History of Imam Ḥusayn and His Martyrdom

The month of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, brings with it the memory of the sacrifice of Imam Husayn رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and his noble family and friends. This article reflects the deep admiration towards Imam Husayn رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ and an insight into the tragedy of Karbala, its reasons, and its consequences. It is presented with the hope that it will foster Islamic unity and the brotherly love that the author seeks in his preface.
The following pages are based on a report of an address which I delivered in London at an Ashura Majlis on Thursday the 28th May 1931 (Muharram 1350 A.H.), at the Waldorf Hotel. The report was subsequently corrected and slightly expanded. The Majlis was a notable gathering which met at the invitation of Mr. A. S. M. Anik. Nawab Sir Umar Hayat Khan, Tiwana, presided, and members of all schools of thought in Islam, as well as non-Muslims, joined reverently in doing honor to the memory of the great Martyr of Islam. By its inclusion in the Progressive Islam Pamphlets series, it is hoped to reach a larger public than were able to be present in person. Perhaps, also, it may help to strengthen the bonds of brotherly love, which unite all who hold sacred the ideals of brotherhood preached by the Prophet in his last Sermon. A. Yusuf Ali.
This article is a shorter version and has been excerpted from Progressive Islam Pamphlet No. 7, September 1931.
Imam Ḥusayn And His Martyrdom
When we invite strangers or guests and make them feel part of our family circle, that requires the greatest out-flowing of our hearts to them. The events that I am going to describe refer to some of the most touching incidents of our domestic history in their spiritual aspect. We ask our brethren of other faiths to come and share with us some of the thoughts which are called forth by this event. As a matter of fact, all students of history are aware that the horrors that are connected with the great event of Kerbela did more than anything else to unite together the various contending factions which had unfortunately appeared at that early stage of Muslim history. You know the old Persian saying applied to the Prophet:
Tu barae wasl kardan amadi; - Ni barae fasl kardan amadi.
"Thou camest to the world to unite, not to divide."
That was wonderfully exemplified by the sorrows and sufferings and the martyrdom of Imam Ḥusayn.
I propose first to give you an idea of the geographical setting and the historical background. Then I will very briefly refer to the actual events that happened in that fateful Muharram and finally to draw your attention to the great lessons which we can learn from them.
Cities and their Cultural Meaning
The building of Kufa and Basra, the two great outposts of the Muslim Empire, in the 16th year of the Hijra, was a visible symbol that Islam was pushing its strength and building up a new civilization, not only in a military sense but in moral and social ideas and in the sciences and arts. The old effete cities did not content it any more than the old and effete systems which it displaced. Nor was it content with the first steps it took. It was always examining, testing, discarding, and re-fashioning its own handiwork. There was always a party that wanted to stand on old ways, to take cities like Damascus readymade, that loved ease and the path of least resistance. But the greater souls stretched out to new frontiers - of ideas as well as geography. They felt that old seats were like dead wood breeding worms and rottenness that were a danger to higher forms of life. The clash between them was part of the tragedy of Kerbela. Behind the building of new cities, there is often the burgeoning of new ideas. Let us, therefore, examine the matter a little more closely. It will reveal the hidden springs of some very interesting history.
Vicissitudes of Mecca and Medina
The great cities of Islam at its birth were Mecca and Medina. Mecca, the center of the old Arabian pilgrimage, the birthplace of the Prophet, rejected the Prophet's teaching and cast him off. Its idolatry was effete; its tribal exclusiveness was effete; its ferocity against the Teacher of the New Light was effete. The Prophet shook its dust off his feet and went to Medina. It was the well-watered city of Yathrib, with a considerable Jewish population. It received with eagerness the teaching of the Prophet; it gave asylum to him and his Companions and Helpers. He reconstituted it, and it became the new City of Light. Mecca, with its old gods and its old superstitions, tried to subdue this new Light and destroy it. The human odds were in favor of Mecca. But God's purpose upheld the Light and subdued the old Mecca. But the Prophet came to build as well as to destroy. He destroyed the old paganism and lighted a new beacon in Mecca - the beacon of Arab unity and human brotherhood. When the Prophet's life ended on this earth, his spirit remained. It inspired his people and led them from victory to victory. Where moral or spiritual and material victories go hand in hand, the spirit of man advances all along the line. But sometimes there is a material victory with a spiritual fall, and sometimes there is a spiritual victory with a material fall, and then we have tragedy.
Spirit of Damascus
Islam's first extension was towards Syria, where the power was centered in the city of Damascus. Among living cities, it is probably the oldest city in the world. Its bazaars are thronged with men of all nations, and the luxuries of all nations find a ready welcome there. If you come to it westward from the Syrian desert, the contrast is complete, both in the country and in the people. From the parched desert sands, you come to fountains and vineyards, orchards, and the hum of traffic. From the simple, sturdy, independent, frank Arab, you come to the soft, luxurious, sophisticated Syrian. That contrast was forced on the Muslims when Damascus became a Muslim city. They were in a different moral and spiritual atmosphere. Some succumbed to the softening influences of ambition, luxury, wealth, pride of race, love of ease, and so on. Islam always stood as the champion of the great rugged moral virtues. It wanted no compromise with evil in any shape or form, with luxury, with idleness, with the seductions of this world. It was a protest against these things. And yet the representatives of that protest got softened at Damascus. They aped the decadent princes of the world instead of striving to be leaders of spiritual thought. Discipline was relaxed, and governors aspired to be greater than the Khalifas. This bore bitter fruit later.
Snare of Riches
Meanwhile, Persia came within the Muslim orbit. When Median was captured in the year 16 of the Hijra, and the battle of Jalula broke the Persian resistance, some military booty was brought to Medina - gems, pearls, rubies, diamonds, swords of gold and silver. A great celebration was held in honor of the splendid victory and the valor of the Arab army. In the midst of the celebration, they found the Caliph of the day actually weeping. One said to him, "What! a time of joy and thou sheddest tears?" "Yes," he said, "I foresee that the riches will become a snare, a spring of worldliness and envy, and in the end a calamity to my people." The Arabs valued, above all, simplicity of life, the openness of character, and bravery in the face of danger. Their women fought with them and shared their dangers. They were not caged creatures for the pleasures of the senses. They showed their mettle in the early fighting around the head of the Persian Gulf. When the Muslims were hard pressed, their women turned the scale in their favor. They made their veils into flags and marched in battle array. The enemy mistook them for reinforcements and abandoned the field. Thus an impending defeat was turned into a victory.
Basra and Kufa
In Mesopotamia, the Muslims did not base their power on old and effete Persian cities but built new outposts for themselves. The first they built was Basra at the head of the Persian Gulf in the 17th year of the Hijra. And what a great city it became! Not great in war and conquest, not great in trade and commerce, but great in learning and culture in its best day - alas! also great in its spirit of faction and degeneracy in the days of its decline! But its situation and climate were not at all suited to the Arab character. It was low and moist, damp and enervating. In the same year, the Arabs built another city not far off from the Gulf and yet well suited to be a part of the desert, as Kerbela became afterward. This was the city of Kufa, built in the same year as Basra, but in a more bracing climate. It was the first experiment in town-planning in Islam. In the center was a square for the principal mosque. That square was adorned with shady avenues. Another square was set apart for the trafficking of the market. The streets were all laid out intersecting, and their width was fixed. The main thoroughfares for such traffic as they had (we must not imagine the sort of traffic we see in Charing Cross) were made 60 feet wide; the cross streets were 30 feet wide, and even the little lanes for pedestrians were regulated to a width of 10.5 feet. Kufa became a center of light and learning. The Khalifa Hazrat Ali lived and died there.
Rivalry and poison of Damascus
But its rival, the city of Damascus, fattened on luxury and Byzantine magnificence. Its tinsel glory sapped the foundations of loyalty and soldierly virtues. Its poison spread through the Muslim world. Governors wanted to be kings. Pomp and selfishness, ease and idleness and dissipation grew as a canker; wines and spirituous liquors, skepticism, cynicism, and social vices became so rampant that the protests of the men of God were drowned in mockery. Mecca, which was to have been a symbolical spiritual center, was neglected or dishonored. Damascus and Syria became centers of worldliness and arrogance, which cut at the basic roots of Islam.
Ḥusayn the Righteous refused to bow to worldliness and power
We have brought the story down to the 60th year of the Hijra. Yazid assumed power at Damascus. He cared nothing for the most sacred ideals of the people. He was not even interested in the ordinary business affairs of administration. His passion was hunting, and he sought power for self-gratification. The discipline and self-abnegation, the strong faith and earnest Endeavour, the freedom and sense of social equality which had been the motive forces of Islam, were divorced from power. The throne at Damascus had become a worldly throne based on the most selfish ideas of personal and family aggrandizement, instead of a spiritual office, with a sense of God-given responsibility. The decay of morals spread among the people. There was one man who could stem the tide. That was Imam Ḥusayn. He, the grandson of the Prophet, could speak without fear, for fear was foreign to his nature. But his blameless and irreproachable life was in itself a reproach to those who had other standards. They sought to silence him, but he could not be silenced. They sought to bribe him, but he could not be bribed. They sought to waylay him and get him into their Power. What is more, they wanted him to recognize the tyranny and expressly support it. For they knew that the conscience of the people might awaken at any time and sweep them away unless the holy man supported their cause. The holy man was prepared to die rather than surrender the principles for which he stood.
Driven from city to city
Medina was the center of Ḥusayn's teaching. They made Medina impossible for him. He left Medina and went to Mecca, hoping that he would be left alone. But he was not left alone. The Syrian forces invaded Mecca. The invasion was repelled, not by Ḥusayn but by other people. For Ḥusayn, though the bravest of the brave, had no army and no worldly weapons. His existence itself was an offense in the eyes of his enemies. His life was in danger, and the lives of all those nearest and dearest to him. He had friends everywhere, but they were afraid to speak out. They were not as brave as he was. But in distant Kufa, a party grew up which said: "We are disgusted with these events, and we must have Imam Ḥusayn to take asylum with us." So they sent and invited the Imam to leave Mecca, come to them, live in their midst, and be their honored teacher and guide. His father's memory was held in reverence in Kufa. The Governor of Kufa was friendly, and the people were eager to welcome him. But alas, Kufa had neither strength, courage, nor constancy. Kufa, geographically only 40 miles from Kerbela, was the occasion of the tragedy of Kerbela. And now Kufa is nearly gone, and Kerbela remains as the lasting memorial of the martyrdom.
Invitation from Kufa
When the Kufa invitation reached the Imam, he pondered over it, weighed its possibilities, and consulted his friends. He sent over his cousin Muslim to study the situation on the spot and report to him. The report was favorable, and he decided to go. He had a strong presentiment of danger. Many of his friends in Mecca advised him against it. But could he abandon his mission when Kufa was calling for it? Was he the man to be deterred because his enemies were laying their plots for him, at Damascus and at Kufa? At least, it was suggested that he might leave his family behind. But his family and his immediate dependants would not hear of it. It was a united family, pre-eminent in the purity of its life and in its domestic virtues and domestic affections. If there were a danger to its head, they would share it. The Imam was not going on a mere ceremonial visit. There was responsible work to do, and they must be by his side, to support him in spite of all its perils and consequences. Shallow critics scent political ambition in the Imam's act. But would a man with political ambitions march without an army against what might be called the enemy country, scheming to get him into its power and prepared to use all their resources, military, political and financial, against him?
Journey through the desert
Imam Ḥusayn left Mecca for Kufa with all his family, including his little children. Later news from Kufa itself was disconcerting. The friendly governor had been displaced by one prepared more ruthlessly to carry out Yazid's plans. If Ḥusayn was to go there at all, he must go there quickly, or his friends themselves would be in danger. On the other hand, Mecca itself was no less dangerous to him and his family. It was the month of September by the solar calendar, and no one would take a long desert journey in that heat except under a sense of duty. By the lunar calendar, it was the month of pilgrimage at Mecca. But he did not stop for the pilgrimage. He pushed on, with his family and dependants, in all numbering about 90 or 100 people, men, women, and children. They must have gone by forced marches through the desert. They covered 900 miles of the desert in a little over three weeks. When they came within a few miles of Kufa, at the edge of the desert, they met people from Kufa. It was then that they heard of the terrible murder of Ḥusayn's cousin Muslim, who had been sent on in advance. A poet that came by dissuaded the Imam from going further. "For," he said epigrammatically, "the heart of the city is with thee, but its sword is with your enemies, and the issue is with God." What was to be done? They were three weeks' journey from the city they had left. In the city to which they were going, their own messenger had been foully murdered as well as his children. They did not know what the actual situation was then in Kufa. But they were determined not to desert their friends.
Call to Surrender or Die
Presently messengers came from Kufa, and Imam Ḥusayn was asked to surrender. Imam Ḥusayn offered to take one of three alternatives. He wanted no political power and no revenge. He said, "I came to defend my own people. If I am too late, give me the choice of three alternatives: either to return to Mecca or to face Yazid himself at Damascus, or if my very presence is distasteful to him and you, I do not wish to cause more divisions among the Muslims. Let me at least go to a distant frontier, where, if fighting must be done, I will fight against the enemies of Islam." Every one of these alternatives was refused. What they wanted was to destroy his life, or better still, to get him to surrender, to surrender to the very forces against which he was protesting, to declare his adherence to those who were defying the law of God and man, and to tolerate all the abuses which were bringing the name of Islam into disgrace. Of course, he did not surrender. But what was he to do? He had no army. He had reasons to suppose that many of his friends from distant parts would rally around him and come and defend him with their swords and bodies. But time was necessary, and he was not going to gain time by feigned compliance. He turned a little round to the left, the way that would have led him to Yazid himself, at Damascus. He camped in the plain of Kerbela.
Water cut off; Inflexible will, Devotion and Chivalry
For ten days, messages passed backward and forwards between Kerbela and Kufa. Kufa wanted surrender and recognition. That was the one thing the Imam could not consent to. Every other alternative was refused by Kufa, under the instructions from Damascus. Those fateful ten days were the first ten days of the month of Muharram, of the year 61 of the Hijra. The final crisis was on the 10th day, the Ashura day, which we are commemorating. During the first seven days, various kinds of pressure were brought to bear on the Imam, but his will was inflexible. It was not a question of a fight, for there were but 70 men against 4,000. The little band was surrounded and insulted, but they held together so firmly that they could not be harmed. On the 8th day, the water supply was cut off. The Euphrates and its abundant streams were within sight, but the way was barred. Prodigies of valor were performed in getting water. Challenges were made for single combat according to Arab custom. And the enemy was half-hearted, while the Imam's men fought in contempt of death and always accounted for more men than they lost. On the evening of the 9th day, the little son of the Imam was ill. He had a fever and was dying of thirst. They tried to get a drop of water. But that was refused point blank, and so they made the resolve that they would, rather than surrender, die to the last man in the cause for which they had come. Imam Ḥusayn offered to send away his people. He said, "They are after my person; my family and my people can go back." But everyone refused to go. They said they would stand by him to the last, and they did. They were not cowards; they were soldiers born and bred, and they fought as heroes with devotion and with chivalry.
The Final Agony; the placid face of the man of God
On the day of Ashura, the 10th day, Imam Ḥusayn's own person was surrounded by his enemies. He was brave to the last. He was cruelly mutilated. His sacred head was cut off while in the act of prayer. A mad orgy of triumph was celebrated over his body. In this crisis, we have details of what took place hour by hour. He had 45 wounds from the enemies' swords and javelins, and 35 arrows pierced his body. His left arm was cut off, and a javelin pierced through his breast. After all that agony, when his head was lifted up on a spear, his face was the placid face of a man of God. All the men of that gallant band were exterminated, and their bodies trampled under foot by the horses. The only male survivor was a child, Ḥusayn's son Ali, surnamed Zain-ul-'Abidin - "The Glory of the Devout." He lived in retirement, studying, interpreting, and teaching his father's high spiritual principles for the rest of his life.
The Heroism of the Women
There were women: for example, Zainab, the sister of the Imam; Sakina, his little daughter; and Shahr-i-Banu, his wife, at Kerbela. A great deal of poetic literature has sprung up in Muslim languages, describing the touching scenes in which they figure. Even in their grief and their tears, they are heroic. They lament the tragedy in simple, loving, human terms. But they are also conscious of the noble dignity of their nearness to a life of truth reaching its goal in the precious crown of martyrdom. One of the best-known poets of this kind is the Urdu poet Anis, who lived in Lucknow and died in 1874.
Lessons of the Tragedy
That briefly is the story. What is the lesson? There is, of course, the physical suffering in martyrdom, and all sorrow and suffering claim our sympathy - the dearest, purest, most out-flowing sympathy that we can give. But there is greater suffering than physical suffering. That is when a valiant soul seems to stand against the world; when the noblest motives are reviled and mocked; when truth seems to suffer an eclipse. It may even seem that the martyr has but to say a word of compliance, do a little deed of non-resistance, and much sorrow and suffering would be saved; and the insidious whisper comes: "Truth, after all, can never die." That is perfectly true. Abstract truth can never die. It is independent of man's cognition. But the whole battle is for man's keeping hold of truth and righteousness. And that can only be done by the highest examples of man's conduct - spiritual striving and suffering, enduring firmness of faith and purpose, patience and courage where ordinary mortals would give in or be cowed down, the sacrifice of ordinary motives to supreme truth in scorn of consequence. The martyr bears witness, and the witness redeems what would otherwise be called failure. It so happened with Ḥusayn. All were touched by the story of his martyrdom, and it gave the death blow to the politics of Damascus and all it stood for. And Muharram still has the power to unite the different schools of thought in Islam and make a powerful appeal to non-Muslims also.
Explorers of Spiritual Territory
That, to my mind, is the supreme significance of martyrdom. All human history shows that the human spirit strives in many directions, deriving strength and sustenance from many sources. Our bodies, our physical powers, have developed or evolved from earlier forms after many struggles and defeats. Our intellect has had its martyrs, and our great explorers have often gone forth with the martyrs' spirit. All honor to them. But the highest honor must still lie with the great explorers of spiritual territory, those who faced fearful odds and refused to surrender to evil. Rather than allow a stigma to attach to sacred things, they paid with their own lives the penalty of resistance. The first kind of resistance offered by the Imam was when he went from city to city, hunted about from place to place, but made no compromise with evil. Then was offered the choice of an effectual but dangerous attempt at clearing the house of God or living at ease for himself by tacit abandonment of his striving friends. He chose the path of danger with duty and honor and never swerved from it, giving up his life freely and bravely. His story purifies our emotions. We can best honor his memory by allowing it to teach us courage and constancy.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali is a renowned English translator and commentator of the Holy Qur'an. He died in 1952 in England. Little would he have known that his English translation and commentary of the Qur'an would become so popular in the West and East alike, wherever English is read and understood. This article has been excerpted from a longer version that was published in the Progressive Islam Pamphlet No. 7, September 1931. The complete article can be viewed at al-islam.org.
Topics: Ashura, History, Imam Hussain, Karbala, Martydom, Muharram Values: Courage, Forgiveness, Justice, Sacrifice, Spirituality, Truthfulness, Wisdom
Related Suggestions
tragedy of Husain and his family lingers like a cloud over the Islamic
Ummah. For a further look at the deteriation of the current Ummah .
"I did not leave Medina for doing mischief, corruption, or injustice; but I only left with an aim of reforming the religion of my grandfather. I intend to enjoin what is good and to prohibit what is evil."
- Imam Hussein
fasting the 10 is following Moses alaih salam...and Mohammad brought the same path of Moses, Abrahim, nuh and all messengers and prophets before him...
adding another day to the 10 is doing different than the jews who corrupted the message of Moses. if the jews who came to the Arab desert ONLY waiting for the last messenger and prophet to mankind to be from them, accepted that Allah sent the last messenger from another people that He wants... that will be no jewdaism today and we will be all moslems and fast just the 10. good for us the moslems, that we do not identify ourselves with anybody who refused the last message from Allah and prefer to follow a CLEAR corruption in whatever left to him from other books...they have always to look at us and find a reminder of the corruption they prefer to follow..so they can't have any excuse in the hereafter, to justify why they prefered NOT to follow Allah instead of their preachers, priests or Rabbis.
the name Ahl sunna wal Ijmaa'a (not aljamaa as you said) came from Ijtihaad Ibn Abbass the son of Al Abbass the uncle of the prophet. when he had to debate Al khawarij(a people that rely on their own interpretation of the Qur'an and doesn't abid with linking anything to the Prophet Salla ALlah alaih wa sallam).
you sound confused in whatever you learnt about Islam...and one thing, that you probably certain of taking it right: is fighting wahabim :) good luck with fighting them brother...just be honest about it??? like that any moslem who read your Jibberish here can undertand your motivation...and probably, find out your mistakes without a need to someone to correct you.
one more thing: if you condemn moawiya for giving a kingdom to his son, you should be very very proud that Al Hassan the son of Ali, refused to make it kingdom and take it after his father Ali Radiya Allah anh... something the so called shia (or RAFIDA or iranian proxies in our time) hates Alhassan for doing it... that's why they projected their idea of IMAMA to the sons of Al Hussein...but not the sons of AlHassan...radiya Allah on a BOTH of them.
let's me show you very good way to be a good moslem??? Allah said in the Qur'an "tilka ommaton 9ad khalat, laha maa kassabat wa lakom maa kassabtom, wa laa toss2alouna 3amaa kaanou yaf3aloun"..."this was a nation before you. for it what it did and for you what you do. you won't be asked about what they were doing"
the history of what happened after the prophet, had a FITNA.. a FITNA is not a war or a fight between the believers and the disbelievers... FITNA is a lost where the believers fight between them...that's why the prophet warned us about it. and Allah said "if two group of the believers fight, try to make it between them..."
he did not tell us, take one side and lie to the other side to demonize them...unfortunately, that's what we see some people doing.
fear Allah, don't think with your hate.
Assalam Alaikom wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh.
this article if we believe wrote by Yousuf Ali, does not give the whole story of what happened to Sayyidna Hussein Rahimah Allah.
it is a big sham to find the so called shia (Rafida) making from this day of ashura, a bloudy day..pretending that they feel sorry for the granson of the prophet AlHussein... Ali radiya Allah anh, is the father of AL Hassan and Al Hussein...and no one from Arrafida (the so called shia of our time) had ever expressed any sorrow on his death or the way he was killed. !!!!
is it because AlHussein married to a persian woman, that Iranians support anybody who want show tears and lash themselves in this day??? they should try to answer that...away from the propaganda on wahabism or salafism or whatever... Moslems are not that stupid, to accept this mess done in Islamic world from the Iranians, using different titles like "fighting the wahabism or saudis...or crying about the death of Alhussein..."
for the Moroccan brother, I read few of your comments and I found that you have no clue of what you talk about... if you hate those saudis named wahabism, just attack them directly and don't use the name sunni to make it look like you have a legacy for what you do. at least, wait for a topic about wahabism, and blow on them with whatever HATE you had for them...:)
this is some big contradiction I have read you saying...which prove you have no clue what you talk about:
"In his first year in power Muawiya organized the meeting that is called Am aljamaa & the name Assuna wal Jamaa appeared for the first time."
Moawiya radiya Allah anho, is one of the writers of the revelation and his sister is one of the wives of the prophet and a mother of the believers...did not organize this meeting... it was Al Hassan Radiya Allah anho, who organized the year of Aljama'a (the group) and gave bay'a to moawiya...
to be continue..
http://www.sayedammar.com/main/zina/Muharam%20-%202008 ; about fasting on Ashura
try these sites, you will learn lot.
Please listen the speech on fasting on Ashura.
As per the article, the Prophet went to Madinah and he found that the Jews were fasting. So, he asked Muslims to fast on the 10th of Muharram.
Also, it is mentioned if one wants to perform the fast, then one should fast two days in a row, such as the 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th.
So it seems that Muslims want to be different than Jews.
What a contradiction. We started fasting on the 10th of Muharram because of the Jews, and now we want to be different than Jews.
O Muslims, think on this issue.
Maa salama
Please listen the speech on fasting on Ashura.
As per the article, the Prophet went to Madinah and he found that the Jews were fasting. So, he asked Muslims to fast on the 10th of Muharram.
Also, it is mentioned if one wants to perform the fast, then one should fast two days in a row, such as the 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th.
So it seems that Muslims want to be different than Jews.
What a contradiction. We started fasting on the 10th of Muharram because of the Jews, and now we want to be different than Jews.
O Muslims, think on this issue.
Maa salama
are talking about we may want to call them Sofia Mujahida but you stop confusing them with Sofiat Alistishraq that adopted Plato's philosophy such as Alfarabi . Thank you Allah, for the Salafis are a tiny minority in Morocco. Who really wants any Muslim to calls his family Kuffar for not praying on time. No Muslim!
In his first year in power Muawiya organized the meeting that is called Am aljamaa & the name Assuna wal Jamaa appeared for the first time. A tradition of an unecessary ijtihad or the use of ahadith maudoa, blasphemous hadiths that contradict the teachings of the messenger of Allah (pbuh) was born in order to legitimise Almulk Al'ad wa Lmulk Aljabri.. A tradition that will remain contested by Ahlu Bayt althahirin & some of our Sunni leaders until the day of judgment. Allah did not say be Sunni or Shia. I agree with you Adamo on one thing, Allah said: "Wama ataakumu Rasoolu fa khodoohu wa ma nahakum anhu fantahu" Holy Quran. Now, everyone claims that they understood this verse & abide by it. We however need to rediscover the true Sunna that explains the Holy Quran to us.
Wa Allahu A'alam, Allah knows best!
"If Muhammad (pbuh) were alive today, he would succeed in solving all those problems which threaten to destroy human civilisation in our times." We must not miss the point that his teachings are alive, which can help us resolve communal, sectarian and all other types of conflicts and establish peace and justice on a durable basis all over the world."
"He must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness." [The Genuine Islam, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936] George Bernard Shaw.
The Qur'an caused Goethe to remark, "You see, this teaching never fails; with all our systems, we cannot go, and generally speaking no man can go, further".
I see what you mean bro & in that case, you can't blame me for that, I have only become a SUffi when I came to Canada. I hope it's ok with you that I am a Suffi only in winter times , that's the only time I wear wole because it's freezing cold here in Ontario. I miss the warm weather of my country of origin. In Morocco, I am a Dahiri, that's because I wear my sleeveless t-shirts. I am sure I made you smile so loosen up a bit br Adamo. That's enough humor for a very serious brother. I am not a Suffi ok; I don't like the word; it's not Islamic instead I prefer the Quranic words such as Ahlu Dhikr and Tazkia. Same thing goes for Salaf Salih there is word in the Holy Quran such as Salaf Salih. The word Aslaf meaning ancestors can also be used in a negative way. I know very well that you are a Salafi (Wahhabi style) little different that Ibnu Taymia. You see I respect Ibnu Taymia because he fought the Mongols but Muhammad Ibnu Abdul Wahhab, he was involved in a bad alliance with Al-Saud family & the British empire envoy in the Hijaz peninsula. Would you rather spend your day killing Muslims like he did simply because he assumed they were Mushrikeen or spend your day in dhikr Allah like Ahlu Dhikr such as Aliz Bnu Abdussalaam, Wael Bnu Ata' Allah & Tahalibi & Abdul Hameed Kishk & Hassan Albanna & Abdussalaam Yasin, Omar Lmukhtar, Sirhindi & Mohammed Iqbal & many others did.... Look what Wahhabi thinking under the influence of Dahiria & their litteral interpretation of the Holy Quran & the Sunnah such Bnu Hazm, Ibnu Lqaim Aljawzia & Ibnu Taymia & Abduwahab has done to the Sharia. They made it so rigid & limited in time and space constricted to a specific culture as if Islam is not a universal religion.Relax brother & open your mind it's for your own good & for the wellbeing of the Ummah. "Yassiru wa la tuassiro" Hadith Sahih. You call Ahlu Dikr wa Tazkia Suffis because of they & their ancestors, Assalaf Salih, are not Ahlu Shatahat (the dancers) that you
it's for the well being of the Ummah. It's true that the Tawheed, monotheism, of the Salafis is very solid but so is the Tawheed of Ahlu Dikr wa Tazkia. Who really wants any Muslim to calls his family Kuffar simply because they are praying on time. No Suffi would treat his family as such! Delaying prayer is a sin but not Kufr; so I say thank you Allah, for the Salafis are a tiny minority in Morocco.
Re the year of the group, in his first year in power Muawiya organized the meeting that is called Am aljamaa & the name Assuna wal Jamaa was heard. A bizard tradition that contradicts the teachings of the messenger of Allah (pbuh) was born. A tradition that excludes Ahlu Lbayt from positions of power, a tradition that will remain contested by Ahlu Bayt althahirin until the day of judgment. Allah did not say be Sunni or Shia, He said be a good Muslim, be a strong believer in Him (SWT) & stick to the truth & be very patient. I agree with you Adamo on one thing, Allah said: "Wama ataakumu Rasoolu fa khodoohu wa ma nahakum anhu fantahu" Holy Quran. The trouble is every group claims that they understood this verse & abide by it & that they Alfirqa Najia. I care about you br Adamo and hope that one day insha Allah you will discover the truth as for br Akbar, he knows it but he is having difficulties digesting it. I know how you feel brother because I 've been there. We need, however, to rediscover the true Sunna & be among this saved community that can intrepret the Holy Quran to us better & strive to unite the Umma & bridge the divide...
Wa Allaho A'lam!
No sahabi compares to him. The first male muslim before even Zayd, the messenger's-pbuh- adopted son. Br Adamo you called me Suffi, hmm may be you are right. Actually the word Suffi derives from the word Soof meaning wool. I see what you mean bro & in that case, you can't blame me for that, I have only become a Suffi when I came to Canada. I hope it's ok with you that I am a Suffi only in winter times , that's the only time I wear wool because it's freezing cold here in Ontario. I miss the warm weather of my country of origin. In Morocco, I am a Dahiri, that's because I wear my sleeveless t-shirts. This is to make you laugh so loosen up bro..ok Adamo that's enough humor for you, I know you are a very serious brother. Me too with a humorous twist at times. I am not a Suffi ok; I don't like the word; it's not Islamic instead I prefer the Quranic words such as Ahlu Dhikr and Tazkia. Same thing goes for Salaf Salih there is word in the Holy Quran such as Salaf Salih. The word Aslaf meaning ancestors can also be used in a negative way. I know very well that you are a Salafi (Wahhabi style) little different that Ibnu Taymia's. You see I respect Ibnu Taymia because he fought the Mongols but Muhammad Ibnu Abdul Wahhab, he was involved in a bad alliance with Al-Saud family & the British empire envoy in the Hijaz peninsula. Would you rather spend your day killing Muslims like he did simply because he assumed they were Mushrikeen or spend your day in dhikr Allah like Ahlu Dhikr such as Al'iz Bnu Abdussalaam, Wael Bnu Ata' Allah,Tahalibi,Abdul Hameed Kishk, Hassan Albanna, Abdussalaam Yasin, Omar Lmukhtar, Sirhindi, Mohammed Iqbal & many others did....I am from Ahlu Dikr wa tazkia. Look what Wahhabi ideology under the influence of Dahiria such Bnu Hazm, Ibnu Lqaim Aljawzia,Ibnu Taymia & Abduwahab has done to Nigeria. Your sectarian wars really freak me out brother.Why are your folks so fanatical & extremists on both sides Muslims & Christians.Loosen up bro!
Alawia, Ahmadia & Qadiania and many more that deviated from the Sunna big time. Brs & Srs, you know that there is not enough space to answer all the questions that I listed in my previous comments & as a programmer, I don't have enough time to answer them. Besides, I am not qualified for this huge task plus why should I bother repeating what some of our Sunni experts have already said. Just read "Murooj Ad'ahab" by Massoudi & Nahjul Balagha by Imam Ali explained by Ibnu Abi Lhadeed to find some shocking truths there & guess what Adamo Shaikhan (Imamayn Bukhari & Muslim" don't deny it!
For fear that any detailed response on my part to you may not be posted & shake the faith of weak or new Muslims or even offend them I want you brs and especially Adamo to find out yourself what was Umar going do to Ali & Fatima Zahraa house (pbut) if they were not to give up their refusal of giving allegiance to the new Khalifa & if they were to insist on not coming out of their house (btw: Alabbas & Zubair were in their house at that time) & were all "forced" to plead allegiance to the unexpected khalifa abu Bakr. If you don't believe me, pls read Alaqd Alfareed by Ibnu Rabih part 4 & Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim under... Kitab Alijtihad. This is just the tip of the iceberg that the Ammawis & the Abbassids dumped on Ahlul Bayt & their followers. If you brother want to talk about Rafd it started with these three great sahaba before Ali and Fatima. No one can dare say any negative about Fatima (sayidatu nissai ljanna) or Ali (KAW) Babu madinati l'ilm, the gateway to the city of knowledge. He is the Siddiq, he is Alfarooq & he is dunoorayn, Hassan & Hussain.No sahabi compares to him. The first male muslim before even Zayd, the messenger's-pbuh- adopted son. Br Adamo you called me Suffi, hmm may be you are right. Actually the word Suffi derives from the word Soof meaning wool.
I don't have enough time to answer them. Besides, I am not qualified for this huge task plus why should I bother repeating what some of our Sunni experts have already said. Just read "Murooj Ad'ahab" by Massoudi & Nahjul Balagha by Imam Ali explained by Ibnu Abi Lhadeed to find some shocking truths there & guess what Adamo Shaikhan (Imamayn Bukhari & Muslim" don't deny it!
Here is where I disagree with you Br Khan. It's when you said "Yes, those who commit rafd on the first 3 of the khulafa ar-rashidin are just as blameworthy as those Ummayad and Abbasi thugs who assumed themselves as kings." First of all let me explain the word RAFD to those brs and sis that don't know what it means. Rafd is simply the Arabic word for the English word: Refusal. You need to know or may be remember if you already know what happened in yawm Saqeefa when two days before the prophet's death (pbuh & ahlul bayt) ordered Abu Bakr & Umar & Utman to follow the 17 year old army general Osama bnu Zaid buy they refused to obey him. Among others that refused to obey him was Abdu Rahman bnu Awf & Ubayda bnu Ljarrah. Pls read Almilal Wa Nihal by Shahristani for more details.For fear that any detailed response on my part to you may not be posted & shake the faith of weak or new Muslims or even offend them I want you brs and especially Adamo to find out yourself what was Umar going do to Ali & Fatima Zahraa house (pbut) if they were not to give up their refusal of giving allegiance to the new Khalifa & if they were to insist on not coming out of their house (btw: Alabbas & Zubair were in their house at that time) & were all "forced" to plead allegiance to the unexpected khalifa abu Bakr. If you don't believe me, pls read Alaqd Alfareed by Ibnu Rabih part 4 & Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim under...Kitab Alijtihad.This is just the tip of the iceberg that the Ammawis & the Abbassids dumped on Ahlul Bayt & their followers.If you brother Khan want to talk about Rafd it started with
Salaamu alaikum brothers and sisters
Br Adamo Ibrhim & Br Akbar Khan Jazakumu Allahu khairan for your sincere contributions, I know you meant nothing evil but to defend the world's greatest and best religion, Islam. Akbar is open minded because he feels secure, Adamo is close minded because he can't help it. Adamo, I know very well that are Salafi (Wahhabi style); you have no choice but be rigid & feel insecure. The question that has to be addressed by all Muslims is:- what Islam must we defend? And how are we going to find the true Islam? And are we willing to investigate and find out which Muslim community among the seventy three Muslim communities, will go straight to Janna and avoid being trapped with the other seventy two that will go to Jahannam?. I don't wish Hell on anyone! That is the reason why I have listed some Sunni books for us all to read. That's my answer to these questions. Yes to read but with an investigative mind & far from emotions, fanaticism, extremism, religious affiliations and prejudice. And although, the proverb says: "It's easier for a man to destroy his own house than rid himself of his prejudices" we Muslims Sunnis & Shia must bite the bullet & just do it, so investigate the Islamic way & not the Quraishi fanatical tribal style. I did it in 1989 & as a Sunni, our Sunni/Shia history bothered me a lot but it thought me the meaning of open-mindedness & more respect of human rights. As we know well, most of what you Br Khan said is correct but I am not talking about Alkhawarij. I am talking about Shia Jaafaria. You know well that The Khawarij are NOT Shia Jaafaria. They are among other groups that went too far such as Qaramita (Qarmathians), Ismailia, Kamilia (that called all Sahaba Kuffaar. Audu billah minhum) Alawia, Ahmadia & Qadiania and many more that deviated from the Sunna big time. Brs & Srs, you know that there is not enough space to answer all the questions that I listed in my previous comments & as a program
Also just for clarification the term salaf as-saliheen was never used or introduced, they were always referred to as the tabi'een and taba tabi'een. Nowhere have I come across the term salaf as-saliheen in referring to the generations which came after the Sahabah. So I have a question, where does that term "salaf as-saliheen" and "the salaf" come from and why is it used? Who started this and for what benefit?
Brother Adam, while I do not ascribe to the ways of the Syiah but Brother's Zinedine's view is worth thinking and pondering upon.
On Khalid al waleed, history has it that in one battle, he was relieved of his command by the then caliph. And replaced by Abdullah ibnu Auf. Why ?
And while there is no glorifying of Ali ( r.a. / k.a.w. )here but any Muslims can see that the manner in which he was made to step down was machievillian. It was obtained through fraud and deceit by Muawiyah. And there's no other angle to see the events of the murder of Imam Hussein and Hassan except to conclude that Yazid was the butcher.
I doubt seriously Abdullah Yusuf Ali wrote this article. It appears VERY pro Shia and not pro Islamic which is a theme that's found in all of Ali's writings.
If you have a Qur'an form Ali, you can see from his notes in the preface and other places he was a deep thinker and was beyond "sects" and celebration of "man made" events.
It would be nice if this site would promote ISLAM and NOT it's sects.
This UMMAH is already ripped apart by evil Imams preaching their own political statments as if they were given a chapter from Qur'an that the rest of us were not good enough to get.
It's about ALLAH and him alone.
Stop worshipping the prophets bloodline ... it's very christian!
What you have stated is correct and according to SUNNI traditions, I can say that you are correct in your statements about what certain of prophets companions among others have done. But, and yes I have to say but not because I want to butt-in, but because you have to explain the other half of hte story brother. Please explain the history of that barbaric branch of khawarij who started stating that Imam Ali (as) is divine, and then he distanced himself from them and they in turn accused him of not fulfilling his destiny and declared war on him, and they became such a tribulation that they were burned alive. Yes, those who commit rafd on the first 3 of the khulafa ar-rashidin are just as blameworthy as those Ummayad and Abbasi thugs who assumed themselves as kings. This is the duty of the Muslims, to know the middle path. What you have stated bro MUST be recognized and I agree with you that it is hardly ever declared especially in regards to Imam Jafer. Any one who neglects and/or hates Ahlul-bait and anyone commits rafd on the prophets closest companions, both need to be avoided. And both are deviations from Prophet's way.
Please do not misunderstand me because I am not defending all Shia Ithna Ashria here but the good ones and most and formost common sense and rational thinking. Not all of us Sunnis are blind or ignorant people as some Shia claim. On the other hand, one needs to tell me that there are some zanadiqa & Juhala' among the Shia themselves. We need to put the past behind us and work together to achieve peace, stability and justice for all!
For answers for the common men & women please use common sense, for scholarly research please consult the Holy Quran and read these SUNNI books: Nahjul Balaagha; Kutub Alhadeeth Sitta ( scholars of hadith: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidi, Nisaii & Ibnu Maja) ; Tareekh Tabari; Tareekh bnu Khateer; Tareekh ibnu Quateeba; Tareekh bnu Abil Hadeed, Attabaquat Alkubra libni Saad; Fath Albari libni Hijr Alasqualani; Tareekh Jalaal Deen Siouti, Assadu Lghaba & Sawaiq Almuhriqua & Dahabi's books.
Wa Allahu a'lam,
12- Why do we Sunnis still call Khaled Ibnu Lwaleed, sayfullah almasslool, (the glorious & sharp sword of Allah) when we know well that he raped a Muslim woman in her wedding night after he killed her Muslim husband to be & many other Muslims during the wedding party? 13- Why do we praise some sahaba after our Sunni history books testify that they were not angels but I can tell you that ten of them have committed serious religious and politicals mistakes against Imam Ali (KAW) and his family and other honorable sahabas such as Ammar bnu Yasir & Abu Dar Alghifari etc but I don't really want to offend my people; I want them to find out for themselves. Few more questions to ask ourselves: since Imam Jaafar Sadiq (pbuh) is truly the teacher of all Imams including Abu Haneefa, Shafii, Malik and Ahmad bnu Hanbal, 14 why his school of Fiqh (jurisprudence) is not added & not recognised as such by our ancestor Muslim leaders that forced Almad'aahib alarbaa', (the four school of jurisprudence) upon us. 15 The fact is Imam Jaafar Sadiq is the master teacher of all four scholars of fiqh & since that is undisputedly the case, don't we think that his school called Shia Imamia Jaafaria should 've been the first recognised school of fiqh? 16 That would 've been the case if it wasn't for the Amawi & Abbasi dynasties political agendas or the fact that they have concealed their anymosity towards Ahlu Lbayt? 17Or may be should at least consider it the fifth school of fiqh? 18 So again why is his school of fiqh not recognised as valid among us Sunnis?. Our history raises more questions than answers & to ignore our history is a serious crime against Allah, our prophet, Ahlu Lbayt, Muslims and humanity! I think that when most of us Sunni Muslims investigate and find the answers, we will understand that our Shia Jaafaria brothers and sisters do have some points to make!!! I suggest that most of our ignorant people should keep their mouth shut and start investigating.
Masha Allah, I never knew that Yusuf Ali had translated this part of the dead of Alhussein. may Allah rewards him with paradise.
he forgot to mention that he translated the story which is inside the book of Arrafedah but they don't read them. they are good just in celebrating the dead of Alhussein for 1300 by slaying themselves and torturing their kids. "Enna Allah shadeed Al'ekaab" "Allah got the powerful punishment"
may Allah guides us all to stand for what's right and leave what's wrong. Ali Karrama Allah wajhah, also was killed! I wonder why lately in Iran, they celebrate a day for Abu Lo'aLo'a Almajoussi who killed Ali later they come with hypocrisy to feel sorry about Alhussein's death.
Dear sis susan ur remarks about war in muslim countries are right but don't be upset because behind these fitan there is a message that Allah subhanahu wa taala is angry at us and we are punnished through being subject to wars and earthquakes as the prophet sws said. The only salvation to muslim ummah is to gather around the word of God which is qoran and the sunnah of the prophet sws which means the traditions of the prophet sws his deeds and sayings.I hope that Allah would grant us unity and make us use our wisedom instead of our greediness to get wordly vanishing aspirations.May Allah bless us all and make us the best of humanity to redeem justice to this world ameen
Even as Sunni, I love all my Muslim bothers and sisters, including the Syiah.
In my earlier post, ( Ashura of Moses and Imam Hussein ) I wrote that I revered Ali ( r.a. / k.a.w ) because Ali was the first man ( Khadijah (r.a. ) was the first person ) to accept the message of the truth from the Prophet ( s.a.w.). He accepted it even when he was just a young boy. He was the closest to the Prophet ( s.a.w. ). And he had never worship idols before.
And in regards to Bro. Zinedine views on history, I must say that he has a sound knowledge of history. Yes, I deplore Muawiyah manner in assuming the cdaliphate and this I had stated in my post e mail in other topics, ( Ashura of Moses and Imam Hussein ).
But again Bro. Zineine, while I agree with parts of your conclusion, but having said that, I believe that there must be a hikmah or blessings in disguise from the events in history.
I'll write more later.
Finally, I think that when most of us Sunni Muslims investigate and find the answers, we will understand that our Shia Jaafaria brothers and sisters do have a point to make!!! For our ignorant people should keep their mouth shut and start investigating our own books. For answers for the common men & women please use common sense, for scholarly research please consult the Holy Quran and read these SUNNI books: Nahjul Balaagha; Kutub Alhadeeth Sitta ( scholars of hadith: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidi, Nisaii & Ibnu Maja) ; Tareekh Tabari; Tareekh bnu Khateer; Tareekh ibnu Quateeba; Tareekh bnu Abil Hadeed, Attabaquat Alkubra libni Saad; Fath Albari libni Hijr Alasqualani; Tareekh Jalaal Deen Siouti, Assadu Lghaba & Sawaiq Almuhriqua.
12- Why do we Sunnis still call Khaled Ibnu Lwaleed, sayfullah almasslool, (the glorious & sharp sword of Allah) when we know well that he raped a Muslim woman in her wedding night after he killed her Muslim husband to be & many other Muslims during the wedding party? 13- Why do we praise some sahaba after historic evidence has shown to us that they were either war criminals such as Khaled bnu Lwaleed or Tolaqau Fathi Makkah who were never Sahaba at all such as Muawiya Taleeq or some companions of the prophets that we treat like angels but I can tell you that ten of them have committed serious crimes against Imam Ali (KAW) and his family and other honorable sahabas such as Ammar bnu Yasir & Abu Dar Alghifari etc but I don't really want to offend my people; I want them to find out for themselves. Few more questions to ask ourselves: since Imam Jaafar Sadiq (pbuh) is truly the teacher of all Imams including Abu Haneefa, Shafii, Malik and Ahmad bnu Hanbal, 14 why his school of Fiqh (jurisprudence) is not added & not recognised by our ancestor Muslim leaders that forced Almad'aahib alarbaa', (the four school of jurisprudence) upon us. 15 The fact is Imam Jaafar Sadiq is the master teacher of all scholars of fiqh, since that is the case, don't we think that his school called Shia Imamia Jaafaria should 've been the first recognised school of fiqh? 16 That would 've been the case if it wasn't for the Amawi & Abbasi dynasties political agendas or the fact that they have concealed their hate for Ahlu Lbayt? 17Or may be should at least consider it the fifth school of fiqh? 18 So why his school of fiqh is not recognised as valid among us Sunnis?. Our history raises more questions than answers & to ignore our history is a serious crime against Allah, our prophet, Ahlu Lbayt, Muslims and humanity!
5- What the cause of Umar & Uthman's death and where was Uthman & Fatima Zahraa (RAA) buried? 6- All Muslims wanted Ali (KAW) to become the new khalifa & for the first time in Muslim history we have a unanimous decision but why & how Muawiyya hijacked the khilafa & stole it from him & got away with murder? 6-Why are there over 6k hadiths from Abu Huraira Dawsi who was a companion of the prophet (pbuh) for less than three years but according to the authors of hadith, Ali (KAW) the prophet's cousin and companion for 30 years and Ahlu lbayt, his family and the three khulafa' and Ummahat almomineen, the prophets wives and the remainder of the Sahaba combined reported less than 15% of that! This is what we are told so does this make any sense? 7-Why did Abdu Allah bnu Umar not give allegiance to Ali (KAW) but did so to the Amawi "khulafa" Muawiya & Yazid & prayed behind them and other criminals such as Alhajjaj bnu Yusuf Attaqafi, Marouane bnu lmalik, Mansoor & Sallaam? 8-Why Imam Ali (KAW) was only added to the list of khulafa' Rashidoon as fourth khalifa in the times of Imam Ahmad bnu Hanbal? 9-Why was khalifa Umar Ibnu Abdel Aziz killed? was it possibly because he made an end to the insults of Ali (KAW) from manabir almasaajid (pulpits of mosques) during khutab aljumua (Friday Sermons)?. 10-Was Abdullah bnu Umar behind the idea of Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa & what is the historical background of Aam Aljama' (the year of group)? 11- Why Muawiya killed Imam Hassan by poisoning him and why Yazid killed Imam Hussain (pbuh) & cut his head off, he also killed his sons & his cousin Muslim and as if that was not enough, Yazid's men tortured & sexually molested Hussain's wives & daughters & other female relatives & cut the heads off his small but brave army of seventy men; the sole survivor of the tragedy of Karbala' was a sick child, Imam Hussain's son, Ali Zin Alabideen?
Part 1:
Salaamu alaikum brothers and sisters.
I love sister Susan Towsend's comments: Jazaki Allahu Khairan.
We Sunnis must ask ourselves these questions before we start making any negative comments about our Shia Imamia brothers & sisters:
1- Was there a letter called Sahifat Ghadeer Khom or Assahifa ljamia that most of us Sunnis are not aware of that Shia Imamia claim that the messenger of Allah, Mohammed (pbuh) wrote for Ali? 2- Why did Umar say that the prophet (pbuh) was hallucinating during the last moments of his life when he wanted to have a will written for Ali (KAW) & the UMMA to follow after his death & why Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman refused to follow his orders (pbuh) to be led by 17 year old army leader Usama Bnu Zayd? Why Umar warned that he would set Ali's (KAW) house on fire if he does not come out & swear allegiance to khalifa Abu Bakr & why the majority of the Sahaba came to Ali (KAW) the day after the prophet's death & the day after Abu Bakr became khalifa and said to Ali: " Had you asked us to swear allegiance to you before Umar asked us to do so for Abu Bakr, we would have chosen you as our khalifa"? 3-Was harbu ridda (war of rejection) was about a refusal to pay Zakat or was it a refusal to accept an unexpected khilafa Abu Bakr & a shock that Ali (KAW) is not the first khalifa & it is true that Umar went against the principle of SHURA (the Muslim version of democracy) & selected six leaders to decide the fate of the UMMA (Muslim nation) & who's was going to be the next khalifa after his death & is it true that he said if there is a tie between two leaders, to go with the decision of Abdullah bnu A'wf; and why Abdullah bnu Awf?4- Why Abdullah Ibnu Awf played politics with Imam Ali (KAW) & why he was chose Uthman first then regretted his choice later? 5- What the cause of Umar & Uthman's death and where was Uthman & Fatima Zahraa (RAA) buried? 5
From this i got the following;
Imam Husein erred. He was adviced not to leave Mecca, he insisted in doing so! He put his life and others (including children), in danger by engaging an army 1000 times his own. Was this what his grandfather or even his father did?
The truth of the matter, putting even REVELATIONS aside (God forbid), with this scenario attesting to it, i will rather go with the grandfather than the grandson!
And thanks be Allah the grandfather did not commomerate any birth or death neither did he snctioned it. So be a good muslim follow the noble prophet Muhammad Sallalahu 'alaihi wasallam and be safe with Allah.
I have my doubt if Abdullah Yusuf Ali wrote this, cos as far i can gather he was'nt a shi'a.