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Israeli Attack on Gaza Hospital

Category: Featured, Middle East, Videos, World Affairs Topics: Gaza, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War Crimes Views: 545


The Israeli attack on the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City is the deadliest Israeli air strike in five wars fought since 2008, says the Palestinian Civil Defence.

“The massacre at al-Ahli Arab Hospital is unprecedented in our history. While we’ve witnessed tragedies in past wars and days, what took place tonight is tantamount to a genocide,” spokesman Mahmoud Basal said.

Photos purportedly from al-Ahli Hospital shared widely on social video showed fire engulfing the building, widespread damage and bodies scattered in the wreckage.

Several hospitals in Gaza City have become refuges for hundreds of people, hoping they would be spared bombardment after Israel ordered all residents of the city and surrounding areas to evacuate to the southern Gaza Strip.

  Category: Featured, Middle East, Videos, World Affairs
  Topics: Gaza, Genocide, Israel, Palestine, War Crimes
Views: 545

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