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Interfaith Webinar: Healing Our World, Addressing Cancel and Call-out Culture

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021 |  4:00 - 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)   

This is the eighth event in the series "Inspiring Stories for Uncertain Times" that will explore "Healing our World" from different faith perspectives. Some of the key issues that will be addressed in the webinar are: What exactly is “cancel and call-out culture”? How do I respond when someone cancels me or calls me out? Where’s the line when raising important issues turns into blaming and shaming? And how can our faith traditions help us discern when we cross that line?

IslamiCity and The Guibord Center - Religion Inside Out, welcome you to a new season of storytelling and guided conversation about the real-life issues we encounter as we work to heal our world.

In this session, people from various spiritual and ethical traditions will share stories about their encounters with cancel and call-out culture. You’ll have a chance to share your own stories in a small group setting. We’ll talk about the wisdom we find in our traditions and reflect on how to apply that wisdom in our own lives.

IslamiCity is partnering with The Guibord Center, an interfaith organization dedicated to opening hearts and minds. We are bringing together people with rich spiritual backgrounds and diverse perspectives for this second season of conversations focused on the challenges connected to healing our world. We hope this virtual collaboration will serve as a model of spiritual and interreligious engagement and mutual enrichment that unites our communities in faith and hope for a better world.

Our storytellers for this event will be:

Marium F. Mohiuddin

Muslim- Regional Communications Director, American Red Cross Los Angeles Region

Marium F. Mohiuddin is the Regional Communications Director for the American Red Cross Los Angeles Region, focusing on disaster response, Biomed relations, and preparedness. She previously headed the communications consulting business and led the Communications team at the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). Marium has worked in communications and publishing for 25 years, including as an editor at newspapers and magazines and an international manager for the American Heart Association. Marium is also a member of The Guibord Center’s Advisory Council.

Zachary S. Ritter

Jewish- Associate Dean of Students, California State University, Dominguez Hills

Zachary S. Ritter is Associate Dean of Students at California State University, Dominguez Hills. He also teaches social justice history there and at UCLA. He recently co-edited Marginality in the Urban Center: The Costs and Challenges of Continued Whiteness in the Americas and Beyond and has a new co-edited book forthcoming: Whiteness, Power, and Resistance to Change in U.S. Higher Education: A Peculiar Institution.

Rev. Dr. Michael Reid Trice

Christian - Founder, Religica Theolab and Director, Center for Religious Wisdom and World Affairs, School of Theology and Ministry, Seattle University

Rev. Dr. Michael Reid Trice is Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and Theological Ethics and Director of the Center for Religious Wisdom and World Affairs at Seattle University. He is the founder of Religica.org, a platform committed to amplifying influencers from religious traditions, spiritual pathways, and indigenous wisdom as forces for good in the world. An associate editor for the Journal in Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, Dr. Trice speaks to local, national and international audiences. He previously served as a liaison to the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

After you register for this event, we will email you the exact link you can use to join us. **If you use the Zoom app on your device, you will be required to upgrade to the newest version, 5.0. We encourage you to download and install it at least one day in advance of the event to avoid last-minute problems joining the event. 

Please note: The keynote storytellers will be recorded, but we will not be recording the stories you share in your small groups/breakout sessions, so feel free to share from your heart!

For any questions please contact Dr. Lisa Patriquin, Program Director for Youth and Young Adults at [email protected]

For issues connecting to the webinar contact Yolie Carrillo at [email protected] or (323) 333-4664.

To watch the archive of previous Healing Our World Interfaith Webinars click here

  Category: Featured, Life & Society
  Topics: Interfaith, Webinar  Channel: Live
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