Timelapse of the Entire Universe

Category: Featured, Nature & Science, Videos Topics: Cosmology, Geology, History, Life And Death, Sun, Universe Views: 3331

The universe is ancient - 50,000 times older than our species. On a cosmic time scale, human history is as brief as the blink of an eye. By compressing all 13.8 billion years of time into a 10 minute scale, this video shows just how young we truly are, and just how ancient and vast our universe is.  Starting with the big bang and culminating in the appearance of homo sapiens, this experience follows the unfolding of time at 22 million years per second, adhering closely to current scientific understanding.

It can be difficult to fathom how long 13.8 billion years is. The more you watch this video, the more it sinks in just how stunningly old the universe is, and how magnificently tiny we humans are in the grand scheme. Seeing this experiment in humility makes you ponder the vast, unwitnessed ages that have passed before we came along, and the brevity of our existence in comparison. Every event featured in this video is fascinating on its own, so it's highly encourage anybody interested to dig deeper.


Narration by Morgan Freeman, Brian Cox, Carl Sagan, David Attenborough. Concept, music, editing, sound design and select VFX by melodysheep.  In addition to custom visual effects, this video samples a large library of content from many sources, including NASA, Voyage of Time, Cosmic Voyage, Wonders of the Universe, and more.

Melodysheep is John D. Boswell, a filmmaker, composer, and editor from the pacific northwest.  His work spans from television and music production to viral remixes and mashups, and has drawn over 100 million views online.  

( Source: Melodysheep )

  Category: Featured, Nature & Science, Videos
  Topics: Cosmology, Geology, History, Life And Death, Sun, Universe
Views: 3331

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