Why did the IOF execute "Hamas spy horse" in Gaza?

Attention all animal lovers! The "Hamas spy horse" was executed by the IDF in Gaza last month. Tell Israel to stop killing animals in Palestine.

The Israeli Defense Occupation Forces (IOF) killed Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Nahal, an elderly man known for his love of cats, by targeting him with a quadcopter drone north of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

The following day, the IOF executed a horse that was pulling a cart with displaced people's belongings and some animal feed in northern Gaza. They shot the horse three times, and when it fell, a soldier fired a fourth shot to its head to ensure it was dead. Why? Did the IOF suspect the horse was a Hamas spy?

Palestine International broadcast

Last week, two Norwegian animal rights groups, One Whale and NOAH, announced that they had filed a complaint with Norwegian police, urging them to launch a criminal probe into the death of an animal named Vladimir. The activists circulated several images of the deceased whale, with multiple apparent gunshot wounds visible on its body.

The whale was found dead in Rishvika Bay in southern Norway and is currently being examined by experts from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute. The official results of the autopsy are expected to arrive “within three weeks.”

Even the Norwegian press jumped on the bandwagon and reported that “the injuries on the whale are alarming and of a nature that cannot rule out a criminal act." That begs the question: Why is there no value on Palestinian lives or those of their animals?

Norwegian police confirmed they have received the complaint from the groups and will now “determine whether there are reasonable motives to launch an investigation."

Those who hate Palestinians can be very petty in how they express their hatred toward them and their animals. Perhaps executing the "Hamas Spy Horse" is an example. Maybe they suspected the horse of smuggling food to Palestinian fighters holding up in underground tunnels.

The IOF soldiers are too cowardly to face Palestinian freedom fighters. These cold-blooded killers must have vented their hatred on the poor horse. Israelis are desperate and will kill anything just to claim they are winning the war.

Finally, as we near the first anniversary of the Israeli genocide on Gaza, it is a moral obligation of animal rights groups everywhere to use their platforms to expose the Israeli genocide and 76 years of brutal occupation of Palestine on the international stage.

Mahmoud El-Yousseph is a Palestinian freelancer for Islamicity.com and ColumbusFreePress.com. He can be reached at [email protected].

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