Does Israel Have the Right to Defend Itself From Hamas?

Norman Finkelstein, a political scientist and the son of Holocaust survivors, explains and debates the moral standing points Israel and Palestine have.

Norman Finkelstein, a political scientist, prolific author, and son of Holocaust survivors, talks about Israel's latest attack on Gaza and debunks some of the most pervasive talking points used to justify Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Norman G. Finkelstein received his PhD from the Princeton University Politics Department in 1987. He is the author of many books that have been translated into 60 foreign editions, including THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY: Reflections on the exploitation of Jewish suffering, and GAZA: An inquest into its martyrdom, I'LL BURN THAT BRIDGE WHEN I GET TO IT! Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom.

In the year 2020, Norman Finkelstein was named the fifth most influential political scientist in the world.

Links to Norman Finkelstein's website and his book "I Accuse!"

  Category: Featured, Highlights, Middle East, Videos, World Affairs
  Topics: Genocide, Israel, Palestine  Values: Freedom

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