Ashura: Remembering Moses and Imam Hussein

Ashura is commemorated on the 10th of Muharram in the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
It is marked by many Muslims with a voluntary day of fasting to observe the day that Prophet Moses freed the Israelites from the bondage of the Egyptian Pharaoh.
Along with this we also remember this day as one of the most tragic events in Islamic history when Prophet Muhammad's beloved grandson Imam Hussein along with his family were martyred while standing up against injustice.
Some men seek to emulate the suffering of Imam Hussein, lamenting the martyrdom by self-flagellation.
A growing number of scholars discourage this self-infliction and instead encourage people to donate blood on this day.
Fasting on the day of Ashura is highly recommended since the time Prophet Muhammad migrated to Madinah.
According to Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 202 - Narrated Ibn Abbas: When the Prophet arrived at Medina, the Jews were observing the fast on 'Ashura' (10th of Muharram) and they said, "This is the day when Moses became victorious over Pharaoh," On that, the Prophet said to his companions, "You (Muslims) have more right to celebrate Moses' victory than they have, so observe the fast on this day.
There are several other Hadith that refer to the importance of the day of Ashura.
O' Allah! Bless us to perform good deeds. Make the new year one of unity, cooperation and success.
Topics: Ashura, Exodus, Imam Hussain, Muharram, Prophet Moses (Musa)
Related Suggestions
Jews don't fast and never did on Nissan (1st month of the Jewish year) to celebrate this historical even which they call (Pesach or Passover).
Also in this very lie, the Prophet didn't have a clue that the Jews fasted on the 10th day while He had all the knowledge of previous books and Prophets.
Another point, why should we Musllims celebrate something that is solely related to the Jews?in this case let's also celebrate XMas as well or Easter as a matter of fact. Especially when the Quran tells us that we'll find the Christians nearer to us than the Jews.
And the last point which I think ridicules Islam and its followers is the fact that Allah and His Prophet both didn't think of asking us to fast for this Jewish occasion until our Prophet by accident happened to be in Medina and after asking the Jews why they are fasting that he decided to fast and asked us to do the same.
These are certainly not the mighty God and the Prophet I believe in and I seek refuge in dupind stories like these made for sheeple no end.
I just have a question. Did Prophet Muhammad say that we should use
this day to remember his gran son?
for democracy and sacrifice.
I would like to be pointed out to the source of the hadith mentioned in your article which I could not find in the books of authenticated books. The hadith is: "whoever is generous on his family on the day of Ashura, then Allah is generous towards him for the whole year."
jazak Allah khayra,
There is NO PROOF that the companions inflicted wounds upon themselves, or gave blood on this day, waAllahu alam. So why would you even print such misleading information when our beloved prophet sallallahu 'alayi wasallam, and his companions were the BEST examples?? Isn't this purely a bidah from the Sh'ite?
While, given the significance of the day, and the media coverage of Ashura, I think it is very valuable to post an article about it, I was very disappointed when I ready this very short article. The primary historical event of importance to the Muslim world is the martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet (S), and so it is important to look at why he was martyred. Instead there are two paragraphs on 'self-flagellation'.
Additionally, since Ashura often becomes an issue associated with the Shi'a, it would have been better to note that there are disagreements about the authenticity of these hadith, and that the Shi'a who commemorate Ashura do not commemorate it because of these hadith. And, in fact, they do not accept these hadith as reliable and say there is no other historical sginifiance to Ashura except the martyrdom of Imam Husain. Mentioning this - even if one does not agree with it - would be expected in a balanced article.
Best of wishes wtih your work
Please listen the speech on fasting on Ashura.
As per the article, the Prophet went to Madinah and he found that the Jews were fasting. So, he asked Muslims to fast on the 10th of Muharram.
Also, it is mentioned if one wants to perform the fast, then one should fast two days in a row, such as the 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th.
So it seems that Muslims want to be different than Jews.
What a contradiction. We started fasting on the 10th of Muharram because of the Jews, and now we want to be different than Jews.
O Muslims, think on this issue.
Maa salama
Then who are you Oh sister Zeinab from the USA to be cursing like this?? Were you there to witness what happened to Sayyadina Hussein and who did what?? No! so let Allaah (SWT) be the Judge and not you or your misguided leader/community.
I leave you with the excellent advice given by the Second Caliph Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allaah be pleased with him), one of the 'ASHARAH MUBASHARAH', to the Muslims of Madinah and the Muslim Ummah at large until the day of judgment:
Note: 'ASHARAH MUBASHARAH' represents the ten companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who were promised, nay guaranteed, Paradise by Allaah (SWT) after their deaths, whilst still alive on this earth.
Fasting on the day of Ashura is the Sunnah of the Prophet(S.A.W). Rasulallaah (SAW) instigated this fasting well before the martyrdom of his grandson Sayyadina Hussein, which came later after the death of Rasulallaah (SAW).
Rasulallaah (SAW) was more closer to his grandson Hussein than anybody and used to kiss his neck often when Hussein was a child. The Prophet (SAW) knew that Allaah (SWT) in His infinite wisdom had decreed the martyrdom of Hussein. The fact that Sayyadina Hussein was martyred on the day of Ashura has no bearing on the importance of that day for Muslims.
The most important thing for us to remember is to follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(SAW) as demonstrated and practiced by him (SAW), by the rightly guided caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar bin Al-Khattab, Uthmam bin Affan and Ali bin Abi Talib, and our pious predecessors-the al-Salaf al-Salih. Doing so means to fast on the 9th and 10th(day of Ashur). Fasting brings us closer to Allaah(SWT) and purifies us of our sins.
According to Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 202 - Narrated Ibn Abbas:
When the Prophet arrived at Medina, the Jews were observing the fast on 'Ashura' (10th of Muharram) and they said, "This is the day when Moses became victorious over Pharaoh," On that, the Prophet said to his companions, "You (Muslims) have more right to celebrate Moses' victory than they have, so observe the fast on this day.
... but you made this "Religious" statement with no proof whatsoever...and if you don't have real proof then you cannot make a "false" claim- not in Religion- and I think you know that !
It is also recommended to be generous on this day towards family members and parents because prophet Muhammad stated that whoever is generous on his family on the day of Ashura, then Allah is generous towards him for the whole year.
The non-Muslims who are searching for guidance if they see us hitting our bodies with harmful iron may go away further from Islam rather than coming closer to the Deen.The most important thing for all of us to remember wether Sunni or Shia Ashura is a blessed day so we should commemorate it with fasting like our beloved Prophet who was the best guide for the Ummah.
Allah knows best but He would be pleased with us if we individually and collectively follow the beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in words and action.Wallahu A'alam.
Imam Hussein was killed by other muslims? We are not clear who was on the right path ? isn't it pesumptious to delare one as a martyr?
The Hadith about the fasting on the day of Ashura has another aspect which Prophet Muhammad said,He adds to this Hadith that to fast on two days either one day before or one day after along with the day of Ashura as to differentiate it from the fast of Jews.And Moreover this day also remembers us when Propet Ibrahim(A.S) got ready to sacrifice his son Prophet Isma'il(A.S)when Allah ordains him.These were the seeds grown in this month afterwards which blossomed under the glorious shadow of Imam Husayn(A.S)on the day of 10th Muharram.
Let the above words speak out the nature of the Ishmaelite prophet and his religion to the whole world. The true Muslims will never accept any message from persons who have not submitted to the Will of Sovereign God.
In response to Yazid; I kind of agree with what you are saying. I understand the
self-flagellation. As a Catholic during my
childhood I remember doing something called "mea culpa's"...We would say mea culpa; and with each utterance we would beat our chest ever-so-gently over the heart.
It's another ritualistic-acting-out that secures
one's faith in their god. The suffering part is another thing. Ones' own suffering can and does inspire prayer to release them from the pain or torment they are feeling. We should remember this day as a tragic event in Islamic history, as well as all the others.
Does the martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad's (saw)grandson Imam Hussein and his family, out-weigh
the freed Israelites from bondage?
This self-flagellation may not be an Islamic act, but, I think, that it is an act of faith, and any
act of faith is seen by Allah.
Peace and Blessings,
among ourselves as commanded by Allah we must turn to Allah and His Prophet for guidance.May Allah guide the Ummah on the right path keeping them united.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I am a Sunni but at the same time I cannot help but be understanding and appreciative of the historical events that had occurred in the pages of the early rise of Islam. I always look upon my Syiah brethern as fellow Muslims.
Ali ( r.a or Karamullah waj ha ) is one of the Caliph who was closest to our beloved Prophet ( s.a.w ). But the machivellian way in which Muawiyah had assumed the post of the Caliph is not worthy of any emulations. Ali was asked to relinquish his post but Muawiyah refused even when he was supposed to do so. I revered Ali because he was the first man ( Khadijah ( r.a. ) was the first to accept ) to accept the message of the truth from our beloved Prophet ( s.a.w. ). Ali had never worship any idols even in his tender age as a young boy. And in his acceptance of the truth, Ali had never gave an inch or ground and he was resilient during the early years of the enduring times. That's why I revered Ali but that does not make me a Syiah. The rest is history.
And the killing of Hassan and Hussein ( r.a. ) is deplorable. Yazid epitomises a greed of a man, a brand of selfish politics and self interest. Self serving in all aspects. Even as a Sunni, I observed the As Shura in a way which Islam recommends but not inflicting anything to myself.
And I caution all my brothers and sisters in Islam, of the efforts made by our common enemy to divide us, and to cause hatred among ourselves, be it Sunni and Syiah. The enemy is not the American people or the decent ordinary westerners but the " powers that be " that has agendas and intentions to annex and annihilate our Muslim countries, to loot the wealth and destroy and destroy our faith.
"Along with this we also remember this day as one of the most tragic events in Islamic history ... "
"A growing number of scholars discourage this self-infliction and instead encourage people to donate blood on this day."
The most tragic event in Islamic history is debatable ... for the author to take the liberty of labeling this day "most tragic" is in keeping with the trememdous injustice that has grown around Islam where every body that's ever read a book or two is an "expert"
If I had a vote I'd say the most tragic day in Islamic History is the day when the scholars that oversee the religion climbed into bed with the corrupt leaders that rule their lands ... they followed the Sultan NOT the Quran! (there is a hadith in there somewhere )
Also, self-infliction and giving blood on this or any other day is BIDA .. it's NOTHING Islamic and purely a man-made tradition created by the ignorant to continue in the backward ways of their pagan ancestors.
What this UMMAH is missing is this simple fact:
No Imam, No Sultan, No Group, No political body, No HUMAN BEING is to be given reverence, attention or praise ... it's ALL about ALLAH and HIM alone.
Stop confusing the messenger and his bloodline with the message .. if you must do so them PLEASE do it under a different banner and leave the religion of ALLAH alone as it's suffered enough lies, injustice and evil actions for the time being.
We need to focus on the importance and not worry about the minor differnces, then only will we be united. We have made so many small groups which are destroying the unity of this relgion. No wonder muslims are suffering every where. We will continue to suffer until we come together.
Yazeed claimed to be a muslim look what he did. What happened to Imam Hussein and his family was not done by the Jews or Christians it was done by people that claimed to be Muslims.
Shedding the blood of the Prophet's Grandson what an Islamic thing to do. When Imam Hussein asked the soldiers in the Yazeedi army why are they doing this, they answered " We are getting revenge from what was done to our familes in Badar and Uhad". The Evil factions that lurk amongst us claiming to be Muslims but causing the most destruction is what we need to obolish.
I express concurrence with Brother Babandi A Gumel and thank you for a detailed shared knowledge on As Shura.
Fasting is indeed one of the best way, to observe As Shura, followed by charitable acts or saying the salawat to our beloved Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ), the other Messengers as well, the family of the Prophet and the companions ( sahaba ). These are encouraged acts and Insya ALLAH, ALLAH the All Mighty will reward us.
I want to thank everyone for their comments. I think it's great that people are opening up their minds and thinking for themselves in regards to the issue of right and wrong.
People often ask, why should we remember the tragedy of Karbala? What significance does it have in our lives today? Before we answer the previous questions, let's first understand Imam Hussein's status. Consider the following hadith narrated by the blessed Prophet: "Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein." -Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
Remember that the blessed Prophet also stated that both Hasan and Hussein, his grandchildren are the masters of the youth of paradise.
So by this, we know that his status is very high in the sight of our blessed Prophet.
Consider what happened when the Pope made his remarks against the Prophet, saying he only brought evil and corruption to the world. What did the Muslim ummah do? They protested. Why? Because our Prophet was insulted.
In the same manner, when the Prophet's very own grandson as well as his family were killed in such a horrific manner and treated like animals, isn't THAT the ultimate insult?
When the very head that the Prophet would kiss was severed in the plains of Karbala by the very people he taught, isn't that an insult?
Yet in the same manner, according to some traditions, Ashura is also a time for remembering when Allah (swt) saved Moses from Pharaoh. This was a test for Moses... would he respond to Allah's call by sacrificing his family and followers to leave the land of Pharoah into the land of the unknown? Or wait and allow Pharaoh to corrupt his people? Remember that Moses sacrificed greatly to make his decision. If anything, Ashura is the day of sacrifice. To put one's full belief in Allah no matter what the cost...
And this is what Islam is...
May Allah guide us all on His path and allow us to create unity by understanding ourselves, each other, and our
Salaam Alaykum,
I am very pleased to see that so many people are respecting the Tragedy of Imam Hussain (a.s) It is extremely important to understand why the Tragedy of Karbala happened. The Grandson of the Holy Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H) stood up against injustice and tyranny to save the religion of Islam.
For those who say that my commemorating the martrydom of Imam Hussain (a.s) will cause "seceterian" differences I beg to differ. I think the lessons taught by Imam Hussain (a.s) in Karbala are important for ALL humanity to understand. There is so much to gain!
Another aspect that I do not agree with is this concept of commemorating the murder of the Grandson of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) as being "Bid'ah." Is grieving for a loved one bid'ah? Hussain was a loved by our Prophet and is loved by us, and since we feel pain of this loss and cry and grieve for this loss does that really make it Bid'ah?
It is important for us all to educate ourselves. May Allah s.w.t guide us all and show us the truth.
What you are doing in Irag against one another is Barbaric to say the least.
the muslims used to fast in the Month of Muharram
especially on the tenth which was Ashara in Arabic known as Ashura.So they continued fasting on that day even the Jews were fasting to commemorate their deliverance from Fir,aun and Rasulullah said to the near meaning when he saw them fasting he was more closer to Musa than them (the Jews)as a a Prophet like Musa himself.Similarly Rasulullah was more closer to Iman Hussein as his Grandfather and the Prophet of Allah than any body.He was our model so he fasted on Ashura not inflicting punishement on himself.Towards the end of his life he said if he was to remain alive to see the following year he would also fast on the 9th of Muharammam that is in addition to the 10th.So Allahu A'alam to me this is the best way to remember Musa (A.S) and Imam Hussein (R.A) fasting on the 9th and 10th of Tashura and Ashura without inflicting punishment on yourself.Allah will not put burden on you which you can not carry.If one fasts on the Ashura Day he gets the reward of one year of Ibadah or his sins forgiven. What else do you want more than the forgiveness of one's sins therefore fasting is much better than inflicting punishement.Allah and His Prophet love it more than something invented not Sunnah. If one inflicts punishment on himself instead of fasting I don't know what he gets .It is quiet logical and much more in order to fast than unnecessarily inflicting punishment on your body.Wallahu A'alam.
What have you done to help Hosseins of Palastine getting killed daily by Yazids of Jerusalem?
My Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters, please, let us put things in a proper perspective. I am a Sunni but I will also observe As-Shura', Insya ALLAH. This has nothing to do with any " bid'ah ". Or glorifying Ali ( r.a. / k.a.w ). Or glorifying Hassan and Hussein ( r.a ).
And Sister Nadia, I can understand why you demanded an answer on where is there an authority or calling that calls upon us to donate blood on this occassion. If not then you consider it as a self flaggellation. Please consider that donating blood per se is an act of goodness. Even if you do it at other times of the year. Because it save lives, that's why.
And the observance of the As Shura, while it is not compulsory, but out intentions must be that this is one of our acts of worships ( Ibadah ) to ALLAH SWT and by donating blood we are doing good deeds to other fellow humans. Is that not Islamic ?
I appreciate this good work as a good gesture that worth emulating from other muslims all over the world.
Please study the journey and circumstances of Imam Husein before making harsh conclusions. Only then will you realize its true significance.
One of the problems that plague our umma today is spreading information about islamic practices with no basis in our deen. I agree 100% with the comments that as much as fasting on the 9th & 10th day of ashura is a confirmed sunna of our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. the grieving of Imam Husain is a bidaa and should not even be cited as a muslim practice. The author should have focused on the many reasons as to why our Prophet s.a.w. has made this sunna to perpetuate and how it does apply to nowadays lives.
On the other hand any demonstrative grieving for death or symbolization of it is a pre-islamic practice that has been banned by our Prophet sunna. So making it live or even mutated in a different practice is wrong and has no effect but divide our umma whom needs more unity and harmony than ever before.
May Allah s.w.t. put us all on the right path.
1. Who are those "growing number of scholars discourage this self-infliction and instead encourage people to donate blood on this day"?
2. I need to understand, should I fast or give blood? With any understanding of the basic rules and requirements of fasting a person can't give blood while fasting. So, should I follow The Prophet or the "growing number of scholars"?
3. Emulating the suffering of Imam Hussein by self-flagellation has no basis in Islamic teaching and, there for, is wrong. We don't offer "alternatives" for invention in deen and wrong behavior. Otherwise, we are following in the footsteps of the people of the book when they corrupted their religion.
The fact of the matter is Ashura has nothing to do with Imam Hussein [RAA]. There had been several of Gods'-days [Ayam-o-Allah] that happened on the 10th of Muharram but The Prophet [PBUH] hadn't included them in the reasoning of why Muslims should fast and mark that day. Only because of the miracle of splitting the see for prophet Musa and his followers that we are asked to mark the day. If there any other reasons, the prophet PBUH would had told us or at least hinted at it.
May Allah fix or hearts on his deen as he revealed it to The Prophet and save us from following the people of the book when they invented and corrupted their religion.
Shokran ans salam
It is commonly stated that the prophet peace be upon him urged us to fast on the 9th and 10th implicitly stated in the Hadith cited above and in other hadiths in Sahih Bokhari and Muslim. As for the death of Imam Hussein, the incident was deplorable, but does by no means justify self-flagellation. The author is invited to make a note in this respect. I also would appreciate it if the author could tell us who says that we should donate blood in comemoration of Imam Hussein's death. Self-flagellation is haram, and there is no need for creating a substitute for that after all the comemoration of Imam Hussein's tragic death can only inkindle sectarian tensions in this day and age.
May this year usher in much-needed unity for the Muslim world amen!
(1) "Some men seek to emulate the suffering of Imam Hussein, lamenting the martyrdom by self-flagellation." This is untrue. The gentle tapping of the chest is a sign and practise of grief and sorrow - a grief which will never die, a grief which is in the hearts of every believer.
which was commonly practised in the time of the Imam Hussein (pbuh). Imam Hussein was
Let us think about this hadeeth in bukhari however. Is it conceivable that the Prophet (pbuh) would introduce something to Islam because of the practice of Jews?? Surely not. Fasting is not a ritual of this holy day.
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This is for the Muslim to learn a lesson and rais their voice against any unjustice in thier live at any time and under any circumstances