1 Year Reflections on Gaza

In this reflective conversation, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi and Sami Hamdi discuss the one-year anniversary of the conflict in Gaza. Describing the year as one marked by genocide, Dr. Qadhi highlight ten significant positives that have emerged.

The most notable is the unprecedented global attention the Palestinian cause has received, with diplomatic support from countries like South Africa, Netherlands, and Ireland. Even international bodies, including the United Nations and the International Court of Justice, have taken steps to condemn Israel’s actions and advocate for Palestinian rights.

Global Diplomatic and Social Support

Following the UN’s report on war crimes committed during the 2018-2019 conflict, Shaykh Qadhi and Hamdi emphasize the UN’s strong stance against the Israeli occupation. This has led to a halt in the normalization of relations between Muslim countries and Israel. The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has seen increased effectiveness, and solidarity protests continue around the world, with students standing in defiance of Israel, even in the face of arrests.

Exposing Hypocrisy and Shifting Public Opinion

The speakers address the growing awareness of global hypocrisy towards human rights and democracy. More intellectuals and public figures have shifted their perspectives from pro-Israel to pro-Palestinian stances. The ineffective Israeli military tactics and the rising number of Israelis leaving the country are also highlighted as signs of desperation. Figures like Candace Owens, who have historically supported Israel, are now openly supporting Palestine, contributing to a global shift in public opinion.

Intellectual Conversions and the Spiritual Strength of Gaza

Sami Hamdi discuss the intellectual conversions of influential thinkers, such as Tanahi Coats, who altered his stance on Palestine after visiting the region. They also acknowledge the consistent analysis from Noam Chomsky, who has long predicted Israel’s downfall. They note that the spiritual courage of the people of Gaza has unified the Muslim ummah, rekindling a love for Islam and solidifying the strength of the Palestinian cause.

Desperation in Israeli Strategy and Regional Responses

He outlines the desperate strategies of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, including attacks on Gaza and Lebanon to appease Israeli society. These attacks, coupled with a closed-border policy preventing Palestinians from leaving, have led to an ethnic cleansing effort. Furthermore, Egypt’s complicity in closing borders to prevent potential Israeli invasions is a significant factor in the ongoing crisis.

Political Dynamics and the Reluctance of Muslim Countries

The conversation moves toward the political dynamics behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Countries with significant Muslim populations remain hesitant to normalize relations with Israel due to the lack of a Palestinian state. Israel’s provocations towards Lebanon and Iran are seen as efforts to justify normalization. The speakers also touch on the role of U.S. politics and the influence of the Zionist lobby on American elections, highlighting the panic within pro-Israel circles as Palestinian support grows.

Zionist Panic Over Growing Palestinian Power

The rising political power and organization of Palestinian groups have triggered concerns among Zionists, particularly regarding their potential influence in U.S. elections. Figures like Jamal Bowman, who previously supported Israel, have expressed concerns about Palestinian rights, signaling a shift in political loyalties. The speakers argue that this shift in public opinion is causing anxiety within the Zionist lobby, leading to extreme measures such as attempts to ban TikTok due to its platforming of pro-Palestinian content.

Social Media, Activism, and Resistance

Sami Hamdi points out that TikTok’s algorithm has played a significant role in changing public opinion on the conflict, prompting Congress to take actions to control its content. He compares the early days of Islam to the current movement, encouraging viewers to persist in their activism, as even small acts of resistance can have a large impact.

The Role of Third-Party Candidates and Voting Dynamics

He addresses the significance of third-party candidates in U.S. elections, emphasizing the need to discourage their supporters to avoid drawing votes away from the Palestinian cause. They urge imams and community leaders to use their influence to guide voters away from supporting candidates who undermine the Palestinian cause, stressing the importance of political engagement in shifting U.S. policy towards Israel.

Activism and the Waning Power of Pro-Israel Lobbies

Sami Hamdi acknowledges the fatigue that many activists feel, but emphasizes that the perceived invincibility of pro-Zionist lobbies is weakening. He encourages listeners to remain active and hold political representatives accountable for their positions on Zionism. The growing support for the Palestinian cause is a sign that activism and da'wah are effective tools for change.

Perseverance in Activism and Faith

In the final section, the discussion turns to the spiritual and moral obligation of activism. Sami Hamdi highlights the importance of da'wah, not just in religious contexts but in pushing back against injustice. He uses the life of Prophet Muhammad as an example of perseverance and encourages listeners to continue raising their voices against injustice, trusting that their efforts will ultimately bear fruit.

Conclusion: Faith, Justice, and Perseverance

The conversation concludes with a reminder of the importance of faith and activism in the face of adversity. Shaykh Qadhi and Sami Hamdi emphasize that the struggle for justice in Gaza is far from over, but by remaining politically and socially active, engaging with others, and trusting in Allah’s promise, victory will eventually come for the Palestinian people.

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