Israel is Liquidating Northern Gaza

Owen Jones exposes Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Gaza, where leaders support forced displacement and cutting off resources under the guise of fighting Hamas. He calls for accountability and highlights international complicity, especially from the U.S.

Ethnic Cleansing in Northern Gaza

This video "Israel is Liquidating Northern Gaza - And Boasting About It," addresses the alarming actions and policies being implemented by the Israeli state, which he argues point to the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population in Northern Gaza. According to Jones, there are undeniable signs that these events are happening now.

Gadi Eizenkot's Role and the Fathom Journal

Jones highlights a specific retired Israeli Major General, Gadi Eizenkot, who previously served as the head of the Israeli National Security Council. In an article published in Fathom Journal, Eizenkot expressed support for a "total siege" of Gaza, including the cutting off of essential supplies like energy, water, and diesel. He even advocated for bombing any external assistance trying to provide aid to Gaza, calling for measures that amount to war crimes under international law.

The Strategy of Starvation and Forced Evacuation

Eizenkot's approach, as Jones explains, was designed to force the Palestinian population to either leave Gaza or face starvation. He justified these drastic measures by arguing that once civilians left Gaza, only Hamas would remain, making it easier for the Israeli military to target them. This strategy was framed as a means of protecting Israeli soldiers, despite the clear violation of international laws regarding civilian protection.

Netanyahu's Consideration of Ethnic Cleansing

Fast-forward to 2023, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reportedly considering plans to force the evacuation of all Palestinian civilians from Northern Gaza under the pretext of targeting Hamas. Jones points out that this, too, fits the pattern of ethnic cleansing, where civilians are pressured to leave through violent means, turning entire areas into military zones devoid of life.

Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza

Jones paints a grim picture of Gaza, where hospitals have been closed, and aid is severely restricted. He notes that forced evacuations, relentless bombings, and the destruction of water and food supplies have made survival almost impossible for the population. The international community, he argues, remains largely silent, allowing these atrocities to continue unchecked.

Mass Slaughter of Journalists and Aid Workers

Jones also details how journalists and aid workers have been deliberately targeted and killed, with the world witnessing the largest massacre of these groups in recorded history. Despite this, international actors, particularly the United States, continue to support Israel, providing the military and financial backing that enables these actions.

The Call for Accountability

In closing, Jones emphasizes the need for accountability and justice for the war crimes being committed in Gaza. He argues that these acts of ethnic cleansing and genocide must be exposed and condemned on the global stage, and those responsible should be held accountable for their crimes.

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