Quran & The Fate Which Awaits Israel (Part 2)
Our view is that Solomon’s vision عليه السلام, disclosed in the Qur’ān (Sād, 38:34-35), of a Jasad who was shown to him sitting on his throne, is the most direct reference to Dajjāl to be found in the Qur’ān.
If the Jasad is, indeed, Dajjāl, then this passage of the Qur’ān would qualify as the very key which unlocks the knowledge of this supremely important subject of Dajjāl, the false Messiah or Anti-Christ.
The Qur’ān has not only disclosed (Sād, 38:34) that Allah Most High tested Solomon, i.e., Nabī Sulaimān عليه السلام, when He cast a Jasad on his throne, but that Solomon, who was the wisest of all men, promptly understood the vision and swiftly responded to it.
In the very next verse of the Qur’ān (Sād, 38:35), we are informed of that response in which Solomon made a prayer to Allah Most High to grant that none should inherit his Kingdom, i.e., the Holy State of Israel, after him. As soon as Solomon عليه السلام died, the Holy State of Israel collapsed into civil war and was broken into two. It has never since been revived.
Since none has inherited his Kingdom after him, it is clear that Allah Most High accepted Solomon’s prayer عليه السلام, and granted his request.
( Source: Excerpt form the Introduction of the book, The Quran, Dajjal and the Jasad by Sheikh Imran Hosein )
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Topics: Anti-Christ (Dajjal), End Times (Akhir Al-Zaman), Israel, Jerusalem, Palestine
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