Why Indonesia Is Quietly Becoming Asia's Next Superpower

When you think of Asia's most successful economies, countries like Singapore, South Korea and Japan, probably come to mind. But it's a different country that's becoming a symbol of economic success, that has been growing faster than any of them and that's quickly establishing itself as a major technological hub. And at the same time, it's a country that you don't really ever hear about.

Indonesia's economy is now ten times bigger than it was just two decades ago after twenty years of frantic economic growth. It has been overtaking major Western economies in size one after another and its rise is only expected to accelerate. And they managed to grow in a much smarter way than most - avoiding traps that most emerging countries fall into along the way. But still, its rise has so far gone mostly unnoticed. 

Hidden away from attention and front page news, it's quietly transforming into “Asia's Third Giant”. The third and last economic superpower of the region after China and India, that will soon become impossible to ignore any longer.

So, this is the Rise of Indonesia. 

0:00 - Intro

01:04 - Humble Beginnings

04:10 - Economic Rise

9:23 - Fragile Future

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