massacre towards a city, towards all people of a city, in order to completely exterminate them, has one more time been proven with this last incident that occurred.
You throw bombs on these people, you try phosphorous bombs on these people, you bomb hospitals, you bomb mosques, you attack schools, you bomb playgrounds, you even aim at the UN Office, as if this illegality was not enough, you also cut off all kinds of needs of those people.
And after all of this, you won't withhold the aid volunteers who try to deliver to these people medicine, food, construction materials, to feel your inhuman savagery.
Anyone, everyone can condone, tolerate this illegality. I openly say, stressing it, insidiously can support it, but Israel should not make the mistake of comparing Turkey with others. Such a mistake will have a very high price.
Israel, who shot a bullet on innocence and mercy, has chosen with this murder in the open sea, solitariness against the whole world. Has chosen to be isolated.
I say it one more time. If everyone keeps silent, if all shut their eyes, if all turn their backs; we, as Turkey, we won't turn our back to Palestine, to the Palestinian people, to Gaza. We won't shut our eyes! We won't cease crying for Palestine!!!
My dear brothers and sisters, our nation has to be firm. Our people must have dignity worthy of Turkey. We will take it into our hearts. The wounds of our wounded we will all together heal.
We are aware with satisfaction that all around in Turkey our people with a great sensitiveness are watching the issue closely, they are showing their democratic reactions lawfully.
To say it, this is appropriate for our people. I believe that all our citizens will keep their steadfastness, and move in dignity and common sense. Everyone should know and be sure, the love and friendship ships flowing down from the heart of humanity will pass one day all hindrance, barricades and reach their destination. To those who stand behind this inhuman, this inhuman and illegal operation;
As much as you stand behind illegality, we stand behind laws.
As much as you stand behind the bloody operation, aggressiveness, behind terror, as much do we stand behind justice.
As much as you stand against civilians, against the oppressed in Gaza, Palestine as much stand we next to, behind civilians, innocent people, the Palestinian people, the people in Gaza.
We have been honored having this status through history, we are proud of it, and also from now on we will continue to act and move with the mission our history, civilization and State tradition has given us.
(Translated and transcribed from Turkish by Guzin Bilgi for www.palestinethinktank.com and Gulagnik Translators - www.gulaknick.wordpress.com. English editing by Mary Rizzo.)
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is Turkey's Prime Minister from the AKP party.
Topics: Conflicts And War, Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid Channel: Opinion
Related Suggestions
The Egyptian government and its turn-around to lift the blockade are too idiotic to discuss. That government is shameless and pathetic.
It would blasphemous to say Israel is serving human interests, while it is keeping a whole nation of people on lock-down and denying them even the most basic human necessities and rights. I often look at the Israelis and their oppression of the Palestinians, war making, murder and lies and I have to shake my head conclude that these people have lost their minds. I also have to add that suicide bombers have also lost their minds or have been driven insane.
Likewise I look at the US Congress its response to past and present Israeli atrocities and I have to say that they are simply pathetic and un-American. Are we living in an upside down world? Where right is wrong and wrong is right? According the law of Israel and its supporters the clear answer is yes. May we have more leaders such as Prime Minster Erdogan come forward and address the world with clear vision and truth. His speech was indeed a breath of fresh air in an environment filled with extreme pollution.
THE ENTIRE WORLD IS MAD. You can quote me any day on this. Might is Right is the new world order. I laughed when I read PM Erdogan was calling for meeting with US Obama and UN to discussed further on what? To condemn the more?. As Romesh syas ..talk is cheap.
The way is going to end is like this; they have the nuclear weapons and major control on its access and they think that is the end. They can do as they wish. But let them know that everything on this universe has an end and that death that they fear so much shall come to pass on all. The question is how?. It has not down on them to know that the more they try to stop the acquisition of the WMD the more the urge to get them. The progressives shall (no matter how long it takes) get WMD, maybe then the equation will balance, I hope leading to peace. But it may not end that way cos the damages are just too grave to rectify and so it may end very bad. The progressives shal have the end that they are certain of and the oppressors getting the recompense they taught may never come as they fear death as much as they love the dunya.
I hope and pray that we all come back to our senses before it is too late.
This was expected of all nations - ESPECIALLY Islamic nations most of whom have been acting cowardly on issues important to Palestine and Muslims (re: prophet's cartoons ...)But then I guess it would be hard for many leaders of these countries to give up their leaderships that are being supported by foreigners. Sad plight of these countries.
Once the USA bases are shut down in/around the M.E. Israel with stop behaving like a rotten spoilt child.
The world will be a safer place then.
I wish those world leaders, who could make a difference speak up, because their silence is very scary,they need to learn from PM's courage.
I admire the bravery of Prime minister Tayyip, who by speaking up for the right, stands taller among world leaders.
Talk is cheap. And talking tough is even cheaper (or should I say, stupider).
The woeful lamentations of Turkish PM as an individual are understandable and excusable. But turning them into Official Statement spells darkness and doom for Turkey and Israel. Is the later result worth the proposed action hereafter, at the cost of National Relationship, for this security action?