Netanyahu Waging War on Lebanon Because he ‘Failed in Gaza’

Said Arikat, an adjunct professor and journalist with Al Quds Daily, stated that US policy shows no contradiction between de-escalation calls and support for Israel.

Speaking from Washington, DC, he emphasised that Israel’s actions, such as the strikes on Lebanon, likely received US approval, given the use of American aircraft and weapons. Arikat explained that the US engages with Israeli officials regularly, and when discussing de-escalation, it often implies limiting responses from other actors while Israel continues its strikes.

He also noted that Israel’s attempts to reoccupy Lebanon are impractical, recalling its withdrawal in 2000 due to Hezbollah resistance. Additionally, Arikat suggested that Netanyahu's shift in focus to Hezbollah stems from failed objectives in Gaza. The US, while supporting Israel, has not sufficiently pressed for a ceasefire in Gaza.

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