World War 3: Reckless Israeli Aggression!

Jill Stein expresses her concerns over recent Israeli assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders during ceasefire negotiations, which she believes is an attempt to drag the US into a wider Middle East war.

Stein argues that Israel's aggressive policy against Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran is preventing any moves towards peace and threatening retaliation from Iran. If Stein were in the White House, she would stop the weapons flow to Israel to de-escalate the situation. She emphasizes the need for a true peace process that complies with international law and the end of Israeli occupation and apartheid government.

Stein also warns of the dangerous consequences of the conflict, including the possibility of World War III and the use of nuclear weapons, and suggests economic boycotts and the cessation of US support as potential solutions. Stein criticizes Kamala Harris for her lack of action on the issue and emphasizes the US's role in negotiating a ceasefire.

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