Essence of Eid
The celebration of Eid ul-Fitr culminates a month of fasting wherein the faithful have spent their time praying and beseeching God for forgiveness and mercy. For many, Ramadan was not just an abstention from food and drink. Rather, it was an exercise in patience and discipline. Eid is the celebration for those who fasted and obeyed God's rules and teachings. It is for those who spent the month of Ramadan in complete devotion to Allah. Eid is a time when the entire Muslim community comes together to share in each others joy and blessings and also to lessen the burden of those who may be suffering.
It is preceded by people shopping and looking around for gifts for their near and dear ones. It is a time when the bright lights from homes and shops illuminates our life. We use see this day and the following days to spread happiness and social harmony by visiting our friends and relatives.
Gifts are exchanged during Eid by young and old alike. We also visit the elderly and the sick. Eid is a time where all kinds or festivities prevail. Many of us gormandize to make up for "lost food" during the month of Ramadan.
However, with all the going around we some time forget our lesser privileged brethren. We forget that there are many out there who have nothing to celebrate. There are those among our brothers and sisters for whom Eid day is just another ordinary day. There are those who open their cupboards on Eid day and find them bare. There are those who in hospitals who will go through a bleak and lonely day with no one visiting them. Friendless, deprived of company, they will have no one to offer solace or comfort. Let us therefore see to it that our deprived brethren welcome the day of Eid with warmth and hope.
As we buy gifts and clothes for our children, let us earmark a special sum for those who cannot afford to buy. Also we should instill in our children a sense of compassion so that when they buy something they will also think of their unfortunate brethren. Let us teach them the art of giving. We should let them know that there are millions of children in; war torn areas of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Kashmir and Chechnya, the poor and downtrodden areas of Africa, Asia and South America, and even in the forgotten ghettos of Europe and North America who do not have the basic necessities to make this day a different day.
We cannot divest ourselves from the misery of others. We cannot shrug it off saying that it does not concern us. To do this would be an injustice to humanity. The Quran (5:8) tells us ... Be just: that is next to piety.
Many of us donate money to charity and fulfill our religious duty. However, if we actually meet the recipients of our charity the perception of charity changes. There is a feeling of belonging when the recipient and giver meet.
Islamic ideology teaches us to be kind and compassionate. Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that "I and the provider of the orphan will be together." And what greater prize is there for anyone of us than to be around our beloved prophet. All we need for that is compassion, sincerity and a feeling of brotherhood and understanding. And that will decide the quality of our life on earth and the hereafter.
Adapted from Spirit of Eid Al-Fitr by Khaled al-Maeena
Related Suggestions
mainly celebrated in Saudia Middle East Europe n America on Friday
and India and the Sub Continent on Saturday.
mixed feelings during Eid this year. During this Ramadan
specifically Muslims, more than any other recent Ramadan, would have
shared in the pain and suffering of their Palestinian brothers and
sisters as a result of the brutal genocide by the Apartheid state of
The current situation highlights glaring weaknesses within the
Muslim Ummah. Many would point to a lack of personal piety. However,
the absence of a sincere and competent global Muslim leadership and
the lack of intent by the scholars to address the disunity within
the Ummah - which ultimately results in a failure to come up with
comprehensive long term plans to address not only the Palestinian
issue but many others as well - must rank high on the list.
We must celebrate Eid with our families and friends but we must
introspect and remember the suffering of all the Muslims in our
prayers. But it is also an Eid in which we will celebrate the heroic
resistance of the Palestinian mujahideen against the Israeli
gangsters. The mood is sombre in this difficult period of time but
remember, Dua is the weapon of the believer and nothing in more
nobler to Allah than Dua.Lets be tolerant and learn to differ with
respect and understanding so that we become a united Ummah once
"Eid Mubarak" to you, your family and readers on this forum.
the Month of Shawwal to give thanks to Allah for giving us the
opportunity thus allowing us to accomplish good deeds out of His
Sheer Grace and Mercy not because we are better but because He
wanted us to adopt what is called Taqwa in our lives which will
maintain us for the next eleven Months.While we used to enjoy daily
ectasy as predicted by the Prophet during the breaking of the Fast
called Iftar we anxiously waited for the official feist.Therefore in
order to conclude and round up the final duty of the Months we are
told to be happy and celebrate with the best Iftar named EID which
is being celebrated throughout the Muslim World.So Eid Mubarak to
Greatings to all muslims and non-muslims around the world.
I have a personal request.
Could you please unite me with a long-lost brother? He is the brother with the entery number three, ( # 3 ) on the message board. His name is: Adamu Ahmed Kaugama.
Thanks. Jaza-kum-Llah,khairan. Ameen.
Alhaji Abdu Danbala. ( ).
My family and I wishes to convey our Eid ul-Fitri greetings to all Muslims worldwide particulary visitors of Islamicity.
The Editorial board has done an excellent task, consistently throughout the year and though some articles published were unsavoury to Muslims or even offensive at times, but nevertheless by allowing the publication of them, the editorial have recognise the freedom of speech and thoughts and frankly I think this is necessary for friutful discussions and views which in return will enrich the Muslim ummah. Keep up the good work to you, all Editors and Happy Eid il-Fitri May ALLAH Bless you always.
And finally to all my Muslim brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Eid, from your victory in the month of Ramadhan. But let again, we all, prudently remind ourselves that moderation and modesty is what ALLAH expects of us in the enjoyment of ourselves. May ALLAH guide us all.
Kris MacPherson and family,
Eid Mubarak to my brothers and sisters, Muslims
and even non-Muslims (we are all brothers and sisters), all over the world.
Alhamd'ulIlahi who grants His peace upon all of us!
Thanks to Almighty Allah for blessing us with Ramadan. For those who are interested to spread the knowledge about Ramadan to Non-Muslim friends may take advantage of the RamadanForBodyAndSoul.pps which can be downloaded from
Eid Mubarak,
Briefcast Editor
Please browse other More On Islam Briefcast presentations:
to all brothers and sisters and even the Non Muslims May Allah give all of them guidance to take shahadah as they have been taking on this Site almost every two days.Wassalamu Alaikum Warahamatullah Wa Barakatuhu.
Eid Mubarak to all my fellow Brothers n Sisters, youngsters and elders.
The essence of Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr lies in practising Ibadah offered during Ramadan beyond Ramadan. I wish and pray to Subhana-v-ta'ala that each and every muslim through practice and his body language tries to extend Dawah n Tableegh-ul-Islam to non-believers which is the cheapest, little time consuming and effortless.
I feel all those who go for Umrah n Haj should also on their return completely follow the Sunnah in accordance with Quran-v-Hadith to his family members and the nearest and the dearest ones atleast. This will have chain reaction n will spread the message of Islam in no time to those who are not following the Sunnah and to those who are non-believers.
May Allah help us develop this feeling atleast among the believers.
Allah Hafiz,
Rais Ahmed Farooqui
Bombay, India.
The Eid gives Muslims Confident of good deeds and also give great hope of the forgivensese that Allah has promissed this Uma that One night is equivalent to 83 years and 4 months of continuous prayer of reward and previous sins being forgiven. Alhamdoulilah muslims brothers invite others to join Islam religion worht following.
The Eid was announced on Thursday but the essence of Eid ie. the Eid prayer done next day on Friday with the only reason that the Hall was booked on rent for Friday, Although the town mosque was available to offer Eid prayer like daily prayers in congression.
What is the Sheria ruling " to postpone Eid prayrer to the following day without any authentic Sheria reason as above.
Allahu Akbar !Allahu Akbar ! May ur Day b Filled With Joy , Contentment & Taqwah .Eid Mubarak .My Sisters And Brothers Stay In ALLAH Connections Please please please !!!!!cause When your Time Arrive for u to go ,,,,?,,!! no one He`s going to helping you with ATHABU`L KABREE .so please Remember Allah NOT only on Ramadan time ,No,No ,Do samething like in Ramadan Time ,in your life style then FEEL ALLAH IN Your heart HE GONNA BE WITH YOU FOR YOUR HOLY LIFE EVEEN AFTER THAT THEN YOU GONA FEEL DEFFERENCE .Beleave me or not but this is a msg from Zulfat - Ramadhani .Shukran & Asalamualeikum. Hope you understand br,st.
May this message find you in the best of health.
"Xmas has been used for hundreds of years in religious writing, where the X represents a Greek chi, the first letter of, Christ. In this use it is parallel to other forms like Xtian, Christian. But people unaware of the Greek origin of this X often mistakenly interpret Xmas as an informal shortening pronounced (ksms). Many therefore frown upon the term Xmas because it seems to them a commercial convenience that omits Christ from Christmas."
When I read or hear the story of prophet Muhammad saw, he can make a country with 'baldatun thoyyibatun wa rabbun ghofur' system in madinah. And so who carry on moslem aspiration (caliph umar, Ali, usman etc)with Allah permission can do what prophet say.
Now in this era, prophet Muhammad saw, not with us anymore. but we have Al Quran and Sunnah. So how we can implementation Allah will?
Islam is the universal region, every body can use Islam in many aspect of they live. Moslem people must have the same goal to reach 'mardhotillah'.
make islam one, please don't separate it anymore. May Allah Bless us and always in Allah Guidance. amin ya robbal alamin.
Those who say it,should make other's to say& Accept it.My people having good positions in this society ,please don't eat other's haqq on your stored money.Then only each muslim will become true muslim & day is not far for him to make this world as islamic world.(INSHA ALLAH)
Let H.A. quote the poor soul...
"hey! we are trying to help you build a new nation of your own."
Hmmm...he/she is probably implying!!! Hmmm...Does Iraq have oil???? Did Rummy ever handshake w/ Saddam? Did U.S. gov't ever nourished and clothed Saddam for decades? Was Saddam the best buddy of U.S. in 1980's and 1990s? When Saddam become enemy of U.S.? (ans...When Saddam wanted more oil for himself)
Quote 2:
"....Get with it. We cannot live FOR YOU. We are trying to AID YOU in getting your own life!!"...
Hmmm....I think I see soul giver!!! The poor souls are giving 4 billions in military hardware to Israel (a terrotist state supported by Michelle Poore's country (USA))to kill Muslims in Palestine. & killed > 20,000 in IRAQ in the name of WMD, but has found none? Does killing = giving life?
"Why do you just point the finger and hate?"
Hmmm...the dear poor soul is hanging out too much w/ Jerry's time he/she hangs out with Muslims or visit Muslim countries...
Who started CRUSADE I and II? Who Atom bombed innocent Japanese civilians? Who started to exterminate the Jews? Who dubbed Al-Qaida freedom fighters in 1980's when they were doing the same thing to USSR as they are doing to USA now? Hmmm...Al-Qaida became terrorists all of a sudden???
Who said "BRING IT ON"?
Who lynched AFRICAN AMERICANS and sold them like fruits and vegetables w/o giving any regard?
Why White people stay away from Black neighborhoods? Why Black areas in U.S. look like 5th world?
Who put Native Americans and Japaneses in concentration camps in USA?
Who passed partiot act I and II....? Who calls the last messenger (PBUH) Of God a terrorist?
Which country's media and churches and its leaders creating hate toward Muslims 24-7-3
Get with it. We cannot live FOR YOU. We are trying to AID YOU in getting your own life!!
Why do you just point the finger and hate?
Why do you just point the finger and hate?
Let's celebrate this Eid with smiles and laughs, and let's have a good time..but at the same time let's not forget that the Muslim body is hurt in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kashmir, Bosnia, Gujurat, and brutalized and discriminated against all over the world...we are all one body, if one of us is hurt, it affects us ALL...let's not forget that, and let's not forget them..we're all one...invite all to the way of the Lord, from him we came, and to him we will return....ALLAH HU AKBAR!!!!
On another note, please consider thanking God, not just for blessings, but also for missed opportunities, adverse effects from poor planning, stubbing your toe, etc.
I have found that this helps me to remember to give thanks to God for the blessings that God has enabled me to receive.
Also, God has indeed given me chances to make my tiny contributions to God's Glory, enabled me to see my own errors, etc. Those also were indeed blessings.
I received the above advice during a khutba (sermon). I also received similar advice - to ask God for help in remembering to be thankful. In this way God has helped me tremendously.
God has in addition willed that I would start to perceive blessings for which I forget to thank God as something actually more like curses.
The Quran offers specific advice to Christians and Jews - who may not necessarily have any intention of embracing Islam.
The Quran 's advice, as addressed to Christians, pertains to a number things that I seem to recall having always felt rather odd about.
Even it we (ourselves) managed to avoid certain errors, would it be proper to leave in place things we truly felt were incorrect to potentially harm those via whom we had received a meaningful measure of our current faith in God - if we (ourselves) would ask in prayer to fear God (alone)?
It is my belief that God (alone) is worthy of praise.
May God bless you - and grant you peace.
well im going to leave now so may allah bless u aameen yaa rab
assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.
Presumably, the birth of Jesus Christ (may Allah increase his blessings) would have more closely followed the time of harvest in the region of his birth. After the harvest, the populace would presumably have had freedom to travel, carrying money from the sale of crops and related commerce. Presumably taxes would have been assessed on such money during the Roman census mentioned in the Christian scriptures.
The observation of the Christmas holiday in traditionally anti-Catholic regions of the United States was highly discouraged - up until about the middle of the 1800's. After Catholic immigrants began exercising greater political influence in largely urban areas that had previously been inundated by Puritan-like immigrants, such as Boston, Massachusetts, the anti-Catholic laws - such as those that prohibited employers from giving their employees a day off on December 25th - were rapidly repealed.
The Christmas tree itself was originally a pagan symbol later was adopted by German (Protestant) Reformationists as an alternative to the various figures (statues) comprising the traditional (Catholic) Nativity Scene. The Christmas tree was popularized in the United States by Protestants when "anti-Catholic" ordinances were being repealed. Now these trees are typically covered with the little figures now widely popular as Christmas tree ornaments.
From Allah comes all blessings. All praise is owed to Allah - who is beyond comparison and without partner.
Eid Mubarak.
I was fascinated when my friends homes would become decorated with lights, ornaments, a wreath on the door, and a tree in the house. It was a beautiful thing to see. The happiness that overcame them was overwelming.
I would ask them why do you do this and the answer was because its Christmas. I would ask them the significance of this and they could not tell me.
Many years later,I met some Catholics who said that they would go to mass on midnight or the next day. The only religous connection I saw.
The tree? Jesus was from the Middle East where did this tree come from. I found the answer and that was disappointing. The gift giving...I found the answer and that was disappointing...Jesus's birthday...disappointing..the trinity a disappointment...I tried to read the bible but which one. I came across so many it was mind boggling. The concept of birthdays goes against all religous beliefs so why do celebrate Jesus's birthday....a birthday that was made up and on a day which goes against everything Jesus stood for...We love Jesus just like we love all the prophets of G-d. There is nor difference between him and the other prophets. He was cannot compare the Eids with X-Mas oops I forgot to tell you they even took the Christ out of Christmas. Merry X-mass for whatever it stands.
But if you want to find G-d, then follow the truth.
The truth will s
Thank you so much for this article. It was Allah's will that this Ramadan be difficult for my family and me. My hope is the essence of Eid-the discipline and God consciousness of Ramadan I concentrated on will be able to be carried with us for the rest of our lives. It was a comfort like I've never had in my life to know that my husband's ex-wife's decision to relocate my step son three thousand miles away from our family was not for us to stop or grieve. Ultimately Allah decides everything.
May Allah bless you all,
Zainabou El-Amin
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Eid is the culmination of a month's worth of emotional and physical sacrificing. Eid literally is an ongoing celebration. Our goal is to carry these feelings of patience and God-consciousness which we have hopefully culitaved in the blessed month of Ramadan with us for a lifetime. And so the "ongoing celebration" is not just the end of having to fast but the celebration of a new self--God Willing! The purpose of fasting during the month of Ramadan is to become more God-fearing and the celebration afterwards is to the mark that spiritual growth and keep it alive until we pass on from this life.
Furthermore, as for the comment that the Christmas season is meant to mark the birth of Christ but it isn't his actual birthdate. Well,if it isn't the truth then what's the point???? The truth always matters! That's all I'll say about that.
Take care and peace
To me you have touched on the meaning of christmas, coming together as family and friends to celebrate a birthday which to me doesn't matter that it's not the actually birth date but honouring a life that was given by God/Allah.
The essence of Eid is also the essence of Christmas and also Easter :)).
the eid is important due to the fact it gives the muslim the opportunity to express his or her joy and that by offering prayer al eid to the almighty allah who has enabled him or her to observe fasting the holy month of ramadan .the prophet peace and blessing be upon him said:the faster has two moments of joys :1- when he broken his fast .2- when he will meet his lord . in the day of eid al fit muslim will feel more happy and that when he comes to think that almighty has purified him or her from sins .
we have to know that the muslim living in this world lives actually in prison . however , the islam has providered him or her three feats. the two are annual feasts and the one is weekly feast . the annual feasts are eid al fit and eid al adha . the weekly is friday . i am sure that islam has let muslim to celebrate them because it wants the muslim to have some moment of joy and happiness and it is difficult to spend all the time in worshipping .
another , essence of eid al fit is that the praying ground where the muslim will perform his prayer will remind him of the day of gathering ( al- qiama)where all the creatures will stand infront of allah for judgement.
aslam alay kum waramatulahi wabrakat
What a beautiful article!! This article should be published in the local newspapers of the U.S. so that everyone can see the true beauty of Islam.
EID MUBARAK to everyone!