Israel’s Endgame: Strategy for a Greater Israel

In this video CJ Werleman uncovers Israel’s long-standing goal to expand its borders and dominate the Middle East. He highlights recent statements by Israeli leaders and the historical roots of the Greater Israel project, arguing that the current destruction of Gaza and Lebanon is part of a broader Zionist plan, not just acts of self-defense.

The Zionist Regime's Quiet Confession

Drunk on its own power, the Zionist regime is now saying the quiet parts out loud, confessing to what it has long tried to keep secret: its determined intent to annex and incorporate much of the Middle East under the Zionist flag, also known as the Greater Israel project.

The Greater Israel Project

Israel’s expansionist goals were spelled out in black and white in an article published by the Jerusalem Post on 25th September. The author claimed that the land “promised by God” to the “children of Israel” includes parts of modern-day Israel, the occupied Palestinian Territories, and even parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Turkey. The article stirred outrage in the Arab world, leading the Jerusalem Post to retract the piece.

Manifestation of Jewish Supremacy

The current annihilation of Gaza and the West Bank, along with the occupation of Southern Lebanon, aligns with the Zionist goal of establishing Greater Israel on stolen Arab lands. This goal is rooted in Jewish Supremacy—a belief that Jewish religious texts justify and demand colonization of the Middle East.

Netanyahu’s Revelation

Israeli leaders have long been discreet about these ambitions, but Prime Minister Netanyahu exposed this at the United Nations in 2023, holding up a map that included occupied Palestinian land.

Expanding Borders to Syria and Beyond

Last week, Israel’s Minister of Finance revealed on European television that Israel intends to expand its borders to Syria, with the Zionist colonial enterprise expanding “little by little” to encompass Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

The Role of the Torah in Expansionism

This expansionist ambition dates back to the Jewish Torah, which claims God promised Abraham land from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River in Iraq. Zionists have used this religious justification to legitimize expansion into neighboring Arab countries.

Theodor Herzl and Greater Israel

The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, envisioned a Jewish State stretching far beyond Palestine, forcing Arab populations under Jewish rule. This plan was not unlike the objectives of ISIS, which sought to cleanse the region of religious minorities.

International Conferences and the Yinon Plan

Israel’s objectives were made clear at international conferences, including the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, where Zionists first presented a map of Greater Israel. In 1982, the “Yinon Plan” codified this strategy, aiming to fragment the Arab world into ethnic and sectarian groupings.

The Yinon Plan in Action

US General Wesley Clark confirmed that he was shown this plan after the 9/11 attacks. The strategy of dividing Arab states has fueled decades of violence and chaos in the Middle East, including Israel’s invasions and occupations.

Gaza and Lebanon Under Attack

The devastation of Gaza and the assault on Lebanon today can be traced directly to the Greater Israel project, a driver of conflict in the region, including the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Israel pushed for the toppling of Saddam Hussein, a move that led to massive loss of life and ongoing instability.

Conclusion: Zionist Ideology as a Source of Instability

The only logical conclusion is that the Zionist state is the primary cause of violence and instability in the Middle East. Peace cannot exist in the region as long as the Zionist ideology persists.

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