Muslim Americans Rebel Against Democratic Party's Blind Support for Israel

American power elites' love of the racist and apartheid state of Israel is well known. The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), one of several pro-Israel lobbying organizations in the country, has been called one of the most powerful lobbying groups.

AIPAC's influence on lawmakers is significant. It pairs an AIPAC member with a shared interest with a member of Congress, effectively shaping their decisions.

AIPAC strategically arranges trips to Israel for legislators and other opinion-makers, fully funded by AIPAC's charitable arm, the American Israel Education Foundation. This strategic move allows AIPAC to shape the perceptions of these influential figures.

Money from Pro-Israel to US Representatives, 2023-2024

It cultivates student leaders such as student body presidents. At colleges, it provides "political leadership training" to undergraduate student groups. Furthermore, it mobilizes sympathy for Israel among the public.

AIPAC strongly advocates for substantial U.S. aid to Israel. In a Congressional hearing, it stated that "American assistance to Israel serves vital U.S. national security interests and advances critical U.S. foreign policy goals."

In the 2024 election cycle, it funded 478 congressional candidates, of whom 394 were elected. It supported 49 current senators out of 75 Senate candidates. The Democratic and Republican Presidential nominees also received massive funding from the organization.

A vote for a candidate receiving funds from AIPAC is a vote for the apartheid regime of Israel and a betrayal to American taxpayers, whose hard-earned money is given to Israel in the name of national security.

Money from Pro-Israel to US Representatives, 2023-2024

The Democratic congressional members are the flag bearers of Israel. They are mostly Zionists, and their love for the Jewish state is visible. The Democrats give the impression in their conventions and rhetoric that they care for human rights, dignity, and national interests.

Yet, when it comes to giving priority to the allocation of resources, they prefer the interests of Israel over American citizens. Israel has received over 300 billion dollars in aid since its illegal creation. Both Republicans and the Democrats support Israel unconditionally, yet the Democratic Zionists are the cheerleaders.

Muslim Americans have been ardent supporters of the Democratic Party. They donate substantially to the party, and over 70 percent of those who cast their votes favor the so-called progressive candidates.

The party takes Muslim voters for granted. However, the Muslim community is throwing off the shackles of the Democratic Party in the November elections and taking an independent stand by supporting a third-party candidate.

Despite the announcement made by some Muslim advocacy groups in support of the Democratic nominees, the larger community is asserting its autonomy and making it known loudly that a vote for Kamala Harris is not in the best interest of America. They believe that the continued support of genocide committed by Israel in Palestine and the billions of dollars spent on fueling the war machinery would weaken America.

Their votes may make a massive difference in the Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin elections. The Democratic Party, through its operatives, is desperately trying to convince Muslims of its relevance to their interests.

Still, it seems that a great majority of Muslim American voters have made up their minds. They have reached a level of political maturity to say no to Democrats as long as they remain subservient to Israel and its lobbyists at the expense of America.

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