Israelis are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land to Americans

“Everything you love about America, right here in Israel.” 

While Israel decimates Palestinians in Gaza, real estate firms are touring the U.S. looking for buyers to purchase property in Israel and in illegal West Bank settlements. 

Expo organizers say these events are open to the public, but sources we spoke with said they were given a “rabbi test” and denied entrance. 

AJ+ traveled to the town of Teaneck, New Jersey, where a modern Orthodox Jewish community is confronting pro-Palestinian protesters who want an end to Israel’s war on Gaza and to these Israeli real estate conventions. 

Meanwhile, residents told us that town council members are using their power and relationships with high-profile politicians to smear pro-Palestinian voices and give political cover to these real estate events – which could violate local and federal discrimination laws. 

These dueling dynamics have turned small communities like Teaneck, NJ, into a powder keg of hostility.  

AJ+ reporter Angie Nassar traveled to Teaneck to find out how folks are turning up for Palestinians and rejecting allegations of antisemitism for criticizing Israel. 

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