Will Zionism Self-Destruct?

Judge Napolitano sits down with Alastair Crooke, a seasoned expert in international relations and the Middle East, to explore the question: Will Zionism Self-Destruct?

From its historical roots to its contemporary manifestations, Zionism has been a subject of intense debate and scrutiny. Crooke brings his wealth of knowledge and nuanced insights to the table, shedding light on the various factors influencing the future of Zionism. Touching upon geopolitics, ideology, and socio-cultural dynamics, this conversation navigates through the intricate layers of Zionism's evolution and its implications for the broader global landscape.

Alastair Crooke CMG is a former British diplomat, and is the founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum, an organization that advocates for engagement between political Islam and the West. Previously he was a ranking figure in both British intelligence (MI6) and European Union diplomacy.

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