We’re All Losers!!!

The passage you are about to read is an excerpt from "2048: A Manifesto for The One State Solution in Israel and Palestine". This visionary book explores the complex history, challenges, and future possibilities for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, offering a bold roadmap toward a peaceful, shared existence.

Some of us less than others. But in the bigger picture, we all are at the end of the day.

And the ‘loss’ is not merely about the number of casualties on each side, it’s the loss of a lifetime in peace, and we only have one life on this earth.

In Israel/Palestine, none of us tasted life in peace in our homeland. It’s life in an ongoing conflict. Life while conflict status-quo is ‘being managed’.

There’s even a term used in Israel nowadays whenever there’s an escalation in violence called “Mabam”, which consists of three Hebrew words that represent the initials for “battle between battles” – maarakha bein maarakhot. That’s supposed to be the norm, living life from battle to battle, escalation to escalation, from war to war.

Minimising the amount of rockets Gazan resistance movements fire on Israel by implementing temporary deals brokered by third parties, instead of having non-conditional direct talks with your biggest threat.

Building billions worth of walls and fences to prevent tunnels from reaching Israel instead of opening borders so people can move freely, bring more prosperity to both sides and benefitting them financially, culturally and even politically, thus reducing the risk of escalation as it may negatively affect those benefits.

Spending next to 1 Trillion USD on military expenditure (since Israel’s establishment) and still failing to bring peace, both to Jews and non-Jews.

It’s absurd, and what’s even more absurd is the fact that none of this is being highlighted enough. At the end of the day, it’s taxpayers' money the government is spending here.
In Israel/Palestine, people have been accustomed to living life this way because it always has been this way, however this totally isn’t normal and it needs to come to an end.

People – who are the crucial element here – on both sides mustn’t be subject to repeatedly failing political agendas, mainly on the Israeli side, but on the Palestinian side as well.

And whilst it is very tempting – and quite normal – for the powerful side not to concede for as long as it can, it certainly isn’t the wise thing to do, especially with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It is attributed to Ben Gurion, the first Israeli PM and one of the biggest founders of the state of Israel, that he once said, referring to the Palestinians: “The old will die and the young will forget”. He was right with the first part, but he got it totally wrong in the last part.

If anything, the new Palestinian generation is more persistent in the struggle for peace and justice, especially for Palestinian refugees.

The excerpt you've read offers a glimpse into "2048: A Manifesto for The One State Solution in Israel and Palestine", by Mahmood OD is a thought-provoking journey toward peace and equality.

Mahmood OD is a native Palestinian born in Haifa, this book presents a bold vision for a fully democratic state across all of historical Palestine, where Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others can live with equal human rights. After witnessing years of conflict and failed solutions, Mahmood believes that ongoing oppression will only lead to more resistance and bloodshed. However, there is an alternative, and the steps are clear. Dive into this book to explore a path toward unity and lasting peace.

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