What does America have to fear from me?

Category: Americas, Faith & Spirituality, Life & Society Views: 6209

Virtue, vice and my visa

GENEVA - In 20 years of studying and teaching philosophy, I have learned to appreciate the inherent difficulty in defining the truth. Descartes put it simply: "A clear and distinct idea is true," while Kant aptly added the needed word "consistency."

Over the years, I have also learned that in the world of the mass media, truth is not based on clarity but on frequency. Repeated suspicions become a truth; an assumption said three times imperceptibly becomes a fact. There is no need to check because "it is obvious" - after all, "it is being said everywhere."

I was reminded of this lesson during the past few weeks, when, after having been granted a visa to teach at the University of Notre Dame, in Indiana, by the U.S. government, it was revoked without explanation at the last minute, causing grief for my family and me.

I remain in Switzerland, hoping this mistake will be rectified and reflecting on how I am constantly being told the "truth" about who I am: "You are a controversial figure." "You engage in double talk, delivering a gentle message in French and English and a radical, even extremist one in Arabic or to Muslim audiences in private." "You have links with extremists." "You are an anti-Semite." "You despise women." And so on.

When I ask about the source of this information, invariably the response is: This is well-known; check the Internet and you will find thousands of pages referencing it.

A closer examination reveals journalists and intellectuals quoting each other, infinitely repeating what others have said. The response to this finding is: "Well, there has to be some truth in all that." A strange truth indeed!

I have written 20 books and 700 articles, and 170 audiotapes of my lectures are circulating. I ask my detractors: Have you read or listened to any of this? Can you prove the "links" to terrorists? To repeat allegations is not to prove. Where is the evidence of my "double talk?" Have you read the articles in which I call upon fellow Muslims to condemn unequivocally radical views and acts of extremism?

What about my statements on Sept. 12, 2001, calling on Muslims to condemn loudly the terrorist attacks and to acknowledge that some Muslims betray the Islamic message? What about the articles in which I condemn anti-Semitism and criticize Muslims who do not differentiate between the political dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the unacceptable temptation to reject Jews because they are Jews?

Are you familiar with my writings promoting women's rights and an Islamic feminism, and rejecting every kind of mistreatment and discrimination?

Finally, are you acquainted with my extensive study of the Islamic scriptural sources and efforts to promote a new understanding, a way for Muslims to remain faithful to their principles and, at the same time, face the challenges of the contemporary world?

To seek the truth, one must read, listen carefully, double-check for clarity and consistency, and be willing to be objective. I often encounter individuals, even academics, who are not familiar with my writings or speeches but have formed a strong opinion of me. They should examine my academic contributions and the years I have spent traveling and working with Dom Helder Camara, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Abbot Pierre and countless ordinary South Americans, Asians, Africans, Europeans and Americans, Christians and Jews, agnostics and atheists.

Along the way, I realized something was missing in Kant's and Descartes's way of speaking about truth. Clarity and consistency are not enough: The quest for truth requires deep humility and uncompromising effort. My experience of living with people of diverse religions and cultures taught me that one will never be at peace with the other if one is at war with oneself.

This simple truth is the essence of my message to Muslims throughout the world: Know who you are and who you want to be, and start working with who you are not. Find common values and build with fellow citizens a society based on diversity and equality. The moment you understand that being a Muslim and being European, or American, are not mutually exclusive, you enrich your society.

My move to the University of Notre Dame was to have enabled me to share this message with Muslim communities in America and beyond. Is this a threatening contribution? Is it not a needed and urgent message in America in the post-Sept. 11 world?

Tariq Ramadan's most recent book is "Western Muslims and the Future of Islam." He has been appointed Henry R. Luce Professor of Religion, Conflict and Peace building at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. This comment was distributed by Global Viewpoint for Tribune Media Services International.

International Herald Tribune

  Category: Americas, Faith & Spirituality, Life & Society
Views: 6209
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Older Comments:
This is what America and Islam needs more of. People who are willing to investigate and understand those who are different from them. Don't get me wrong, I don't intend to become Muslim but i will support their right to the freedoms gauranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Though the way this country is going it may not be long before some kind of revolution happens. the citizens are sick of the gov't not paying attention to the world around them.

Mr. Tariq not being a citizen or a legal alien does not enjoy the protection of the American constitution. Security reasons over rides his personal inconvenience. I don't know if it would have been better for Mr. Tariq to be admitted to the USA and then detained upon his arrival for what ever reason or being denied entry to the country. Simple as it is Mr. Tariq is a guest but an unwelcome one & he can't live with this fact and he makes a nuisance of himself.

I am so upset that all of the freedoms that make America great, are being lost in the fears that every moslem is a terrorist, or sempathizer. We as a people should never judge anyone until proven guilty. I believe we should be cautious in these times, but the length the government goes to are offensive to people of all faiths. I am a Catholic American, and my family was treated by the Nazis in the years before WWII, as the peole of your good faith are being treated by governments around the world we have been given by God. I pray that the leaders of the world will see what they are doing to people everywhere with the widescale prejudice driven by fear. God bless you, Mr. Ramadan, and your family.

The Americans did you a favor Mr.Ramadan, I'm sure your talents could be put to better use elsewhere. Why waste your energies on a failed society which finds itself only in war and deciet. Let the ignorant rot.

Hear Hear! I totally agree with Tariq Ramadan. He is a vrey reasonable Muslim man. We need more Muslims like him. So sad to see what we've become in this unjust world!


I have read both sides of the story and patronized this website frequently. I also understand the nature of information flow throughout specific government channels. In addition, there are individuals out there with the sole purpose in their lives to collect data that is not corrupted by assumptions. On numerous occasions, Mr. Ramadan's association with less than credible individuals has been documented on a regular basis. Am I to believe that he does not adhere to the same beliefs as his father, a most profound Islamic reformist? Every young man strives to make their father proud. Is he the complete opposite?
The West doesn't make snap decisions when significant political fallout could result from a decision. Do you think Notre Dame is in the dark when it comes to political contacts and clout. I don't think so. The people of the united states are more than willing to welcome cultural and religious diversity. It is a terrible shame people are unable to read between the lines. But not that terrible, some still can. I for one understand the movement of the brotherhood and the third jihad. One step forward, two steps back is not a new concept. As is, the placement of radical fundamentalists in key positions throughout the Muslim world. As much as anyone wants to believe, it's not about oil. A footnote yes and a significant one.
Mr. Ramadan's argument is compelling and I would like to believe him. However, in my business there is a pretty standard phrase, where there's smoke, there's fire. Oh, and for those of you who said what business are you in? Don't worry about it or... do. Peace

MADAM X said:
I am fed up of hearing "Could you step aside Miss" this I hear every time I am going through and USA airport... Because my last name is Muslim..... they all think that I am some terrorist

There is an article in today's edition of Haaretz regarding Tariq Ramadan. The Haaretz article provides evidence of Tariq Ramadan's stance against anti-Semitism. Brother Tariq is even quoted, towards the end of that article, on philosophical differences between himself and his grandfather, Hassan Al-Bana, who among other things was a dedicated opponent of (Godless) Communism. Does anyone here happen to remember the struggle against global Communism? The struggle commenced - well, actually, continued - shortly after the (Axis) threat of global Fascism was for the most part contained.


History seems to indicate that those communities who have treated Jews fairly (especially, for the sake of their Lord) have typically shown various signs of having received their Lord's blessing and protection. History also seems to indicate that those Jews who have betrayed such communities (especially, if betraying them to foreign entities) have typically had reason, afterwards, to regret having done so.

In addition, I think that it is absurd to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism would clearly seem to be racist while anti-Zionism, on the other hand, would primarily seem to be political in nature - in as much as Zionism itself seems to be inseparable from a national cause. In fact, Zionism would appear to "transcend" (traditional) religion. Many of Zionism's foremost proponents have been atheists, white separatists, Messianic Jews or Apocalyptic Christians. If someone were to object to U.S. territorial expansion, were to disagree with certain actions or policies of the U.S. Government, or were to advise Americans to beware foreign entanglements with belligerents and hostile expansionists would it mean that the individual in question was by definition anti-American? Nonsense!


Count your blessings Mr.Ramadan, perhaps it was not meant to be. I say let the ignorant rot in their cesspool.

We as Muslims in this country have to work harder first on ourselves to be faithful to our Deen in a true siprit then will will see a change in a positive way(Inshallah).At present our umma is like a rose without fragrance,we cannot bgidge a gap between us,when we have nothing to give.If we work on ourselves lot of things will change.I have met you in Denver maybe two years back,you are doing a wonderful job,may Allah bless you.Keep it up,I know it is not easy for you to go through all hardships,Allah will reward you for your efforts.Wasalaam

Mr. Ramadan would have a beneficial influence on understanding of Islam in America.

Diversity strengthens society. Indeed, we Americans say (or claim) that one of the pillars of our nation is that it supports many views, many people. I think that the leadership provided by such as Dr. Ramadan is needed now more than ever. If we really are who we say we are, we need to review acts such as this (turning away Dr. Ramadan). The day America closes its doors to freedom of thought, speech and openess to other nations is the day we begin to decline.

outraged!!! here we have a sheikh with knowledge who places koranic reasoning, before interpretations written 1000yrs ago that are unfortunatly still applied today, sometimes in direct treason of the message in our context. anyway i hope in sha allah, that the gov will come back on the decision of the KGB...oh sorry i mean homeland spycurety. we MUST VOTE IN NOVEMBER!

Tariq (I hope you have time to check these comments someday), you asked why America fears you. This is how I see it:you are too smart, intelligent muslim. And you dare to critisize her political elite! This "elite" has gone nuts, and their goals are dim. They want to uphold division lines in the world, and you are not welcome to draw symphaty for muslim causes, or more generally, causes that contradict theirs.
Keep your head up, many have refused to visit States even though been asked!

I'm afraid we have not yet seen the most extreme cases of prejudice. My greatest fear is that the relationsship between Christians and Muslims will deterioate to the point where outright discrimination, open demonstrations of hate and violence will be abundant. Europe will probably experience disturbances of an unseen scale within the next decade. And as for journalists are concerned: Many have never bothered to check anything, before releasing it as the truth! The only option for peacefull at heart is to remain calm, despite the abuse...

Salamu Alaikum Prof. Tarik,

I agree with much of what you had to say, but for the sake of Islam and the muslims, who admired you, don't be apolegetic to US present government, or to anybody for that matter! Continue to be yourself, a pious muslim who happens to believe that Allah loves all humanity and wants us to live in harmony with each other.

Also to quote from your wisdom "..that one will never be at peace with the other if one is at war with oneself." I knew this, and I thank you for the remembrance, 'm sure you did it in the spirit of admonishment which we are ask by the almighty Allah to do to each other. Be cool whereever you are and Allah will see you through. But don't ever try to beg the bigots of the whitehouse for a visa, EVER! Alternatively reply the Khazars and the neo-cons with the intellect bestowed on you, make them look the stupids they are in a way that any American(that cares for,) will see the truth.

I for one don't hate the true Christians or Jews of like CHARACTER and BELIEVE of the type of Najran or Medina of the time of the Prophet Muhammad(SAW). But you can bet, that my condemnation goes to all those that claim to be followers of Moses(AS) and Jesus(AS) but neither do a fraction of what these great prophets taught.


Hi there, have you ever heard of the history about Han Fei Tzu? Like yourself,Han Fei Tzu was a philospher and a prince of a small kingdom but he was born more than 2000 years ago and his "expertise" is somewhat equivalent to political studies and law. According to the story, during the China's Warring times, he was summon to the Qin kingdom to serve the king, but upon his arrival, his classmate Li Su told the king that becos he is a prince of another kingdom he will always remain a potential threat to Qin, thus it is better to imprison him. Through a series of intrique, he was finally force to commit suicide. What does this says? The point I trying to make is that if the one party thinks that other do not have any blood ties, did not share their deepest beliefs or does not appear to place their highest loyalty to them, they have a tendency to think that the other can be a threat or potential threat to them. Thanks for reading.

What a breath of fresh air. Tariq Ramadhan is eloquent and graceful.

Fear is actually manufactured by those who benefit from the situation in order to detract others from their ill-gotten designs.

Truth needs to be spoken often so that it neutralises the minds of those who are fed a diet of misinformation that creates fear and hatred. The normal media channels are responsible for suppressing truth and distributing such lies.

Tariq ramadhan neutralises the acidic lies.