The Powerful Night of Ramadan

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to you what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand: Peace!...This until the rise of morn! (Quran 97:1-5)
The Night of Power in His infinite wisdom is encouraged to be searched during the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. Since over fourteen centuries Muslims are striving diligently to benefit greatly from it. A rare trade indeed - pure profit and thousand times more!
Interestingly we have embraced the night for its mathematical magic but seemingly misplaced the very essence of the night. In fact, it was just another dark night. But it became the Night of Power because of what was revealed in the darkness. It is now known to us, a night better than a thousand months. The dark night is illuminating the world and the Quran is guiding the humanity ever since.
The Night of Power is celebrated powerfully. Masajid and communities celebrate the night by staying up all night, listening to lectures, reading Quran, etc. What seems to be missing though is to reflect on the Divine Words and to act upon it. Unless that is done, the real power will not be received from the Night of Power.
Ramadan visits us every year and offers us a reason to reflect on all aspect of our lives. The objects of our wants and fears far surpass the limits of human genius, energy, and mortal life. The sum of all that we need and desire .. spiritual or material, essential or superfluous .. simply exceeds our ability to attain it. What, then, is one to do? The believer turns to his or her Creator in prayer. The response is natural. Whether moved by need or hope, or faced with misfortune or danger, people instinctively call upon God. Prayer is at the center of our very being and the marrow of the Muslim way of life. For many in the English speaking world, however, this face of Islam is virtually unknown.
Dua - Supplication - Prayer is Muslim's hope for everything at all times. Let us submit ourselves and plead and plead and plead ... as He alone can relieve us of our anxieties and sufferings.
(the following is an excerpt from Dua Kumayl that was often recited by Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him))
by Thy majesty against which nothing can stand up
by Thy grandeur which prevails upon all things
by Thy authority which is exercised over all things
by Thy knowledge which pervades all things
O Allah! Forgive us of sins that would hinder our supplications
O Allah! Forgive us of sins that would suppress hope
O Allah! Forgive all sins that we have committed and every error that we have erred
O Allah! Accept our apologies and have pity on our intense sufferings and set us free from my heavy fetters (of evil deeds)
O Allah! You are aware of my weakness to bear even a minor affliction of this world and its consequence and adversity affecting the denizen of this earth, although such afflictions are momentary, short-lived and transient
How then can I bear the retributions and the punishments of the Hereafter which are enormous and of intensive sufferings, of prolonged period and perpetual duration, and which shall never be alleviated for those who deserve the same as those retributions will be the result of Your wrath; and Your punishment which neither the heavens nor the earth can withstand and bear!
My Lord! How can I, a weak, insignificant, humble, poor and destitute creature of Yours be able to bear them?
O' my God! My Lord! My King! And Master! Which of the matters shall I complain to You and for which of them shall I bewail and weep?
Shall I bewail for the pains and pangs of the punishment and their intensity or for the length of sufferings and their duration?
Therefore (my Lord!) If You will subject me to the penalties (of hell) in company of Your enemies and cast me with those who merited my punishments and tear me apart from Your friends and those who will be near to You, then my God, my Lord and my Master, though I may patiently bear Your punishments, how can I calmly accept being kept away from You?
I reckon that though I may patiently endure the scorching fire of the hell, yet how can I resign myself to the denial of Your pity and clemency? How can I remain in the fire while I have hopes of Your forgiveness?
So, my Lord! I look earnestly towards You and towards You, my Lord!
I have stretched forth my hands therefore, by Your honor, respond to my supplication and let me attain my prayers and, by Your bounty, frustrate not my hopes and protect me from the evils of my enemies and O' My Lord! have mercy on me whose only asset is hope and whose only weapon is lamentation.
Ameen ... Ya Rabb ... Ameen ... Ameen ...
Editor Notes:
To watch Taraweeh prayers in Makkah, Click Here
Topics: Dua (Supplication), Night Of Power (Laylat Al Qadr), Ramadan Channel: Ramadan - Day 21, Ramadan - Day 23, Ramadan - Day 25, Ramadan - Day 27, Ramadan - Day 29
Related Suggestions
all...mashaAllah a beautiful duaa for the night of power..
May Allah the Almighty accpet this precious prayer for all the Ummah of Mouhammad (PBUH) May we get rewarded for observing the power of this night. May Allah guide us in the Right path and may He save us from the torments of the grave and reward us with the Heavens. Amine
Jazaks to the writter and may Allah bless you for once again, informing us of our responsibility to our Creator.
Really the message touches every faithful life, we pray that the ALLAH,(SWT) Accepts our Fasting. Ma assalam
brother and sisters
its useful side i ever seen
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. It seems as if lately I have been saying that more often.
it great pleasure to see such articles on net. it really a source of graet information for not only the muslims but to whole non muslim world, as they want go to the roots of islam.
i wd like to thank the whole of the people who are maintaning this site.
i wd also request to write articles about the current problems of muslims, like the blkame terrorists, clear it properly so that people should come to know the truth of islam.
rset, allah hafiz
Its really great that such messages are given wherein we can be prepared for our final journey by asking forgiveness on Lailathul Qadr as these facts which will save from the Fire of Hell
Holy Land? A land can be HOly only if Allah wills so. If Allah sent Holy Quran to us in a Holy night of Laila tul Qadr than obviously a Holy land must have a link too.
Without naming any religion, a Holy land must fit the criterea of a direct link to the Holiness of any religion, so a Holy land must be a Land claimed in name of a religion and named so after that link is established.
First country ever to be created on the face of the world in name of a religion happened in 14th August,1947. The country was named Holy-PAK + Land-istan. What many forget is that it was a Holy incident in ISlam becuase it happened on the 27th of Ramadhan night, yet we all cling to the reminder of Israel as the known Holy Land of our religious conflicts, mind u, u are not looking in the right direction. Rasool Allah said that Al-Mehdi will come from east. Kurasaan is a place in East of Arab world divided among two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan. One of these coutries show links to divine signs and Prophecies.
I think it is high time we take a good look at the measures we have taken to thwart an open crusade but in bits and pieces by west, same bits and Peices it created when it colonised after demise of Khilafat, but less than 50 years and a Holy land appeared in living body of Khilafat, a nation one under Islam otherwise most divided and diverse if secular. Pakistan comprsises of five big and many small nations and tribes which have held hold to the lands there for centuries as their home. ISlam chose to dwell here in our times when Arabia was too busy counting wealth and depositing it in Jewish Banks.
In Battle of Badr sticks were used as swords, but HUge Arab world is unable to use oil in not non Arab defense but their own in Palestine and Iraq.
But if the Arab world becomes more awake and realise that they were a shame before Islam when they were Arabs only, but ISlam snatched away this tribal or racist identity and named them Muslims only
Ramadan Mubarak to all and may Allah forgive us, accept our prayers and our fasting, and may He let us live longer and longer, so we can continue to worship Him and ask for more blessings and be welcomed in His greatest Heaven....ALLAHOU AKBAR!!!! LAA ILAHA ILLALAH!!!!!
Wa Salam....
There is an old catholic saying, "The nearer the pulpit, the bigger the sinner."
We must pray for peace. pray for salvation. Pray for an end to our humiliation in all corners of the world.
But whilst praying it must be backed up by actions. Actions that will help end the sufferings of the muslims in the world.
An astonishing fact about the muslim world is that 800 million of the 1.3 billion muslims in the world cannot read or write. 61% of the muslims in the world are illiterate! While the first word revealed to Mohammed (PBUH) was "Iqra" or recite, read.
Religious education must be backed up by scientific education. The successes of the early muslim empires were due to education. The Islamic world was the centre of academic excellence.
Susbstance over form is a key concept which must be adhered to when trying to understand Islamic teachings. For too long we have allowed the Mullah (Backed up by religious knowledge alone) to dictate the terms. Their majority audience (61%) are the illiterate masses who do not have the capability to think critically and question the substance of their teachings.
Maybe thats what the local, national and internation Mullah wants. He may prefer the status quo so that he goes unchallenged in his distortions of the truth.
Religious piety and religious teachings are compulsory for an understanding of the devine message. But scientific, academic education allows one to critically think and appraise. As a universal and true message, Islam has nothing to fear from scientific appraisal, but the Mullah has a lot to fear.
Education is the key to success, salvation, survival, and poverty alleviation.
Jazakhallah khair for an excellent dua. Inshallah, may Allah (SWT) guide us and Grant us the strength to become better muslims, Inshallah.
I have to keep on asking for his mercy and guidenc e and forgiveness as all the voluntearly and involuntearly sins that I perform in the every day life ...can only ask for his forgiveness
and thats all...and try my best.
Allah Mian Jee you know every thing and you also know that how helpless we are in front of all the attractions and false images of this life and how easily we can get distracted and start thinking that we are capable of doing things that we are actually not capable of Its only and only Allah who makes us capable and can take away that whenever he wants so we should always be thankfull to him for whatever he has given us and should always be asking for his mercy....
Ameen sum ameen
Wonderful dua. Thanks to the author for sharing.
Would have ment more if he could have left out his biases towards english speaking muslims or those who ONLY speak english.
ALLAH can understand english brother...DON'T limit his capicity!
greater than less. We also understand all the articles of faith. English speaking Muslims understand that Islam is our deen (way of life. I pray a correction will be made in the otherwise beautiful article for Allah knows and ever watches. As Salaam Alaikum
Thank you for sharing. As Salaam Alaikum
good work to all the people to put their knowledge & spread it out to others
tht was a touching dua but u should have increased some more imp points abt ummat ,the day of judgement,abt the azaab in the grave ,dajjaal the demon &last but not the least abt mukir nakir plz don't mind if i have suggested my opinino
I am pleased to read such great dua in English, and I would love to see more of that. Where would I find Islamic dua in English?
Jazakum Allah Khair,
I really enjoy your bulletin. they freshen my faith.
Please keep sendig them. I have recently changed my e mail adress from to the one mentioned above, Please advice me who to notify that change.
I want to take the time out to tell you that I really enjoy your website. It is very informative and enlightening. May Allah continue to bless and keep you.
Assalamu alleycum
Iid mubarak.kullu aamin wantum be kair
may I take this opportunity to thank you for
all that you have done for me.
Thank you for sent me all this material, but I have nothing except conditional respose and fear.
The one thing regarding religion I feel strongly is conditioning and the fear and I know where there is fear there is no religion, no God, and finally no love, I have no insight to solve this problem of fear. so how I comment, I do not know.
Just like to say Eid Mubarak to everybody at your organisation. Many thanks for all the very useful and enlighting information that you provide to us brothers/sisters, that will insha-allah benefit us in the hereafter.
Again many thanks, have a beautiful day.Shukaria
.... Thank you very much. May Allah bless you.
Eid Saeed to all brothers and sisters at Islamicity.
waoh, that was a beautiful prayer by imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him, ameen).
Thank you Allah for making us muslims.
ramadan Kareem.
allah bless you
happy eid
and happy ramaadan
Summa Ameen, Summa Ameen, Summa Ameen.
and in everywhere ameen
that was a beautiful du'a (the one from imam ali)
brothers and sisters who have died. For they depend upon us for supplicating to Allah for their
Thank's for u attantion to me
I'm very thank for your Email and I hope
u always send me give me more information about
Islam in America because one day Islam will rise like sun rise in the morning at america
Lailahaillallah, Muhammadarrasulullah
Allahu Akbar
Bismillah, Ir-rahman, Ir-rahim!
Dear brothers and sisters,
Alla (SAA) never Forget about us and, today, i was
really "waiting" for something special, so here it
is: A wanderfull pray at my computer.
Alla (SAA) bless you all, every day!
inner peace for each individual
loving one another
may Allah Subhanoh wa taallah be with the every and each one of us
Accordingly, I reconciled it with more escoteric or subjacent meaning. My resolution concluded that the night alludes to the darkeness of ignorance and the power alludes to the divine revelation or knowledge recived by the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)when the Divine Angle Gabriel accosted him. Comparativly speaking this knowledge is greater than one thousand month because of it inherent benefits to humandkind. The angle and spirit alludes to The Holy Angel Gabriel. Moreover, the the morning alludes to the disspelling of the ignorance in favor of light - that moral, intellectual and sprititual light one gains by inculcating and excercising the divine knowledge revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
I've never been inclinded to take that Surah literally. To take it literaly is to miss its true mening and significance. The Muslim should not stay in solitiude in the Masjid praying and hoping all his prays will be answered, as a literal interperatation will render such actions. The Muslim should view and learn the Surah significance in its true light. This view imparts a more consistent lesson of the Holy Qu'ran. And that is to be steadfast in pray, not reserve your suplications to the last ten day of the Ramadan. And to be receptive to the divine light of Allah as revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). If one where to do these things the night or darkness of ignorance will dissapate and the blessings recieved will be greater than a thousand months of mundane life.
When I read the article I am responding to, I somewhat got that meaning from the article. However,I thought I might add my comments to further enrich
I received the dua and am very interested in where you got it...
Is there a book of such duas?
May allah continue to bless you in your
efforts in this and the next life.
your sister in Islam,
aishah muhammad
I ask ALL Muslims around the world, male, female, adult and child to please use this night wisely.
Please read Al-Quran, understand it. Please ask for forgiveness for our sins. Let not any worldly thing or event come between us and Allah(swt) on this glorious night.
Finally I would pray to Allah to have his blessings on each one of we muslim brothers and have his mercy on all of us. InshahAllah.
May Allah guide you to preach the truth at all times.
sincere, the baalbaki and cherif family
Yaa Allah take away all the trials and tribulations of the worlds Moslems.
mercy on the soul of every muslim do some work,
like the brother, who right that doaa, thank again
I hope I will get more before end of Ramadan Elkareem,
Thank you for your story
May the Most High and the Almighty Allah bless You and Your families during the Holly Ramadan.
Assalamu Aleykum va Rahmatullahi va Barakatuhu.
The supplication to Allah is one I will, Insha-Allah, memorize and remain with me till my appointed day of departure and not only will I utilize this supplication during the Holy month of Ramadan, but will supplicate with it throughout the year. When a supplication moves a beliver the way this supplication has, it must be a blessing from our One and Only Creator. May Allah Bless you all and may you obtain all sucess in this life and the hereafter.
As Salaamu Alaikum.
Your Brother in Faith,
Khalil Ahmad
Thanks and Jazakumallah Khaira.
thank you for yuor rmemberace to the night of Power.
God helps you to make Tazzakur as quran said to all muslims and non muslims.
I'am very impressed for the service that u r rendering for us and for ISLAM. Our best wishes are always with u people and may ALLAH(the almighty) and MOHAMMAD(pbuh) be pleased with u always. KHUDA HAFIZ.
May ALLAH reward you all for that..
These have been a trying times for all
muslims of the world.
Your printing of the Doa'a E Kumayal is timely.
We have to renew our beliefs that Rasullah
s.a.w. brought to the Universe the Right Path
to human salvation and without imposing our
beliefs on others we have to work on our own
emancipation and prat Allah subhanahu gives
taufiq for others around us to find the same
shiratul mustaqim.
May Allah t'ala shower us with his Fazil
Kareaamat on these blessed day and may
there be Peace and Prosperity in the World.